Drying oil combined brand K-3: characteristics and application

During the construction and decoration of rooms there is a need for a wide variety of materials. Wood is widely used. However, when using it, you may encounter some problems. The use of drying oil will help to avoid such of them as mold, moisture and parasites. Natural oils in its composition create a protective film on the surface, which helps to prolong the life.

Special features

By itself, linseed oil is a solution that is part of various oils, such as linseed, soybean, sunflower. It is an important component of oil paints.

For quick drying of drying oil, an element such as a desiccant is added to its composition. This additive is designed to protect treated surfaces from deformation under external adverse effects.

The use of drying oil is widespread, so there are no problems with its purchase. It is available in the assortment of any specialty stores. In addition, the composition can be prepared independently at home with the use of sunflower and linseed oil.

Types of varnish

Currently, there are several types of varnish, depending on the composition, scope and technical characteristics.

It is considered the safest and most environmentally friendly natural drying oil. It is characterized by a small content of the desiccant, as a result of which it dries a little longer than the others. It has a light yellow color and a smooth consistency without precipitation.

Oksol is also called semi-natural linseed oil. Its composition contains about 55 percent of natural oils, which is less than in other types. Requires dilution of dryers or solvents. In comparison with the others has a lower price.

If natural oils are replaced by synthetic, you can get a synthetic linseed oil. The composition has no characteristics according to GOST, which puts it in a low price category. It differs in quality, has a persistent unpleasant smell, in addition, it can be harmful to health.The synthetic type is not recommended for internal use. It is mainly used in the preparation of mixtures for putty and plaster.

Composition consists of one or more natural oils and gasoline, diluted with rosin varnish. The most popular oil-rubber mixture.

Combined drying oil is produced using the oxidation of natural drying and semi-drying oils, which consist of about 70 percent. Mostly used as part of oil paints, at least - for finishing work.

Characteristics and differences of the combined drying oil

For ease of use, marking is applied to various types of combined formulation. It is recommended to carry out interior finishing works with the K-2, K-4, K-12 marks, and external - with K-3 and K-5. Compounds under the brands K-3 and K-2, characterized by a low content of oil and dryers, have acquired the widest popularity.

They are almost transparent, with a slight tinge. Drying time takes about 24 hours. When using the composition K-3 for a short period of time, a dense film is formed on the surface, which requires quick work to create a uniform coating.

In most cases, the combined liner is used when working with small wooden elements. It is added to oil paints to give them the desired thickness. Mark K-2 is used when working with walls and ceilings.

K-3 refers to the type of oil solutions. It is used to bring the mixture to the desired consistency, as well as for the dilution of oil paints. In addition, it is intended for the impregnation of wooden surfaces before painting them with paints and varnishes.

This linseed is transparent and has a yellowish tint of different saturation. The treatment of wooden coatings with a composition gives them shine and characteristic color. For complete drying of the olive takes about 24 hours at a temperature of 19-22 degrees. At independent use of drying oil it is recommended to apply the material in small portions.

Drying oil K-3 can be used both for exterior and interior work. It has moisture resistant properties.

The use of the combined composition

Based on the composition of K-3 according to GOST, a limited number of materials are produced: oil paints, Mummy MA15, Ocher MA15 and Surik MA15.

This brand has gained wide popularity due to the possibility of its use for different types of work. Have two varieties: first and second. First grade used for mixtures of different colors due to the fact that it is more transparent, and the second due to saturation looks favorably with dark shades.

When working with linseed oil, do not forget about safety, as it is a flammable and explosive mixture. The room must be well ventilated or be equipped with a safe ventilation system. In case of contact with the skin, the solution must be wiped out and the area of ​​the body washed with soap and water.

Consumption of combined varnish on wood

Before applying the varnish surface must be processed. The dirt is removed first and the coating is degreased. The presence of moisture is unacceptable.

Drying oil and compounds based on it can be applied with a brush on small surfaces. For more extensive work is better to use a spray or roller. We must not forget that the solution must impregnate the surface, so when applying it you can not save. For deeper penetration it is advisable to use hot linseed oil. On average, 1 square. mtakes about 130-160 milliliters of composition.

Usually the coating is applied in 2-3 layers, but their number may vary depending on the needs. Natural drying usually takes less than a day. The optimum temperature for it is about 20 degrees Celsius. You also need to try to eliminate the possibility of drafts.

Oil-based formulations may be too thick, making it difficult to work with them. To solve this problem, they can be diluted with linseed oil before acquiring the desired consistency. These manipulations can significantly reduce the consumption of the main product.

After completion of work, all items must be disposed of.otherwise they may be hazardous due to the fact that they are combustible and explosive materials. The remains of drying oil should be stored in a safe place, preventing interaction with fire, sunlight and electrical appliances, and protect from moisture. If the solution thickens, it should be diluted with any solvent that can be used with oil paints, in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Peculiarities of the choice of varnish

Before starting work, you must choose a material that will be of high quality and safe.First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the appearance of the product: the quality is influenced by its homogeneity, the presence of sediment or other particles. After that, you should check the documents. Depending on the choice of the type of olive, compliance with GOST is assessed, a certificate of conformity or a hygienic certificate is required.

About what you can further cover the surface treated with linseed oil, described in the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.