How does the copper roof?

If you need a high-quality, beautiful and durable coating, make your choice in favor of a copper roof. To perpetuate your home, cover it with a copper roof, it will delight you and your grandchildren with its beauty, strength and originality over the next hundred years.
Special features
Copper roofs are found on the most famous monuments of architecture: the Great Peterhof Palace, Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the roof of the Lova Maha Paya temple in Sri Lanka, in the European capitals of London, Paris, Madrid, which are themselves monuments of architecture. Copper roofing is visually unlike any other, it has a decent shade and unique style, aesthetic appeal and durability, which has no equal.
Copper is not susceptible to corrosion, therefore copper sheets are not coated and not painted with additional strengthening paints, substances. The copper roof is gorgeous and incredibly practical, and with age it acquires a protective green patina. Copper, according to its description, is one of the most durable roofing materials you can install.
The exclusiveness of copper lies in the fact that over time, the material changes its color. The unique beauty of copper is in the process of aging.
Advantages and disadvantages
Copper roofs have several major advantages.
- Cost effectiveness - This is a long-term benefit. Copper roofs are initially more expensive than most other roofing materials. They have an economic long-term return due to an unusually long service life. Where roofing materials, such as slate or asphalt tiles, have a service life of about 25 years, copper can easily stand for a century.
- Unmatched durability. Copper is the only roofing material that improves with age. The copper roof is reliable and will counteract all forms of natural violence - from heavy rains to strong winds.As copper ages, a protective film appears, which serves as a shield, barrier. To achieve such durability with the help of other materials is impossible. The warranty period is more than a hundred years and this is confirmed: copper roofs in Europe of the 18th century were popular, but they still delight the eye and delight.
- Architectural piquancy is the main advantage. Copper roofs are exquisite, and there is no other option to complement the modern architectural style.
- Copper has antimicrobial properties and is not susceptible to corrosion. Non-insulated copper alloys resist the growth of fungus and bacteria due to their natural qualities. Roofing copper does not contain rot and mold, which makes it easy to clean. Rainwater is enough to wash away dirt and biological contamination that cannot build up on the surface of copper.
- Copper roofs weigh significantly less other roofing - take, for example, a heavy concrete tile or tile. The construction of the structural elements of the roof - trusses and trusses can be made of thinner materials, which will reduce construction costs.This savings will help offset the initially high cost of work and materials that are included in the installation of a copper roof. This, in turn, helps the building's structural components last longer because of reduced load. In snowy areas, copper roofs reduce weight.
- In properly designed and installed roofs pass lower thermal movements. There is minimal expansion and contraction when the coating goes through cold and hot periods. Copper has a high heat threshold, it gives it minimal creep and tensile tension, so the temperature difference between the copper roof is not terrible, it will not change. By installing cable heating, you can solve the problem of icicles and ice crust. Ventilation does not greatly complicate the design of copper.
- Fire safety important if houses are threatened by forest fires. Copper roofs are an excellent safety net against receiving fire from a nearby building. For the deformation of copper will require a high temperature, the material does not ignite, can not be burned, does not emit harmful substances.
- Visual perception the structure itself with roofing copper serves as support for the high cost pricereal estate. Buyers are aware of the value that they will receive when buying a house with a copper roof.
- A variety of designs. Copper easily accepts a variety of curves and outlines, so it is suitable for the construction of complex models of roofs.
But with all its advantages, roofing copper has some disadvantages.
- High price. Not everyone can afford to make a roof of copper, it is significantly more expensive than any other roofing material. The price is due to its quality. All costs will pay off, because you will not remember about updating the roof for a long time.
- This disadvantage is the advantage of copper - its thermal conductivity. The roof of the copper roof is easily heated and instantly cooled in the cold. When laying the roof you need to put an additional layer of insulation.
- Good sound conductivity copper roof: in case of rain, hail, gusts of wind produced an extra sound of noise. Putting soundproofing material in the roof frame can quickly solve this problem.
