Kitchen-living room design with a bar

Trying to improve the interior of their own apartment and make their stay as comfortable as possible, more and more of our compatriots prefer joint spaces. The most popular option is the kitchen-living room. In such cases, complexity often arises in the zoning of space. The bar counter, the role of which is discussed in this article, does an excellent job with this task.
Varieties of racks and placement options
Surprisingly, this piece of furniture came to us from the West, where it was always used for its intended purpose.It prepares cocktails and drank them in the company of friends, sitting on high bar stools. In our country, such an element most often plays the role of a table or working surface, but not a bar counter in its original sense.
To classify all the variety of bar options available by their location. This allows you to understand their basic functions and possible placement methods. It is worth noting that even small apartments can acquire such an element without losing anything either from a functional or from an aesthetic point of view.
There are several types of racks.
- Arched. Option when the rack is located directly in the arch. It can be a part of it or a separate element separating the space. The best examples are obtained when the owners (or designers) find unique solutions that make it possible to perceive these 2 elements as a whole. But even if they are independent of each other, the rack and arch should be well combined with each other and emphasize the dignity of the room. Lighting plays a big role in this.
- In the doorway. This type of apartment owners often use a standard layout.When two rooms (hall and kitchen) are combined, an opening is formed. It is such a necessary element as a rack. In this case, it plays the role of a small dining table, since quadrature does not allow it to be placed in the kitchen, and other furniture items necessary for rest and work find their place in the hall.
- The wall. An interesting option that allows you to enjoy the view from the window, sitting at the counter with a cup of aromatic coffee. You can place it along one of the walls, but then it will turn out that you will rest with a look into this plane. Considering that the width of the bar counter is small, a not very beautiful picture emerges. Placing it along the window, you will save space and get a full-fledged work surface, after which, if you wish, you can have lunch.
- Combined. If the area allows, you can develop a layout of the future kitchen set, combined with the bar. Such models can be L-shaped or U-shaped. Convenience is that you competently zoned the room. Although the room is called the kitchen-living room (or studio), it is necessary to allocate functional areas.This contributes to the correct perception of space and ease of use.
- Island This modification requires a large space. Fit it in a modest 6 or even 9 square meters. m will be just unreal. For the convenience of the hostess, it can be located hob or even sink. Here you can also observe the combination of functions. For its intended purpose, the rack, if used, is extremely rare. Russian people are not accustomed to confine themselves to a cocktail, they like to make magnificent feasts, and it will be very difficult to place all the cooked food on a modest stand.
So, before ordering a kitchen set (or getting ready), consider all the options. Perhaps the combined bar counter is exactly what you need. Its feature is in connection with the working surface of the headset. that is, the structure is a single whole, it has the same height, identical cover (tabletop), and design. The convenience of such a model is undeniable. You can safely cook dinner and watch what is happening in the hall or chat with guests.
When developing the design of the future studio, it is necessary to clearly understand what functions it will perform. For example, if the hall is also used as a bedroom (a sofa or armchair unfolds at night), then it is necessary to work with lighting and additional partitions. Getting up early in the morning, you should not prevent those who are still sleeping in the living room. In this case, it is better to place the rack along the window.
In another variant, when there are small children in the house, the stand separating these two rooms is well-manifested. So, a young mother can watch the children play in the living room and cook dinner. Proper location of the TV in the above room layout will also be a definite plus. You can sit behind the bar with a cup of morning coffee and see the latest news.
Classic high bar counter is suitable for those who like to organize parties and gather friends. It seems she was just made for a bachelor's apartment.
Style selection
Brick walls, massive raw beams, the lack of lace tulle on the windows and massive objects are an integral part of this style. Bar counter perfectly fit into it.Its design should be concise and simple. No complex curved lines and decorations. Let it be as brutal as possible. This will give the interior a special chic and respectability. It can be made of wood, fiberboard and other similar materials. At the same time, it can be either open (i.e., have a tabletop and legs) or closed. The latter option looks particularly interesting in the interior.
