Design and installation of wooden stairs in a country house

Design and installation of wooden stairs is in demand, as many people decide to build a two-story house. The staircase is a key part of the interior, so you should pay attention not only to its functionality, but also to decorative characteristics.
Features of wood structures
Wood is the easiest and most environmentally friendly material. To work with it does not require special skills. Wood can be used to make stairs to the second floor, located inside the house, as well as a porch in front of the entrance to a private house.
Wooden products that can be assembled as “Lego” have the following advantages:
- affordable price category;
- prevalence of material;
- ease of processing.
Most often, the stairs are made of pine. Such wood is soft, so beginners like to work with it. The disadvantage can be attributed to the soft texture, due to which the product begins to darken and creak. For this reason, experts recommend treating wood with special substances in order to exclude early repairs.
People who want to build a more beautiful and reliable staircase in their home, choose expensive types of wood. These include oak massif, larch. The material has a unique texture, high resistance to wear. Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost.
To save space, you can use the turn design option. Depending on the available space, the product may have a turn of 90 or 180 degrees.
Among the features of wooden stairs can be attributed to the ability to recover. Restoration allows you to restore the original appearance and shape of the product. With the help of these manipulations, you can increase the service life of structures. Three key tasks are assigned to the restoration:
- restoration of the original appearance, surface quality, finish, color solution, along with functional and performance characteristics;
- processing products with antifungal and antiseptic agents, providing protection against moisture, fire and UV rays;
- partial or full reconstruction of the stairs if necessary.
Main elements
In the wooden stairs there are parts with which the whole structure is assembled. These elements are considered key, so you should get acquainted with them before drawing up the drawings or buying the finished version.
- Kosour - it is a carrier beam, due to which support is provided for the steps, as well as the risers. This item is the entire load.
- Bowstring - this component is responsible for the supporting mechanism. There are notches in which the end of the steps is inserted. The product can be used on the one hand, when the ladder leans against the wall, or on both sides, when the march is located between the two walls.The string is not as popular as kosour, because it does not target low loads.
- Steps represent a wooden beam in which there is a horizontal tread and vertical risers. A person steps on the tread, and the second element is responsible for fencing the tread and supporting the whole part. Some people choose stairs without risers. In this case, the design will not have sufficient strength and reliability. Steps may have a rectangular shape, also the production of radial elements for an attractive approach to the staircase, swivel, to replace the separation areas with an end rim. The first steps in this case will have a non-standard form.
- Stair railing represent balusters of wood with handrails. The shape and dimensions of such products may be different. As a rule, the production of products is carried out under the order according to the wishes of the owner of the apartment. Attractive look carved options.
- Flight of stairs - These are construction details that act as a connecting component for adjacent staircases.The element consists of steps, which are fixed on a kosour or a bowstring. It has a fence, the height of which must be at least 900 mm.
- If there is more than one march on the stairs, it must be present in its structure. support post or columns on turns.
Types and styles
Interfloor wooden stairs are considered the most popular designs for home improvement. With the help of wood, you can create a simple economy class staircase or make a chic work of art that will attract the attention of guests. There are two types of wooden stairs that are most often installed in a dwelling: screw and mid-flight.
These stairs attract the attention of many users for its compactness and interesting appearance. Such designs ideally fit into design of the rooms executed in style Provence.
When creating a spiral staircase should take into account some features.
- For comfortable and safe use of stairs, the central width of the steps should be at least 20 cm. The widest area should not exceed 40 cm.
- The design can be located near the bearing wall or in the center of the room. The product takes up little space, but due to the complex construction it is difficult to descend on it.
- As a rule, such products are considered optional. They are ideal for small openings. However, there are models with a diameter of more than 3 meters.
- The smaller the size of the opening, the steeper the climb will be at the stairs.
Marching structures - this is the most common type of stairs, which is often installed in country houses. Marching stairs, depending on the type of construction, are of the following types:
- on kosoura;
- on bowstrings.