In the following video you can learn more about copper, as about the material for the roof.
Copper roof, from which is a long-term and economical roofing, has a distinctive feature.Copper does not rust under the influence of moisture, does not enter into oxidative effects with oxygen, but is only covered with pedigree patina and changes color.
Copper varieties are classified by processing stage.
- Typical ordinary copper. It is plastic, malleable, characterized by a spectacular gloss and gorgeous golden-red tone, which will change over time.
- Oxidized copper. An oxide shell of brown color appears on the plane - it is oxidized copper. Roofing copper reaches such a structure in a climatic atmosphere in ten years. In production in a special environment, it is forcedly aged under the influence of active reagents for oxidation.
- Painted copper or patched. Patina is an oxide peel that occurs on roofing copper under the influence of the surrounding atmosphere. It is a carrier of green color, giving the roof a famous layer of the distant past. In usual conditions, copper acquires a patina for twenty years, and at the enterprise this course can be forced with the help of enzymes. The properties of this copper is that this color will not change in the time remaining.
- Varnished. The sheet is covered with a special protective layer of polyurethane, which gives the metal a warm tone and shine.
- Tinned. Copper products were tinned. The manufacturer puts on the product a layer of tin, and then the shades of this material will be gray, with a dull surface, will not change over time.
Copper roof also has various structural varieties of coatings.
- Most commonly used faltsevaya design. The roof is made of rolled or roofing sheet of copper, the thickness is usually 0.8 millimeters. Pictures of the desired size are created immediately at the construction site. Cutting is carried out without residues. A soft sheet of copper can accurately copy the folds of the roof. Proper assembly ensures the complete tightness of the roof, fixing the picture with the help of cleats to the frame. The strength of the device - the absence of gaps on the roof of the fastening elements. Vertical and horizontal sheet adhesion is done by means of a folded joint. This option provides a complete seal, eliminates the possibility of leakage. There are two ways to fold connection - with single and double locks.The latter is the most complex type of compound, but provides even greater protection against moisture. Use special sealing tools, they speed up the action of work.
- Scales - possesses the outline of a fish back. For the production of configurations use copper sheets of 0.6 - 0.7 mm. Covering material will be elegant, no need to strengthen the frame structure. These sheets are mainly used for roofs with a slope of 30-60º and an unusual configuration - outlets of the dormer window, spherical parts and other models.
- Spanish dune - the form is similar to clay tiles. The contour of the structure has a higher hardness and does not lose structure over time. Extensive eaves pitch makes a voluminous covering and not visible horizontal connections. This design helps to overcome thermal deformation.
- Rolled copper used for the preparation of special tiles, paintings, various parts. Apply copper with a thickness of 0.7 - 3.0 mm.
- Copper soft roof - this facing connected advantages of copper and bituminous. On the surface of the bitumen, a decorative protecting layer of copper with a thickness of 75 microns is applied, and the roof becomes silent.
Grounding device
The strongest discharge of electricity - lightning can cause a lot of trouble. To prevent lightning from striking the building, grounding should be installed.
The rod lightning rod of the house consists of an air receiver, a wooden mast, a lead-through wire, a grounding conductor, a junction of the end of the current collector and a grounding conductor, a foundation, and a soil level.
Lightning conductor is designed for protection from lightning. Looks like a pin, in the context of a circle of 12 mm, it should be on the roof. The core is made of metal tubes, and the end is sealed.
Do lightning conductor better specialist who knows all the subtleties, and connect all the structural elements into a single system, make calculations for the area of coverage, establish grounding at the correct distance from home.
Protection inside the house is done to protect the electrical grid in the event of an electrical discharge, and the outer fencing of the copper roof to protect the house from lightning.
Roof construction guidelines differ little from the surface preparation of other covering materials.
The duration and strength of the copper structure depends on the perfect assembly of the copper roof.