It is unacceptable to use openwork tablecloths and carved oak tables. They absolutely do not fit into this topic. But the bar of the correct form will emphasize the uniqueness and uniqueness of the interior. In this case, you can not worry about where to put the dining table. Its function is perfectly performed by the rack. For minimalism unacceptable riot of colors. Therefore, a base color is chosen that is diluted with similar hues or combined tones. The classic options are black and white, beige and brown, gray and green.
Such an interior is distinguished by functionality and a special atmosphere of home comfort. To stand consistently fit into this style, you can use the method of division of space, that is, to place it on the line between the kitchen and the hall.Clear boundaries of individual zones are inherent in the Scandinavian style. Therefore, for contrast, you can make the floor in the living room in bright colors, and in the kitchen - in dark colors. The bar counter at the same time will play the role of a separating element, without overloading the space.
This style is distinguished by a special lightness. Finishing is made in light natural colors. With the right design, it seems that you are in a house by the sea, and transparent curtains easily shake the sea breeze. And although you cannot change the landscape outside the window, inside there will be an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. This style is characterized by large areas and the absence of bulky furniture, cluttering the space. The kitchen-living room with a bar counter is the perfect solution for such an interior. To finish the rack, you can use natural or artificial stone, as well as wood (chipboard, ABS).
Space zoning
Various arches and partitions visually reduce the square. In this case, the benefits of them are few. The bar counter is a real find for those who want to select separate zones in their apartment, but not to lose functionality and a sense of spaciousness.Try to place the bar on the border of the kitchen and living room.
In this you will find several advantages at once:
- an additional work surface will appear;
- there is no need for a kitchen table;
- the space will have clear functional areas;
- You will create an original interior without spending huge funds.
It is not necessary to regard the bar counter as a separate element. It should fit into the existing interior concisely and complement, and not interfere with it.
Successful examples of the interior
It is difficult to say which option would be most appropriate for your apartment. It all depends on the square, the chosen style and your preferences. Studios in loft style look very interesting. But not everyone loves them because of the feeling of coldness and seeming incompleteness. Classic options are always relevant. By choosing this style, you can be sure that a sleek, calm design will not get you bored in a few months or even years.
The atmosphere of freedom and carelessness can be felt by filling out a kitchen-living room with a bar counter in the Mediterranean style. Imagine how nice it will be to sit at the reception on a warm evening,enjoying the tranquility and serenity. And it doesn’t matter that the metropolis is buzzing outside.
Dimensions and materials
The choice of materials for the manufacture and finishing of the bar counter is limited only by your imagination and capabilities. Consider the most popular options.
- Tree (DVP, LDSP). This is a classic version that will find its place in almost any style. In addition, wooden structures are very practical and durable.
- Marble. Such a stand will look very expensive and respectable. By the way, the material itself does not really apply to cheap ones.
- Gispokarton. With it you can realize the most courageous ideas. Whatever form the future rack is planned for, this practical and accessible material will easily cope with this task.
- Stone trim. This option looks good in the Mediterranean style. He fits into the loft. Such a finish will serve you for many years. It is not necessary to use expensive and heavy natural stone. His artificial counterpart looks no less worthy.
- Tiling The variety of design of this finishing material is amazing. At the same time it is affordable and easy to clean.
- Metal and forged designs. They are practical and durable, ideal for rooms designed in a loft style.
- Plastic. Provides a variety of design. Although many still prefer it to natural materials.
- Glass. Quite a capricious material that requires caution when working with him. Modern technologies allow the manufacture of impact-resistant glass. But do not forget that it will require special care.
- Brick. Brutal and durable building material can act as the main for the construction or perform the function of finishing. In any case, the interior will acquire a highlight and uniqueness.
- Concrete. Heavy and solid material. When using it, it is necessary to keep in mind the load it has on the floor. It is worth considering that if you carry out the construction entirely of this material, it will be heavy.
The bar counter is becoming an increasingly popular item used in the design of kitchens and living rooms. It is functional, capable of giving special chic to even the most modest room. And although its original function is now slightly expanded,this gives it only greater relevance in the interior design of a modern stylish apartment.
Review the design of the kitchen with a bar counter, see the following video.