In kosurnyh products steps are arranged according to the type of "saddle". They are mounted on top of the beam, on the end of the risers are fixed. For the beam characteristic sawtooth shape. Such ladders are not in great demand in contrast to the tetiivnyh, but they look attractive in the interior.
This option would be appropriate in the style of country music.
Bowstrings are inclined type supporting beams. They are located along the entire length of the march and act as the basis of the stairs. Most large staircases are counter structures. Bowstring closes the end element of the march. Steps are mounted in grooves, which are located inside the carrier beam. The thickness of the beams should exceed 6 cm.
Marching designs are more common. It is convenient to climb along them, since the biomechanics of movement is taken into account in the products. The staircase is suitable for spacious rooms. The dimensions of the structure and the required dimensions of the free area can be calculated by the following actions:
- measuring the height of the wall next to which the stairs will run;
- calculation of floor length;
- then you will need to draw a right-angled triangle in which the floor with the wall acts as a leg, and the structure itself acts as a hypotenuse;
- the optimal angle of the ladder is 45 degrees.
Marching structures are considered more reliable than screw structures. In spite of the fact that more space is required for the mid-flight ladder, it is more often installed in the house. Such products may have several marches, however, single and dvuhmarshaya design is common for a private house. Such interior details are varied.
So that the staircase takes up less space, a swiveling dvuhmarshaya design.
The turn of the ladder can be located at an angle from 90 to 180 degrees.If space permits, the staircase may have a curved design. When planning the location of such a ladder, you should ensure a comfortable entry for her household.
Smooth turns in a curved design are achieved through the installation of rotary stages. Similar elements are often used in double-marsh structures, replacing the sites between them.
Standard one-stroke staircase
Combined ladder with one march is the simplest design. The flight of stairs may be located near the wall or in the center of the room. The landing staircase should be used efficiently. Many people build partitions on this site, behind which there are utility rooms. Such ladders are considered the most durable, if they are located next to the walls.
Such stairs, as a rule, are in demand in large rooms, as the products show spaciousness. In small country houses such constructions will not look, since they will “eat” all the useful space.
One Marche Curved Staircase
These are large structures, as they have smooth turns and steps extended on the outer sides. Externally, the products are like screw.The staircase is distinguished by respectability and is able to decorate any spacious hall.
If the layout of the house took into account the location of the stairs, to climb to the second level, you should choose a curved structure with one march. The product is compact and attractive, convenient for movement. Under the stairs on the first floor you can equip a pantry.
One march, located in a narrow opening, can bend almost 180 degrees.
One Marcher with lower pivot steps
Such stairs are suitable for rooms that should emphasize the style, or the feature of the room does not allow to install another structure. For example, when there is a window on the site for mounting the stairs that you don’t want to close with a double-mast construction.
The right direction is set by lower pivotal steps. Thanks to the smooth turning of the lower steps and repeating the smoothness of the handrails with fences, the staircase can turn into a true work of art and become a decoration of the room, coping with the tasks assigned to it.
Standard structures with two marches
The structure, which has two marches and a turning point between them, is convenient. It lies in the fact that the staircase can be located above the entrance to the house, allowing you to save space.
The design is compact, the space under it can be exploited as a storage room. The product has the reliability and is combined with any interior, if you make a competent choice of colors and shapes.
L-shaped staircase with two marches
Such facilities also have two marches, but its placement saves free space in the room. The design is placed in a rectangular span on the sides of perpendicular walls. Place under the stairs can be used for the location of furniture or doorway.
Both marches are located at right angles. This staircase is convenient to use, it is compact and can fit into any interior room.
U-shaped staircase with two marches and turning stairs, upper platform
Such facilities are installed in luxurious country houses, with a spacious hall.The staircase is massive, so it is not suitable for a country house. Most people call such products elements of the palace interior.
Designs with three marches
Three-marsh ladders are relevant in homes where saving space is required. To make the lift angle comfortable, high ceilings will be required. In case there is no overlap between the floors, the quadrature of the second level will be significantly reduced. This option stairs suitable for mansions with spacious rooms.