- One of the main beginnings is the frame, which is used for laying out copper sheets, must be in excellent condition, be dry. Softwood logs are used in the roof truss system. All parts of the roof should have the same margin of resilience as the copper coating.
- All crate should be treated with an antiseptic, which prevents rotting.
- The layer of waterproofing is placed on the rafters overlapped and secured with copper brackets. There should be no sagging.
- When assembling the sheathing, plywood sheets are used, since the surface of the copper roof should be dense and even.
- During installation, attention should be paid to the device for the inflow and outflow of air in the under-roof system. The air conditioning system must be developed, which is important in the installation of copper roofing.
Copper sheets
Work on the assembly of the copper roof plan to use a considerable number of devices, mechanisms, instruments, tools and additional parts.
For folding seams directly on the roof using a rolling machine and a set of manual mechanisms. The way of folding provides a solid connection of copper paintings.The installation process can be carried out using a specially designed device, and manual.
Copper sheets are placed on the roof and then interlocked by the folding method. To connect parts use a special frame.
Under the influence of the temperature difference, the clutch may increase, so you need to make a small interval. This will help eliminate in
The assembly of the roof start with the installation of drainage structures and protrusions. Then make a markup for the copper picture. Parts are fastened to the frame with clips. The clamp is not visible behind the sheets and firmly holds in place.
Experts advise in the construction of the roof to make ventilating ridge, which will help ventilate the area under the roof. To protect the bearing parts from mold and mildew.
All components of roofing copper, which directly touch it, must also be copper or made of galvanized metal.
After assembling all the details of the roof surface must be cleaned of any foreign objects.
Roofing copper is the most elite material of the covering materials for rooftops offered for the general buyer.
Assuming the purchase of this metal, you need to know that its properties must coincide with certain values, which only manufacturers of copper production can provide.
- Aurubis - Finnish monopoly in Europe for the production of parts made of copper and the best copper compounds. This concern produces a batch of Nordic - sheets of pre-oxidized copper of various colors - gold, chestnut, greenish, bluish - and other copper alloys. The company researches and produces, on booking, sheets with a textured edge, copper products used for the facade and roof. Aurubis introduces customers to thirteen types of copper coatings ranging from model copper to the formation of a patinated shell on the surface, which correspond to different periods and requirements in the work. There are brands of alloys with zinc and aluminum.
- Another European concern KME Groupwhich specializes in products from copper and copper alloys, originated in the north of Italy in 1886. Over time, connecting with other companies in Germany, France, Spain, Finland, the company turned into a huge enterprise.
- Production of KME Roofing Systems produces roofing copper and copper facades with the mark TECU®.
- The Russian company offering a range of non-ferrous metallurgy products is located in the Orenburg region of Guy, founded in 1975. To date Gaysky plant for processing non-ferrous metals (GOTSM) is one of the main metallurgical companies for the production of rolled non-ferrous metals and alloys. The plant makes products that are successful both in the Russian market and abroad.
Tips and tricks
The decision to invest in a new copper construction is not only a kind of architectural statement, but a guarantee of longevity for future generations.
There are three important points to keep in mind.
- Find an experienced supplier, which will help to order a copper roof for your project. A new copper roof will be preserved for as long as the house will stand, repair is not required. Designing this durability means not only choosing the right copper profile, but also understanding how copper works with other materials and metals in a house. There are critical areas where mixing metals with copper can lead to problems that are easy to avoid if you know and understand copper.If you choose the wrong parts, you can seriously spoil the value and quality of the copper roof.
- Do not save on installation. Find a roofer with experience, skills and professionalism to make sure that your copper roof will last long. Just ask your contractor to show samples of his skills in this business.
- Achieving Accelerated Patina is an art form. Beware of choosing a different rooftop technician. The wrong decision of an inexperienced technician can lead to a patina that will wash off in the first rainstorm. Experience and skill will help to avoid an artificial "green" result due to an unsuccessful attempt at aging copper.