Features of the design of flower beds and flowerbeds of continuous flowering with their own hands

Beautiful backyard territory - the pride of the owners. In many ways, it makes it thoughtful landscaping - an integral part of landscape design. The garden is dominated by trees, shrubs and, of course, flowers. It is these charming, wonderfully harmonious creatures of nature that give us a sea of aesthetic pleasure and positive emotions.
When creating flower arrangements - flowerbeds and flower beds, it is important not only to think about their shape, size and color solution, but also to correctly select green “pets” for planting.Especially if you need to get from a bed of highly decorative appearance and uninterrupted flowering from the beginning of the spring season and until the first frosts hit. How to do this will be discussed in our article.
Special features
The organization of an ever-flowering flowerbed, which will maintain decorativeness regardless of the season, is not an easy task.
Planning such a flower garden implies the fulfillment of several conditions at once:
- Allocation of a spacious landing area. Imitation of continuous flowering is based on the constant change of some plants by others. A similar result is achieved due to the combination of multiple cultures with different phases of flowering. In a limited area so many colors can not be placed.
- Creating a solid composition with large color spots. Planting single instances is unacceptable, because the designated decorative effect is provided by islands of “uniform” colors. Here you also need a flower garden with a vast area. The composition with the chaotic flowering of individual plants looks fragmented, introducing an imbalance in the overall design of the garden.
- The formation of large groups of plants on the principle of similar phases of flowering, and not the distribution of crops throughout the flower garden.The explanation for this requirement is still the same: because of the scattered small accents, the flower arrangement no longer looks complete, disrupting the harmony at the dacha. The verified variability of the flower bed is achieved thanks to the alternately solo seasonal groups.
- Breakdown of the irregular flower garden with a free fit: this is how the club will look as natural as possible. If the design of the backyard territory is kept in a strict style, then this condition is problematic. In this case, a more acceptable option would be the breakdown of several flowerbeds of seasonal flowering, and not the integration of an all-season flower garden into the design of the plot that is not suitable for the style.
Advantages of continuous flowering beds of perennial plants:
- They are durable. Updating such a flower bed is required every 6-7 years.
- Easy to maintain. Care is reduced to spring cleaning, summer watering and weeding.
- Economical. Buying perennial plants is a one-time action; only bulbs of annual crops will need to be purchased annually.
- Unpretentious in terms of space for planting - perennials will be equally pleased with the sunny side of the site, shade and penumbra.The limited access of the sun does not affect their decorativeness.
- Eliminate problems with soil depletion.
The breakdown of the all-season flowerbed is a great chance to try yourself as a landscape designer.
Color classification
Perennial flowering garden crops throughout the summer are stunted, reaching a maximum of 0.4 m in height, medium growths up to 0.5-0.8 m and tall ones more than a meter, to which various species of climbers are also counted.
They are ideally suited for decoration of borders or stony gardens, as during growth they densely cover the ground like a colored carpet. The names of low perennial flowers on hearing all gardeners. We are talking about pansies, periwinkles, phloxes, saxifrage, cornflowers, euphorbia, nivyanik (daisies), aster Alpine, large-flowered flax, dwarf asters. Among ground cover varieties, Balkan geranium, Primorye and dwarf lobularia are only 15 cm high, used by gardeners.
Medium tall
They are planted both individually and used for filling flower beds and flower beds. With the help of medium-sized crops, it is convenient to form longline island compositions, classic mono-compositions and create picturesque fences.This group includes daylilies, peonies, roses, yarrow, pink radioli, panicled phloxes, carnations.
Without them, the creation of luxurious island flower beds is rarely worth it. Tall flowers form harmonious combinations with a variety of flowers, including undersized counterparts. This category includes mallow (stock-rose), basilisks, winding sunflowers, rudbeckia, delphiniums, echinacea and many other plants.
For full-fledged development, perennial perennials require supports, which they wrap around in picturesque mustaches. Loaches are indispensable for decorating arbors, terraces, arches, walls of buildings and the formation of hedges.
Dwarf yearlings
Low-growing species of annuals characterizes a height of about 30 cm, which allows them to be used as ground cover varieties for effectively filling the gaps between members of the Rosaceae family, as an addition to ornamental shrubs or lawn grass.
The most popular types of stunted annuals are:
- Iberis, nemofily, night violets that dilute flower beds.
- Ageratum - looks great in rock gardens and rockeries.
- Daisy - from these flowers form the borders, curtains, rabatki and frame them garden paths.
- Dwarf aster and marigold are versatile, allowing you to ennorate homestead territory quickly and with minimal cost.
When making flowerbeds of continuous flowering, one should not neglect the ornamental deciduous crops and cereals, the main advantage of which is a stable decorative effect.
Compared with stunted trees, ornamental shrubs tend to grow much more intensively, while possessing high viability.
Proper design
Flower beds with continuous flowering form of perennials, annuals and biennials. Although in terms of practicality it is much more profitable to fill a flower bed with perennial crops, complementing them each year with fresh annual plants with a long flowering period.
Choosing garden cultures, are guided:
- Type of flower bed.
- Decorative characteristics - height, shape, color of inflorescences and foliage, blooming time.
- Environmental requirements varieties.
The creation of plant compositions is based on several principles:
- Combine crops that have identical or similar requirements for the composition and condition of the soil, the light regime, the schedule of feeding and irrigation.
- Arrange flowers, taking into account the color scheme and combine plants with contrasting colors or complementary colors.
- Combine plants with the size and intensity of development. If cultures are prone to active growth, then measures must be taken to curb their growth.
Mixed flower bed with continuous flowering is filled with perennials, biennial crops and perennials to achieve the appearance of the first flowers with the onset of snow melting.
Popular flower cultures for the device of mixed season flower beds:
- Spring composition. For its creation, preference is given to bulbous crocuses, daffodils, iridodictiums, muscari, chionodoksam, proleskam. Of the perennial ones - erantizas, liverwort, marigolds, crested hens, anemones, brunners, and among biennial cultures - viols, daisies, pansies.
- Summer flower garden. It is most often filled with such perennials as astilbe, phlox, garden geraniums, delphiniums, lupins, cornfinches, rookeas, lilies, and sundecks.Bright annuals - alissum, lobelia, zinnia, tagges, magnificently blooming antirrinum, various varieties of petunias, escholzia. As spectacular vertical accents use sunflower or amaranths. Of the biennials interesting bells, carnations, violets, daisies, foxglove. Among tall - stock roses.
- Autumn flower bed. In order for it to bloom throughout autumn, preference should be given to annual or perennial late asters, as well as to the queens of the autumn composition - chrysanthemums. From tall - stonecrop prominent, geleniumu, autumn crocus. Decorative cabbage is an ideal option for creating the original curb part of the autumn composition. Under the influence of frosts, cabbage leaves acquire a brighter contrasting color.
It is possible to plant only perennial plants in a flower bed of continuous flowering, which are valued by growers for their decorative and unpretentious care. To make a flowerbed of perennials, you need to pick up 6-8 varieties of perennial crops with different terms of opening buds.
Taking into account that the average duration of flowering of perennials is a month, the flowerbed will constantly delight with the pomp of flowering of one species and one or two more blossoming varieties.
If you supplement them with decorative leafy plants and perennials with repeated flowering, you get a very picturesque mix. The main thing is to choose plants with a beautiful texture.
In the first half of May, you can enjoy the splendor of mauve inflorescences of Badana, a little later - multi-colored primroses, and starting from the second half - the brightness of colors of killer irons with white, violet, blue, yellow color and aquilegia. In June-July, cornflowers, delphinium, daylily blossom.
From August they will begin to solo astilbe, easily recognizable by the panicles of inflorescences glowing with all shades of red, then various varieties of monard and phloxes with an enchanting aroma. The end of the season will be marked by the flowering of goldenrods with bright yellow color and asters.
Knowing that when making a choice in favor of heat-loving one-year-olds, one can only count on a three-month flowering-fragrant tale. Since the birthplace of most annual plants is subtropics or tropics, it is important to take care of the seedlings in advance. At the end of winter they plant petunias, in the beginning of spring they sow the seeds of viola, asters, chrysanthemums, dahlia, levka, cornflowers, alissum, lobelia, and lion's pharynx, and in the middle of spring they are engaged in marigolds, nasturtiums, and cosmes.
Thus, there is an opportunity for uninterrupted supply of a flower garden with a variety of flowering crops, regardless of their seasonality. For example, the viola and petunias blooming, sown on seedlings in winter, may come in May or September. Although among the annuals, of course, a lot of seasonal plants.
The standard scheme of registration of a round flower bed of undersized flowering annuals:
- In the first weeks of April, the central part of the flower bed is filled with seedlings of ageratums: this is how the floral arrangement will turn out with a lush middle.
