Fence net: types and features of choice

As a fence for the site, many choose the grid. This option has many advantages. It is presented in a wide variety. Before you install a grid fence around your house, you need to carefully study all the nuances of this design, as well as the rules for its installation. Only having familiarized with the characteristic features of all models of the range, you will be able to choose the ideal fence for your site.

Features: advantages and disadvantages

As with any reason for the fence, the grid design has its own characteristic features. Among them are both positive and negative characteristics. The advantages of the grid include:

  • ease of purchase. It can be found in almost any building supermarket, where a large selection of these products.
  • The design is easy to install yourself.The installation takes only a few days, and if it doesn’t work alone, then the structure can be installed even within a day.
  • An important advantage is the low cost of the grid. Compared with stone or brick fences, metal or plastic mesh has a much more affordable price. Its installation does not require the purchase of additional materials and equipment, which helps to avoid the cost of tools.
  • The fence is well breathable. On a plot with such a fence at any time of the year is fresh and cool.
  • In addition to air, the grid also allows light rays to pass through. This feature is very useful for plants on the site.
  • Due to its non-monolithic construction, the fence creates an optical effect of expanding the space on the site. It does not reduce the area visually, but rather adds space to the setting.
  • The fence of this type does not require pre-installation of the foundation. This feature helps save time, effort and finances.
  • An important mesh quality is low weight. It is easy to carry from place to place, to transport. Even for fencing a large area, all materials can be transported on your own without harming your health.
  • The surface of a similar design is almost impossible to tear.

The disadvantages of the mesh material include the following:

  • The grid in comparison with a stone or a tree is unstable to strong natural cataclysms. In the event of an earthquake or hurricane, such a fence will not be able to stand for long periods of time.
  • The protective function of such a fence is weakened. Uninvited guests will be able to get on your site, just climbing over the fence.
  • The fence from the grid does not provide absolute privacy. Neighbors or passersby can watch what is happening in the territory of your garden.
  • Grid weave unstable to temperature extremes. Since the material is non-monolithic, it is more resistant to thermal effects.
  • The quality of the product also affects excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Thin mesh is easy to bend or deform by mechanical action.
  • The fence of such material requires careful maintenance. Periodically it is necessary to do the restoration of the fence so that it can function normally.
  • In comparison with other materials, the grid does not have a high level of aesthetics and attractiveness.
  • Most of the materials from which a fence can be made are unstable to excessive moisture.


Mesh fences are not represented by a pair of models.They are classified according to several characteristics into a fairly large number of species.


According to the design and materials, fences include the following types:

  • Mesh Rabbit - a very common type for the fence, which is a braided version. It was invented in the XIX century, as well as the machine for its manufacture. Cells of a design can have the different size: from 0,25 to 0,7 cm. You need to choose the size, taking into account several factors:
    • Small mesh poorly transmits light to the site. Her purchase is justified if there is no garden. For cottages where landings are made, the most optimal way is to choose models with a cell size from 0.4 to 0.6 cm.
    • It is important that the sectional fence be able to resist shocks. Larger cells are more resistant to mechanical stress. They are optimally chosen for playgrounds;
  • wire, which is sometimes equipped with PVC coating;
  • plastic;
  • galvanized wire with polymer coating;
  • stainless steel;
  • soft iron wire.

There are the following types of mesh depending on the coverage:

  • The galvanized fence is provided with a special zinc layer that prevents rust from being exposed to the environment.
  • A non-galvanized product is installed for painting.This material must be painted immediately after installation. It is quite cheap, but more prone to adverse effects and corrosion.
  • A more expensive option is the chain-link netting with a plastic coating. Plastic most effectively protects the fence from various influences, gives the product durability, while making it more expensive.

The grid the Chain-link has a number of advantages thanks to which the majority of buyers prefer it to her:

  • Affordable price;
  • possibility of reuse of dismantled structures;
  • suitable for fencing various types of plots, and not just cottage;
  • it is easy to install;
  • Such a net is sold in rolls, it is easy to complete and calculate the desired size.
  • The chain-link net is quite resistant to temperature increases, it withstands even very high rates.

