Kitchen in a private house, combined with the living room: how to properly plan and arrange everything?

In addition to the desire to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in the desire to settle in a private suburban housing there is one more reason - to live outside the crowded. Combining the kitchen and living room in your home allows you to get closer to the ideal in this sense. And there are a lot of options for planning and design of such a room.
Fashion trends
The kitchen-living room is essentially a studio. The fashion for the premises, where the functions of rest and the working area for cooking are combined, came to our country from America. But on Russian soil, this trend has acquired special features. If in the United States almost no food is prepared at home, we have this everyday process that leaves its mark on life in the kitchen combined with the living room.
Steam and food odors penetrate everywhere, soaking upholstered furniture, curtains, pillows and other things in the living room half. It is possible to compensate for this drawback by installing a powerful hood, but only partially. The noise from the clanging of pots, knives, hissing pans, the humming of the refrigerator and other household appliances can interfere with those who are busy with their business in the living room.
Another problem - the kitchen and dining room is a source of garbage, which inevitably appears during cooking, lunch and dinner, held in the kitchen-living room. To crumbs, cleaning and other "side components of food life" are not taken away across the room, cleaning has to be done very often.
Nevertheless, the room with a dining room and kitchen has its own advantages.
- The area of the living room and kitchen visually seems larger in the absence of a wall between them. This is especially evident if the area of the room is small.
- The kitchen “not locked in four walls” allows you to easily place all the necessary equipment and furniture in convenient places.
- The combined room allows you to receive guests with great convenience. The hostess is easier to keep track of the children, when during economic affairs she can watch the offspring playing in the room in front of her eyes.She also has the opportunity to communicate with adult relatives, without interrupting work.
- A large room allows you to give enough space for a dining area in which all family members can conveniently gather.
- Kitchen-living room looks fashionable. Design in a private house helps to make it very attractive and comfortable in a style appropriate to what material the entire building is made of, for example, wood, brick, and so on.
The organization of the kitchen-living room is appropriate both in a country house of a modest size and in a huge one, where it is important not to get lost in the free space.
Subtleties of planning
Ideally, the kitchen-living room project should be foreseen before the whole house is built. Then it will be possible to competently do the ventilation, to distribute the load on the supporting structures, to provide the necessary number of windows in the room with the combined functions. You can plan a kitchen-living room in several versions. The simplest thing is to place a kitchen set on one side of the room, and a table and upholstered furniture on the other. And also it is convenient to divide the room into functional zones with the help of a bar, a kitchen island or a peninsula.
The layout depends on the configuration and area of the room. Ten to fifteen meters is better to arrange the furniture along the walls so that the middle remains free. This option is appropriate, for example, in a country house, not applying for interior delights. In a larger area, you can distribute the furniture into separate “areas”: in one place you can organize a relaxing area with a TV or fireplace as a unifying start, in the other - a dining area with a long or round table, in the third - a kitchen. In the intermediate version of the role of the dining table can perform the bar.
An additional technique for zoning is the use of arches or beams, screens, sliding panels, color separation, the use of various materials in decoration, the use of podiums and the creation of a multi-level ceiling. The arch or beam will emphasize the isolation of the kitchen, especially if it is located in a niche. Screens are very often decorative. Their width is two to three times the width of the entire room. If you make it bigger, then it becomes inconvenient to move between the living room and the kitchen. Screens are most often bamboo, wooden or plastic.A more solid construction can be used as a storage place for kitchen items or built-in electric fireplace.
Multi-level ceiling is an excellent means of separation.In addition, with this approach, you can “play” with different finishing materials and solve the problem of lighting in different areas in an original way. For example, in a wooden (log) house, the ceiling above the part of the living room can also be wooden, emphasizing the texture of the entire structure, and above the kitchen, a covering that can be simply washed - tile or stretch ceiling is used to finish it.
In order to have a lot of air in the room, sometimes a part of the roof is left uncovered. Then the living room appears to be in the attic. If windows are provided on the ramps, they are an additional source of light. In the kitchen area, the ceiling is usually left without alterations. This solution shows itself especially well in rooms of small and medium size.
Floor coverings in the kitchen and living room, even for practical reasons, should be used differently, not to mention the fact that with its help to delimit the territory.Tile and linoleum of good quality, which are resistant to mechanical stress and easy to wash, will be suitable for the kitchen, and for the living room it is better to use, for example, parquet. Soft carpet or carpet here will also be the place.
It is convenient to use the podium to select different zones. For example, raise the kitchen half on it. The podium itself is convenient to use as a storage place for couches and ottomans. For a harmonious separation using decorative techniques, you can use wallpaper companions, or decorate walls in colors that are well combined with each other or their color is almost the same, but the texture of the finish is different (tile and wallpaper, for example). When dividing zones, it is important to ensure that unity of style is maintained in different zones. Similarly, it can not be that the living room is decorated in a rustic style, and the kitchen in the style of high-tech. Such disharmony will be too obvious.
