Roofing seals: varieties and their characteristics

When conducting roofing work, an important point is the choice of a sealant. It is he who performs a protective function, protects the roof from adverse weather conditions, dust and dirt.
Seals are made from polyethylene foam and safe polyurethane foam, so the material is light and porous. It is environmentally friendly and does not pose a threat to human health and the environment. The shape of the material may be different. (as wavy, applied to the corresponding profiles, and in the form of a tape).
First of all, professional builders note the moisture-proof properties of the seal. Without this quality, its use would be impossible, since the contact of the material with water occurs quite often. The ability of the material to avoid deformations in such situations is also important.
Another property of the seal is breathability. Due to the porous structure, it does not interfere with air circulation, while coping with the sealing of cracks, passages and joints.
The material does not rot, is resistant to the appearance of mold and fungus, and also endures the effects of aggressive chemicals. It is also resistant to gasoline and oil.
Main characteristics
The material is responsible for waterproofing and has a density of from 30 to 35 kilograms per cubic meter. The elasticity, elasticity and lightness of the seal ensure its easy installation. In addition, it is easy to cut and glue, using special formulations.
Seals easily attached to the surface due to the fact that the package includes double-sided tape. The service life can reach 90 years without losing the basic properties of the material. It tolerates temperature changes well, it can be used in conditions from -60 to +95 degrees.The material does not apply to flammable products, has a moderate flammability.
Roofing seal well protects the roof from possible leaks, helps to maintain a stable temperature. It copes with sound insulation, resistant to wind and other weather phenomena.
In addition, the technical function is also performed. Even with proper installation of tiles, there may be gaps between the sheets and at the joints. In these places, debris and dirt often accumulate, which at high humidity leads to the appearance of mold. Using a sealant solves this problem.
When choosing a roof seal, it is necessary to take into account the size, shape, basic functions and properties of the material.
All seals can be divided into several types:
- universal;
- profiled;
- self-expanding.
Universal seals are made of polyurethane foam and are produced in the form of a tape. They are placed between the cover and the ridge profile at any distance. The material is able to pass air, while detaining dust and other contaminants.Often, these products are produced on a sticky basis, which makes it possible to easily and without problems lay and fix them on the surface, and, consequently, save time during installation.
The profiled sealant is also based on polyurethane foam, but much more dense. When mounting it is necessary to cut one of the edges of the tape so that it fits most closely to the roof.
For the passage of air in the material need to make special holes that will ensure its circulation.
Self-expanding seals are considered universal. Due to this, they have gained wide popularity in the market. Under high pressure, the material is compressed. When released, it increases in volume, which contributes to the filling of voids and cracks in the structure. In order to install this seal more easily, the package includes glue tape.
Also, the seal can be direct or reverse:
- A straight line is installed between the ridge and the tile.
- The reverse is mounted at the junction of the professional sheet and cornice.
There are also materials used for a particular type of work.
Seals for chimneys and pipes have special characteristics, since the insulation in this case is very important. They can be both rubber and made of silicone.
For the roof with a change in slope of 20-55 degrees, a special corner sealing material is provided. It is successfully applied in places where pipes pass.
Main advantages
- The undeniable advantage of sealing products is their environmental safety and long service life, during which their shape and basic properties are preserved.
- Moisture resistance and fire safety of products, resistance to various temperatures and ultraviolet rays are also noted.
- Due to the fact that the material is very flexible and elastic, it can be used to fill gaps of different sizes.
- In private homes, there are often problems with rodents or insects that can ruin the foam used as a sealant. The use of professional materials helps to resolve this issue.
Mounting technology
When laying the profile on the roof, more serious gaps are obtained than when using even materials, therefore it is important to use sealing tapes to avoid leaks. They help prevent unpleasant consequences.
When installing the tape you need to follow certain rules, then the result of the work will delight residents for many years:
- First of all, it must be remembered that materials with a sticky base fit only on a prepared surface. It must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and other contaminants, and also degreased.
- Profile seals are mounted on special screws or stainless steel nails.
- Work is best done with positive temperatures. In this case, the glue will not harden and will be able to better fasten the surface. The use of glue is possible only if the base is completely dry and clean.
- When working with self-expanding seals, you can use a building dryer to shorten the installation period. Under the influence of hot air expansion occurs much faster.
- When laying the tapes, it is important to remember that they are glued to the joint. We must try to avoid their bending and twisting. We must not forget that the universal sealer is suitable for sticking anywhere in the roof, but the rest are used for certain types of roofing work according to their purpose.
- After laying the seal on top of it is mounted tile.Preliminary surface preparation is not required.
Tips for choosing
The choice of seals on the market is very wide. Experts do not recommend buying from the price and buying cheap materials, as their properties and characteristics may differ from those stated. Also important is the choice of the manufacturer. Products of proven brands may be more expensive, but their quality and reliability meet all standards. You can also check out certificates and other documentation if you wish.
An important point is the correct choice of the type of material that is planned to be used during roofing work.
If the installation is carried out in cold weather, it is recommended to stay on the profile products. In the summer, it will be advisable to use self-expanding models on a self-adhesive basis.
On the use of roof seals, see the following video.