Features of landscape design of a small garden

A small garden is different. It is believed that a small area near the house, planted with trees, is the very garden. Not everything is so simple: it can be broken right in the apartment or on the veranda in several levels.
Do not be upset about the size of the garden, a little less expensive, easier to care for him, and it looks no worse than large expensive landscaping. Even a tiny space can accommodate a large number of trees, bushes and flowers. And if you land them correctly, you can visually expand the territory.
How to organize?
Working on the design of a small garden is more interesting than making out a large area.The fruits of your work can be seen immediately, without waiting for years when the trees grow. And most importantly, it's nice to do it yourself. It is only necessary to take into account some features of the miniature space.
A small garden can be lost on the background of a large house. To avoid this, it is isolated by raising the ground.
A small, well-formed mound around the house reduces the importance of the building and allows the garden to attract attention.
Being engaged in design, it should be remembered that the objects should be comparable to the size of the site. Do not clutter up its large-scale facilities. Paths, swings, benches, terraces are built with a preference for lightweight materials. As a decor it is better to use hedges and shrubs. Deaf fences need to be abandoned, it will cause a feeling of isolation.
It is good to apply the techniques of a wild and neglected garden in a small area. It is the tricks, not the real riot of weed.
An abundance of empty spaces looks bad in small areas, but oversaturation is unacceptable, everything should be planted and harmoniously built.
Selecting vegetation for the garden, you should consider its growth, so it is preferable to plant low-growing trees and small shrubs.Vines do not occupy much space, they are well mastering vertical space, masking walls and fences. It should pick up winter-hardy plants, then it will not come to plant voids after winter.
In the center of the site it is better to place a fresh green lawn, surrounding it with a plant mass. If you plant conifers (juniper, yew), they will make the garden attractive even in winter. Shrubs need to be diluted with flower beds with bright colors.
At the entrance to the house, too, can be broken flower beds. If you make them of different sizes, they will visually create volume. Should take into account the seasonality of plants, they should bloom from early spring to late autumn, replacing each other.
Smooth lines, for example, winding paths, help to expand the space. The same task is solved by compositions of flowers scattered between trees and buildings. If you direct the paths in the bushes, you can create the effect of infinity space.
The garden is well decorated with decorative elements in the form of streams, a small pond, a waterfall or figurines of fairy-tale characters. On the gazebos, the walls of the houses, you can hang out flowerpots with flowers, arrange compositions of stone and wood, any irregularities and randomness will create additional volume.
It is better to plant large bright flowers near the walls of the house and in remote areas, this visually moves the boundaries of the site.
Style selection
Which style is preferred depends on the taste of the host.
- Regular style loves everything in order. The lines along which the flowerbeds are broken must be symmetrical, the paths are straight, all the forms of the beds must be geometrically correct and correspond to the size of the plot. Lawn and bushes must be neatly trimmed.
- Natural style gives you more imagination. Here everything can be uneven and streamlined. No straight lines and clear geometry. You can beat the natural terrain and create different thematic zones.
- Mini-garden in the Japanese style. His principle is big in small. Miniature trees, outwardly similar to centuries-old giants, land on a tiny space, a small body of water imitating the sea, surrounded by rocks-rocks. In such a garden, appropriate figures of pagodas, bridges and Japanese lanterns. Perennial evergreens are selected because the Japanese garden symbolizes eternity.
Rest zone
Care should also be taken of the recreation area.In a small garden a small terrace looks good, it can be used for al fresco dining. The composition of the garden needs to be built so that, sitting on the terrace, the whole surrounding area is pleasing to the eye.
Well arrange a recreation area in the form of a small courtyard. A table with a bench and a small swing will do. Nearby is a pond with a bridge or a waterfall. It is in such a place that integrity with nature is felt.
Vertical compositions
The small garden lacks horizontal surfaces. The way out is simple - you need to master the vertical ones. Stone compositions - alpine hills, will help to direct the garden upwards. They are better placed in the far corner so that you can appreciate the overall picture of the garden.
For vertical compositions suitable multistage flower beds, flower beds of tires, plants on shelves. Arches, fences, garden grills, arbor walls are filled with greenery.
Well master the height of climbers: wild grapes, ivy, hops, clematis.
Planting them, you should consider the condition of the soil, shade and other factors.
With the help of climbing roses, you can decorate the arch above the bench in the recreation area, and, continuing the theme, arrange the finished compositions with roses in containers.
In small areas it is good to use plants in flowerpots.Of these are composed of various multi-tiered compositions, which, if desired, can always be changed. Vases with flowers are well hung on the walls of the house, under the ceiling of the veranda, on the terrace. In such pots, pansies, begonia, petunia, fuchsia, and purslane feel well. You can use and garden plants, having landed various varieties of lettuce, sorrel, or even strawberries.
The trees in the garden can match the taste of the owner, but it should be borne in mind that by planting coniferous vegetation, the garden will look alive during the cold season. This does not mean that in the garden there is only a hodge. You can plant beautiful flowering trees.
Neat, fragile, with a lush juicy crown, trees fit any small area. But lovers of large trees should not change their preferences. You can put such a tree right in the center of the plot and build the whole landscape design, starting from this beautiful giant. Recreation area, located at the trunk, will be covered with a thick shadow, even on the hottest day. With such a powerful accent, the entire small garden looks respectful. Resting in the shade, you can admire the circular layout of the entire garden.
Garden paths
When creating tracks, you can use any material, both ultra-modern and natural (stones, sand, cuts of trees). But for a small plot, how these paths are located in the garden is of great importance. The winding paths bend the space and look longer, the journey along them is longer, from which the garden seems larger.
Where the area is clearly visible, you should make the transverse paths, and let the longitudinal winds between flowerbeds and flowerpots, creating the illusion of a large space. The paths go nowhere mysteriously. For this effect, they should be sent to the dense green.
In order to walk along the crooked paths of a tiny garden it was not possible to fix it entirely, it is necessary to think about distractions. With this task any water surface copes well. She fascinates, fascinates, it is always nice to see her reflection in her. Such a reservoir will take up little space, and the benefits of it are tangible.
You can think of a small pond in two levels, divided by a bridge, or a mini waterfall. As for the near-water area, it is better to sow it with moisture-loving vegetation, lay it out with small pebbles (with large stones, the reservoir will seem even smaller).
So, with the help of little tricks, it is possible in the imagination of a person to make an insignificant territory large and important, by which you can walk for a long time and watch a lot, each time discovering something new. This is the art of designing a mini-garden.
How to plan a small site, you will learn from the following video.