It is possible to emphasize the commonality of different zones using simple techniques in the form of using the same color accents, when, for example, the shades of furniture in one half overlap with the shades of lamps in the other. A large house on several floors opens up unlimited possibilities for arranging a living room kitchen.The space can be organized with a transition between two zones, which will look completely natural.
For kitchens in such houses, they often assign a place in the area of the stairs to the second floor. Kitchen set fits well into this niche. On the spacious site in a wooden house there is an easy place for a place of quiet rest with a fireplace. It serves as a heater, a center of attraction for guests, while at the same time being a prominent designer accent.
If a kitchen with a hall in the building provides access to the terrace, it becomes possible to organize a dining area in the open air. Sliding glass doors between the living room-kitchen and the terrace in one movement combine both spaces into one.
Design Tips
The design of the kitchen-living room depends largely on what material the building is made of. In the Russian reality, most often it is a wooden cottage or a country house of such material. Modern finishes allow you to arrange the kitchen-living room in any style so that there is not even a hint of the structural features. But living outside the city, it is still better to emphasize the unique flavor of a wooden house.If the building is made of calibrated logs, it is easier not to decorate the walls at all, but to use the texture of the tree itself to create a special atmosphere of the chalet style. Although this option is for those who love intimate twilight, as in rooms with wooden walls is quite dark.
But in such a living room will settle a fireplace, decorated with stone. On its shelf you can put books, photographs in frames and statues of animals. Large pile carpets (or animal skins) will appear on the floor. Furniture may also include fur, leather or wool trim. Additions to the entourage will be candles, giving the atmosphere intimacy, and paintings on the walls on the theme of nature. The most suitable colors for the kitchen, made in this style - red, brown or grass colors. Household appliances should not be evident. The refrigerator, for example, is better to choose not the traditional white color, but under a tree or steel.
For the dining area, it is advisable to purchase high-quality furniture - a large sturdy table and heavy wood chairs.
You can also equip a combined room in country style. Furniture that combines white and brown colors will be very appropriate here.Best of all, if it turns out to be using natural wood. The picture will add textiles without a hint of synthetics. Light colors - blue, beige, sandy, yellow, milky-chocolate - are suitable for it. Bright shades can be used to place accents.
To decorate the kitchen-living room in eco style you should choose glass, metal and wood. Furniture is made in simple lines. The windows are preferably closed with Roman blinds. Light curtains will also come in handy. You can supplement the impression with the help of indoor plants and panels of natural materials. Most suitable are green, white and brown colors. In the kitchen-living room, made in this style, should provide a large amount of light, especially natural.
And also in the case of a wooden house, it would be appropriate to create an image of a room in the old Russian style or in the spirit of a medieval castle. In such an entourage, it is completely out of place to use plastic (for example, when creating window frames and a door to exit to the balcony) and LED, neon lighting. Well, if the kitchen-living room will be equipped with shutters, the kitchen set is made of pure wood, and all appliances are built into the cabinets (the microwave in such an environment and the truth looks strange).
In the dining area, you can set a strong big table and the same chairs or chairs. It is better if the tree is aged (for this there are special techniques). Cracks and roughness will tune the inhabitants of the house and guests in a certain way. Furniture can be carved on wood. General artistic elements in the thread will be able to emphasize the integrity of the whole image of the kitchen-living room. Special color room will be able to give with the help of painting, embroidery.
Such trifles as pots and cutting boards, decorated accordingly, towels with folk elements will help to create an atmosphere of naturalness. To arrange such living accents, you can attach to this your own manual labor or order the work of the masters. Lovers of the classics can provide space for the kitchen-living room, finding the most advantageous place for an elegant set of upholstered furniture, complemented by pillows and blankets. In such a room is well positioned bright carpet. The walls can be decorated with stucco.
The overall color scheme is better to withstand in pastel colors. To decorate the floor in the living room choose parquet or laminate. For the kitchen - a stone or tile of light colors.
Beautiful examples of the interior
The kitchen-living room, decorated in the style of a chalet or Russian style, will be a great place to spend time for the whole family. The drawbacks of dark wood are compensated by the original solution for lighting in the area where the dining area is located, as well as with the help of additional light sources.
The combination of dark wood with contrasting elements in the setting of the kitchen and living room emphasizes the natural texture of the finish. The dining area is separated from the rest of the entire room by the solid back of the sofa. At the dining table in such a dining room you can spend time spending tea and talking.
The central element of the room in ecostyle is convenient to make a practical leather sofa, complemented by a set of a coffee table and tables of the original design. The kitchen set is made in the most usual way. The highlight in the dining area makes a bar and a dining group with a round table.
How to combine the kitchen with the living room, see the next video.