Shingles for roofing: what it is, features and characteristics

The modern market of building materials is filled with new types of roofing made by innovative technologies and with unique properties and technical characteristics. But the use of old ways to cover the roof remains relevant today. One such method is the use of shingles. Designers use it to reconstruct old buildings or to create new objects in an authentic style. Production of roofing elements and its labor-intensive installation must be trusted only by experienced builders with a high professional level.
Material Features
Shingles - roofing material having the form of wooden plates made of different tree species.
- environmental Safety;
- avoiding staining roofing;
- increased resistance to temperature, humidity and fungal diseases of coniferous wood shingles;
- resistance to decay processes;
- high waterproofing performance;
- the ability to apply in different climatic conditions;
- no waste during installation;
- esthetic look;
- small weight;
- harmonious blend with the environment;
- no condensation under the roof covering.
- deforestation for making cover;
- high cost of material and roofing;
- installation of the coating is possible only by professional builders;
- high percentage of waste when cutting;
- the need for processing material made of hardwood, primers and antiseptics;
- roofing leaks;
- the inability to create attic structures;
- deformation under the action of moisture and sunlight;
- fragility;
- annual inspection of the coating and repair of damaged areas;
- the high cost of work on the restoration of deformed areas of shingles.
The lifetime of this type of coating depends on the characteristics of the selected material, the production technology of elements and the processing of blanks. If all the rules and technological standards of production and operation are observed, the period of service of shingles can last for several decades.
Modern designers and decorators apply a unique building material. from natural wood, not only for roofing work, but also for finishing the facades of buildings, interior decoration indoors. Projects made with the use of this type of material have a unique texture and unique forms.
Types and characteristics
For the manufacture of wooden roof used several types of tiles and its analogues:
- shingles - wooden boards laid in a checkerboard pattern;
- Shindel - elements of different shapes, laid in various ways;
- shingles - shingle boards made in the form of different figures;
- ploughshare - a tile in the form of a shovel;
- tes - a covering from a pine.
The most common types of roofing are shingles and shingles. The dimensions of the shingle exceed the elements of shingles.
Shingles for the roof is of several types.
- Chipped Durable and durable material. For the production of plates used an ax or a special mechanical tool. The way a sharp split of the tree allows you to make elements of the roof with a minimum number of defects.
- Sawn. It is made by cutting the necessary parts from a wooden blank. Manufactured items are of poor quality and a large amount of damage and defects. To reduce the percentage of roughness, experts recommend making a cut exactly along the fibers.
- Mosaic. It is produced by gluing individual parts made in different ways. This type of coating has high strength and durability and is the most popular among professional builders.
Modern manufacturers process the material with special solutions that allow the roof covering to provide the necessary color shade and protect it from the negative influence of the environment.
Wood requirements
To obtain high-quality and durable building material used hardwood trees - aspen, linden, cedar, oak. Coniferous wood has a large number of branches, which greatly complicates the production process and affects the quality characteristics of the material.
Starting to manufacture the plates, you need to know a few requirements for the source material:
- no knots - cutting should be carried out in dense stands with limited access to sunlight;
- cutting only damp wood - low-quality roofing material is obtained from dry raw materials;
- use of chocks of the same size, but not less than 45 cm;
- the absence of deformed and damaged places on the trunks of trees;
- exclusion of the use of core chocks;
- treatment with fire retardant solutions;
- for the production of chips to use an ax or a mechanical tool for splitting;
- procurement of raw materials at any time of the year, except for the winter period.
Making wooden tiles from different tree species gives each species its own unique properties and characteristics. Wood brought from countries with a harsh climate has a higher price and quality. The roof made of larch becomes lighter and more beautiful every year, the oak elements darken over time and become dense and heavy. The material made of coniferous breeds has high antiseptic properties, is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, has the greatest period of operation.
The longer a shing is in operation, the higher its degree of strength and tightness.
How to make?
For the manufacture of thin boards shingles masters use special machines. Manual production method will allow to make shingles or tiles of wood with a thickness of more than 10 mm.
For cutting plates in home workshops builders use two types of machines.
- Purchased in specialized stores. Advantages - high quality tools, no defects and inaccuracies in the factory assembly. Disadvantages - the high price, the inexpediency of the acquisition for a single production of shingles.
- Handmade. Advantages - low price, the possibility of assembling from used material.Disadvantages - experience in the design of metal tools and the construction of drawings, obtaining deformed and defective products.
Before starting work, you must purchase personal protective equipment and study the safety regulations when working on sawing machines. The acquisition of high quality raw materials and complying with all standards and standards is the key to the successful production of shingles with a minimum percentage of waste and defects.
Stages of manufacturing roofing material:
- preparation of tools for work, sharpening of all cutting elements and lubrication of necessary parts;
- splitting a large billet into sectors of the required size;
- alignment of workpieces to the planned size;
- cleaning the workplace from unnecessary material;
- cutting of shingles along the cut;
- surface grinding;
- sorting made material;
- alignment of shingles should be done in small batches.
Novice masters need to take a few lessons on the production of roofing material from experienced builders,when performing work, use their recommendations and advice - this will reduce the percentage of defects and errors and lead to the manufacture of high quality roofing material.
Installation Tips
Roofing shingles has not only unique properties, but also has a special technology of installation. Laying elements, connecting nodes and roofing device resembles a fir cone. Wooden material retains its properties to increase the size under the action of precipitation, which does not allow moisture to penetrate under the roof. Under the action of sunlight, the plates rise and provide an opportunity for evaporation of moisture. Starting the process of laying wood roofing, it is necessary to take into account its properties, features and specifications.
Before installation of shingles, it is necessary to crate the framework structure of the rails with a pitch of 25 cm. The fastening of the elements should be carried out with stainless steel nails in the middle of the surface, leaving the lower edge unsecured. This method will increase the tightness of the roof and prevent cracks and chips. To prevent mechanical damage to thin and fragile parts of the roof it is necessary to use special devices for movement.
The design with the use of shingles consists of several types of materials: vapor barrier; waterproofing; crate; shingles. Required tools: jack; sharp blade; putty knife; punch. Installation is carried out without drawing up drawings. Builders enough to determine the angle and the required number of rows of the roof. Laying scheme - the overlap of the previous row as follows.
The installation of shingles is carried out in several stages:
- fasten the rail that controls the angle of overhang and the level of the ends;
- nail the first row consisting of two levels;
- fix the next row of elements with an overlap width of at least 30 mm and a gap between the shingles of 7 mm;
- install roofing across the width of the entire roof;
- trim the protruding parts with a hand saw.
Experienced builders advise to pay attention to the location of the fibers. Water flows should flow parallel to the direction of the threads.
Beginner builders can make mistakes and inaccuracies during installation:
- large length of crates;
- inaccurate calculation of the required building material;
- short distance overlapped;
- the use of low-quality plates;
- no extra layers.
For roofs with complex shapes, experienced builders use a combined roof. The combination of shingles with modern roofing material allows you to build and put into operation unique designs of designers who have a roof of complex shape and configuration.
Roof made of natural material requires special care:
- removal of snow cover only with a wooden broom;
- timely cleaning of the surface from foliage, moss and twigs;
- annual inspection for damage and deformed areas;
- Coating with special oils to preserve unique properties and textures;
- periodic application of water-repellent solutions that lose their properties under the negative influence of the environment.
In the next video you will see the process of mounting shingles.
Successful examples
The unique material that has been used for many decades, has found its application in the creation of modern projects. Exclusive design projects using shingles are popular with both domestic customers and residents of different countries of the world.Decorators found successful options for combining wooden tiles with various materials.
Modern designers give their preference to new technologies and the use of glorious forms in their projects. Unique and unique projects are in demand among young and modern customers who are tired of standard rooms and boring designs. The use of shingles for facade decoration and decoration will create home comfort and protect the building from the negative effects of the environment.
Summer gazebo, decorated with wooden tiles, will surely decorate a country site, create comfort and harmoniously fit into the unique nature of the pine forest.
A harmonious combination of gray roof and brown wall cladding made of wooden tiles will emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house, and white windows and bright corners will focus on the complex structure of the building.
The simplicity and the apparent roughness of the material do not interfere with the shingles harmoniously fit into the modern interior of a country house. Beautiful decoration of the semicircular attic ceiling will be a bright spot in the design project, made in bright and delicate tones.
Rest in a simple house, harmoniously inscribed in the pristine nature, fill with vitality and will become a favorite vacation spot from the daily bustle of big cities.
Starting construction or repair in a house, it is necessary to examine all the finishing materials presented on the shelves of building stores, and carefully consider the projects of successful designers and decorators. The experience and advice of professional builders will help you correctly apply materials of different shapes, properties and quality in the interior. Only a professional approach to the implementation of the task will help in creating unique projects.