Beautiful elements of landscape design

Competently designed landscape design of the site is the whole art. Before planning the location of flower beds, alpine slides, decorative figures, wooden benches and other elements, it is necessary to understand the style of the house, and how to create a suitable landscape of the local area.

Special features

For the successful implementation of the planned landscape project, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You must clearly represent the work plan before the site is refined and do not change it in order to avoid the layering of different-style decorative elements;
  • take into account the climate zone, humidity indicators, temperature conditions peculiar to the settled territory;
  • carefully consider the role of each element in the overall composition;
  • correlate time, labor and financial costs with the expected end result.

Important points

Before you begin to implement your landscape ideas, you need to think several important points:

  • Idea. If you have not yet decided on what you want to see on your site, set aside landscape works.
  • Color solutions. In order for the garden to delight visitors and owners with its beauty, it is necessary to clearly plan the location of bright and dark plants, as well as bright colors.
  • Composition. To view the garden was complete, it is necessary to determine the center of the composition and supplement it with details (dull and medium-sized) that would not distract attention to themselves.
  • Accents. The central zone should be underlined with the help of decorative elements. This can be a highlighting, color, group of objects. In order to beautifully highlight the central part of the composition, it is better to consult with specialists in landscape design.
  • Shine. Garden lighting is needed not only in the warm season. In winter, against the background of snow, this decorative element will bring a touch of magic to the garden atmosphere.At night, the lights can decorate shrubs, paths, flower beds.
  • Tracks. To consider the garden in all its beauty, you need to think about the system of movement in the territory. When designing the track plan, remember that they must be in harmony with the overall design idea.


Lawn coverings - the most used element of decoration of the local area. Coverage can be created by hand or purchased in a specialty store.

Self-planted lawn (seed) will be the basis for landscape design throughout the site. It can provide the location of fruit trees, shrubs, flower beds, relief features of the tracks.

Lawn with short-haired homogeneous vegetation is called English. It needs to be planted with cereals that will grow well on the same place for decades. Considering the Russian climate, it is worth choosing mixtures that include different kinds of fescue. In order for the lawn to acquire a dense cover and even structure, will take several years.

Lawns can carry out not only decorative, but also sports function.For example, if they are used as a cover for a football field or a tennis court. A good solution would be the location of the lawn in the area of ​​games for children and the installation of the playground.

Sand or gravel should be used as a base for the lawn. They should be planted with fescue, bluegrass and ryegrass. We must not forget to regularly update coverage by sowing.

As for decorative lawns, they are usually divided into three types:

  1. ground floor;
  2. landscape gardening;
  3. meadow

Among these positions, the parterre lawn is the most difficult to design and the most capricious. Formed such a plot of a single-grassed grass: bluegrass, bent, fescue. When forming the ground lawn, it is necessary to take into account that its area cannot exceed the size of the object located on it.

Landscape gardening options look less impressive, but they do not require special care and are able to withstand heavy loads. To create such a lawn it is better to choose ryegrass, bluegrass, comb and fescue, mixed in equal proportions.

Meadow lawns are very beautiful and unpretentious. Before sowing, the area needs to be dug up, removed weeds (dandelions, plantains).Then sow with a mixture of ryegrass, fescue and bluegrass, taken as a base, adding sainfoin and clover.

Those who want to see a riot of bright colors on their local area can be recommended to create a lawn from ground cover flowers and herbs.

Special care and fertilizers this type of lawn does not require. It can be fertilized with humus obtained from autumn leaves.

It is possible to lay a ready rolled lawn. The main thing, so that it is cut no longer than two days before landing. In this case, with engraftment in the new place there will be no problems. Before laying the lawn the soil must be leveled. After laying the lawn is good to water.

Flower beds

Flower beds can be arranged in such a way that flowering is continuous. Among the first spring flowers appear snowdrops, crocuses, tulips, lilies of the valley, Scylla, daffodils. In order for the flowers to be strong, not to die from the severe frosts and gusts of wind, they need to create a hedge of shrubs. Vinca, asters, marigolds and chrysanthemums will delight you from the end of August to frost.

In the center of the garden, you can organize a flower bed, which will delight you for a year.For it you need to pick up beautiful dried flowers: molusell, gypsophila, calceolaria.

Types of flower beds

The flowerbed, which is familiar to us, has a square, round or rectangular shape. It rises above the level of the main plot by 20 cm, it can be equipped with a podium made of stone or brick. The choice of plants that plant a flower garden, remains with the owner. These can be flowers of one type or different types:

  • Among the flowerbeds are very popular rock gardens. They include not only flowers, but also stone decorations. This type of flower garden will look good near the reservoir.
  • In the foreground of the garden area placed ornamental flower beds. Their variety - an arabesque consists not only of plants (mostly low-growing), but also of such natural materials as sand, stone, small pebbles. In the center of the composition, you can install a sculpture or a small fountain.
  • It is accepted to call a live frame for flowerbeds a border. It consists of plants, the buds of which are not voluminous. The main function of the curb is to completely cover the soil.
  • A kind of border can be considered rabatku. Most often, it is placed parallel to the garden paths or around the recreation area. The rabat is formed from high or low flowers. There are also mixed design options.
  • Well on the house garden plots look group and modular flower beds. If the first type of beds does not have a clearly defined shape, then the second has the shape of geometric shapes: a square, a rectangle, a rhombus. Between the sections of the modular beds are laid tracks (trodden in the ground or paved with stone).

If the site has a reservoir, you can create a water flower garden, and next to equip a recreation area with benches and a swing made of wood.

Creative lovers can arrange a flower bed in an old basket or cracked trough.

Alpine hills

Stones of different shapes, colors and sizes will be an excellent decoration of the garden, if they are arranged in harmonious combination with other objects.

Limestone, tuff, slate, sandstone, and granite are most commonly used in the localities. They can be used as decoration of paths, beds, reservoirs or as independent compositions.

There are several types of rock gardens:

  • Architectural - created simultaneously with the construction of the house. It is a multi-level terrace-like composition made of natural stone.Inside the terraces they plant plants that can grow on stony slopes: shrubs, conifers.
  • Landscaping - includes waterfall, flat place, gorge. For naturalness, it is better to have such a hill next to the pond. This type of rock garden requires detailed development and significant material costs.
  • Stony - the most budget option. Outwardly, this rock garden looks like a small hill with stones arranged in random order.
  • Rocky - appropriate if there is a steep hill on the local area. In such rock gardens, the focus is on large boulders, not vegetation.
  • Mountain - the most difficult to create type of alpine slides. The blocks should go into the ground by 30 centimeters (for naturalness), and on a rocky surface a group planting of dwarf plants is necessary.
  • The terraced slope is somewhat similar in appearance to the ruins of an ancient castle. This rock garden can be created on a plot with a steep slope. Terraces - different in height, shape and length.
  • Alpine lawn - the most popular type of rock garden. When creating this type of slides, wild plants are used: edelweiss, creeping willow.
  • Mountain Valley - created from individual flower arrangements, separated from each other by paths and randomly located large boulders, dug a little into the ground.
  • Forest ravine is ideal for a territory with a natural soil slope. Nearby you can create an artificial waterfall.
  • The gorge - will fit well between two slopes, decorated with stone. In places designated for plants, it is better to plant medium-sized crops: a bell, a fern.

Review of landscape design for your own project, see below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.