Metal tile compactor: selection criteria

The roof is an important part of the building. Insulation and tightness depends on the materials used and the quality of the work performed on the installation of roofing. The range of modern building materials is quite wide. Therefore, when choosing, you should carefully study their characteristics and purpose.
An important role in the construction of the roof plays a special sealant for metal. It provides reliable protection of the roof against ingress of moisture, insects and debris, as well as significantly extending the life of the coating.
Main characteristics
Even with a high-quality installation of the roof covering, small gaps and gaps almost always remain. The compactor covering them plays the role of a defender of the roof against various atmospheric phenomena.
This material has excellent technical characteristics., which explains its frequent use in installation work.
- The main purpose of the seal is to protect the structure from the ingress of various debris and moisture.
- The use of this material allows you to maintain a certain temperature inside the structure.
- Technical characteristics of the seal allow for excellent ventilation of the roof.
- This building material has sound insulation and wind insulation properties.
- Using construction tape protects the structure from the appearance of mold.
- The material does not lose its properties when in contact with gasoline or oil.
- It is also easy to cut and weld. For these purposes, you can use the construction of a hairdryer or a soldering iron. If necessary, double-sided tape or special construction adhesive can be used to glue the construction tape.
It is possible to fix a tape with nails or with a furniture stapler.
Special seals allow high-quality roofing and carefully isolate all joints. Construction tape has a huge number of advantages. Because of this, it is very popular with consumers.
- The most important advantage of this material is safety. The compactor does not contain substances harmful to human health. For its production uses only environmentally friendly and safe materials.
- Increased resistance to moisture, fire, chemical attack is also an important criterion in favor of choosing this building material.
- Due to the specific structure and elasticity of the seal, it is possible to use it even in very small gaps.
- High resistance to temperature changes is another plus. The material does not lose its qualities even at very low and very high temperatures.
- The material is durable and retains its technical characteristics for a long period.The guaranteed life of the seal is about ninety years.
Varieties of material
Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of building materials to protect the roof.
All seals can be divided into several types:
- Soft protective materials are universal. They are suitable for sealing and sealing the gaps of absolutely any kind of metal tile. Due to the elastic soft structure, building material easily takes any form of metal tile. This property provides the most snug fit of the building tape to the roofing sheets.
- Tough types of seals are not widely spread. They are used quite rarely.
Also distinguish profile, universal and self-expanding seals.which differ in the form and other features.
Universal type
This type of sealant in the form of a tape is made of polyurethane foam. It is used to isolate, seal the space between the roofing material and the ridge profile. The compactor provides excellent ventilation of the roof structure and maximum protection against moisture and insects.
The advantages and advantages of this building material are in increased resistance to sunlight, reproduction of various microorganisms and bacteria. The special structure and the presence of an adhesive surface greatly simplify the installation process of the seal. You can use this building material to seal any metal tile.
Profile Type
For the production of such a sealant, a special material is used - modified polyurethane foam having a very dense structure. Distinctive features of this type of protective building material is durability, increased resistance to ignition and humidity. The material has excellent sound insulation. Due to a certain structure and the presence of special holes for ventilation, construction tape provides excellent air circulation under the roof covering.
Self-expanding type
The excellent characteristics of this building material explain its great popularity. The compactor is resistant to moisture, reproduction of various microorganisms and bacteria, the appearance of mold.
This type of building tape tends to increase in size.
Due to the special structure of the material, it can be used as protection for uneven gaps and combined with other types of building materials.
Laying construction tape
The structure and design of any roof covering implies the use of a special protective seal.
- Universal construction tape is fixed with nails or special glue.
- To fix the self-expanding tape, nails are not needed, the presence of an adhesive base makes it easy and simple to fix the material on the surface.
- Before fixing the building tape, thoroughly clean the surface from debris and dirt. Then the seal is laid. Kink and stretch the tape in the process is strictly prohibited. This can lead to the destruction of the structure of the material and the loss of important properties.
- Self-expanding construction tape must be given a certain time so that it can take the form of a coating. The rate of expansion is completely dependent on the air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster the material will take the desired shape.
In the cold season, the self-expanding seal must be kept warm in advance.This will allow stacking material with higher quality.
How to choose a building tape?
- When buying the necessary sealant, it is recommended to pay attention not only to the cost of the material.
- Equally important is the choice of the manufacturer. Preference should be given to leading firms whose products have proven themselves in the construction market.
- It is also necessary to carefully study the technical characteristics and properties of different types of building tape. So you can decide on the type of seal you need.
- When working on the installation of roofing in the warm season, the best option is to use self-expanding and self-adhesive material.
- If the work is carried out in the cold season, the best choice would be the type of construction tape.
- For sealing and sealing of the ridge the most suitable are universal and profile under ridge seals. Sometimes foam rubber is used, polyurethane foam gaskets are put (for example, Bavaria products with very good reviews).
- Due to the large range of building materials presented on the specialized market, it is easy to choose the right option for you.
For information on how to compact the metal tile with your own hands, see the next video.