Correct location
Interfloor ladder structures are used as a link between the floors of a country house or apartment. Installed products must have the strength, safety and convenience. The staircase is a key element in the interior that cannot be masked or hidden.
The question of the location and type of construction of the stairs in the dwelling should be considered at the initial stages of design., since the layout of the house depends on this construction. Given the characteristics of the element, it is necessary to place the hall and entrances to other rooms.
The platform in front of the staircase and next to it, the comfortable location of the staircase “start” and “finish”, the lighting layout are key details of the comfort and harmony of the interior.The issue of security is entirely related to the issue of convenience.
It is best to place the ladder next to the geometric center of the dwelling in order to reduce the length of communications. It will be necessary to take care of a convenient approach to the staircase and surround it with a free platform so that a couple of people can pass through it.
Often stairs are installed in hallways and halls. This arrangement ensures the autonomy of the rooms and makes it possible to enter the second floor directly from the entrance. Some people place facilities in the living room, using them as room decorations. Hall on the second floor can be turned into a gallery, open into the living room or hallway.
Spiral staircases with a gallery are often located in the living room. It is not very convenient for lifting and involves limited operation. For example, to access the mezzanine.
The question of the location of the stairs should be taken responsibly, as further changes are accompanied by significant difficulties associated with the reconstruction of the whole house.
Load calculation
After the place for the stairs has been chosen, it is necessary to do exact calculations, draw the drawings and put all the dimensions on them. Compliance with the GOST design is a mandatory requirement when making calculations. These standards define all the characteristics that safe and durable structures must possess.
The standard describes every detail that must meet the stated requirements. In the calculations it is necessary to take into account the width, the number of steps, the angle of inclination, the width of the passage and other parameters.
In the GOST there are several documents that describe the stair structures of different types. A standard 23120-78 was created for marching structures, the installation of fences is carried out in accordance with GOST 25772-83.
Ladder height
To calculate this value, you need to measure the distance between the floor surface of the first and second levels. If the height of the ceiling on the first floor is 2700 mm with an interfloor thickness of 300 mm, the ladder is calculated using the universal formula: Н = 2700 + 300 = 3000 mm.
Risers height
The approximate height of the risers is calculated based on the person’s pitch. This parameter can be from 150 to 200 mm. If you make the height of the steps too high, then you can stumble or even fall when climbing.
This height is dependent on the values of the total height and the planned number of stages.To make the correct calculation, you should use the average height of the risers based on the standards - it is about 175 mm.
Number of steps
By calculating the height of the staircase and the riser, you can calculate the total number of steps. To do this, you will need to divide the height of the ladder by the height of the riser. The resulting value will show the total number of steps. The resulting amount must be rounded to a whole number.
Step width
To exclude injuries sustained when moving along a ladder, it is necessary to calculate the width of the steps. According to many years of practice, it was revealed that this indicator should not be less than 220 mm and wider than 400 mm.
A special formula has been developed, according to which the required width value can be calculated. In calculations, use the value “k”, which is equal to the average step width. The value ranges from 600 to 640 mm.
The formula is calculated using the formula b = k - 2a, where:
- a is the height of the riser;
- b is the width of the step;
- k is the step length (average).
Stair width
This indicator depends on the area, which is reserved for the staircase design and the tastes of the owner of the dwelling itself. For this reason, the width can be any.However, you should follow the safety rules, according to which the specified parameters should not interfere with the evacuation of people in an emergency. The width of the span on the basis of this rule must be greater than 800 mm.
In order for households to quietly move around the building, as well as to allow the furniture to be carried, it is necessary to arrange the width from 1,000 to 1,500 mm.
To simplify the calculations, experts recommend to proceed from the width of the march in relation to the width of the steps.
Length of ladder
To calculate the length of the structure, you need to know the length and width of the steps and multiply these values. Based on the obtained value, you can choose the number of marches. With a length of more than five meters will require the construction of two marches.
Slope design and opening parameters
When building a staircase, you should remember about the ceiling opening, the size of which also needs to be calculated. If you do not take care of this issue in advance, when raising to the second level, household members will need to bend down in order not to hit their heads. The angle of inclination affects the comfort of operation.
