We make beautiful flower beds of perennials in the country with their own hands

Initially, the flower beds were created not for aesthetic pleasure, but for medicine. When pharmacies and hospitals grew flower beds with medicinal plants, as well as vegetables. And only in the 50s of the 20th century, carpet flower beds became fashionable, which required great efforts to maintain their own beauty.
Today make out beautiful flower beds, not only from annual plants, but also from perennials. How to grow such a flower bed with your own hands so that it pleases with its beauty for more than one year?
Special features
A perennial flower garden is often called a flower bed of continuous flowering,because from early spring to the very snow it pleases with its colorful flowers. A professional gardeners flower bed and blooms in winter. And this is a clear advantage compared to annual flower plants.
There are other positive characteristics and features:
- The main thing is durability. For several years, each plant will grow in such a way that the old bushes can be removed without any serious consequences, and in their place a new shoot will grow next year.
- Simplicity in care: before planting, the soil is well fertilized and breds are introduced (expanded clay, sand), after planting the plants are watered in time and weeds are removed.
- Financial expenses are about 1 thousand rubles per bed for several years ahead. While the seeds or seedlings of annual plants have to buy annually.
- Perennials are considered benign - they do not deplete the earth and do not require regular feeding.
- Such plants are unpretentious - some of them will grow in the sun, the other is suitable for partial shade, the third - for the shade, and the fourth will quietly grow with any amount of sun.
- To create such a flower bed there is no need to invite a landscape designer every year.
Even if the flower garden was originally created with its help, then the next year the flower bed only needs to be slightly updated. And this can be done by hand.
How to do?
To break a flower bed, which will please several years, you need to think about the idea of a flower garden before the season begins. To bring it to life, do not hesitate to ask for help from experts or neighbors. The next step to translate the idea is to create a plan.
It may consist of several points:
- Come up with a name, in accordance with the idea.
- Choose a place for a flower bed.
- Think of his form.
- Present a figurative layout.
- Create a planting scheme (it is better if it is colored, volumetric, very detailed, drawn from several angles, indicating the time of flowering of plants), taking into account light and shade.
- Choose plants in such a way that the flowerbed blossoms continuously and includes low-growing plants and flowers with a long stem.
- Pay attention to the soil: fertilizer and baking powder.
- Make a border flower garden: live or artificial.
- To carry out pre-planting work: loosening and watering.
- Planting flowers, not forgetting that over time they will grow (which means that now they need to be planted at a considerable distance from each other).
- Regularly photograph your flower garden to avoid mistakes when making other flower beds, as well as to preserve this beauty in memory.
When selecting plants, you need to remember that for one square meter they use:
- about 10 ground cover flowers;
- no more than 7 undersized;
- plants of medium height - 5;
- plants on a high leg - no more than 7.
According to the planting density of plants, there are several types of flowerbeds:
- Tapeworms - Lonely planted plant (flower or bush), having large flowers, large leaves; they should be well viewed; more often it is rose, mallow, amorph.
- Rabatki - narrow flower strips stretching along the fence, house walls, paths; 2-3 plants of different heights and colors are planted for beauty.
- Curbs - this is a kind of flower edging flower beds; Borders are always short and monochromatic, with the color chosen contrasting with the flowerbed; In addition, you can choose plants with a strong aroma that will smell sweet in the summer evenings in the garden.
- Parterres - flower beds that need space, as they include several elements: lawn, rabatku, border.
- Mixborders popular with non-professional gardeners, as they plant plants of different flowering and color periods; such a flower bed blooms from early spring to the most frost.
- Arrays because they are called that they occupy a large area; this includes plants that do not require close attention to themselves, and this attracts amateur gardeners.
- Groups - flower beds of any usually smooth shape; their main difference is bright spots in the middle of a lawn or playground.
- Arabesque are made using colored stones and pebbles, the location is horizontal and inclined.
- FlowerpotsFor example, gabion is a mesh used as a metal frame-basket for stones.
- Rockery or rock garden - imitation of mountainous terrain.
No matter how wonderful the flowers themselves, they need to be beautifully decorated. After all, flowerbeds can be very diverse. And if professionals use special devices and structures, then amateurs use the material at hand: pieces of bricks, tires, old basins and watering cans, old shoes, boxes, dishes, cobblestones, pieces of metal, canvas.
Roofing material, polyethylene, cement mortar may also be useful. The main thing is the soil, sand, expanded clay.
A place
Before choosing a place for a flower bed you need to consider the following points:
- will it not interfere with the passage;
- well whether it will be visible;
- is there enough sunshine?
- which form is best suited to selected plants;
- what function should perform flower garden;
- when the peak of flowering will be observed.
Based on this, and also, depending on the available space, choose the following places for flowerbeds:
- along the track or at the end of it;
- along the fence;
- in front of the house on the background of buildings;
- on the border of two functional areas, for example, recreation areas and vegetable gardens;
- on an artificial or natural slope;
- on the stairs;
- on lawns;
- in the case of vertical or raised beds places can be very different.
