Types of rigid roofing and the rules of its choice for a residential building

Installing a rigid roof is the optimal solution when constructing pitched roofs for residential buildings, which is especially popular with Russian consumers. Reliable and durable coating reduces operating costs and subsequent repairs, and good external characteristics simplify the implementation of copyright architectural projects.
The advantages of a rigid roof
Smooth surface, a variety of color variations, low weight - the main characteristics of the coating, which can also be attributed to its advantages. Pitched roof is widely used in the construction of residential country houses and can be installed without the involvement of professionals.And the flexibility and versatility of a rigid roof make it possible to create non-standard coatings.
Due to a number of characteristics, a hard roof is better than soft analogs:
- Snow, rain and other precipitations roll off the roof without hindrance, thanks to its smooth surface. This circumstance helps to increase the service life of the roof, reducing the likelihood of corrosion, and also eliminates the need to remove ice and drifts.
- Although metals are taken for the manufacture of the roof, it has a relatively small weight, which simplifies the process of installation and operation. In addition, this reduces the cost of the device crates, mounting frames and rafters.
- Materials can be bent at any angle, which opens room for imagination and allows you to realize the most daring ideas in life. The feature facilitates the installation of the coating as a whole.
- Hard roofing does not require redecoration and can last for 10-15 years (or more) with regular inspections. In the event of minor defects there is the possibility of partial replacement of elements. In particular, the coating allows you to gloss over the cracks, to make an additional protective layer.Parts damaged by shocks are subject to restoration.
Hard roofing gives less stress to the foundation, which also reduces the risk of premature damage to the structure. When working with surfaces of a non-standard size, it is possible to order sheets according to individual sizes.
For the manufacture of the roof are taken such materials as galvanized steel, non-ferrous metals, slate, ceramics and others. On this basis, there are several types of hard roofs that differ in operational and external characteristics, installation features and cost.
The coating is a profiled sheet of metal, the cross section of which is made in the form of a trapezoid. To create the roof is used galvanized by cold rolled steel.
To reduce the negative effects of precipitation, sheets can be applied polymer coating, preventing the occurrence of corrosion and premature damage to the roof.
The advantage of the material is the ease of installation in combination with a low price. Sheets are installed on the batten, after which they are connected to each other.Such a rigid roof is devoid of sound insulation, because its arrangement should be dealt with additionally. Manufacturers offer a small range of coatings of various appearance types, which is compensated by their versatility.
At installation of a professional flooring the tilt angle in 8 degrees is kept, and all works begin with a roof end face. Sheets are laid perpendicular to each other, they are fastened with screws and screws, the latter are located in the places of sagging. On 1 square. m requires about 6 fasteners. The side overlap of sheets is at least half of their length.
To create it, sheet or rolled metal is used, which can be cut into pieces of any size. A residential building with such a roof will be reliably protected from leakage and will withstand aggressive environmental influences. A distinctive feature of the material is the installation technology. Fixing sheets is carried out by the folding seam, when using special fasteners, klyymery and located at the edges of the bends.
Coating refers to a particularly durable materials and is suitable for roofs of any type.Long service life combined with an attractive appearance. Fold roof is included in the middle price segment, because it is available to the general consumer.
The disadvantages include high thermal conductivity and the lack of sound insulation. Installation of the roof faltsevogo type produce on the batten or individual bars, the angle of inclination is not less than 14 degrees.
Metal tile
To create it, galvanized steel coated with a polymer layer is taken. It protects the material from corrosion, and also performs a decorative function. Tiling is used in the construction of low-rise residential buildings and is characterized by ease of installation.
Reliability and durability of a covering made it popular with a wide consumer. It has a low weight and a significant service life: with regular inspection and scheduled maintenance, the roof can be used for 30-50 years.
A distinctive feature of the installation is the fact that the material can be placed on top of the old coating. In other cases, the installation is made on the rafters and the batten, between which can be placed layers of hydro- and thermal insulation, preventing the occurrence of leaks.The metal tile is laid at an angle of more than 12 degrees, and the fixation of individual sheets is carried out using self-tapping screws.
The disadvantages of this type of coating include the lack of sound insulation. In particular, when it rains, the sound of drops will be heard very strongly. At the same time, the metal tile will retain its properties at temperatures ranging from -30 to +120 degrees, which allows its use in almost any climatic conditions. When carrying out repairs, damaged elements are replaced, holes are plastered (in severe cases, installation of a new roof may be required).
Refers to premium coatings. Due to the high price, it is less commonly used in roofs. However, the material has good performance properties. Due to its high strength, aluminum sheets can serve up to 80-90 years, while the threat of leakage will be minimal.
Another elite type of hardtop. Plastic material allows you to create a roof of irregular shape, for example, with turrets. It is easy to lay and fix, and when a deformation occurs, it is enough to solder the damaged places.
Aesthetic characteristics made the copper roof popular in the design of country villas and luxury cottages. A variety of different color line: from yellow and red to emerald.
How to choose for a house?
When choosing a roofing material take into account many factors related to the specifics of the installation and operation, appearance.
Environmental conditions play an important role: the more severe they are, the stronger the roof is needed. In warm, sunny climates, it is recommended to select a light coating that contributes to lowering the temperature of the air inside the room. The black roof, on the contrary, will contribute to the accelerated melting of snow after a long winter period.
The color of the coating should be related to the tone of the walls existing on the construction site: it is impossible to combine warm and cold tones, to get involved in contrasts.
Tips for choosing
- Coating weight is selected taking into account the potential load on the roof. The rafter system must withstand not only the roof itself, but also snow, ice, strong gusts of wind. Therefore, when placing a house in a harsh climate, lighter materials should be preferred.
- Durability, resistance to mechanical stress and the presence of anti-corrosion coating - the primary properties that must match the roof. If it is not stainless, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with acrylic, pular, matte polyester.
- The price of the coating consists of all the characteristics of the material: the stronger it is, the higher the cost. Save on durability is not worth it, because it determines the suitability of the house for a comfortable and safe housing.
- The service life of the coating is important, but there is no point in acquiring for an ordinary country house a roof that serves about 80 years. It will be a waste of money.
- If the budget comes first, a professional flooring will be a winning option, featuring good performance combined with a low price.
- The type of roof to be purchased depends on the type of roof, since not all materials have sufficient flexibility to work with non-standard shapes and dimensions.
- Together with the material purchased fasteners, the calculation of which is made in advance. If the house is being built from scratch, it will also be necessary to install a truss system, a batten, insulation and other layers.
Analyzing the features of installation, it should be borne in mind that piece materials are always easier to stack than sheet materials.
This will save time and also facilitate future repairs: when working with them, it will be enough to replace the damaged part by fixing it with fasteners.
All options for hard roofing are environmentally friendly, so when you buy is not worth the question of selecting the most safe raw materials. Materials do not emit harmful substances, do not affect the air and plants.
For information on the types of rigid roofing and the rules for choosing it for a residential building, see the following video: