Features of stainless steel stairs

Every day, thousands of people use stair designs to move to the desired floor, and therefore the issue of safety and comfortable use is one of the most fundamental. Requires familiarity with the features of the ladder design and materials involved in the production. Stainless steel staircase is a great option to ensure the safety and comfort of movement. Thanks to a variety of finishes, this product will perfectly fit into any interior.
Fashionable direction
Often, stainless steel can look bulky on its surface, draw much attention to itself, while depriving the room of individuality, so it was thought to combine cold metal steel with materials such as glass, wood and plastic. Consequently, the stair structure is not only practical and safe, but also beautiful.
Recently you can find a wrought-iron spiral staircase that leads to the upper floor. It is supplemented with glass elements, thanks to which the steps look stylish and extraordinary.
Stair structures outside the living space also prefer to be made of stainless steel.
The material copes with adverse weather conditions: rain, snow, hot sun and strong winds. At low temperature, the steel does not crack, besides it looks great in its natural appearance and does not require additional painting or processing.
Advantages and disadvantages
Currently, despite the abundance of available raw materials, metals suitable for the manufacture of ladder design, very little: it is iron or stainless steel.Whether it is worth mentioning that most often the choice falls on the last option.
So, Consider the main advantages of stainless steel compared to other materials:
- any design that uses stainless steel in the manufacture will last you much longer than made of plastic or wood;
- steel is not susceptible to rust or corrosion, it copes well with sharp temperature fluctuations and almost all weather precipitations;
- This material is undemanding and careless; it is enough to systematically wipe the surface with a damp cloth;
- all parts and elements for the ladder design are easy to install, and special tools are not required in the installation work;
- the appearance of the railing gives the impression of an expensive and elegant product that fits perfectly in almost any interior;
- the strength of the ladder design of this material is no less than the iron equivalent;
- a wide range of different designs: bent, mesh, solid and tubular;
- Of the advantages of stainless steel, it can also be noted that when bent, the steel sheet does not corrode and does not change its shade;
- the material is well tolerated in welding work, and the ductility of steel makes it possible to perform any complex shapes, while combining it with plastic, glass, granite and concrete is permissible.
The demand for stainless steel is due to the combination of its technological characteristics and visual appeal. Stainless steel is alloy steel. In other words, it is a material in which specialized additional elements are added in a certain quantity in order to increase operational and technological properties. Such designs are resistant to rust and adverse weather conditions.
Besides, It should be noted that the stainless steel is a reasonable ratio of the price and quality. The material is economical due to the fact that it does not need subsequent finishing work.
Despite the huge number of advantages of the stainless steel ladder, the design still has several drawbacks: the manufacture and installation of such a ladder requires certain skills and knowledge, and in the cold season a metal product cannot give you the heat that comes from wood structures.
For residential or public institution
Ladder, destinations for exploitation in residential space or public places, often turns out to be combined. In other words, it is a combination of brushed or chrome steel with various combinations of wood, stone, plastic, glass elements and concrete foundations.
For example, a commonly used option is a ladder design with a metal fence or handrails and wooden steps or a concrete structure with a steel fence or plastic railing. Variations can be many.
Steel steps are not very practical and convenient for use inside the dwelling, as they produce too ringing sounds when moving.
Products made of steel or chromium do well with their functional purpose, while retaining their original appearance for several decades. In the manufacture of the method used a whole collection of different separate elements, which are fixed with bolted connections. In this regard, such a ladder design can be repaired: it is necessary to dismantle the damaged area and replace it with a new one.
Stairway fences
Fencing is an important component of any staircase design, as it provides safety. It can prevent a person from falling and acquiring a fracture or injury, in connection with which all accessories of the ladder must be made of high-quality steel material.
- Handrails attached to the wall surface are installed as a mandatory attribute, provided that the ladder has more than three steps. This product is designed not only to make lifting and descent more secure, but also to harmoniously fit into the design of the room.
- Handrails are a kind of limiters for the stairs, perform the function of fencing. Quite often in their manufacture using stainless steel. Arrange horizontally.
- Baluster and stand are elements whose function is also the restriction of stairs. In addition, they additionally fix the steps and railings. The duty of balusters and racks is the additional protection of a person from a possible fall.
Production and installation of metal stairs, as well as its cost depends primarily on the selected configuration of the flight of stairs.For the most part, all ladders made of steel can be divided into three types. Consider them in more detail.
Marching design
The most common type. It is easy to manufacture and install. It is recommended to stop the choice on this type of configuration provided that installation will be made in the spacious room. Separately, it is worth noting that Marching staircase is characterized by a maximum capacity. In other words, a large number of people can use the staircase at the same time. Consequently, it is ideal for installation in the corridor.
If it is necessary to combine turns between floors by turning, the configuration of the staircase structure will be complicated. Turns are carried out due to the recombination of the marching direction or the bends of the spans.
The initial version implies a rapid change of direction in a separate section. Another option is designed for a smooth, slightly curved staircase structure.
Screw design
For this type is also not alien to the use of stainless steel.Sometimes this type of ladder is called a spiral march. The use of such a product for the home is extremely practical and rational. (from the point of view of economical distribution in space) in rooms with modest dimensions. Nevertheless, a frequent choice in favor of a spiral staircase design lies in its high aesthetic qualities. Indeed, this staircase looks extremely impressive and unique.
The production of such a structure from cold metal is carried out on specialized bending equipment with numerical control. As a result, the diameter of the spirals comes out exactly with the calculated scheme.
Spinal structure
One of the innovations in construction in the field of staircase, which instantly attracted the attention of designers. The bearing portions of the staircase structure are similar in appearance to the human spine, which ultimately influenced the name of this structure. This ladder does not have a solid kosour or bearing elements, and its collection is performed from separate parts.
The unity and strength of the product is achieved through the same sections made of stainless steel and parts that are interconnected.Sequential docking of components provides the ability to perform any kind of flights of stairs and turns. It is the plasticity of the design that allows mounting the ladder that literally wraps around the wall surface.
You can see a similar staircase structure by visiting the old tower with signal lights, called the lighthouse.
The elegance and sophistication of the spinal design will surprise you. The appearance of the steps, exactly repeating all the bends of the wall surface, gives the impression of light weightlessness. This effect can be achieved by setting the steps at a short distance from each other. And to use such a ladder is a separate pleasure, because the steps seem to hover in the air due to the fact that the supporting elements are hidden from human eyes.
On the manufacture and installation of stainless steel railings, see the following video.