Non-aqueous stains: characteristics and scope
Wood stain is a material that is used to impart a particular shade to wood products. One type of this product is non-aqueous solutions. Let's see what they are and where they are used.
What is needed
The effect of non-aqueous stain is the same as that of the compositions, which are based on water: varnish penetrates the wood fibers, impregnating them, and creates a protective film. The composition makes the wood tone, protects the tree from rotting and various insects. In addition, this substance is able to emphasize the structure of wood, making the pattern on it more expressive.
There are several types of non-aqueous stain. They differ in the substance of which the basis of the composition is made.
- Alcohol. It contains aniline dye, which is dissolved in technical alcohol. The main advantage of this type is that the alcohol evaporates quite quickly and the stain dries out in a short period of time. But this fact can be attributed to the shortcomings. The composition is almost impossible to manually apply evenly. But this problem is easily solved by using the spray gun.
- Oily. Here, synthetic oil is used as a base (“White spirit”). She lay down well on the product. It can be applied with a tampon or brush, the composition evenly goes down and penetrates deep into the wood. At the same time, the structure of the tree is not destroyed, and a rather strong protective film is created on the surface.
- Wax. This is an innovative composition that perfectly protects wood from harmful factors. In addition, the color gamut of these products is quite wide. The disadvantage of this coverage is its high cost.
- Whitening The wood does not always need a dark tint. For this purpose, a stain based on hydrogen peroxide and acids was developed. Such a composition is able to brighten wood.Most often, this coating prepares gray wood for further painting.
In the market you can find a fairly wide color range of non-aqueous stain. Most formulations help to imitate expensive woods on products made from birch, alder, and pine. Wood stain "under the tree" is very popular. Here such shades as tick, beech, oak, wenge, maple, mocha, walnut and ebony are in demand.
Modern compositions allow you to give the wood and many other shades. There are almost all the colors of the rainbow: from yellow to black. The tree structure in this case will also be expressed.
But there are compositions that have absolutely no tone. They are designed only to protect the tree from harmful factors such as ultraviolet light, moisture, bark beetles and others.
How to choose a color
Choosing the color of non-aqueous stain in the store, you should not rely on the pictures presented on the package. You need to ask the seller for wood samples coated with the appropriate composition. Almost all stores have them.
But even if the seller provides you with such testers, the color you get may differ, since different types of wood have different absorbencies.Remember that coniferous wood poorly absorb stain, as they contain a large amount of resin, and the resulting color will be lighter than on hardwood. Also, the result will largely depend on the tone of the coloring object itself.
After you decide on the color that you want to paint your product, you need to determine the required number of layers. For this you need to do a test vykras. Here it is worth taking either a piece of polished wood, completely coinciding with the material from which the object planned for painting is made, or use the part of the finished product hidden from eyes.
For a test coat, apply a thin layer of non-aqueous stain and let it dry completely. Next, put a second layer on top of the first. It should be a third shorter than the previous one. Then, after drying the second layer, apply the third, which is only a third of the first. Now you can evaluate the result and select the desired color intensity.
Scope of application
Non-aqueous stain handles any wood products. It can be used both for items that are inside the premises, such as furniture, and in the open air.In the second case, whole houses can be painted.
In addition, non-aqueous stain is often used in needlework. With her help they tint wooden costume jewelry, figurines, wicker baskets from a rod. Stain can also be painted products made of paper tubes.
Manufacturers, cost and product reviews
In the market you can find a huge selection of manufacturers who produce non-aqueous stain. There are both domestic and foreign brands. Here are a few representatives who are in high demand.
Petersburg company that produces organic solvents and synthetic resins. Dilute such a composition can be solvent No1. Its advantages are fast drying, the absence of wood swelling, the protection of the product from fire. Available in 0.5 l, 20 l, 200 l. Cost of products: about 80 rubles for a capacity of 0.5 liters. Buyers speak well of the Novbythim non-water stain. They notice pretty good quality, fast drying, even layers, budget price. The disadvantages include the rather rapid fading in the open air.
Zar Wood Stain Oil Based
Stain based on flaxseed oil. It is rubbed into wood, like polishes, giving it exquisite shades. Just one layer is enough. The composition ideally impregnates the fibers, forming a rigid bond that prevents the penetration of moisture. The cost of the product is about 1600 rubles for a volume of 0.95 l. Product reviews are high: impregnation ideally lays down, dries quickly, practically has no smell. Cons buyers were noted, except for a fairly high cost.
How to handle wood stain, see below in the video.