How to make a metal ladder for the cottage?

If you are building a multi-storey building, you will need a ladder, it will be impossible to walk around the house without it. A worthy alternative to creaky wooden structures is the metal flight of stairs. Naturally, it will be more difficult to work with a metal frame than with a wooden one, but with proper preparation you can make the structure yourself. Just imagine how your family and friends will be surprised.
And in a private house the stairs to the second floor can be made without any problems, and most often they are made of metal.This design will serve you and your family for a long time.
Metal frame features
Metal products have their own unique technical characteristics, thanks to which it is possible to make a stair structure of various sizes and practically any configuration. In addition, stairs made of metal of any size and shape will look pretty light. They are easy to manufacture. You will not cause problems to make a ladder if you have at least minimal experience with a grinder and a welding machine.
In the manufacture of these structures from metal profiles, various materials can be used, such as, for example, shaped tubes. This is the most suitable option for interfloor spaces inside both private and commercial purposes.
Structurally, the stairways of metal do not have large differences from the spans of wood and concrete. In the manufacture of all these products use the same standards of design and calculations. It will only be necessary to correctly draw up a drawing with all the requirements for the design.
Advantages and disadvantages
Metal ladders are generally more commonly used as outdoor or industrial due to their durability and reliability. But in recent times in the private construction, along with wooden steel, metal ones were used.
If you have not yet decided on the choice of material, it is worth considering some of the advantages of the metal. The main advantage is considered a long life. You do not have to incur additional costs, because the technology does not involve the use of additional equipment. The manufacturing process allows you to make unique forms of balusters and supports. It allows you to combine various elements of decor.
One of the advantages is the possibility of combining. Metal structures are well combined with the decoration of different materials, such as glass, stone, wood. And the use of steel frame with products from concrete, stone and wood is also popular.
Their advantages can also include a fairly simple assembly process. In their manufacture you can use pipes of various diameters, steel profiles, reinforcing steel and also metal sheets of different thickness, angular steel, channels and other profiles.
Painting, in turn, requires a significant investment of time and effort.After all, at first you have to clean all elements of the product from rust. This is a laborious and long work, but it must be done. If you do not clean up before painting, it will cause cracks and rust on the new paint.
It is necessary to determine what is the plus and minus of metal stairs. After all, experienced builders and designers will be able to turn any disadvantage into dignity.
Basic construction elements
In the manufacture of any iron stairs are used as mandatory and optional elements. From among the basic elements, it is necessary to name first of all the steps and bearing beams (or other supports). Beams can be inclined (bowstring) or they can rest on the floor under the stairs. In addition, the stairs are attached to the ceiling or wall with metal bolts.
The main component of the spiral staircase is the central pillar, which is “strung” on the steps. In order for the steps to be strong and to withstand the capital load, from the bottom, slats or supports are fastened as stiffeners. After all, handrails, like fences in general, are not always installed, but their implementation makes it possible to prevent falls.These elements of the ladder, especially the handrail, which guarantees the hardness of the entire fence, must have an excellent margin of safety. At the same time, the main pillars that are also used for the stiffness of the fence are considered to be necessary elements of the ladder design.
The main pillars are divided into 3 types:
- starting at the bottom of the ladder;
- corner corners;
- Finishing at the top of the stairs.
The risers are used quite rarely, the stairs are increasingly made through - with the presence of gaps between the steps.
For the sake of a decorative result, fittings are sometimes put - additional components of the stairs, decorative handrails and completing it at the edges. Thus, the main elements of the stairs are steps, supporting structures and fasteners.
In metal stairs there are only two types of frame: open and closed.
- In the open frame after complete assembly and installation of the ladder, it remains visible. When installing a frame of this type, it is necessary to carefully carry out welding work and carefully weld the seams, and then clean and remove all rust and paint the entire frame.
- Closed frames in the construction of stairs is much easier, because they do not need to elevate, since they will be completely closed. For the manufacture of this frame will require only a channel with corners and the right tool. After finishing and installing such a ladder can not be distinguished from that made of wood.
You can also note the types of evacuation products. They must be equipped with a special platform.
Of the many designs of ladders should first specify marching products. There are several ways to make them. For example, in a ladder from a shaped tube, stepped skewers can be welded to the sides. This march looks easy and neat, it is easy to mount steps to it.
The most common option is the use of straight stringers, they are placed under the bottom of the treads. In this case, it is most convenient to use a round pipe or a channel for manufacturing. First you should fasten one or two bowstrings to the floor and ceiling in the house. To install steps welded filly. It can be done differently by fastening them with screws or by welding the steps between two bowstrings.
In order to create a design on kosourah, the same materials are used as in the manufacture of bowstrings. When two kosouras are used, they are set in the same way as the string, but not for the width of the march. Support beams do not close the ends. For the manufacture of supports for the steps required angles that are bent at 90 degrees. And so-called kerchiefs are obtained, which are welded to the supports.
Screw design differs from the rest of its decorative and compact. Usually these products are installed in country houses due to their simple manufacturing and low color.
For its manufacture requires only support. Well fit the pipe to which the profiles are welded (I-beam or corners) for further installation of steps. Approach can be fastened in several ways, bolted or laid in a pre-prepared frame.
