Condensate on the roof of metal: the causes and methods of elimination

Metal tiles are often used as roofing. Despite the high technical characteristics of this material, certain problems may arise during the operation of the tile, for example, the formation of condensate. Constant accumulation of moisture on the surface can lead to damage to the roof. The reasons for the formation of condensate on the roof of metal tiles and how to eliminate it will be discussed in more detail in this article.
What it is?
Condensate is an accumulation of moisture that can form on the surface as a result of the transition of a substance from the vapor to liquid form under the influence of low temperatures. Metal plates have the property of thermal conductivity. A small accumulation of condensate on the roof of metal is due to the difference in temperature between the roofing material and the environment.
Drops of moisture settle in areas where the cold metal coating comes into contact with warm air. When moisture accumulates in large quantities both on and under the tiles, this can lead to serious consequences.
Possible consequences
The constant accumulation of moisture on the roof of the metal can harm not only the roofing material. Other elements of the construction often suffer from condensation.
Consider the most common effects of exposure to condensate.
- The moist environment is favorable for the formation and spread of fungus and mold. Microorganisms can destroy the wooden railing of the pitched roof.
- Water accumulated in large quantities on the surface of the roof and under it,may leak into living rooms. Primarily, the wiring in the building may suffer from leakage.
- Corrosive formations. If there are even minor scratches on metal plates, moisture will adversely affect the coating, which will lead to the formation of rust. Rust corrodes metal, and this leads to the formation of holes and leakage of the roof.
- Damage to the insulating layer. Under the metal roof often lay insulation, which is also negatively affected by condensate. Under the influence of water, the thermal conductivity of the material increases significantly, due to which it loses its original properties and ceases to perform the function of protecting the dwelling from the cold.
- Increased humidity in the attic or attic. If the room was equipped for living, then being in it would be harmful to health. Also, the attic is often used to store various things that can be adversely affected by high humidity.
Experienced craftsmen recommend to take care of the protection of the roof from condensate in advance. Necessary measures should be taken at the stage of installation of metal tiles.Eliminating the formation of condensate and the consequences of its influence after installing the roof will be more difficult and more expensive.
Causes of
Condensation on the roof of a metal tile is a fairly common problem. Most often this is due to incorrect installation of the coating or poor quality tiles.
Among the most common causes of moisture accumulation are several.
- Poor insulation or lack thereof. Thermal insulation layer is needed to form a reliable roof covering. Insulation must be selected depending on the characteristics of the climate in the region.
- Problems with vapor barrier. The vapor barrier film is attached to the roof system over the thermal insulation coating. This is necessary to protect the insulation from the negative effects of steam. In the process of fixing the film can be made a gross mistake, which is in the laying of vapor barrier the wrong side, which will lead to the deposition of moisture from the inside of the material.
- Poor ventilation. To avoid moisture accumulation under the metal tile, the space under the coating should be well ventilated.It is important that the ventilation is organized in such a way that the air penetrates from the street.
- Poor quality of materials used.
- Lack of free space between the waterproofing layer and metal tile. The gap should be no more than three centimeters. When the roof is mounted without a contra-grille, ventilation is disturbed, which leads to condensate settling.
- Incorrect installation of window frames and slopes.
How to eliminate?
Before taking any measures to eliminate condensate, it is necessary to identify the cause of its formation. Finding problem areas on the roofing will be easiest with the help of a special device (thermal imager) to monitor the temperature changes of the surface. The most convenient to do this diagnosis in the winter time. Most often, heat loss occurs in the joint area. In this case, the problem areas need to be further insulated.
When the problem is related to insulating coatings, it is necessary to eliminate the defects of the protective layer or replace it with a new material. If the integrity of the waterproofing film is compromised, problem areas can be gluedthe same material with adhesive masking tape. In this case, the overlap of the new layer should be significant.
Sometimes the problem lies in the damage to the roof itself. If the tile plates are severely damaged in the form of cracks or rust, it is recommended to completely replace the damaged sheets.
In the attic
If condensation forms in the attic, the problem may be due to poor ventilation or insufficient insulation of the roof. The reason for insufficient ventilation of the space under the roof may be improperly installed or tightly sealed windows. The temperature in the attic will be higher than the outdoor temperature, which will contribute to the settling of moisture. In this case, it is recommended to install a supply and exhaust ventilation system.
In case of a poor level of thermal insulation of the attic floor, the air temperature in the attic will constantly increase due to the heated room, which is located under the room, which will also lead to the formation of condensate. The optimum thickness of the insulation layer should be at least twenty centimeters.
In the area of overlap between the attic and the heated room it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier coating.Due to the lack of it, steam will rise to the top and settle in the liquid state in the form of drops on the roof.
Use of poor quality materials
Poor quality can be not only metal, but also insulation, thermal insulation and vapor barrier. Materials of poor quality do not have high technical characteristics and may not cope with the performance of their basic functions, the probability of their rapid deterioration is also great. It should be noted that even in the case of using high-quality coating, proper installation is extremely important. Even minor errors when installing metal can lead to disastrous consequences.
In the case of using materials of poor quality or in case of improper installation of the roof covering, it will not be possible to get rid of the formation of condensate without high costs. At a minimum, you will have to disassemble the structure and reinstall it. In critical cases, you will have to buy a new tile, gasket, thermo-and steam insulation materials, as well as install a good ventilation system.
You can try to reduce repair costs by installing a heat-reflecting film. The film will direct the heat inside the heated premises, as well as additionally warm the house. If the attic is not equipped for living and is not heated, the heat-reflecting coating must be installed on the ceiling of the upper living room, which is located under the attic. When the attic is equipped under the attic and equipped with heating devices, the film is mounted under the metal tile.
How to avoid condensate settling?
When installing metal, it is better to immediately take care of protection against the formation of condensate. This will avoid additional costs for rebuilding the roofing. You should not save on materials: it is better to immediately lay a good thermal insulation, provide ventilation, install hydraulic and vapor insulation. But the most important thing is laying of high-quality metal tile.
A good thermal insulation coating will not allow condensation to settle on the surface of the roof. You should not save both on quality and quantity of material. The thermal insulation layer should not be less than two hundred millimeters.
Waterproofing must be overlapped. It should also be remembered that the material is not attached in the tensioned state.The anti-condensation film should be in a slightly free state, as the material is narrowed under the influence of low temperatures. In case of improper installation, the material will not perform its functions, which will not allow to reduce vaporization in the air.
It is equally important to make a high-quality installation of the roofing material. First of all it is necessary to take care of the installation of the counter-grill under the metal tile. This design is necessary for the formation of an empty space between the anti-condensate film, which performs the function of waterproofing, and the roofing coating. Clearance is necessary for good ventilation.
The counter lattice is made of wooden bars, the length of which should not be more than one and a half meters. The thickness will depend on the configuration of the roof and its angle of inclination. Before mounting the construction the beam is recommended to be treated with an antiseptic solution
How to eliminate condensate on the roof, see the following video.