The optimal slope is a value from 23 to 36 degrees. However, some users fail to equip the structure at such an angle due to the small size of the room. The steeper the slope - the smaller platform is required for the stairs.
If the structure can be installed only at an angle of 45 degrees, it will not need a large area, but such a ladder is considered to be an accessory.
To save on free space, many users choose folding ladders. If the stairs are rarely used, this option is considered optimal.
If there is a possibility to install the structure on a site of 1.5 m2, a screw design will be suitable, for which a lot of space is not needed. With insufficient quadrature, a spiral staircase will be required.
The size of the ceiling opening depends on the installation angle of the flight of stairs. For ladder and folding ladders need a small hatch. For a more convenient slope, you need to equip a large opening, since the distance at any point, during the entire ascent between the ceiling and the steps, should not be less than 1.95 meters.
The ceiling opening must be placed at a sufficient height so that a person does not hit his head against it.Calculations must be made in such a way that a household with high growth can move freely along the flight of stairs. To do this, it will be necessary to measure several indicators during the marking of a one-marshal ladder located near the wall.
- The angle on the wall, under which the installation is made, is determined.
- Having marked points on the floor and on the ceiling, connect them with a solid line. On it in the future will be fixed supports for the steps.
- On the designated segment is determined by the place in which the distance between the floor and the ceiling will be two meters.
- From this point you need to draw a line to the joints between the wall and the ceiling. It will mark one border along which an opening will be created.
- At an angle of 90 degrees is a line to the junction. The length of the line is identical to the width of the stairs.
- The second half of the ceiling opening is created in the same way.
A similar rectangle is drawn on the floor surface, which should be located exactly under the ceiling opening. As a result, the ceiling will show the size of the opening, with which you can safely move up the stairs.Then you need to cut the opening in the ceiling on the ceiling.
Kosour length
To determine this indicator, you need to remember the Pythagorean theorem, with which you can determine the relationship of the sides of a right triangle. The formula L² = F² + H² is used for this, it follows that L = √ (F² + H²), where:
- L is the length of the kosour;
- F is the length of the ladder;
- H - the height of the stairs.
Materials and accessories
After the calculations are made, you can proceed to the procurement of basic material and accessories.
- First of all, this board. You will need material for a kosour or a bowstring, the width of which will be about 250 mm, thickness 50 mm. The length is calculated by the formulas. And also boards for steps and risers will be required.
- Balusters can be bought in the finished form or make your own hands. Some users buy wood, which is already cut according to the calculations made.
- Nails
- Screws.
- Metal corners for amplification.
- For the fence you can use wood or use forged parts. With the help of artistic forging, exclusive beautiful staircases are created, which become the centerpiece of the entire interior.
After the construction of the staircase, finishing will be required, which consists in priming, painting and varnishing products. To do this, you will need to purchase the appropriate materials and select the desired color.
After the calculations and drawings, you can proceed to the manufacturing process. Wooden stairs can be made by hand. To do this, you must follow a specific sequence of actions.
Step-by-step guide on making stairs:
- markings are applied to bowstrings or kosour, for this you can use a right-angled triangle or a special corner on which the legs will be marked (they will mean tread width and riser height);
- the length of the steps and risers is measured along with other details, the cutting of which will be done by own hands;
- sawing must be done with an electric saw;
- then it is necessary to process with the help of the skins all the prepared components;
- if the ceiling opening is not ready, it should be created with the help of dismantling works.
This instruction shows the sequence of works, with the help of which you can independently make a ladder structure.Each stage should be considered in more detail to eliminate possible errors.
On the cut, which is prepared to create these parts, you will need to mark the required length and cut off the extra parts. Then “combs” are marked according to the specified calculations. For these purposes, you need to use a square or a long ruler. The strip of the board that remains intact should be larger than the total width of the board.
Creating markings on the kosour for cutting "comb"
The kosour markings are made taking into account the slope angle under which the structure will be installed. The basis for the first step, the lower cut for mounting on a concrete base must be matched with a slope line marked on the walls. Steps should be located in a horizontal plane. Not "falling down" out or in.