For convenient movement on a ladder it is necessary to make steps zabonezhny. It will be easy to do it yourself, because the metal structure is easy to configure.
The staircase on the bridge, the steps in this version are fastened directly to the bearing wall with special bolts.
Regardless of the type of ladder, it should be supported only on the floor to create additional structural reliability. Sometimes they even build a separate bearing partition of concrete and brick.
Project creation
Special programs change firms, with the help of them a 3D construction is performed. In this model, it is easy to change the size of some individual elements. After the option has been approved, the working draft and specification of the ladder are produced by the program.
Without the help of the program, we must do the calculations. Consider a simple version of the design - one-way straight staircase. We know the usual requirements for step height and depth. The best tilt angle is 30 - 45 degrees. Measurements are performed between two points: from the beginning to the end of the stairs at floor level (denoted by a) and height between floors (b), then the length is even (d). It is necessary to determine the length of the stairs.
Using the equation: (a) squared + (b) squared = (d) squared - our length is calculated. The required number of steps is calculated using this formula, as a result, the step height will be 179 mm or 167 mm. Overhang is considered part of the upper stage, which hangs over the bottom.The optimum size of the overhang is 3-5 cm. The size of the steps will be increased further by the width of the so-called overhang. We get the basic parameters that we need to determine the amount of materials. For two kosour we need a profile tube. From the corners, which, for reliability, are reinforced with reinforcement, we will weld supports for the steps (fillies). We make these steps and approaches from 4-mm iron and then sheathe it with wood.
First of all, you should be prepared modular scheme of work. It is necessary to calculate the amount of material that you need. Such a step-by-step instruction, created on the basis of the recommendations of specialists, will help you to do the work not only qualitatively, but also quickly.
Tools and equipment
Before starting work, prepare all the required tools for this. At first you will need a welding machine. Beginners are likely to master the inverter-type devices - they are easier to handle. With a suitable work experience, you can use any other device suitable for welding the metal you use.
Still prepare the saw, grinder and emery wheel.If you begin to make wooden steps, in addition prepare clamps, a drill with a set of drills, screws, a circular saw.
It is recommended to practice before starting work, to get a hand, to get used to the device: all these actions should be carried out on third-party subjects. After you have mastered the basic techniques of welding, only then is it worth starting the finishing work.
The following sequence should be observed in the work:
- blanks cut into size;
- the manufacture of nodes for mounting steps (fillies);
- should be welded corners;
- make installation kosour;
- steps and fencing should be welded;
- cleaning, grinding;
- priming and painting.
First of all, from the corners we make nodes for fastening steps (fillies). In order not to spoil the stairs, you should eliminate the distortions. Fillets must be identical and relative to each other made mirror. We make fillets from a steel corner, to start sampling, it is worth cutting out, and then the corners should be joined together.
As a result, you should go L-shaped welded nodes shelves in and down.Shelves deep into and up the mares are welded for steps made of concrete, as well as decorating with porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles. This construction will require 14 pairs of these nodes - in each pair one support will be right, and every second - left. Weld mounting stage and cross member between each pair of corners. Cross-beam is also produced from the corner.
It is possible to increase the fortress with the help of small kerchiefs, which are placed at the bottom of the stairs in direction to each kosour.
We make a marking along the edge of a square shaped pipe and weld fillets along the edge of the kosour along it. We attach to the first kosor with the second fillers attached, and we transfer the marking precisely. So we get the correct geometry of all parts. Our width is 900 millimeters, and there will be enough of two kosers for us. Welded fillers to the second kosour. We control them by level. Then we weld the kosouri with the lower end to the main platform.
In dwellings with a concrete base, the main platform can be placed in concrete. We fasten the upper end to the support post, which is fixed to the overlap between the floors with metal anchors.Once again we control the fillies by level.
If the metal ladder is made in the wall form, in order to give the structure additional stiffness, one kosur can be welded to the brackets attached to the wall.
The final stage is welding the steps to the fillies. You can also fix them with bolts, in this case you need to embed them with a tree. Another variation is to install wooden steps directly on the fillies using helical joints.
The upper stage is placed at the smallest distance from the wall. It is necessary that a sheet of paper be laid between the wall and the step - facing works are ahead. The fence is welded around the metal ladder so as not to reduce its width.
All components of the construction in the areas of welding are ground (seams, notches), later metal particles are swept away with an iron brush, the metal ladder is primed: we apply a primer on the metal, then it is painted in the chosen color. Wooden steps are put after the paint dries.
The decoration of the metal stairs to the next floor, including the cladding of steps with wood, is appropriate to carry out at the stage of finishing facing works in housing.
In case of seeming simplicity, the work on the construction of an interfloor structure made of metal calls for attention and accuracy. High-quality welding work ensures long life of the structure.
Having built a strong and capital frame, you can eventually decorate it with wood, ceramic tiles, stainless steel fence components and other facing materials to your own taste. And the design, which looked too big and unpresentable at the construction stage, will get an excellent exterior look.
The main argument in the benefits of building a metal staircase to the second floor with your own hands is the savings of significant funds that you will need to perform the remaining work in the house.
To learn how to properly install the metal ladder with your own hands, see the video below.