Subtleties of installation of a fence from a professional flooring with the base

Decking is an affordable material for various structures, built in the country or in the courtyard of a private house. Roofs, parapets, walls of buildings are sheathed to them, load-bearing structures are being strengthened, various fences are being erected. Budget and reliable fence from a professional sheet can serve for many years, if properly installed. The foundation in this case is a key factor in the reliability of the design. The rest of the construction of the fence is simple, but it requires some effort.

How to build: options for designs and charting

Fences from a professional flooring can be executed in any modifications. Some designs do not include the foundation, but are easy to install and low cost.

Fences from a professional leaf can different types.

  • The fence is a solid type. It differs in that it does not need a foundation, metal pipes sufficiently firmly dug into the ground and the framework welded onto them. The sheets are joined together with an overlap of solid fence, such a fence can reach a height of 3 m (the maximum width of the sheet). Sheets of material are attached to the frame and pillars with the help of special screws, protected by a polymer layer from corrosion.
  • Sectional fence. It differs from the previous variety in the presence of a column foundation, which is poured for each support point, and the pillars, made of brick, shoe block or natural stone. This installation method gives the fence a complete classic look.
  • Modular fencing. It is made of ready-made modules, made in the factory. It is installed quite quickly and relatively simple. The fence has an impressive appearance, compact, fireproof, if necessary, it can be dismantled, moved to another location and installed.
  • Sectional fence on the strip foundation. The concrete base is poured around the perimeter of the entire fence, poles are installed, professional sheet fastened with sections. Such a fence is stable and durable, besides it has an aesthetic appearance.

Drawing up a scheme will greatly simplify the task during construction, as well as reduce the cost of building materials. When planning a sectional fence with a strip foundation, the section width is determined according to the width of 1, 1.5 or 2 professional sheets.

The order of drawing up the drawing includes several parameters.

  • The place where the fence will be erected. This parameter helps to take into account the peculiarities of the relief, the presence of plantations, buildings, driveways and the place of installation of the gate.
  • In case of an uneven section, it is important to place on the drawing the place of the elevation differences of future sections of the fence.
  • Fence dimensions (height and length of sections).
  • Location of supports.

Materials and tools

It is important to prepare everything necessary before construction begins so as not to be distracted during the work and not delay the process.

Materials for the fence of corrugated include several components.

  • Decking. When choosing it is important to pay attention to the metal thickness, wave height, texture, color of the coating, the absence of a capillary groove. When planning the width of sections, it is important to take into account the fact that sheeting has a high level of sail. Different manufacturers have different sizes of corrugated boards, and a galvanized sheet can have a service life of up to 30, and a polymer coated material can have up to 50 years.
  • Support posts. For columns you can use any available material (metal, stone, brick or wood). The most affordable, durable and practical option is metal (pipes). The diameter of the pipes will depend on the possible load. The pipes are used rectangular (60x40x2 mm), square (40x40x2 mm) or round with a diameter of 60–100 mm. But also piles and ready pipes for fences are applied. Ready support for the fence are easy to install professional sheet and durable.
  • Cross bars. For lag square pipes are used (40x40x2 or 20x20x2 mm). Note that the width of the lag should be equal to half the width of the rack. Bars made of wood as a log and racks should not be used, since the wood is able to rot in the places of fastening. Metal corner for the log also should not be used. Due to the small thickness, he is not able to provide the necessary resistance to the wind. Screws with a drill for a gofrolist are not used for drilling material that is thicker than 2.5 mm; therefore, a thick profile is not used as a support and lag when building a fence.
  • Brackets and hardware. These fasteners are used to assemble the frame without welding.But you can also use bolts, screws or rivets. Self-tapping screws for corrugated board are equipped with a gasket made of neoprene rubber, which presses the gofrolist firmly without damaging it. The visible part of the screw has a polymer coating in the color of the material, which protects it from corrosion. When using rivets, it is recommended that edges of holes in corrugated sheets be treated with special paint.
  • Paint for professional flooring. It may be necessary to tint the mechanical damage on the material allowed during installation, as well as for the cut-off points. Paint consumption is small, for small needs one spray will be enough.
  • Plugs for supports. If you do not use ready-made posts for the fence of corrugated flooring, where this element is provided initially, use special plastic plugs for pipes so that moisture does not get inside the support column. Instead of caps, you can use cut plastic bottles.
  • End plate. The covering u-shaped strap is installed on the upper part of the sections and protects the fence from moisture and corrosion, and also gives the fence an aesthetically complete look.When choosing this item, it is worth considering that its edges should be rolled, otherwise the strap will be impractical during operation and may scratch the metal during installation.
  • Cement, gravel, sand. These materials are needed for the foundation or installation of supports.
    • From the tool you will need a plumb, level, if the frame is to be mounted without brackets, then the welding machine and electrodes.
    • Containers for mortar, construction mixer, shovel or drill, as well as boards for formwork.
    • Screwdriver, klepocnik (if necessary), gloves and goggles with a grinder, rope.
    • Primer, anticorrosive solution for metal.