To eliminate errors, experts recommend using a ready-made template. Given the specified parameters, you should make a markup and cut out the entire comb. To simplify the work, you can create a template based on the first step.
The next step is to fasten the limiting thrust beam along the line along which the staircase will begin. To mount the kosour to the beam, you can resort to one of two ways:
- create grooves in the form of grooves directly to the beam;
- make gaps in the form of grooves on the very kosour.
Fixing the kosour to the crossbeam
Finished kosouri are mounted on the support beam on the floor surface, then tightly pressed and fastened to the wall and the ceiling opening. Suspended kosour is installed on the floor and in the opening to the support bar. To provide the structure with sufficient rigidity, you will need 3-4 kosoura. In the ceiling opening, they are also connected with a sturdy bar.
Bars, on which the foundation is supported, should be firmly fixed to the floor and the ceiling opening.
Make sure that the parts are perfectly aligned with each other. Compliance with this rule ensures the absence of slope steps to the side.
Installation of risers and steps
The mounting of the risers is carried out on fixed skewers. The length of the risers must be identical to the width of the stair structure. After their fixation, you can proceed to the installation of the milled steps. The length of the board should exceed the width of the distance between the outermost kosoura by 10-20 mm. The width may be more than the protrusion of the dies by 20-30 mm.
The fixation of the treads is done with screws, so that the fastener cap is completely inside the wood.
Installation of support pillars and balusters
Bearing posts with balusters should be mounted after accurate marking and fitting. Along the edges of the steps should be marked areas on which will be put ready balusters with poles. The hole in the steps should be at a distance that is equal to half the width of the base of the baluster so that the edge of the part is identical to the side cut on the steps.
Then on the steps should create holes. The finished dowels are glued into the equipped holes. Shkant must be on top of the stage at a distance of 10-15 mm. According to its diameter, drill holes in the base of the baluster and post. The pillars are placed at the beginning and at the end of the march.
Initially, you need to put only the upper pillars. The bottom details are put last.
Having mounted a pair of balusters on the dowels, you should measure the angle of the upper surface by fitting the handrails. Having determined the required length, you will need to mark and cut off the extra area with all the details.
The base of the balusters with holes for dowels should be smeared with glue, after which they are placed on the projecting dowels. Balusters should be set vertically and cuddle up to the steps.
Next comes the preparation and assembly of the railing. It will be necessary to cut off the edges and drill holes on them to connect with support columns. When the glue is completely dry under the baluster, you can proceed to installation. The opening of the upper cut should be put on the upper posts of the dowel.
Next, the railing should be put on balusters, which are missed with glue. Due to the milled grooves balusters securely locked in the desired position. To provide additional reliability, it will be necessary to fasten the balusters on the railing with the help of thin self-tapping screws.
The last step is the installation of the support column, which is connected to the lower rails. The connection is made by gluing the dowel.
How to install?
The process of assembling the staircase begins with the installation of bearing parts. Fastening at the top and bottom point should be done using a corner, a threaded connection or an anchor.Before finally fixing the supporting structure, it is recommended to check the coincidence of the horizons. To do this, apply a level that is placed on a horizontal place for fixing future treads. If the kosour was cut in one piece - the fixation is ensured correctly.
The installation involves the use of the construction level, which you need to constantly keep to yourself.
Installation of a ladder from logs
To create a staircase you need to cut logs in half. The resulting blanks will be used to create steps and bearing parts. After the front side of the product is processed with a plane and sandpaper, marking is applied, you can begin the installation process. On the inner side will be fixed steps and fasteners. It is best to use for these purposes, steel corners, fixed anchors.
Then install the supporting structure, fixing it to the ceiling and to the floor. According to the markup, bars should be attached to the string with self-tapping screws.
Before attaching, you need to check each horizon with a building level.Thus every step should be checked.
Further holes are drilled through the string in the end of the steps, eliminating the displacement of parts. Anchor should be tightened to the stop. For fixing each step, 4 anchors are required. To ensure additional reliability, silicone sealant must be added to the openings.
