Composite metal tile: advantages and disadvantages

The composite tile not so long ago promptly rushed on the market. This modern roofing material managed to gain the trust of consumers and to win high marks from leading architects, large builders and professional roofers. The material combines the advantages of bitumen, natural and metal tiles, all together they provided the composite material with high performance parameters and made it one of the best-selling coatings.
Material structure
Composite tile - a material consisting of several layers.
- The basis is thin sheet of steel with a thickness of 0.4 to 0.6 mm.
- Aluminum zinc double sided coating - it is applied using an electroplating method and contributes to the effective protection of the material from corrosion and rust.
- Acrylic Primer - enhances the anti-corrosion properties of the coating.
- Protective layer - present from the inside, its composition varies depending on the manufacturer.
- A layer of crushed stone or quartz sand - located on the outer side of the tile, thanks to which the material acquires a rough surface, and in addition, sand and fine fractions contribute to better noise absorption and additionally protect against mechanical damage.
- Varnish - gives the coating resistance to the adverse effects of the environment: precipitation, temperature changes, high humidity. Differs in resistance to heating and acid-base solutions. Selected manufacturers Acrylic enamels are used instead of varnish.
Composite tile has a long service life: retains its performance characteristics for over 50 years.
The weight of the material is relatively small and amounts to 6.5 kg / m2. According to this parameter, the coating is inferior only to metal tile, whose figure is 4.5 kg / m2.
Composite tile is available for sale in the form of rectangular sheets, their width is 37-43 cm, and length - 105-140 cm. The weight of each panel is 3.5 kg, which greatly facilitates their installation on the roof.
Composite tile - high quality material, which according to reviews exhibits exceptional performance characteristics.
Attractive appearance
Ideally correct geometry of panels gives to a roof expressiveness, emphasizes its architectural refinement and nobility, and also favorably distinguishes on the general background. Many users note that in their design composite tile is not inferior to natural.
The warranty on the material from the manufacturer is 50 years, but this is just a legal framework, in practice, the product can be used much longer.
Fire resistance
Fire safety is one of the most important characteristics, which is crucial when buying roofing material for a house or a dacha.Composite tile is completely non-flammable, does not ignite spontaneously and does not sustain combustion.
Low weight
The weight of a square meter of the panel is 6.5 kg, which indicates the lightness of the material. When using such a coating there is no need to strengthen the system of rafters and to further strengthen the walls, as is the case with slate or natural tiles.
Low weight does not press on the structure, does not deform the walls and floors, and therefore contributes to the strength and strength of the entire building as a whole.
Ease of installation
Composite tile - a new material that appeared on the market recently, which is why many roofers are still unfamiliar with the features of its installation. However, the opinion that the installation of the material is fraught with difficulties is fundamentally wrong. Each person can work even without the participation of professionals, which is facilitated by the small size of the sheet.
In the help of housewives provided detailed instructions for use. As practice shows, in one day you can lay up to 150 m2 of tiles.
Resistance to adverse atmospheric phenomena
Composite roof is characterized by high resistance to external environmental factors:
- withstands wind gusts up to 200 m / s;
- the material is resistant to frost, temperature fluctuations and sizzling UV rays;
- does not rot under the influence of precipitation and high humidity.
The rough surface of the product prevents a sharp collapse of snow in winter. Moreover, most manufacturers complete with shingles implement special snow protectors, and this fact also increases the value of the material in the eyes of consumers.
The product does not pass water, which is achieved through the use of special fasteners, creating an even solid coating.
This increases the life of the roof as a whole, does not allow the rafters to collapse, eliminates the occurrence of mold and fungal reproduction.
Sound absorption
Composite tile has an extremely high noise absorption. The sound of hitting the roof of rain or hail will not disturb the residents of the house and ensure a comfortable stay.
Thermal insulation
Thanks to the sand / crushed stone, the product receives additional insulating properties. If the metal tile, for example, is hot in the summer, the composite material is practically not heated.However, this does not mean that the laying of a layer of insulation under the roof can be neglected: composite tile does not replace it, but complements it.
The material can be given absolutely any shape, it is easy to bend in different directions, the tile is cut without effort.
Due to such properties, it can be used for the roofing of the roofs of the most non-traditional forms and put any architectural solutions into practice.
The small size of the panels causes an almost waste-free method of roofing, the sheets are used completely, without forming unnecessary trimming.
Wear resistance
Due to the strength and strength of the protective layer, the material is immune to mechanical damage that may occur in the event of inaccurate handling of the panels
Like any material, composite tile has negative characteristics.
Vapor tightness
The basis of the design is a sheet of solid steel. Of course, it serves as a guarantor of the strength and strength of the material, but at the same time interferes with vapor permeability and impedes air circulation in the house, which can lead to a deterioration in the overall microclimate in the room.
However, with the equipment of a good ventilation system, these problems can be avoided. However, carrying out such work will require additional costs, effort, time and materials.
High price
And in this, perhaps, lies the main disadvantage. The cost of composite tile at times exceeds the price of metal, which significantly reduces the demand for this type of roofing. At the same time, the general operational characteristics of them are approximately identical, not everyone is ready to overpay huge sums for the same result.
Well and, besides, the material is relatively new, so there are still few professionals working with it, and this significantly increases the prices for their construction installation services.
In the domestic market, consumers often offer composite shingles from foreign manufacturers. It is believed that it is of great quality, practicality and durability.
The most popular products from leading manufacturers.
- Roser (South Korea) - represent a very durable material that is hygroscopic, resistant to temperature extremes and resistant to corrosive processes.The basis of the material of this brand is a rather thin sheet of steel, which makes possible relatively low prices.
- Luxard - produces a universal tile, which is suitable for the roof of any type. It is manufactured using innovative technologies, it is distinguished by exceptionally high sound absorption, low weight and ease of installation.
- Gerard - the tile of this company is distinguished by a large variety of colors and shades, which allows to carry out any architectural ideas when building a house. The assortment list includes 12 variants, made in one tone, and 7 types of multi-color coating. Products are manufactured in different countries of Europe, Asia, as well as in the territory of America and New Zealand.
- Swedish composite tile is also in great demand. Kami TerraPlegel and MetroBon productsd.
- Among the Russian manufacturers worth mentioning the company TechnoNIKOLl, which not so long ago brought to the market composite tile under the brand M luxar. The products are durable and reliable, and its prices are lower than imported counterparts.
In the next video you will see the stages of installation of the roof of composite tiles Gerard.