Plastic tile: advantages of material and subtlety of installation

The high price of a natural material roofing and laboriousness of the process led to the appearance on the markets of building materials a plastic counterpart - tiles made from polymeric material. Manufacturers of polymer-sand tiles offer buyers an inexpensive material that has unique properties and a wide range of colors. Unique properties and modern production technologies made it possible for this material to occupy a leading position in the sales ranking of roofing.
Special features
Modern production technologies allow to produce Artificial roofing with high technological performance and having a number of such undeniable advantages:
- long period of operation;
- corrosion resistance;
- safe transportation;
- resistance to mechanical damage;
- low percentage of moisture absorption;
- resistance to the appearance of mold and fungi;
- environmental Safety;
- high level of thermal insulation;
- resistance to temperature and solar radiation;
- preservation of saturated color over a long period;
- ease of construction and ease of installation;
- the presence of dielectric properties;
- high aesthetic performance;
- application in the production of plastic waste without sorting;
- wide color range and variety of forms;
- affordable price.
Among the shortcomings of plastic tiles should be highlighted as follows:
- to preserve all the properties and technological qualities, it is necessary to purchase goods only from reputable manufacturers;
- roof slope not less than 45 degrees;
- the purchase of additional items;
- crate at a distance of at least 35 cm
For the manufacture of plastic tiles use sand, polymers, modifying additives and dyes.
For high-quality installation of roofing experts have developed several models of tiles.
- Ridge - it is mounted on the junction of two planes along the upper horizontal line, it has a different shape;
- Ordinary - has the form with one or two waves and special fixings at the edges of the elements, is used to cover the main part of the roof;
- Wind - protects the eaves from the penetration of precipitation under the roof, protects the roof from gusts of strong wind and its subsequent destruction.
When installing sand-plastic tiles, it is necessary to use elements of the same color range or correctly select colors to create an aesthetic color solution when improving the room.
Color solutions
The plastic tile is the unique and popular roofing material having a huge color scale. To obtain a wide range of colors allow the dyes used in the production process. Modern tile manufacturers make catalogs of color solutions for their products, which allows them to most accurately and successfully select the required color for roofing, while building computer programs will help to see the final result of the planned work.
The unique properties and characteristics of the artificial material allow you to keep bright colors throughout the entire period of operation.that is an indisputable advantage in the aesthetic design of the premises.
Tips for choosing
Buying PVC plastic shingles, professional builders advise to pay attention to the following points:
- monotony and uniformity of color coloring;
- surface smoothness;
- absence of defects, cracks and chips on the coating elements;
- excess weight
Only the purchase of a quality product from well-known manufacturers guarantees high quality and reliability of the design while preserving all technological properties.
Mounting technology
Before starting work it is necessary to determine the amount of material required. Installation of tiles is a simple and easy method of fixing roofing, even for beginning builders.
It consists of the following steps:
- installation of crates;
- installation of the lower outflow;
- installation of elements in order of priority;
- installation of side and ridge elements.
Plastic bottles are the original, cheap and affordable material for self-fulfillment of roofing work. The unusual method is suitable for small gazebos, sheds and outbuildings.
Spectacular images
Before starting the process of home improvement, it is necessary to carefully study all types of building materials and new installation technologies. The old finishes have been replaced by modern coatings with unique properties and characteristics. The main advantage of innovative materials is the creation of reliable and vicious structures with high aesthetic indicators. Saturated colors and various forms of tiles will allow you to implement the most daring and complex projects. Positive feedback from customers and professional builders is the main criteria when choosing a roofing material.
The rich color scheme of the purple roofing gives the building a fabulous and noble look of a medieval castle.
The classic combination of sand walls and a brown roof will give comfort and nobility of the backyard territory.
An amazing and original decision to create a summer roof made of plastic bottles will not only make a positive contribution to the dacha life of all family members, but also improve the ecological situation in your area.
The classic combination of noble brick shades will always be a popular option in the design of buildings for any purpose.
The air construction of plastic bottles will not only delight with external beauty, but also treat all family members with fresh and healthy vegetables and greens.
On how to make plastic shingles, see the following video.