Alcohol stain: types and advantages of using the composition

Alcohol stain for wood allows you to protect the material from excessive moisture, to prevent the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, as well as to give the product a beautiful intense color. Stain will update the wooden surfaces and give the whole room a new look.
The principle of the substance
Colored or transparent stain on alcohol penetrates deep into the wood structure and creates a special film on the inside and outside of the product.
Due to this wood fibers are lifted and the structure of the material becomes prominent.
Special features
Alcohol stain can be obtained if diluted aniline dye in denatured alcohol. The substance can be purchased in the form of powder or already prepared mixture.
The main advantage of alcohol stains is fast drying time. applied to the wood surface layer. But this property can be attributed to the shortcomings of a substance based on alcohol.
In order for the surface to evenly absorb the applied tone, it is necessary to use an airbrush, otherwise (with the manual tinting method) oily spots appear on the surface.
Color spectrum
In order to maximally reveal the structure of the tree or to “age out” it, the surface can be treated with liquids of different color. Diluting several varieties of stains, you can get the colors "oak oak" or "bleached oak."
Before applying alcohol stains to the surface, you need to try it on a small area of the board. This is how you can decide on the desired tone and number of applied layers.
It must be borne in mind that hardwoods absorb wood stain well, and coniferous, because of the presence of large amounts of resin in them, are worse.
Application Methods
Before choosing a tool for applying a substance to a tree, It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:
- The choice of tools depends on the metric area of the treated surface. For small areas suitable brush or foam swab. For larger surfaces it is better to use a pneumatic spray. Using a spray bottle reduces the likelihood of oil stains and smudges.
- In order for the color of the tree to become saturated, it is necessary to apply a few words to the toning agent. The second and subsequent layers can be applied only after the final drying of the previous ones. The same rule applies to the finishing layer.
- It is necessary to paint the surface on wood fibers. Thanks to this, you can emphasize the picture, avoid smudges and reduce the consumption of stain.
- Stain should be the right consistency.
- Lacquer coating does not need to be applied twice to the same place, then too dark areas can be avoided.
- Alcohol stain must take a maximum of 3 hours to dry.
- The rules for applying the substance in the exterior and interior are the same.
There are three companies among the most popular manufacturers of alcohol-based stain; products which please customers with price-quality ratio:
- Novbythim;
- Anles;
- Expert.
Products represented by St. Petersburg company Novbythim can be used for tinting door panels, baseboards and railings inside the room, as well as products made of veneer and plywood.
Among the advantages of the stain produced by this company are the following:
- does not require varnish coating;
- does not wash off;
- easy to polish;
- emphasizes wood pattern;
- prevents swelling of the coating;
- gives the wood surface non-flammable properties.
Anles company produces alcoholic stains, the main purpose of which is to give the tree protective properties and a certain color that imitates another tree species. The substance does not form a film on the surface of the product, but penetrates the wood structure, thereby emphasizing the natural pattern of the natural material.
When working with the stain from the company "Anles" it is necessary to comply with certain conditions.
The temperature in the room should not be below +5 degrees, and the humidity is less than 80%.The wood surface must be completely dry before processing.
Liquid from the “Expert” brand is suitable for processing wood surfaces inside and outside the premises, for tinting furniture, railings, log surfaces, doors.
The substance penetrates deep into the material, allowing you to recreate an imitation of precious wood.
Presented colors of wood stain: maple, mocha, oak, mahogany, larch.
For more information about the stain, see the following video.