To install such a ladder, you will need a threaded connection with equipment hidden "windows" in the steps. They are needed for tightening components.
After installation of the staircase, you will need to finish. It consists in painting or painting an item.
Coloring consists of three stages:
- preparatory work;
- staining;
- applying a lacquer coat.
First of all, you need to do the preparation of every detail of the ladder design for the painting process. This will require puttying and grinding.
Puttying will require special blends designed for working with wood. The use of materials aimed at working with other coatings is not allowed.
After the putty dries, you can start grinding the surface. The work is divided into two parts:
- rough, surface treatment, after it should wait two days;
- second grinding.
After sanding, the wood becomes even and smooth. Now it is necessary to deal with the application of painting material. Before painting, it is necessary to apply a primer coat. Primer is chosen to match the paint. There is a white, black and even blue primer. The ladder is recommended to cover with alkyd or urethane paint. They are best suited for wooden stairs.
Designers advise to pay attention to the colors of light colors.
Some users use staining for staining. This tool is able to emphasize the uniqueness of the wood pattern, so the staircase acquires an attractive look. Natural drawings are always in demand, so do not hide the beauty under a layer of paint.
Stain is selected along with varnish. Need to choose quality compounds. The stain is not only a coloring agent, but also fully protects the wood from the effects of the external environment.
When the paint is dry, you can start applying varnish. Matt lacquers are popular. It is recommended to put means in three stages.Each layer is applied after the previous one is dry. If bubbles appear on the surface, they must be sanded.
Wooden stairs can be finished with laminate. This will require taking into account the characteristics of this material.
- Suitable for work laminate at least 31 classes.
- When buying a material should be aware that each step must be equipped with a solid board.
- Facing work is performed with solid material, so you need to carry out a competent calculation of the product.
- Often the steps may have different widths, so calculations should be made on the basis of the widest part. Then you need to count the number of steps. The amount of material obtained will be required only for treads.
- Then you need to multiply the height of the risers by the number of steps. If facing staircase is being made, remember that there is a landing.
- Before finishing, it is recommended to place a cork or polyethylene substrate under each step. This will create a high-quality cushioning of the surface, as well as reduce the noise level when moving along the stairs.
- To connect the multi-level surfaces, special profiles are available for sale. With their help, you can make a beautiful decor joints. Also, the profile is responsible for load distribution and uniform abrasion of the material.
- To carry out the finishing of the laminate, you will need tools. The most convenient way to cut the board with an electric jigsaw. If this tool is not available, you can use a hacksaw or a circular saw.
Oil can be used to finish the wooden stairs. Means provides reliable protection to wood, and also keeps its initial shape.
Interesting examples
Designers offer limitless ideas for creating wooden stairs. Designs can be made in any color and style depending on the preferences of the owner of the housing and its capabilities.
This is a universal staircase format that is best suited for elegant interiors. Such staircase structures are usually supplemented with handrails of the radial type, balustrades, balusters and other decorative details.
Victorian style
Such stairs are suitable for bohemian interiors.The structures are made of oak massif, trimmed with chamfer, carving, edging. Many designers offer finishing facilities with the help of balloons, blooming roses. Actually the use of cone-shaped or cubic balusters, handrails with fillets.
Country music
These are massive, practical and comfortable products that are not prone to pomp. Ladders are made of hewn timber with an ax. As a decoration, you can use a simple decor in the form of wooden figures. Structures should have a careless look and a sense of an independent product.
Such stairs have an antique appearance, which attracts the attention of all guests. Structures often have a winding shape and white color, equipped with stepped podiums, short shutters and balusters in the form of cones.
These are elegant screw constructions, which are distinguished by their strict forms, complemented by forging and plant-type ornaments.
Art Deco
Designs made in this style have thin and elegant steps, between which there is free space. Due to this feature creates the effect of "floating in space."Stairs are characterized by severity of lines and ethnic patterns.
To learn how to design and install wooden stairs in a country house, see the following video: