Kredo metal tile: key features and benefits

The metal tile today has established itself as a reliable material that has a long service life, high durability when exposed to precipitation, beautiful appearance and reasonable cost. Roof structures of a complex configuration can be made of metal tiles; therefore, it is widely used in the construction of shopping centers, apartment buildings and private houses.
One of the most popular models of metal tiles are products of the brand Kredo from the manufacturer Grand Line. Such tile combines high quality, reasonable price and beautiful appearance.
Special features
The Grand Line company has been manufacturing its products on the Russian market since 2004, and during this time has managed to establish itself exclusively on the positive side.The company produces several types of profiles: "Monterrey", "Cascade", "Country", "Credo" and "Velor".
All options differ from each other in height, wave steps, length, cost and individual appearance, emphasizing the style of the entire building.
At the moment, the Kredo profile has gained special popularity. This is the newest type of profile, which has a great resemblance to natural tile. Such a model is characterized by soft and even lines of waves, which are given to the entire roof with an aesthetic and harmonious appearance. Sheets of the brand "Credo" are quite easy to install and install, and also have excellent resistance to mechanical stress and all sorts of damage. This is a great option tiles with an impressive effect of antiquity.
By production of a metal tile "Credo" high-quality European and Asian steel is applied, which compares favorably with other metals with a high zinc content, which provides the product with a very long service life. Typically, the sheets of this metal have a thickness in the range of 0.4-0.55 mm and have several layers. At the beginning, a protective layer of zinc is applied to the sheet, then passivation and primer layers are applied,and at the end use a special polymer coating. Also sheet metal Kredo treated with a layer of protective varnish.
At production by the Grand Line company preliminary tests of material in laboratory conditions are surely carried out. This is done to ensure the provision of high quality products to the consumer and a long service life. The material that is used for metal "Credo", environmentally friendly and fireproof.
The warranty on the product is 35 years.
The cost per square meter of metal "Credo" ranges from 260-410 rubles. The price depends on the type of polymer coating used and the amount of material purchased.
This tile has 9 different coating options, among which every buyer will find what he likes. Due to the use of a colored polymer layer, the protective and decorative function of the coating is performed immediately. The colors are presented in a wide range, so you can choose a shade to the most demanding taste of the buyer. The colors of the metal, due to its diversity,harmonize well with the color palette of facade finishing materials.
Kredo metal tiles emphasize the individual style of each building. Surround profile drawing favorably distinguishes the entire roof.
This metal tile has a rounded ridge shape, which gives it a Mediterranean style, and the softness and smoothness of the wave lines makes it look like natural tile.
Among the minuses of the metal tile under consideration, some customers note that the noise level increases during the rain and that large material losses occur when creating roofs of complex construction. You should also note that work with metal should be carried out very carefully, because the protective coating of the sheets is thin. Rough handling can cause scratches, and corrosion quickly appears on the damaged surface.
The metal tile "Credo" has the following technical characteristics:
total width - 1190 mm;
useful width - 1125 mm;
step height - 20 mm;
wave height - 28.5 mm;
step step - 350 mm;
minimum length indicator - 0.5 m;
maximum length indicator - 6.5 m.
Examples of houses with metal "Credo"
Comparison with other species
If you compare the brand Kredo with tiles Kamea, then we can say that they are similar. The brand "Cameo" looks similar to the original clay tiles and in its technical characteristics in many respects resembles "Credo". But the Cameo has a fairly high profile and a greater number of colors than the Credo. The prices are also different.
It can be concluded that the Kredo metal tile from the Grand line company is a guaranteed quality, ease of installation, long service life and a beautiful appearance.
Crass review of the metal line Grand line, see the following video.