What wax to choose for a laminate?
To date, the market offers a wide range of different flooring options, however, the most popular, of course, enjoys laminate flooring. And this is not surprising, since this type of finish has a very beautiful and attractive appearance, the installation of the coating is quite simple, this material is very durable and serves its owners for a long time.
However, in order for the laminate to retain its original appearance and all its qualities for as long as possible, it is necessary to properly care for it. One of the main means to care for laminate is wax.
This tool is considered indispensable to protect the coating from various scratches and damages: from pet's claws, furniture and other traces of operation.In addition, the wax also helps to eliminate the damage that has already appeared on the coating.
Laminate is an artificial material for covering the floor, however, for it, just as for the restoration of wooden parquet, the use of soft or liquid wax is required.
One of the purposes of gel wax for laminate is to treat joints. The seams between the lamellae are a vulnerable point, since moisture can penetrate through them. Wetting can occur both from the outside (while washing floors or spilling liquid on the floor) or from the inside - in the form of condensate.
Laminate boards have a special protective water-repellent layer, which does not let the liquid through, but the joints do not have such protection. That is why it is very important during the laying of laminate to miss the seams with liquid wax, which will act as a sealant.
Processing locks and joints with wax paste will also help to avoid such problems as:
- creaking sounds of cover;
- the inconvenience of laying laminate;
- deformation of the coating under high loads.
The second important wax purpose is the restoration of the laminate coating. Unfortunately, even the most expensive and high-quality laminate over time begins to be damaged by various mechanical effects: scratches from the heels and claws of pets, furniture movement, and the fall of heavy or sharp objects on the floor.
It is possible to get rid of such defects, for this it is necessary to use soft wax. On sale this tool is presented in the format of a wax pencil and wax chalk. You can find products of various colors on the market, which makes it easy to choose a wax crayon that perfectly matches the color of your laminate coating.
With the help of soft wax crayons and crayons, it is possible to make various damages to the laminate almost imperceptible, which makes it possible to prolong the life of the floor covering.
Another advantage of using these products is to protect damaged areas from moisture, which can get through various scratches on the lamellae into the material and gradually destroy it.
This tool has a number of advantages:
- Ease and ease of use - you can make the restoration of the laminate using a wax pencildo it yourself
- Affordable cost.
- Compact size and easy storage.
- Long service life.
- Large selection of different shades.
- This tool is reusable.
- When working with a pencil is not required to use any auxiliary tools.
To wax the laminate completely, like wooden parquet is not necessary, because it will not bring any benefit, and may even adversely affect the service life of the material.
Keep in mind that soft wax is only suitable for sealing up small damage to the laminate.
How to use?
It is also very important to figure out how to properly use each of the products - liquid, soft and hard wax, so let’s dwell on this issue in more detail.
After the installation of the laminate coating is complete, you will need to perform the following steps:
- Thoroughly clean the floor from all dirt.
- Liquid wax should be applied in the area of the lamella joints with a thin spatula.
- After that, the coating must be polished, for this you can use any soft cloth.
- Make sure that there are no impregnation marks on the surface of the coating; it should only be in the joints.
- When the work is finished, you need to wait three hours and then polish the floor again.
- Ideally, it is required that after this procedure no one would walk on the laminate during the day, during which time a protective film would form on it.
Another important recommendation is to use a respirator while working with wax, since the liquid means used to treat the joints may release some harmful substances into the air. However, after complete drying of the product, it becomes completely safe. Therefore, after work, it is necessary to properly ventilate the room, and also to wait for the complete drying of the liquid wax.
It is best to store the cloths with which to polish the coating in a container with water.
Very often on sale you can find wax for laminate and in solid form. It is also used to perform the restoration of various damages on the laminate coating.
In order to eliminate various scratches on the laminate with hard wax, you need:
- Preheat hard wax.
- Heated means pour in scratches and cracks in the coating.
- Wait until the product is completely dry.
- Remove excess wax with a knife.
- It is also desirable to cover the area restored with hard wax with a protective varnish.
Wax pencil
Wax pencils can be purchased at hardware and hardware stores. If laminate is used as floor covering in your apartment, then this tool should always be kept at hand, since it is best to repair the damage with its help as soon as they are noticed.
The color of the pencil should be chosen according to the color of your laminate coating.
The procedure should be as follows:
- The first thing thoroughly launder the laminate, and also give it to dry completely.
- Using a wax pencil, carefully paint over the scratches: use the tool in the same way as the most ordinary pencil.
- If the laminate was damaged badly enough, and the scratch turned out to be deep, then applying the wax grout will need to be repeated several times until the wax fills the entire scratch. Before you apply a new layer of funds, you must wait until the previous one is completely dry.
- After painting the damage with a wax pencil, you need to wait until the product is completely dry, then polish the floors with a soft cloth.
On the Internet you can find reviews of people about various wax products for laminate. We advise you to read the reviews before buying any product. All users write that the occurrence of damage on the laminate is inevitable.
Over time, scratches appear on the coating, especially in the kitchen. Therefore, you still have to resort to methods of restoration with wax.
Most people in such situations make a choice in favor of wax pencils and write that this tool is the most versatile and very convenient to use. And according to the experience of many people, after using a wax pencil, the floor can be easily washed even with the use of detergents - the wax does not rub off and does not tarnish.
Buyers write that they could easily pick up the color of the pencil under the shade of the laminate, there are a huge number of different shades for sale - walnut, mahogany, oak, wenge and many others.Among other advantages, users distinguish economical expenditure of funds, as well as its low cost.
As you can see, care for laminate with wax will not require much effort from you. The most important thing is to choose a suitable tool and apply it correctly. In this case, the laminate will not be terrible minor damage, and it will serve you for many years.
For more details on how to remove scratches from the laminate with wax, see the following video.