Features of landscape design area of 30 acres

A plot of 30 acres is considered to be a fairly large area in which you can build the necessary structures in everyday life, implement new landscape design, break up several beds for berries and vegetables, plant a small alley of fruit trees. On the features of the landscape design of such a site and will be discussed in our article.
Preparatory work
The end result of landscape design depends on the thoroughness of the preparatory manipulations. First of all, it is necessary to inspect the terrain, topography, quality of the soil,understand the climate and the position of the site relative to the cardinal points. It happens that for these purposes drainage and the availability of technical documentation is required. After all the information about the territory has been collected, the creation of the plan begins.
The central object should be the house. The remaining structures are grouped around it, depending on their purpose. A gazebo and a barbecue area will be in close proximity to a residential building, a garden area next to an economic building, where the installation of a clothes dryer and garbage cans is foreseen. Playground for sports and children's games should be installed in a shaded place, berries and fruit trees - in the southern part of the site.
The length of each zone depends on the wishes of the owner. If you consider a plot of 30 acres as a country cottage, a place of rest, then you will not need a large vegetable garden with vegetables. If you are an amateur gardener, then some buildings (for example, a pool) can be eliminated by taking more space for flowers and fruit crops.
Green spaces
In order to design a 30 hectare site looked spectacular, fruit trees must be planted to the fore.In the spring, during flowering, they will look very beautiful. In addition, the trees will get the maximum solar heat, which means that the seedlings will grow well and bring a rich harvest.
Vegetable beds are best placed behind the house, in a place invisible from the front of the facade. Berry bushes are recommended to be planted around the perimeter of the garden. So the territory of the long section will be framed.
Among the most popular plants that are planted on the near-house plots there are roses, thujas, cypresses, various varieties of low flowers and bushes, lilies, junipers, Christmas trees, lawn herbs. By the way, according to landscape designers, the lawn should occupy 30% of the entire territory of the site.
Location of objects
If you are not a big fan of the garden, and want to use the territory for recreation, it would be appropriate to place on it the following objects:
- a bathhouse;
- pool (stationary concrete or portable inflatable);
- a gazebo with a hammock;
- sports ground (tennis court);
- barbecue (to this area it is necessary to pave paths, decorate the place of rest with pebbles or tiles);
- workshop;
- economic zone;
- children's playground;
- pond or stream;
- a garage with a carport that protects the car from precipitation and scorching sunlight, unless you drive it into the garage.
Track arrangement
The territory of the site should be not only beautiful, but also functional. To conveniently move around it, you need tracks. They can be made from old trees, pebbles, tiles. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.
The tracks must be winding, scattered throughout the site, but have a common intersection. Then the landscape will play with unusual colors.
The material for the tracks, you can choose the most different:
- concrete (inexpensive and durable, maintenance-free material);
- brick (brick looks very beautiful in red);
- wood (the cheapest, but short-lived coating);
- screenings (the main disadvantage is weeds).
Irrigation system
An important factor in creating a 30 hectare plot design is equipping it with a good irrigation system. The beauty of green spaces and, accordingly, the whole territory depends on the correctness of the installed equipment.To watering numerous flower beds, bush trees, lawns was not exhausting, especially on hot days, it is better to install a stationary irrigation system.
All related accessories (hoses) must be placed along the tracks, so that they are inconspicuous or bury.
On hot days you can use foggers in the gazebo area. They will give coolness.
When the site project is ready, the locations of the objects are known, the types of plants and the places of their planting are selected, you can start choosing decorations for the garden: these can be hedgehogs settled against the background of juniper trees and Christmas trees, a heron standing near a pond or a frog. Specialty stores offer a wide range of similar products.
Decorative figures are quite expensive, so you can try to make jewelry with their own hands. Original will look wattle with old pots of clay on the background of high sunflowers. Alpine slides, flower beds in unusual flowerpots - all this will give the site brightness and uniqueness.
When all planning stages are approved, the smallest details are taken into account, it is necessary to determine the style of the territory design.30 acres is a large area, giving the opportunity to combine different stylistic directions. The most popular style for extended sections is the classic, with its strictly geometric forms. However, it interacts well and is complemented by design in English, Oriental and French style.
As decorative elements can be used:
- small ponds with bridges;
- alpine slides;
- hedges;
- hanging gardens;
- fountains;
- sculptures;
- arches.
Making your own hands
You can create a beautiful landscape design by contacting the services of specialists in this field. They will create an original design of the territory, plant it with exotic plants, equip a pond with ornamental fish and break comfortable paths. However, it is always more interesting to design the view of the future local area itself.
To independently prepare a project for a plot of 30 acres, you must use the free programs for landscape design. Their use is very convenient, because the programs offer ready-made graphic objects, which significantly speeds up the process of their placement and adjustment,according to your needs.
Landscape design is, first of all, great enthusiasm and creative imagination.
About what plants to choose for landscaping your site, you will learn from the following video.