Linoleum for water floor heating
Arrangement of water heated floor in the house is one of the innovative and highly efficient methods of heating. The advantage of this system is not only in functionality, but also in the fact that it can use different types of flooring. One of the most popular options is material such as linoleum. This flooring has many advantages that are worth exploring in more detail.
This flooring has many advantages that are worth exploring in more detail.
Material Features
For a start it is worth saying that linoleum is rarely used for such a floor heating system.This is due to the fact that when exposed to high temperatures, some species release toxic fumes into the air. Such substances include phenol and vinyl chloride. But partly this opinion is wrong.
Mostly harmful substances emit cheap flooring. This applies not only to linoleum, but other equally important options. Therefore, experts recommend choosing only high-quality and resistant coatings with high performance properties.
Linoleum for a water heat-insulated floor will be an excellent alternative to costly species. Choosing a quality option, you can not worry about the safety and stability of the material to temperature extremes.
To determine the appropriate material, you must first familiarize yourself with the main types of linoleum. To date, manufacturers produce several options that can be used for water floor heating.
Natural linoleum is in high demand among buyers. The basis of this material contains natural elements that in no way harm the human body.
The advantages of this type include:
- ecological purity of the material;
- high service life;
- good resistance to high temperatures.
Experts do not recommend the use of natural linoleum in rooms with high humidity. Otherwise, the coating will begin to deform.
Another suitable type for floor heating systems is PVC based linoleum. This material has an affordable price and a wide variety of choices. But in the process of heating the floor linoleum produces an unpleasant odor.
For rooms with a warm water system is not recommended to use an alkyd coating. This is due to the fact that when heated, the material is subjected to deformation. But in comparison with the previous types, this option has a higher thermal insulation characteristics.
How to choose?
Before you choose linoleum, you need to familiarize yourself with several important points:
- Mostly similar heating systems are used in private homes. In addition, the warm water system is not used in rooms with low ceilings.According to experts, this system is an excellent alternative to central heating.
- During the selection of the material, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when using linoleum, it is first necessary to equip the screed between the pipes and linoleum. Otherwise, the efficiency of the heating system will be reduced to zero. Without screed lay linoleum will be very problematic.
- When choosing linoleum, special attention should be paid to the thermal conductivity of the coating. This is one of the main requirements for this material. Linoleum should pass heat, and cool for a long time after turning off the floor.
- Please note that the water system is able to heat up to 40-50 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the resistance of the material to such effects.
- Decide in advance on what heat source you will use a warm floor - a central or auxiliary one. Each of their options has different load indicators.
Coating installation
Before laying the linoleum, with the utmost seriousness it is necessary to approach the installation of a water floor:
- At the initial stage, you need to calculate the scheme by which the pipes will be laid. Experts say that in the process it is necessary to follow one single rule - an element that leaves the floor system should return to the starting point.
- In the next step, you need to do fixing pipes. For these purposes, special clips are used. After that, it is necessary to ensure the removal of air from the elements using a special automatic venting machine for operation. Install the device in the place where the elements are removed from the system.
- After performing all the previous manipulations, it is worthwhile to proceed with the installation of temperature control valves. It is necessary to install these elements near the pipe that is included in the floor system.
- The next step is to proceed to the installation of partitions. For these purposes it is best to use fiberboard.
- At the final stages of the installation is carried out waterproofing and laying linoleum. The flooring is fixed with special adhesives. Linoleum can be laid using mastic means. The wrong side is coated with the compound, and then tightly pressed to the base.For smoothing it is best to use a special roller.
Decide on a suitable option for underfloor water will help customer reviews. Consumers recommend using marmoleum for a similar heating system. This view is ideal for both wood and concrete base. Experts also recommend to stay on this option.
Buyers recommend paying particular attention to the flooring manufacturer. Products from Forbo are in high demand among consumers. The company specializes in the production of coatings for all types of premises. It is worth noting that this company is a leader in the production of natural linoleum.
Forbo specializes in creating different classes of flooring. Buyers note that linoleum from this manufacturer is ideal for underfloor heating, including for the water system. The advantage of coatings from Forbo is a wide range of choices. Buyers can easily choose linoleum for different styles of interior.
Consumers say that even with prolonged use, the coating does not deform when the temperature changes.In addition, marmoleum does not emit an unpleasant odor during operation of a warm water floor. Professional builders recommend paying special attention to the preparation of the base when using natural linoleum from Forbo.l.
Whether the water floor can cope with the heating, see our video.