Snow traps on the roof: types and features of choice

Snow traps on the roof are relevant for cities dominated by snowy winters. In such climatic zones, avalanche convergence of snow masses from the roof often occurs, which leads to large-scale damage, and can also injure passersby. Snegozaderzhatel allows you to avoid this problem, so you should explore the types of designs and features of the choice of products.
How are they arranged?
Snegozaderzhateli - this design, which are made to delay the snow flow accumulating on the roof after snowfall.Such devices allow the snow to remain on the roof until it melts. Then the snow is already in the liquid state is sent to the drainpipe.
Snegozaderzhatel belongs to the category of barriers and fences that are mounted on the roof along the roof sheds.
They have the following tasks:
- Protection of the integrity of the roof. The ice masses that appear on the roof due to the heating of the inner part of the ramps with air, while melting and rolling, traumatize the roof and leave scratches. In these places further rust appears. Metal-roofs are often exposed to this problem.
- Protection of people, plants and objectswhich are located under the roof from falling snowball. A mixture of snow and ice flies off the roof at a considerable speed and can lead to a lot of material damage to vehicles, while causing injury to people. For this reason, there are norms of SNiP II-26-76, which spelled out the mandatory installation of snegozaderzhateley on all roofs with a slope of more than 6 degrees.
- Prevent deformation of external gutters. On buildings where there are no barriers, the drains often deteriorate due to the massive descent of snow masses.This is due to the fact that the brackets are not able to cope with significant loads.
- Protecting roof trusses from overloading. Properly mounted snow guards, which are located in a region with elevated snow loads, do not stop the gathering of layers, but break them into several parts - this action helps to reduce the fall rate. Using this method, the roof frame is not overloaded, as in some climatic zones, snow caps can weigh up to 300 kg per square meter.
- Caps of snow that remain on the ramp, play the role of thermal insulating material. With it, the heat is stored in the building, which saves on heating. This option barriers will be appropriate on the roofs of metal, because the metal profile has a high conductivity of heat.
SNiP requires that snow holders are present next to each canopy, but you can save money by installing a barrier only near important areas: paths, parking lots, entrances, above the entrance.
Most snow pads are made of galvanized steel, but you can also find a copper product. The implementation of such goods is done individually. These snow pads have a higher cost due to the material used, because copper has always been considered an expensive material compared to galvanizing.
What are needed?
Sale of snow caps is carried out together with roofing material or separately. The devices have different names: fencing for blocking snow, snow plow, snow stop, snow cutter, snow barrier or snow guard. Many names are connected with the fact that the equipment can perform different tasks.
In the first category are snow barriers with snow-blocking fences. They completely hold the snow masses on the roof. When installing them, even a partial gathering of layers is not allowed, since all the snow melts on its own.
In another category are snow cutters, which cut snow layers into several parts. They reduce the speed of the fall, providing additional security.
There are different types of snow protectors that can vary in shape and size, as well as the type of material used. Before buying a device, you should decide what volumes of snow masses it will have to work with.
Snow can be installed on any roofing: they are suitable for folding roof, soft, natural tiles, as well as for professional sheet. The choice of device depends on the amount of snow masses observed in the city, as well as on the type of roofing material with which the roof is equipped. The structure of the roof is also important to consider when choosing snow throwers - you will need to carry out a competent calculation of the load on the supports in order to choose the correct distance between them.
There are several types of snow protectors that differ in the material from which they are made. Each of them is designed for its roofing product. One view will be relevant for shingles, and the other device will show itself better on a slate roof.
Tubular Snow Plows
Tubular snow throwers are devices equipped with two-pipe brackets. The diameter of the elements is 15-30 mm, the height of the device reaches 15 cm. The bracket itself is a vertical position plate in which the holes for fixing the pipe are provided.
At the bottom of the device is a shelf, which is attached to the roof slope. It is fixed on the roof with screws.For these purposes, fit parts equipped with a hexagon-shaped head.
The appearance of the brackets may vary - it depends on the type of material for the roof where the installation will be carried out.
Strength indicators depend on the distance that is present between the lower pipe and the roof itself. Masters recommend leaving a distance of two centimeters. A distance of 10 cm must be ensured between the pipes.