Welded steel mesh is used for many purposes. It is of two types:

  • armopoyas;
  • construction consisting of squares.

The diameter of the wire from which the product is made varies in the range of 0.3-0.5 cm. At the intersection of the bars, they are welded to each other for greater reliability.If additional reinforced layers for the floor or walls are created from the reinforcement mesh, the structures with square cells are used for other purposes, which affects their shape and size.

  • For the fencing of the territories where animals will be located, use rolled structures, which must have a clear identical shape of the cells, be equipped with high-strength joints between the rods and have a high resistance to corrosion due to galvanization. The correct geometry of the compartments will help not harm pets and avoid the spread of litter and litter outside the enclosure. Strength is especially important, because among animals there are those who love to somehow influence the fence: butting, kicking, and so on.
  • For fencing suburban areas, stadiums or industrial enterprises use such types of welded mesh, which is sold in layers. The square of the squares is usually 10x15 cm. The design always passes a lot of light, but it is more durable than the chain-link mesh. The fence is equipped with stiffeners, which give it additional strength, clear outlines and provide a higher level of protection of the land plot.
  • Welded technology is carried out in two ways.One of them involves pre-galvanizing. In the process of welding at the joints, galvanization can peel off, which sometimes leads to corrosion in these places. If galvanizing is done after welding, then this fence is more resistant to environmental influences. To ensure greater resistance of structures to impacts, an additional polymer layer is applied. The undoubted advantages of a welded product are its strength and reliability. It will last for a long time, because it is more resistant to deformation, because the design is rigid. The relief of the surface, which put a fence, can be anything.

The fence of this type is equipped with special projections that complicate the penetration of the site. In case of damage to the product, the situation can be easily corrected by replacing the damaged layer with a new one. Welded products are installed as a modular fence in areas around the cottages. The difference of this fence is that it consists of a set of elements. Sections, panels and various fasteners are supplied, which significantly speeds up the installation of the fence.

Plastic The fence consists of interwoven extruded fibers with a polymer compound. It is used for the following purposes:

  • as a garden grille. Such plastic fencing is convenient for separate beds, beds or garden plots.
  • As the main fence of the site. The product often has the same design as the "chain-link", but has its own advantages.
  • As an emergency design, it is convenient to use plastic products coated with a layer of paint that reflects light.

The advantages of plastic mesh fencing are:

  • possibility of installation without additional attributes;
  • extreme ease of construction and ease of carrying;
  • color variety of products;
  • lack of corrosion and, as a result, resistance of polymeric materials to environmental influences;
  • long service life, which often exceeds a decade;
  • if there is a risk of injury when operating the metal structure, the plastic alternative is absolutely safe;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • ease of care. There is no need to cover the structure with a protective layer or enamel.To clean the fence from contamination, you can use ordinary water;
  • polymeric material is non-toxic, therefore does not cause diseases or allergies.

Among the shortcomings can be identified one serious disadvantage. Plastic fences do not provide complete protection against intrusion to the plot of ill-wishers.

They are easily amenable to mechanical stress, while there will be no noise warning of the appearance of robbers, unlike in cases with metal structures. That is why it is recommended to use them not as the main fence, but as a partition on the site.

A separate type of mesh fencing is a corrugated mesh that surpasses all other models in strength. It is made by special weaving of metal rods, which is similar to that used in weaving. Metal rods bend, and after interlacing with each other fix. Their thickness can vary from 0.2 to 0.7 cm. Corrugated design can have different strengths:

  • standard models.
  • Models and partial ribbed. On the wire from which they are made, corrugation is missing.
  • Models with a difficult corrugation.Here the base and the ducks have additional grooved bends.

Raw materials for the manufacture of products with relief can be varied:

  • carbon steel;
  • high alloy steel;
  • low carbon steel.

An unusual option for registration of the site is a gabion mesh. It is a welded or twisted mesh boxes filled with various materials.

Boxes most often have the shape of a rectangle or cylinder, they are sometimes made of reinforcing mesh. The cells can be hexagonal or rectangular. The most popular fillers are stone and wood cuts, but sometimes other building materials are used.