    Foundation options

    There are several types of pouring the foundation for a hedge.

    • Monolithic casting is to install the pillars on the previously laid layers of concrete. This type of foundation is relevant for swampy soils and heavy structures. It can be used for extensions to the house.
    • Post-casting is applied at the place of installation of the fence supports. The columns are driven into the ground and filled with cement mortar.
    • The stone foundation does not go deep into the ground. The foundation is made of massive boulders, reinforcement and cement in the form of a “belt” up to 1 m high.Directly above the base is mounted the fence itself. This type of the base is not used for an easy professional flooring.
    • The ribbon or ribbon-column base surrounds the area along the entire perimeter, goes deeper into the ground by 30-40 cm, and is made from a cement-sand mortar. The difference of the tape-column foundation from the strip is the presence of recesses with supporting pillars.

      The latter type of foundation combined price - quality has no competitors.

      Main unit

      As an example, below will be described detailed instructions for pouring strip footing for the fence of corrugated board.

      Work stages include several successive operations.

      1. Markup. At the site of future supports along the entire perimeter of the section pegs are hammered and a string is drawn. Be sure to fix the rope at all points of the future turn of the fence, as well as at the site of wickets and gates.
      2. A ditch is dug along the marking line. Its depth should not exceed 35 cm. In places where the pillars are installed, the ditch deepens to 90 cm, depending on the soil. The trench width should be at least 40 cm.
      3. Columns and fittings. In the recesses for the supports are installed columns, the height of which, taking into account the underground part, must be at least 2.5 m.The pillars are installed exactly with the help of a level and a plumb line, the hollows are filled with broken brick, gravel and stones. The bottom of the trench is covered with a layer of gravel 5 cm, the reinforcement layer is laid with pins protruding 8 cm above the ground (the fence itself will be attached to them later). It is necessary to reinforce the foundation so that the structure does not crack until soon after the completion of construction work.
      4. The formwork is mounted inside a trench on a gravel bed using boards and fiberboard. Planks should protrude above the ground by 20 cm. The formwork is fixed inside the ditch with rubble and stones.
      5. Concrete Pouring. The mortar for underground casting should consist of cement, sand and gravel. At first this part is poured, after setting the rest of the solution consisting of cement and sand is poured. This method of filling will help avoid the occurrence of internal voids in the base under the fence.

        To properly fill the foundation for the collection of gofrolista, it is important to exactly follow all phases of work and the technology of mixing the solution.

        Mounting frame and construction of the fence

          Between the established columns cross-pieces (in 2 rows) keep within.They can be fixed by welding or screws. If the fence is planned with brick pillars, racks and plinth are laid with bricks. After the framework is completely ready, the dimensions of the spans are re-measured and sheeting is cut. The cuts are treated with sandpaper and then paint. The material is fastened along the corrugations at a distance of 30 cm with self-tapping screws, when tightening which it is important not to pull them. Taking into account temperature fluctuations, as a result of which deformations of the profiled sheet are possible, it is important to leave small gaps for the material to move. This will prevent the destruction of the fence skin.

          At installation of a professional flooring mechanical damages can be formed. To avoid corrosion in these places, damage is degreased with acetone or solvent and coated with an anti-corrosion primer, after which the paint is applied. Installing a fence made of corrugated flooring with a foundation with your own hands is a reliable investment of work and money that will be repaid many times. Compliance with the installation technology and the rules of handling materials guarantees a durable design that can last for more than a dozen years.

          How to make a fence from a professional flooring on the foundation, you will learn in the next video.

          Information provided for reference purposes.For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

          Entrance hall

          Living room