Tubular barriers are used for cutting snow layers - It is the most reliable device that can withstand powerful loads. They are able to be operated on the roofs of any type: soft, sheet, roofs of corrugated board. Also devices are allowed to be installed on the membrane surface. They are mounted along all the borders of the roof - around the perimeter of the entire slope.
It is important to bear in mind that tubular snow blowers are put in place. If there is an increased snow load, then two rows of devices will be needed, which will be located at a distance of two meters from each other.
Owners of houses, the roofs of which are made of ondulin, rarely think that you need to install a snow guard.Ondulin is considered the safest material in case of avalanches. The delay of snow is carried out by means of a rough covering and caps of self-tapping screws. For such a roofing material suitable tubular device with embedded plates.
In most cases, such equipment is made in the form of a bracket, to which a vertical grid is attached. All elements are made of galvanized steel. Details are subject to painting, so you can buy a snow guard for the tone of the roof.
The installation work of the lattice barriers is carried out on long slopes with significant slopes. The effectiveness of the device depends on the height of the grille. Roofing equipment does not affect such snow guards, since for each material there is a type of fastener.
For regions where winters with little snow predominate, corner snow guards are provided. Typically, such devices are located on the roof of metal or corrugated. This feature is due to the fact that the barriers are made from identical material and have the appropriate color.
The corner snow guard is a metal piece that is bent into a triangle. On the triangle there are two faces and shelves for fixation. As a rule, barriers are mounted on roofs, the slope of which does not exceed 30 degrees. More significant pressure design can not withstand.
Such barriers are not typical of high strength, so they are not designed for large snow masses. When using devices, it will be necessary to additionally clean the roof of snow.
Sideboards - point snow holders, have a second name - hooks. They are not aimed at opposing large snow masses; therefore, they act as an auxiliary element for lattice or tubular snow pads. Such components will be optimal for a soft roof.
Installation of yoke should be provided in advance - at the stage of installation of the roof. The design is a triangle on which there is a long plate. With its help, it is fixed on the roof. The plate should be placed above the roof and be fixed on the crate. Over it the bituminous tile keeps within, hiding the place of fixture.
Wooden log
Wood logs are sometimes used as a snow catcher. They may be present on the wooden roof. Installation of logs is made on special hooks that are fixed on the crate or rafters. The diameter of the log affects the number of snow masses it can withstand.
The log should be placed at a small distance from the surface of the roof - just two centimeters. In this regard, the melted snow quietly flows down the drainpipes. The remains of snow masses will remain on the roof until they completely melt. This method of snow retention is considered the most simple and low-cost.
When choosing a snow guard, you should know which loads the rafters are designed for. This rule is not associated with the weight of the products themselves, but with the individual characteristics of the roof frame. For example, for a house with a small slope, which is located in a climatic zone with minimal rainfall, simple snow blowers will do - they can be made with your own hands.
If the devices are selected for large roofs, then you need to pick up snow cutters with increased strength.
Choosing a snow guard, you should study its susceptibility to loads. From this indicator depends on the number of products that need to be installed on the roof. If you choose a snow holder, designed for 75 kg, you will need three rows of similar products so that they can cope with the snow masses. If the device can withstand a load of up to 300 kg, then one device will suffice.
Tubular snowpipes are in demand, which can vary in size based on the installation method. As a rule, products have a length of from 1 to 3 m.
The length of the lattice bracket can be 0.3–1.5 m. If additional length is required, pipes can be connected. Elongation of lattice analogs is performed using sections of the desired size.
Manufacturers Overview
Many manufacturers are engaged in the release of equipment, which is aimed at snow retention. Before buying, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the list of brands, examine the range of products offered and customer reviews.
The choice of a reliable manufacturer is a pledge of high quality and a long service life of snegozaderzhateley.
Produced well by the manufacturer Borge, which is located in Sweden. The brand produces high-quality snowpads that cope well with the tasks. Products of this brand are designed for installation on metal, seam, corrugated and bituminous roofing.