Flower arrangement in its size should be strictly proportional to the area of the site: a small area - a small flower bed, a large area - a large flower garden or several flower beds.
Flowerbeds can be completely different sizes: from 0.75 m (tapeworm) to 20 m in diameter at the arrays. But usually round flowerbeds have a diameter of 4-6 m. Workings can have a length of several hundred meters. According to the technology, the ground is always made convex, the slope is 5-10 degrees. This is done to drain water and a better view of flowers.
The greatest is the height of the plants in the 50-80 cm.But this is if no shrubs are used. When using, for example, evergreen thuja, as the main plant of the flower garden, the height will be much greater. Above the lawn curb flowers towering 8-10 cm.
At the idea stage, you need to think carefully about the color scheme that you would like to see in a flower bed. The color combination can be the most diverse.
The principle of creation is the following:
- Monochrome flowerbed - one shade, but different height of plants; The white flowerbed enjoys a special chic - it looks very gently, both vertical and soliter.
- Contrast allows for a color burst.
- From plants of similar shades - a smooth transition, for example, from red to yellow or from lilac to pink.
- Neutral colors - soothing look, for example, green rose bushes with white flowers.
Flower beds are planted for visual rest or emotional outburst.
Psychologists and florists offer tips on placing and combining flowers in a flowerbed:
- for peace of mind, choose either warm or cool colors; for an emotional explosion - contrasting colors;
- smooth leaves of plants reflect color, dull absorb;
- for a visual increase in a bed minimize the number of colors and their contrast;
- In order to visually enlarge a flower bed located along a fence or a building, tall blue flowers are planted in the background, and undersized yellow flowers in the front;
- bright colors in the foreground, so in the background - calm;
- several beds, united in one flower bed, should be formed as follows: the background is calm, bright colors - in small groups;
- in a large area it is allowed to create one flower bed with bright plants;
- if there is a bright alpha plant in the flower bed, the rest of the flowers should be its pale shadow;
- before planting, it is better to draw in color the area that a particular color will occupy: a small red spot among blue colors is appropriate, a large one is annoying;
- the villager prefers bright colors, the urban - pastel shades: you need to take into account the location of the flower garden, not only its urbanization, but also the climate zone.
The form
Since perennials will grow for several years in the same place, you must carefully consider the shape of the flower bed.At the same time, it should be in harmony with the nearby buildings: a house, a gazebo, a walkway, a fence.
Modern design is increasingly departing from the usual forms, however, everything is based on them:
- a round or oval flower bed can accommodate a tree species or a shrub in the center, and herbaceous plants along a circle; flowers are planted in such a way as to create a continuous flowering from the edge of the circle to the center;
- a rectangular flowerbed is decorated with patterns and ornaments from the plants themselves;
- square or rhombus is suitable for vivid paintings, portraits, drawings of animals, etc .;
- the use of triangular flowerbeds requires certain skills: individual triangles harmoniously look at the site of precise geometry, in other cases the triangular flowerbed should become part of a polygonal flower garden;
- long flower beds - rabatki may or may not be symmetrical, but they are located along the paths or parallel to them.
Flower bed design
There are many options for design solutions design flower beds. You can always think of your own version. But for a start we suggest to get acquainted with the existing designs of flowerbeds.
So, according to the design idea of the bed is:
- Regular - This is a flower garden, which is a clear geometric shape or ornament. This flower bed is very similar to the carpet, but it differs precisely in geometric pattern.
When creating such a flower bed you need to consider the following conditions:
- plants should not be in the shade at all;
- they should not be planted singly, but rather tightly;
- for such a flower bed is better suited not orderly, but a group method of planting;
- flowers should be the same height, time and timing of flowering;
- after planting, several plants should remain in case of replacement of wilted flowers;
- such flower beds consist of perennials and annuals; if desired, they can be decorated with perennial roses, peonies, host, and onion tulips, crocuses, lilies, daffodils, gladioli;
- regular flowerbed is not the easiest to care for; beginners should use other types of flower gardens.
- Irregular - more simple to create a flower garden, consisting of annual and perennial plants, as well as ornamental shrubs, conifers and lianas. Perennial flowers or shrubs can be a major element. And every year around them you can sit down annuals.With proper organization, you can create a bed of continuous flowering, when the plants will bloom alternately.
For this fit perennial peonies, delphinium, phlox, rose bushes, drought-resistant allium. You can supplement them with a lion's pharynx, asters, balsams. Beautiful framing is obtained from marigolds.
- Carpet is the most time consuming. In addition to significant material costs, it will require artistic taste and knowledge of floristics. Flowers for such beds are selected with good bushiness, single-level height, but different colors. Carpet flower garden is a drawing, and not necessarily the usual carpet: it can be a cartoon character, animalism, portrait. This is how it differs from a regular flower bed.
