Roofing glassine: features and specifications

Currently, many people do not know how to make the roof in their home a strong and durable. For these tasks, there is a special glassine. The article will talk about him and his properties.
Special features
Today, almost all experts strongly recommend the use of glassine when laying the roof. This material is designed to protect the roof covering from the harmful effects of moisture, mechanical damage. It should be noted that it is often used as a heater.
Roofing glassine is a rolled soft material. It is made of construction paper,which is subsequently treated with special marks of petroleum bitumen. It should be noted that this basis is made only in accordance with GOST 2697-83.
Most often, glassine is laid under metal and metal roofing. After all, this material does not allow moisture to get on the roof, which prevents the formation of rust.
But It is worth noting that most experts advise putting it under any overlap: wood, ceramics, bitumen.
Almost all types of roofing asphalt have excellent water resistance, which is 0.01. Water absorption for this material is 20. But it should also be said that it can boast of excellent vapor barrier. But it is important to note that the rate of fire resistance of such a framework will be quite low. The product is highly flammable.
The area of any roll of roofing glass mat is usually 20 square meters. m. And the mass of the product can vary considerably from 0.5 to 0.7 1 square meters. m / kg The width of each coating can be 1000, 1025, 1050 mm.
Today in the building materials market one can meet a wide selection of roofing glassine.
The most popular models include:
- p-250;
- p-300;
- p-350.
This sample is considered plexiglass economy class. But at the same time he can safely boast of high strength and reliability, although it is the thinnest among all types. According to many experts, p-250 will provide roofing a long service life.
It should be said that This model of building material has excellent moisture resistance, frost resistance and elasticity.. It provides moisture protection for 10 hours. Thanks to all these important properties, asphalt p-250 can be used for almost any type of roofing.
This sample also has a high level of elasticity and strength. In addition, this material is moisture resistant. He is able to protect the roof from the harmful effects of moisture for 20 hours.
According to many consumers and specialists, the p-300 model has a particularly long service life, as well as a fairly low cost. After all, it will be affordable for almost any buyer.
This roofing asphalt differs from other types of increased density and strength.And also it provides good thermal insulation of the structure. Sample p-350 has excellent moisture resistance. It is able to protect the roofing from the harmful effects of water for 22 hours.
It should be noted separately that this model creates an additional ventilation system in the roof. This is necessary so that the insulation interacts with the air and remains completely dry. Thanks to this property, you can maintain the integrity of the insulation.
Advantages and disadvantages
Roofing glassine has a number of positive qualities.
- Affordable price. Such material has a special low cost, so it will be affordable for any person.
- Environmental Safety. Roofing asphalt is made using modern technologies, using completely processed components. Due to this, such material is absolutely safe for humans and their health.
- Frost resistance Asphalt does not crack even with sudden temperature changes.
- Flexibility. This property greatly simplifies the transportation and installation of the product.
- Low weight. This quality of roofing asphalt also facilitates installation work with the material.
- Waterproofing. A layer of glassine impregnated with special substances and solutions does not allow moisture to affect the roof surface, which prevents its destruction.
- Maintainability. In the event of a breakdown, asphalt can be easily replaced, and there is no need at all to resort to the help of a professional brigade.
But despite such a wide range of advantages, roofing asphalt has significant drawbacks:
- Installation should not be carried out at low temperatures. Although this building material is frost-resistant, it is not worth mounting it during extreme temperature changes. Otherwise, it will quickly crack and break.
- Low resistance to high temperatures. Glassine is able to withstand any low temperatures, but under the influence of intense heat, the bituminous impregnation will simply begin to melt.
- Low fire resistance. Roofing glassine is flammable. Therefore, many experts recommend treating its surface with special building compounds that prevent a possible fire.
- Do not install on wet surfaces. Despite the fact that this material is quite moisture-resistant, it can only be mounted on a completely dry surface. Otherwise, the roll may simply break.
- It is destroyed by exposure to ultraviolet rays. Roofing glassine cannot be left in open space for a long time. Otherwise, it will become brittle and begin to collapse under the action of the sun.
- Short service life. Such products will be able to serve only 5-7 years. After the expiration of this period they will have to be replaced with new ones.
- Strong smell. Often asphalt begins to emit a strong unpleasant odor. This happens because of a sharp increase in temperature. And at the same time it disappears very quickly.
Mounting technology
Before directly laying the base, it is imperative that you carefully clean the surface of the structure. After this roll of glassine should be rolled out over the entire plane. Fix the product with a special stapler.
It is important to note that if the installation is made on a concrete base, then the product must be attached using bitumen mastic or special adhesive tape.
Place rolls best overlapped. At the same time it must be at least 15 cm. This is necessary in order to ensure the strength and reliability of the future coating. Many experts also advise further lubricate all joints between the rows with the help of building mastic.
Some builders also recommend laying rolls in several layers at once. This will provide additional strength to the material. This procedure is especially necessary in the event that you furnish an attic room at home.
Currently, on the Internet, you can find a considerable amount of consumer feedback on various patterns of roofing glassine. Most people have noted the model p-250. According to many buyers, this type of material is quite elastic and has good moisture resistance. But at the same time, some also spoke of a too thin thickness of the roll, which can cause minor inconveniences.
Many people have left positive feedback on the model p-350. They noted the high quality, moisture resistance of this product. However, some buyers also said that, in contrast to the p-250 sample, such roofing glassine has an optimal roll thickness.
About what is asphalt, see the following video.