Pine stairs: the secrets of making beautiful designs

A pine staircase will become a stylish and comfortable item in your country house. Thanks to her, you can easily and safely climb and descend, while it should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable and safe. Pine is ideal for making; it keeps its properties, color and texture for a long time.
Special features
There are enough features of a pine staircase, it is quite elastic, unlike many other tree species. Thanks to this quality, the ladder is not subject to creaking even after a long period of use.
Pine has another distinctive feature: during dyeing, the paint penetrates well between the fibers of the tree, because of this, the dyeing is more uniform and resistant.
Thanks to this, such a ladder will not, over time, lose its properties in an unheated cold room.
If you compare pine wood with other species, it is softer and lighter, but this does not mean that it is fragile, on the contrary, it has great durability and is very durable.
But unfortunately, just like any other material, pine has its drawbacks. Stairs of this wood wear out pretty quickly, especially when compared with more expensive materials, for example, beech and oak. Such a ladder can not be installed in an expensive country cottage, they are more often used for simple country cottages. For this, it fits perfectly.
But it is worth noting that the advantages of the construction from an array in a private house on the second floor are more significant. It is better to buy ready-made parts for wooden structures that you want to do with your own hands.
Material impregnation must be performed correctly.Thus, the oil will help to preserve the wood much longer.
Pine ladder can be:
- straight;
- swivel;
- screw.
Ladders can be on the central kosour or on bowstrings. The choice of the type of stairs depends on your preferences and, of course, the availability of the necessary space. Not every room can have a straight staircase, although this is the most convenient option.
It is possible to make various versions of stairs from pine, it all depends on your desires and possibilities.
How to do it yourself?
Of course, you can order a staircase in a specialized workshop, but it is much more interesting and cheaper to make it yourself. But for this task you will need some skills and special equipment.
The first thing you need to do some calculations, create a sketch and execute a drawing. This is a very important step in creating the stairs, do not miss it. Through this work, you can avoid marriage, various distortions of the structure and unnecessary alterations.
You can draw a drawing both on paper and on a computer using special programs. When you do the drawing, do not forget to take into account some facts.Your ladder must withstand quite a lot of weight, this is a very important point.
The ladder consists of the necessary parts. There are several types of components of the stairs. These are not only decorative elements, but also the components of the stairs themselves. They can be used simply for safety and movement, but they can perform a decorative function and perfectly complement the interior of the house.
The main components include kosour, steps, railings, string, balusters, pillars and various decorative items.
The steps are mounted on the kosour and string, they serve as a kind of support structure. If your staircase is spiral, then the pillars can also carry a support function, they can be both intermediate and final. The steps are almost the main element of the whole structure, and in order to close the gap between the steps, they invented risers. Of course, you can leave gaps, if so conceived, but you can also close everything and make a closet under the stairs, for example.
Handrails and balusters ensure safety. Balusters can be flat, round, figured, square and even have a triangular shape.
The ladder should be solid.On the stairs you definitely need a railing, this will ensure you safety. But also do not forget that in no case should the steps be more than 0.5 meters, otherwise you will simply be uncomfortable walking. Observe the distance between the handrail and the wall, the most appropriate is 0.90 meters.
Do not forget that the angle of the stairs should be between 27-37 degrees. If you make a very large slope, then walking up the stairs will be uncomfortable.
You can choose any suitable option depending on the interior as a whole.
The height of the handrails should be at least 90 centimeters, if there are small children in the house, install additional handrails 55-65 cm high for their safety. If the width of your staircase is more than one meter, the handrails should be installed on both sides for convenience and safety.
Another thing to consider is the distance from the ceiling to the steps themselves. The distance must be at least two meters. At the same time, keep in mind that the height must be convenient in order to be able to carry large loads along the stairs without any extra effort.
After that, you can start buying the right materials and tools.
Fabrication and installation
The work should start with the marking boards for the stairs. And also you need to mark the bowstrings and supporting bars. After that, you can start to cut out of the tree all the components according to the drawing. Next, determine the place to install the kosour. Then you can start to mount the ladder.
To attach the steps themselves to the kosoura use screws. You can join parts using screws or fasteners to the grooves. Balusters install, respectively, each step, that is, one step corresponds to one baluster. Then from above fix hand-rail. In this case, keep in mind that the handrail is better to make a width of 7-10 cm, then it is convenient to grab it by hand.
How to paint?
One of the important points is the staining of the stairs. By the choice of dyes, take it with all seriousness and responsibility. In fact, pine is very beautiful in its structure and color, so you can use transparent or translucent dyes. But it is necessary to paint the stairs.