- For framing ageratum use white-flowered or red flax, sown for seedlings in April.
- Lyon is surrounded by seedlings of colorful dwarf asters sown in May. They will delight flowering until October.
- Making curbing obrietami two types: with lush and small flowers - the most advantageous solution edging a round flower bed.
Experienced flower growers agree that flax, cornflowers and asters are particularly sophisticated. The combination of undersized perennials with perennials allows you to maximize the attractiveness of the flower garden.
How to plant?
Organize a flower bed or flower bed with your own hands at a dacha under the force of even those who have just begun to comprehend the basics of the art of landscape design, if you take the matter with full responsibility. At the initial stage, garden crops are selected according to the time of planting, and thus a list is compiled, which includes spring, summer, and autumn varieties.
Proper device flower garden also involves the definition and study of the place for planting: you need to analyze the soil, light in some parts of the flower beds and find out if there is any bias. This is necessary for the proper placement of crops, taking into account the requirements of green pets to the light and humidity regimes, the composition and condition of the soil.
To avoid mistakes when disembarking, a scheme is drawn in advance with the compositional arrangement of selected plants in certain places according to the criteria outlined earlier:
- Requirements for agricultural engineering. The plan should have a clear distribution of shady, shaded and well-lit areas for planting.
- Decorative effect: some cultures will form the constructive basis of the flower garden, others - coniferous, deciduous shrubs and perennials, to act as a spectacular frame of flowering neighbors.
- The size.If the club is adjacent to the fence or the house, then large plants are planted in the background, and middle-class varieties and miniature ground cover give places in the front rows. When the flower garden (round, oval) is placed in the middle of the house territory, then its center can be decorated with tall plants. Narrow-leaved flowers and cereals alternate with broadleaf.
- Seasonality of flowering. In this case, it is convenient to navigate according to the schedule of flowering and fading of summer, spring, autumn plants selected for planting. Each time period should correspond to flowering periods of at least 3-4 flowers.
- Coloring. When choosing a color solution, flowerbeds are guided by personal preferences, while not forgetting the general rules of combinatorics of colors - either as a supplement or for contrast.
The final stage is the preparation of the soil for planting: the introduction of fertilizer mixtures and baking powder - expanded clay, crushed bricks, river sand. The growth of actively growing varieties is limited with the help of plastic fences, which are recessed into the ground near the landing site of aggressive green pets.
And in the next video you can see the main mistakes in the design of flower beds.
The fact that for the full growth and development of any planting at the dacha requires comprehensive care, involving systematic weeding, irrigation, fertilizing, loosening, is well known to any grower. Regarding the flowerbeds of continuous flowering, the same well-known rules apply and additional techniques are used to preserve their attractiveness.
What do we have to do:
- Remove faded buds to prolong flowering.
- Pinch the tops - it stimulates the growth of flowers and activates lateral shoots.
- In time to plant annual plants to fill the bald spots formed by faded cultures. It is convenient to decorate emptiness with the help of portable flowerpots planted with annuals.
- Do not forget to thin out, cut and divide the flowers, thereby preventing the displacement of weak plants by stronger competitors.
Beautiful examples of landscape design
- Flowerbeds and flower beds of continuous flowering can not only decorate the backyard territory, but also give it a bright personality.
- Monochrome flowerbeds are a clear proof that their creator perfectly mastered the art of managing the kaleidoscope of colors created by excellent representatives of the kingdom of flora.
- Orange-yellow flower beds will give a sunny mood, regardless of the weather, thanks to crocuses, daffodils, tulips of the corresponding shade, calendula, lilies, evening primrose, gelation, marigolds, nasturtiums.
- Flowerbeds filled with kandyk, crocuses, junks, delphinium, monard, cornflowers, phloxes of pink, blue and lilac shades look unusually fresh and romantic.
- Laconic white beds of daffodils, lilies, nivyanik, pearl oyster, mallow, lavender, phlox, lilies of the valley, echinacea of snow-white colors give the garden a delicate, airy look.
- The current trend of the last decades is flowerbeds in blue. In this case, flower growers seek help from the forget-me-nots, liver, scilla, carpet umbilical, brunner, mouse hyacinth.
- Ground cover varieties can not only create stunning beauty carpet beds, but also arrange themed flower gardens. Due to the bright dwarf flowers on the site may appear luxurious blooming butterfly.
- The result of using foreign objects in decorating the suburban area is always interesting: garden car, worn tires, rotten trunks as designer flower pots, stones for alpine slides and decorative figures.