Tubular snow guards are distinguished by a high degree of strength, as they are made of flat-oval pipe. The wall thickness of the material is 1 mm. These figures are higher compared to devices of other brands. The manufacturer claims that its products will last more than 25 years.
Numerous positive reviews have received the Orima trademark from Finland. The manufacturer offers not only snegozaderzhateli, but also roofing material. Buyers can purchase products with the roof or buy a device for delaying snow separately.
Among domestic manufacturers, the company Ruf is in demand. The manufacturer offers products in different price categories, among which everyone will be able to find their own version. In the range of the brand there are tubular snow guard.In 2016, new models of snow slats appeared. They are presented only in the Prestige collection, as they are made of galvanized steel.
The Russian company "PromInTech" is engaged in the production of devices aimed at the retention of snow. The manufacturer is ready to offer its audience different models of equipment suitable for any type of roofing.
Konstroy is ready to offer customers high-quality tubular snow holders. The manufacturer produces a reliable product, which is characterized by a long service life and increased strength. The range consists of products of different material and color.
Domestic brand Grand Line is considered one of the best manufacturers of snegozaderzhateley. In the assortment there are galvanized products that are sealed and easy mounting.
The manufacturer guarantees the performance of its products for 25 years.
Can you do it yourself?
Snow-holding devices have a simple construction, but this fact does not make them cheap, especially when it is necessary to install on large roofs.Many people decide to make a snow blower with their own hands. Such an event is available to anyone who knows how to handle welding.
If you want to create a tubular snow guard with a length of three meters, you will need the following components:
- Corners whose thickness is 2-3 mm. Shelf width should be 40 mm.
- Round pipe made of steel, the diameter of which varies from 25 to 35 mm. Wall thickness - 3 mm. The length of the product should be 3 m.
- Strips of steel. In this case, it is worth choosing products, the width of which should be 40 mm, and thickness - not less than 3 mm.
- Electric Bulgarian.
- Construction roulette with level.
- Apparatus for welding.
After all the necessary elements are ready, you will need to cut 4 parts off the corner. The length of each segment should be 50 cm. The cut parts will act as supports. Then you need to cut another 8 pieces of 20 cm each - these pieces will be pipe clamps.
Two fasteners are welded in the center of the supports so that the pipe between them "sat" tightly. Fasteners are mounted taking into account that one shelf is welded to the support shelf, and the other is attached to the pipe. During the manipulation should form 4 bases.
Experts recommend to pre-draw the drawings, which will display all the elements with dimensions.
The obtained parts must be placed on a flat surface and insert the pipe into the opening of the bases located at the edges. The foundation must be on every half meter of pipe. The pipe should be placed strictly horizontally, which will help to make sure the construction level. It will need to be welded to the basics and checked by level. After that, you can finally fix the product.
Installation recommendations
Professionals advise installing snow catchers at the same time as the roof. However, it is allowed to install them separately. A distance of 50-80 cm must be observed between the snow guard and the eaves. The device should not be installed on the eaves overhang.
As an exception, there are situations where the eaves are created from the roof tops of the roof. The inadmissibility of installation on the eaves overhang is due to the fact that the design of the overhang is not able to withstand high loads and may collapse with snow guard and snow.
The method of installation depends on the chosen snow holder, as well as on the roofing material.Experts recommend installing each type of snow barrier correctly. Tubular and lattice products need to be fixed through the roofing material.
This will require:
- Outline the location of the device.
- Strengthen the crate with the help of auxiliary beam.
- Collect the entire snow guard. The bolts are not tightened immediately.
- Then you can fix the device to the roofing material. At the top of the roof will need to drill holes for fasteners. They will be placed in the lower waves, which are located next to the crate.
- The finished bracket should be attached to the slope. This will require bolts of 8-60 mm. It is necessary to use rubber seals. The distance that is present between the brackets depends on indicators such as the length and angle of the ramp. For a large slope will require frequent location of the brackets.
- The bracket should be inserted into the pipes. To install lattice products, you need to connect all neighboring devices with each other.
- Fixing of snow catchers is allowed only above the bearing wall. If installation is made above the attic windows, then reinforcement of the batten will be required.If the length of the slope exceeds 5.5 m, it is necessary to install an additional row of snow-pads.