- Elevated most commonly found in cities. But amateur gardeners also make out such flower beds from improvised material and even old carts and cars. The earth in such structures warms up faster, but it should be watered more often. But here Alpines and dwarf trees look good.
- Vertical - This is a flower bed or several mini-beds, located at a height of the ground.When creating such a flower bed should be provided for water flow.
- Multidimensional - A more complex version of a vertical flower bed. This volume flower garden in the form of a specific animated image or piece of furniture. But it can be a whole landscape composition with mountains, hills and ponds. The main thing is to think of watering such a "skater" horse or gnome.
- Ring A flower bed is created to frame a tree, a monument, a raised flower bed. The rule of planting plants in a flower garden: from the high center to the low edge. At the same time, you can create several multicolored rings. If you put an unpretentious purslank here, then it will withstand the hot sun, and half-shade, and light frost.
- Island The composition may consist of a large stone and several perennial bushes. A distinctive feature is a small flowerbed on a large, colorless space. The main care is to timely mow the grass around the flowerbed so that it does not fill the flower garden.
- Flower beds require quite a lot of space and therefore will not fit every garden plot. In addition, it is a complex composition that requires the skills of floristics.But if it is possible to create such a panel from perennial (together with annual) flowers, this will be a real decoration of the garden plot.
- Modular flowerbed is being constructed instead of several paving slabs. This option can be foreseen before installing the coating. The flower garden is extraordinarily beautiful and original. On a small plot, the “boxed” module will spread the space and correct its shape. If it is impossible to remove the tile from the paving, a false module is made: several containers with earth and plants are installed in the right places and framed with stone or vibrating tile.
- Monoclumba - the simplest design solution, there may be two options:
- plants are different in appearance but identical in color;
- plants of the same species, but of different color and flowering time (the rose garden is a typical monocolon).
Required tools
Depending on the type of flower bed, you may need different tools for its production. The main ones will be:
- hammer;
- ax;
- hacksaw;
- Master OK;
- scissors;
- plastic borders;
- level.
To work on the creation and care of the flower bed at hand should always be:
- shovel;
- shovel (scoop) for planting plants;
- rake;
- rake for garbage collection between perennials;
- hoe or weed;
- watering can;
- cultivator for soil preparation and loosening;
- gloves.
Professional Tips
For beginning gardeners, florist professionals and experienced gardeners prepared some tips:
- you should not start with complex design solutions, but you should not be afraid to invent your own flowerbeds;
- for starters, multi-level perennials are best placed in long rows;
- proper selection of plants will provide wave flowering for the entire season;
- except flowers, be sure to include plants with beautiful multicolor foliage;
- low and medium-sized plants need to plant at least two, giving them the opportunity to grow;
- if there are concerns in the wrong selection of plants, it is better to make 2-3 beds with different variants of flowers;
- if you do not like the result, you can remove the plant and plant another for the next year.
Not all gardeners have the desire to spend all their free time in the beds and in flower beds. Then the bed for the lazy will come to the rescue. In stores you can buy seeds for ready-made schemes. The price of a set is about a thousand rubles.
The main thing is that such a project provides for continuous flowering throughout the season and does not require much care.
Modern examples and options
For the design of beautiful flower gardens in the country with their own hands will help knowledge of the flowering time of various plants. Such information will help you choose the right options for making a flower bed, and make the flower garden beautiful. At the same time, modern florists use both annual and perennial plants to create a flower bed of continuous flowering.
So, starting in early spring, bloom:
- black hellebore (20-30 cm tall, white flowers);
- snowdrop (10-40 cm, white inflorescences);
- evergreen grains (10-20 cm, with yellow flowers);
- scilla (10-25 cm, shades of blue);
- Crocus (15-25 cm, with white, yellow, purple flowers);
- peony (up to 100 cm, a lot of shades);
A little later, daffodils, different varieties of tulips, and lilies begin to bloom. Earlier flowers are planted closer to the center.
From June to September bloom:
- pansies (10-30 cm, with multi-colored double flowers);
- garden geraniums (25-55 cm, all shades of red and purple);
- bell peach (60-80 cm, with blue flowers);
- Krasnodnev (45-120 cm, many shades);
- Chinese bath (60-90 cm, orange petals);
- primroses (10-80 cm with a large color variety);
- rose (from 30 cm to 6 m, the most different colors);
- yarrow (40-60 cm, white, purple, red, yellow flowers);
- phlox (50-150 cm, from white to lilac color).
From late August to the very first frost bloom:
- asters (20-45 cm, from white to purple);
- aconite Karmichel (90-150 cm, blue-violet flowers);
- chrysanthemums (30-120 cm, a large number of shades);
- Rudbeckia Sullivant (80-100 cm, flowers with yellow-orange petals).
Using the schemes given by us, you can create your ideal flower bed, which will delight everyone with beauty for a long time. And although each has its own concept of an ideal, florists offer the most spectacular and original examples of the correct or unusual arrangement of plants in a flower bed and in a flower garden.
On how to make a beautiful flower bed in the country with their own hands, see the following video.