Lightweight metal mesh is used as a temporary fence on the site. The parts of the wire in this construction are connected with the help of a hinge assembly. To make such a mesh durable, cells of unequal size are made. With each row, their size decreases by 5-10 cm, and then becomes larger again. Such grids are convenient to use during construction work, however they are short-lived.


The range of shades in which hedging grids are made is not very wide. For each species, the most popular is a certain range of colors.

  • The grid the Chain-link can have gray color, especially if it is galvanized. If the design is painted, then most often it is green or brown. Sometimes you can see yellow, black or red shades. Color grid requires compliance with the rules of staining, which involve the calculation of the coefficient for painting the grid fence.
  • Welded mesh is most often white or green. There are designs of blue and red tones.
  • Plastic fences are often made orange, light green or yellow. This combination of colors helps to attract attention, and sometimes plays a decorative role.
  • For originality, areas with a grid can be “diluted” with several monolithic blocks with photo printing. Thus, an almost transparent fence combined with bright colors will be an interesting addition to the landscape design of your site.

Which one to choose?

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of material for the fence, you need to take into account a number of additional nuances, as well as consider some types of models from the grid.

  • If there is a vegetable garden on the plot, consider buying a shade net. A shading fence made of synthetic materials will protect your plants from scorching rays and provide the optimal ratio of light and shade. You can select products with varying degrees of ray transmission for more or less dimming.
  • The possibility of self-transporting material to your site. If you have nothing to carry bulky designs, you will need a complete Euro grid. Finished materials in rolls are very easy to transport in a regular car.
  • Choosing a gabion fence, consider the better to fill its box. Design your future fence in advance. So, in the design you can successfully combine two different fillers, for example, stone and board. An interesting design can be created using the filling of rubble.
  • In addition to standard welded fences, there is such a variety as expanded metal mesh. It has diamond-shaped cells and is highly durable.
  • Pay attention to reviews of manufacturers. Among them are companies that, instead of traditional 2D format products, produce welded fences with a 3D effect.


It will take quite a bit of time to mount the fence with your own hands, especially if you have a prefab kit with a grid. Before installation, you must take into account the following features:

  • the place where the fence will be located, and the possibility of its intersection with trees and other obstacles.
  • How even is the relief of your plot, whether there are slopes or rises on it.
  • The required length of the grid.

Grid fence set in several stages:

  • with the help of ropes and pegs, you should mark the areas where the barrier line will pass, if there was no such line before.
  • After creating the markup, supports are installed. At your discretion, they can be made of wood or metal. To install them, you can make single pits, and you can dig trenches. The bottom of the pit is covered with polyethylene so that moisture does not penetrate into the soil after the concrete dries.
  • A layer of rubble is laid, then a dense layer of sand. For best results, it is desirable to make reinforcement.
  • After pouring concrete into the pits, it is left for several days until completely dry.
  • Fastening the grid is carried out in two ways.The quick method is material tension between the pillars. The mesh is connected to the skeleton with a knitting wire. This design may sag over time.
  • In order not to cause the net to sag, galvanized wire is used as an additional support for the fence. It acts as a support for the mesh construction of the fence, not allowing it to deform.
  • A more painstaking method is to place the grid in a frame and then attach the frame to the supporting posts. Sectional fence has a more aesthetic appearance. To put such a fence, you need to additionally buy special corners, fixing the grid and forming sections.

Successful examples

Often the fence on the site is inherent decorative function. Mesh products are no exception. Designers came up with several interesting options for the design of the fence.

  • So that the net fence does not look inconspicuous, it is decorated with a hedge. For this use climbers. Blooming, they significantly diversify and decorate the look of your site.
  • The original design can be created on the sections of the transparent fence using textiles. Small tapes are fixed on the bars and crossed, creating a picture.You can also not cross the ribbon and not pull it through the cells, but simply tie them with knots at the joints.
  • If you create a fence with boxes filled, you can combine boxes of different shapes.

Choosing the grid as a fence and taking into account all the features and types of its installation, you can decorate your garden and bring originality to the landscape design. If you beautifully arrange the fence, then your site will cause admiration from others.

In the video below you will see the installation and installation of the fence from the grid chain-link.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.