If the snow catcher is installed on a metal tile, the supports for the bracket may differ in their design. For example, for the brand "Monterrey" suitable device, on the brackets of which there are a special type of protrusions. They allow you not to resort to gain.
The installation of the snow thrower on the corrugated board is similar to the installation on the metal tile roofing.
This will require the following activities:
- Fixation through the roof.
- Strengthening crates.
- Seal mounting holes.
- The mount should be placed on the lower waves, which are adjacent to the crate. If we neglect this rule, the material is deformed.
- In that case, if the snow plow is installed on the finished roof, a partial analysis of the roof will be required to produce measures to strengthen the crates.
Corner snegozaderzhateley, which are mounted on a corrugated board, do not need reinforced crate - products are fixed in the sheet itself on the upper waves. Bolts should be cut into the wooden half of the batten, so that the design will gain a sufficient level of strength.Fixation is made through a single wave.
For a folded roof, a tubular or slatted snow guard will be required. The difference in mounting is in the peculiar form of the brackets, which are fixed on the fold itself. This action will ensure the integrity of the roof.
Fold fixation is carried out as follows:
- Fastening clips on the folds.
- Making two holes.
- Installation of fastening material - for this purpose bolts and nuts are used.
- Choose the step between the supports should be on the basis of the slope of the roof. It is best to fix every fold.
Fixation of snow pads on the folded roof does not require additional reinforcement of the batten - all activities are carried out on top of the roofing material. The assembled structure will be distinguished by a high level of strength, because the main load is present along the fold.
If the installation of snow protectors is carried out on a soft roof, then you will need to familiarize yourself with the features of the process:
- The angle of inclination of the roof should not be higher than 15 degrees. Providing this item excludes avalanche-like convergence of snow masses. For this reason, tubular products are not used for such roofs.
- The mound, made of stone crumbs and located on the roof, allows you to hold the snow and prevent it from slipping.
- When installing a snow-plow on the roof of a soft type, a crate of a continuous type will be required. You can use moisture-resistant plywood - in this case, you will not need measures to strengthen the crates.
- Installation of snow plows is required at the same time with the laying of the roof.
Installation of yoke on a soft roof is as follows:
- Products are staggered. It will take 2-3 rows, the step should be 50-70 cm.
- Fixation of the yoke is made to the crate so that the next sheet of roof hides fasteners, while the product triangle remains on the surface.
- The use of screws is recommended for fixing.
- In that case, if the installation of the roof has already been carried out, fixation of the yoke over the material is allowed. This will require the use of seals.
Pro tips
Tips from professionals will help to carry out the installation of snegozaderzhateley. With their help, snow catchers will perform their tasks for a long time and keep snow masses on the roof.
When operating snow barriers, the following recommendations should be observed:
- If there are long and snowy winters in the region, then you should choose the most efficient snow catchers.
If there are practically no avalanches in the climatic zone, then we can consider simpler structures. These include corner snow traps and barriers.
- For heavy snowfalls should buy tubular devices. Such a system can solve the problems associated with snow and icicles. They are also convenient during discharges of snow masses to the surface of the roof.
- It should be cleaned from the adhering layer of ice and snow not only from the roof surface, but also from snow guards - a lot of frost is also deposited on them, which prevents the snow from coming off normally.
- If you are installing on the roof of a roof, then you should take care to install other elements in advance. Before the snow thrower you need to put the ridge, which is considered a key element of the roof.
- You should take care in advance about installing a roof window in the shingles. This element should be mounted before the ridge.Illiterate installation or insufficient waterproofing can ruin all the work.
Installation of roof windows should be handled by experts or people with experience in construction work.
- In Western countries, houses are not allowed to be used if there are no snow catchers on them. Russia is also following the security issue, so most homeowners began to install snow guards when roofing. Experts recommend doing a one-time installation, so that in the future not to engage in reworking the roof.
The choice of snegozaderzhivayuschih should be approached thoughtfully and responsibly, because this equipment does not spoil the appearance of the roof and is designed to protect human life and vehicles from falling icicles and snow masses.
You will learn more about how to install snodderzhateley from the following video.