Getting rid of condensation on the roof and under the roof: causes of occurrence and ways to eliminate

Condensate that collects under the roof can be a pretty serious problem. It leads to unpleasant consequences, such as a decrease in thermal insulation of insulation materials, deformation and wear of roofing coatings, deterioration of general living conditions inside the room.
What it is?
Condensate that collects under the roof is a small droplet of liquid. It is formed due to differences in air temperatures and the material itself. Most of all, the risk group includes metal tile and professional sheet coatings, which have excellent thermal conductivity.Cold metal is in contact with warm air, and condensate forms at this point. With its large accumulation, the roof can be damaged, which can lead to the formation of leaks, and upon contact with the materials for thermal insulation and their failure, even a complete overlap of the roof may be required.
Usually this problem is not typical for a cold type of roof, when the attic occupies a certain space filled with cold air.
According to experts, condensate is rare in cases of use of ceramics or composite tiles with low thermal conductivity. Condensate can be formed both in high-rise buildings and on the roofs of private houses, as well as in unheated attic floors.
Possible consequences
At first glance, such a minor problem can lead to serious consequences. It seems that the roof is sweating from the inside. At the same time, its service life is necessarily shortened, and roofing surfaces become useless.
The first, than dangerous condensate, is the formation of corrosion. It occurs due to prolonged exposure to water on the metal, which is damaged. In this case, rust formation is inevitable.Accordingly, there is a danger of leaks and holes in the coating, as a result of which the material will wear out faster and will eventually become unusable.
For thermal insulation of the house is used insulation. In the climatic conditions of a large part of our country, this becomes a necessity. Droplets of moisture in contact with the material increase the thermal conductivity, and this leads to a decrease in its effectiveness. Even after drying, the properties of the insulation are no longer subject to restoration, so the only way out is its complete replacement.
Another adverse effect is increased humidity in the room. This creates an unfavorable microclimate and can lead to health problems for its residents.
But it is also necessary to remember that with excessive moisture there are favorable conditions for the formation of fungus and mold.
The main reasons for the formation of condensate are the illiterate installation of the roof or the use of poor quality materials. In some cases, the amount of fluid is so large that it is confused with leakage and the wrong solutions are used.Since troubles can be avoided with the help of correctly performed works, it is necessary to study the causes of their occurrence, as well as to try to avoid mistakes, the elimination of which is not always easy, sometimes requiring significant financial investments.
Condensate often forms due to poor thermal insulation. This is especially true for old houses, as during the previous roofing works, in order to save, an insufficient amount of insulation was used, sometimes not too high quality. In addition, over time, the material becomes damp.
If the vapor barrier film is not applied correctly, moisture will form inside. In addition, materials for vapor barrier were actively used not so long ago, and in old houses they may not be, and this also creates an excellent microclimate for condensate.
Ventilation protects from moisture. It can be both natural and forced. In some cases, the tenants of the premises, wanting to save money, do not consider its equipment a necessity, which adversely affects the humidity in the room.
During construction between the waterproofing materials and the roof itself there should be a gap of about 1-3 centimeters.If the coating is made of metal, it will begin to rust if it comes into contact with water. And with constant contact with moisture, the insulation will lose its properties.
And also cause poorly installed windows for the attic and slopes.
Ways to solve the problem
How exactly the problem is solved is directly related to the cause of its occurrence. If the culprit is poor thermal insulation, it must be improved by increasing the thickness of the protective layer. In most cases, the heat goes to the point and in certain places. Weak points can be found both with a thermal imager and independently. The procedure should be carried out in the winter when the snow falls and the places where it thaws are clearly visible.
Ventilation deficiencies can only be fixed by proper installation. Vent windows should be placed in the skates of the roof, as well as under their overhangs. If the air circulation is organized properly, ice and snow accumulates on the roof and sticks to it much less.
It should be borne in mind that ventilation is necessary for any room that is not heated.
If you use materials of poor quality, this can cause the formation of not only condensate, but also much more serious problems.When conducting a bad vapor barrier can not do without its arrangement. On sale are modern and high-quality materials for this purpose. Their price is low, and installation does not create difficulties. One option is to lay the membrane film.
In the absence of a gap between the roof and waterproofing to solve the problem is quite difficult. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of condensation. In this case, the only solution is to dismantle the roof and conduct ventilation. Maintenance does not help. If you run this question, the formation of moisture will not stop, and this threatens to impair thermal insulation, damage to the roof, wooden structures and other materials.
In serious cases, you can not do without installing new crates and materials for vapor barrier. In case of violation of the outflow of air there is no possibility for its circulation, and this threatens with more rapid accumulation of damp. In this situation, you shouldn’t do anything to fix the problem yourself, it is recommended to contact a specialist who will competently carry out the work and leave the necessary clearance for ventilation.
Installing dormer windows can not always solve the problem of deharing the attic. A more modern and effective way is the aerator.It is displayed on the slope of the roof and is located on its highest point. Adaptations can be monolithic and point. Monolithic are a plate located along the ridge of the roof, and the point is necessary to complement the fans.
It often happens that the formation of condensate contributes not one, but several reasons. This is especially common in the homes of old buildings. In this case, it is possible that the only way to get rid of excess moisture will be the dismantling of the roof and its overhaul, which will require significant financial costs. To save the situation can install heat-reflecting insulation, which will help make the house warmer and reduce the formation of moisture. In the case when the attic is not residential, this type of insulation should be installed in the ceiling of the upper floor, but if it is heated, materials should be placed directly under the roof.
It is possible to avoid the contact of humid air with a cold metal surface by using a vapor barrier film. It is laid between the rafters and helps reduce the formation of moisture.
To avoid the problem of condensation will help correct installation of the roof. First of all, it is necessary to make laying of heat-insulating materials competently and efficiently. It is not recommended to use foam. Insulation fits exclusively under the roof, and not on the floor.
Next comes the waterproofing and vapor barrier of the room. Its required to overlap. The ventilation system will eliminate dampness and increase the duration of operation of the roof.
And finally, the elements of the roofing must be installed carefully and carefully. If possible, it is recommended to turn to professionals who will not make mistakes in their work and thereby save residents from unnecessary problems and additional financial costs.
For more information on how to deal with condensation on the roof, see below.