Antistatic linoleum: characteristics and features
The choice of flooring - an important point in the repair of the room. The comfort and maintenance of heat indoors depend on this material. Many people choose linoleum as the main flooring, because it differs in functionality and durability, despite its artificial origin.
Antistatic linoleum is indispensable in a number of rooms.For example, in laboratories, computer labs, in X-ray rooms, because not only it looks great, but it also has the ability to output static electricity that is dangerous for complex computers. In addition, a huge number of electrical appliances in modern homes also raises questions about the relevance of this coating.
What is it and where is it used?
This type of linoleum is designed to deal with static electricity, which is released when walking. Its charge is too small to harm a person, but can cause malfunctioning of high-precision equipment in places where it is large. Computers have long become a part of our daily life, and sometimes we do not think about what kind of fragile mechanisms. A surge in electricity at work or at the airport, interference caused by a static charge can have serious consequences.
In addition, static electricity attracts dust and pollution, which is unacceptable in clean rooms. Therefore, in the server and computer rooms, operating rooms, control rooms, you must have a special flooring. It consists of PVC and carbon fibers, which divert or dissipate the charge. Outwardly, they are no different from other types of linoleum and are available in the same designs.
The substrate used is a copper tape, which plays the role of a grounding conductor. It form a frame of parallel laid bands. It is important to lay them along the joints and at the same height.To do this, the floor must be perfectly flat, dry and clean.
It should not be small debris, traces of oil or paint that will interfere with adhesion when gluing linoleum. If wood is used for the substrate, its moisture should be about 8%, but not more.
In addition, it is important to use only conductive glue. It is applied evenly, with stripes of the same height.
Before you install the linoleum, you need to straighten it and let it lie so that it takes the form of the room.
Advantages and disadvantages
This type of linoleum is designed for a specific type of premises, where it is absolutely indispensable for reasons of hygiene and safety. This is the most economical and easy to install material, so it is extremely difficult to replace it with something, especially in large areas.
It has good shock-absorbing properties, like any linoleum, is able to withstand a large load, so it can be located at airports, in factories and mills, where machines are used to transport goods. It has extremely high abrasion rates, so this material will not require replacement for many years.
Among the minuses of antistatic linoleum isthat it is more sensitive to the external environment. The best option would be to use it in rooms with a temperature of 18 to 27 degrees. For too warm and humid rooms it is not suitable. It is important not to locate it in boiler rooms and other fire hazardous areas.
The product has excellent thermal insulation properties, which makes it possible to use it in the "warm floor" system. In addition, it has excellent sound insulation properties.
Choosing linoleum, it is worth paying attention not only to antistatic properties, but also to some other parameters.
Characteristics of the conductive product
The PVC coating with copper strips serves as an excellent insulator due to its low conductivity and high resistance. However, if you supplement it with special plasticizers, its antistatic properties increase several times. They also help dissipate charge across the surface.
Linoleum must be durable and wear-resistant. It is his ability to retain their original properties for a long time without deformations and ruptures. Therefore, all coatings are divided into three large groups: non-commercial,semi-commercial and commercial.
This indicator determines - in the premises with what cross linoleum can be laid.
Thus, non-commercial coverage is intended for home use in nurseries and bedrooms, while semi-commercial is already much stronger and can be used in schools and hospitals. They differ in the thickness of the outer layer: the larger it is, the greater the load the linoleum can withstand without stretching and deforming. This indicator is paramount to what you need to pay attention.
Wear resistance is marked with numbers. Number 2 is usually denoted linoleum for homes and apartments. They are relatively thin, but strong enough to be subjected to moderate daily loads. In addition, they include absolutely no substances dangerous to humans, which can undesirably affect the body and well-being of a person with constant interaction.
Linoleum for offices, schools, hospitals is marked with the number 3, which means its increased thickness and durability. Industrial linoleum is denoted by the number 4. In addition, the abrasion of linoleum is important.This indicator is also calculated in numbers from 1 to 4, where 1 is the least durable and stable.
For safety reasons, it is also worth asking about the fire resistance properties of linoleum, such as flammability, smoke generation, toxicity of combustion products and flammability. In crowded areas, where a large number of electrical appliances and important equipment, it is better to lay the least flammable and combustible materials.
Usually antistatic linoleum have good fire properties.
Antistatic linoleum is generally homogeneous. This means that it consists of solid PVC, and not of layers. It has a uniform texture, and the pattern is applied directly to the coating mass, which guarantees long-term preservation of its appearance and wear resistance.
This coating is of three types:
- Antistatic. This view is used to ensure the safety of computing. It blocks the appearance of static electricity when rubbing the soles when walking.
- Disruptive. Such linoleum is used in order to hygiene and prevent the appearance of static charges visible to humans.It distributes it over the entire surface of the floor, and the final charge becomes much less noticeable.
- Conductive. This material has a conductive coating of polyurethane, which makes it suitable for installation in operating rooms and medical offices, where there are many electrical appliances, and it is important to ensure their accuracy and proper operation.
The width of household linoleum, as a rule, reaches 3-4 meters. Commercial linoleum, intended for use in public institutions, can reach 5 meters. This indicator is important to know, counting the number of strips when installing the floor in the room.
The thickness of linoleums are divided into baseless, then this figure is not more than 2 mm. However, it is recommended to choose options with a substrate due to its damping and thermal insulation properties. The usual thickness in this case is 4 mm, the maximum figure is about 5-7 mm.
In the Russian market, this coating is represented by several manufacturers.
- Among the most famous are brand Tarkettwhich makes all three types of antistatic products. Linoleum of this brand has high hygienic and fire-resistant indicators, and also differs in wear resistance.
- Forbo linoleum from the company "Fancy Flor" offers high-quality durable coating at affordable prices. The range includes household and semi-commercial models that will help counter the effects of static charges in your home or office.
Care rules
Due to the soft texture of linoleum, it is not recommended to wash it with aggressive substances, such as laundry detergents and bleach. It is better to sweep debris that has accumulated on the surface, and with a soft cloth to clean the floor with water or special detergents for cleaning the floor.
There are no special requirements in the care of such material, which makes it even more convenient to use.
Ideas in the interior
Below are a few ideas for using antistatic linoleum indoors. As a rule, it is found, rather, in office and public premises, than in houses.
In hairdressing salons there is always a large turnover of people, due to which a lot of static electricity accumulates. This can cause discomfort when working with clients, especially now that we all wear synthetic clothes and use plastic combs and other hair accessories.In addition, in the salons constantly keep a large number of electrical appliances. It can be unsafe if you do not take care of special flooring.
Linoleum with a cheerful pattern is used in the interior of a children's hospital. It perfectly diversifies the boring white walls of the room, and will also become an important element of comfort and safety.
Stylish linoleum, imitating light parquet, will look great in the reception of the hotel. He visually makes the room bigger and fills it with light. In addition, the selected texture makes the material seem more expensive and adds an eco-friendly touch to the interior.
Homogeneous coating with antistatic effect is indispensable for production in the presence of a large number of sophisticated equipment and electrical appliances. Often, human lives depend on the accuracy of the calculations and the reliability of the equipment, so static due to static charge is not allowed.
You will learn more about how to choose antistatic linoleum in the following video.