Drying oil "Oksol": features and specifications

Today, linseed oil is one of the main components of a variety of putties and oil-based paints. It is also very often used for processing any wooden surfaces, for impregnating plastered work areas, and even for fixing small crevices. This universal impregnating agent surprisingly combines many useful functions, which ensures its high demand.
Oksol linseed oil is particularly popular, the features and technical characteristics of which will be discussed below.
What it is?
Drying oil "Oksol" is a special impregnating mixture for processing wooden and plastered surfaces before further painting.It protects wood and plaster from rotting and damage by bacteria. It can also be used for the dilution of oil paints. "Oksol" refers to the category of semi-natural formulations.
More than 55% of the composition of the mass - vegetable oils, another 40% - the solvent, and the remaining 5% are desiccants, which contribute to thickening and rapid absorption of linseed oil into the tree.
As a solvent, the manufacturer can be used:
- "White Spirit";
- synthetic analogues of vegetable oils;
- pyroplast or pyrolene;
- turpentine gum;
- nefras C4.
Drying agents are auxiliary components that are responsible not only for good absorbency of the linseed oil, but also for its rapid hardening. Fused, oily or fatty acid resynants can be used as them.
The volume and type of used solvents and dryers are regulated by special state standards, developed for each type of additives separately.
Like other finishing and protective solutions, linseed oil "Oksol" has its own unique technical parameters.
At present, the production of the Oksol drying oil is regulated by such a document as GOST 190 78.This legal act regulates the composition of these products, the conditions and place of use, as well as other parameters.
According to him the linseed "Oksol" can be natural, belonging to category B. In this case, its composition is mostly occupied by natural linseed or hemp oil. The main components of such solutions - vegetable oils - in everyday life is allowed to be eaten in its pure form.
Combined "Oksol" refers to the category of PV, most of its composition is corn or rapeseed oil. But the main difference is that they belong to semi-natural components, they contain synthetic additives in advance, that is, such oils are technical and cannot be used as food.
In addition, the guest stated that the drying oil should have the following qualities:
- full transparency;
- pronounced smell;
- maximum drying time - 3 hours;
- acidity - 6-8 units;
- viscosity - 18-25 units;
- flash point in a closed crucible - exactly 32 degrees.
"Oksol" group of PV is suitable for use only indoors, and the product category B can be used both inside and outside.
The implementation and transportation of drying oil can be carried out in a container of special plastic or iron barrels made of permissible metal alloys. If the product does not meet at least one technological condition, it should not be allowed for sale, as it does not meet the requirements of GOST.
The consumption of this tool is calculated based on the amount of substance spent per 1 m2 of surface.
Approximate consumption is:
- Drying oils of category B - 80-120 g / m2;
- Oksoli PV - 100-150 g / m2.
These consumption rates are approximate and may vary depending on the type of surface being treated and the number of layers applied to it. For each subsequent layer consumes a smaller amount of the composition.
It is also important to know that the consumption will increase with the impregnation of plastered or too old wood structures. The volume of consumption of the Oksol drying oil is also affected by the method of its application — when using a brush, it is smaller than when using a roller.
Scope of application
Today “Oksol” linseed oil is used in a number of cases:
- She can paint wooden structures inside and outside facades. In these cases, the solution prolongs the service life of the wood, reduces the level of the negative impact on it of temperature changes and pathogenic fungi.
- For processing plastered facades before further painting. In this case, Oksol helps to reduce paint consumption during final finishing, and also partially levels the working surface and protects it.
- For dilution of oil based paints. This allows you to increase the amount of paint, dilute the thickened substance, without violating its technical qualities, as well as use the resulting mixture as an impregnation and final solution at the same time.
It turns out that the use of Oksol drying oil is allowed for the treatment of wooden structures inside and outside the premises, as well as for the impregnation of plastered walls. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to use this solution for painting and impregnating floors.
Drying oil "Oksol" is a popular and popular finishing material, so today many brands are involved in its production:
- The company "Tex" puts this product on sale in a completely ready to use form.Drying oil is sold in containers weighing from 0.4 to 8 kg in one container. The composition dries quickly, significantly reduces paint consumption and performs primer work at the same time.
- LLC "Coachman" carries out the manufacture and direct sale of the impregnating composition belonging to the category of PV. It is implemented in containers with a capacity of 0.8 to 20 kg. This product fully complies with the requirements of SanPiNa and is manufactured in strict accordance with GOST.
- Drying oil brand Isolate It is considered one of the highest quality. It is made in accordance with accepted standards. Implemented in containers with a capacity of 0.5 to 200 liters. The disadvantage of this company is that it produces linseed oil of this type only on order and in bulk.
- VESTA-COLOR LLC manufactures and sells linseed oil for this type of wholesale and retail. The product of this brand is of high quality, affordable price and high technical characteristics.
- ON "HIMTEK" For over 20 years engaged in the manufacture and sale of the highest quality products. Drying oil "Oksol" of its production always has excellent technical characteristics and an affordable price.It is implemented in various types of containers, which allows each customer to purchase the most suitable packaging.
Drying oil "Oksol" of production of all these brands in practice has proved its high efficiency and excellent quality, therefore, when purchasing such a product, it is recommended first of all to pay attention to these manufacturers.
Features and rules of application
This composition belongs to the category of fast-drying and quick-hardening substances, therefore, requires compliance with certain recommendations when working with it:
- the mixture is implemented in a ready-to-use form, but before its direct use it is recommended to thoroughly mix the drying oil so that the active active substances are evenly distributed throughout the liquid;
- impregnation can be carried out only on dry, clean and pre-degreased surfaces;
- it is necessary to apply solution with quite thin layer, using for this purpose a wide brush or a small roller;
- the temperature of the air during the work should not be below 15 and above 20 degrees, and humidity - no more than 75%;
- each layer of drying oil dries for about 24 hours, therefore each new application should be carried out no later than 24 hours later;
- upon completion of the work, it is very important to remove from the room all the tools and materials that have been in contact with the drying oil;
- unused mixture can be stored no more than 12 months in a hermetically sealed container;
- during work it is recommended to use a respirator or protective mask and rubber gloves;
- if the composition gets on the skin or eyes, it should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water;
- when working indoors, be sure to provide access to fresh air;
- Oksol linseed is flammable, so it should be used as far as possible from open sources of fire;
- When purchasing this tool, you should definitely require from the seller certificates of quality, safety and compliance with the requirements of GOST;
- This composition can also be used for sealing small gaps. For this, the drying oil is mixed with sawdust in equal proportions and applied to the treated surface with a spatula.
Compliance with these simple rules and recommendations for the use of linseed oil will allow the processing of wooden and puttied surfaces as simply, quickly and correctly, as well as ensure a positive result.
Drying oil "Oksol" enjoys wide popularity both among ordinary citizens and professional masters of finishing work.
Ordinary citizens always speak positively about this product. All buyers, without exception, note its high protective properties, ease of use and affordable cost. For many people, there is only one minus - a rather acrid and specific flavor. However, if you use a respirator or mask, this disadvantage can be easily eliminated.
Professional masters of finishing work support these positive reviews. They highlight the low consumption of this drying oil, ease of use, high-quality end result and a wide range of its application.
Based on these reviews and on the statements of the producers themselves, it can easily be concluded that the Oksol linseed oil is today one of the best in its segment. Its use allows not only to reduce the final paint consumption, but also to prime the work surface, protecting it from various negative impacts.. The main thing is to choose high-quality linseed oil and use it in accordance with the above rules.
An example of using drying oil, see the video below.