When processing pine, like any tree, the first layer should be stain. It will protect the stairs from rotting, reproduction of fungus, midges and other parasites.But the main advantage of the stain is that it will protect the wood from moisture, and your ladder will remain unchanged longer.
But one stain is not enough to cover the stairs. The next layer depends on your preferences and tastes. It can be both a varnish, and enamel.
If your staircase is of low quality wood, then enamel is the ideal option. This coating is very easy to clean, it is enough to just wipe it from time to time. Enamel will hide possible defects in raw materials, hide small cracks, scratches and even putty.
If the quality of pine is excellent, then definitely choose varnish. It will ennoble your ladder, visually add to its high prices and improve its appearance. Lacquered stairs look very beautiful and dignified.
If you want to preserve the natural look of wood, choose paints with the lowest hiding value. And also refuse to use primer. For such purposes, matte and glossy varnishes are ideal for coating wood. However, they can be both tinted and matte. But tinted can completely change the look of the stairs, so be careful when choosing.
Most often, for dyeing in the room I use dyes quick-drying, which at the same time do not have strong odors. But such dyes have one big disadvantage, they quickly lose their original appearance and wear out.
When choosing, keep in mind that the coating must be fairly durable and resist wear for a long time. Colors on wood are just a huge selection of colors. They can either make an imitation of natural wood, and not at all resemble it.
Enamel is a varnish that has no color. For wood surfaces, it is mixed with a special pigment. In order to emphasize the type of wood, suitable varnishes. Varnish containing pigment will not stain the tree, but give it a light unobtrusive shade. Wood stain, for example, slightly tints the surface. There are those that can withstand a fire, you can also pay attention to this.
There is also a type of coating, as varnish. This is a topcoat, it is applied after painting, and you need to choose it, starting from what you painted your stairs.
Types of varnishes
Lucky are divided into several types. It is water soluble in which the base is water, solvent and emulsifier.Unfortunately, this type of varnish does not long retain its original properties and quickly loses its appearance.
there is polyurethane varnishes. They dry rather quickly, but are completely unsuitable for use in rooms with high humidity.
More distinguish varnishes such as alkyd They are able to evenly paint and penetrate wood. Excellent resist temperature and excessive humidity. But they quickly become unusable.
However, the ideal option would be formaldehyde lacquer. Although it has a very sharp and saturated smell, it has excellent durability and adhesiveness to wood. Such a varnish dries for a very long time, and in no case can it be wetted until it finally becomes hard and dries.
Before using this varnish, it is not necessary to prime the surface. After it is completely dry, your staircase will not be afraid of any moisture and sudden changes in temperature.
When to paint the stairs of pine?
Very often, young craftsmen are interested in when to start painting the stairs, after assembly and installation, or before.
When painting, you should consider what you will use to mount the stairs.If these are different studs, screws and anchor bolts, then, of course, it would be more appropriate to paint the stairs before it is installed. In the future, this will protect it from external influences that may not be accessible after assembly.
But if you mount your ladder with glue, then in this case the painting takes place after the assembly of all the parts and the assembly of the ladder.
Tips and tricks
To create a staircase with your own hands from pine, you will need special tools, equipment and, of course, skills.
Do not forget that the ladder must be not only beautiful, but also reliable. To do this, take seriously the sketches and drawing construction.
Choose only high-quality wood, fasteners and other materials. Go with full responsibility to the installation and subsequent painting of your stairs. A little perseverance, work and free time - and the result will delight you.
Reviews of pine stairs are quite controversial. Someone dissatisfied with the quality of such stairs, and someone prefers them because of the low cost.
Some users say that the pine staircase lost its appearance after 2 years of use.She is rubbed all over, and her appearance leaves much to be desired, she loosened and squeaks. Others say that the price of such a ladder is very affordable, and it is easy to handle the work with pine, but not everyone likes the look.
There are positive reviews. There are cases when the ladder is in use for a year and a half, and there are no complaints. Neither its appearance nor the stability it loses. Basically choose a pine ladder because of its price. The main thing is to properly take care of it, and then it will serve for a long time and will delight the household.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Pine staircase. Most often used in homes, has an average complexity of installation.
Direct construction from pine. The most convenient and common option. Easy to assemble, but unfortunately, not every house can provide such a large space for the stairs.
Spiral staircase. It looks very impressive, taking up very little space.
How to make a staircase with your own hands you will learn in the next video.