Private porch for a private house: options for designs

Each person sooner or later thinks about where to spend the weekend or one evening alone with himself or with his family and friends. The purchase of a country mansion or a summer cottage becomes more and more urgent in resolving this issue. By purchasing this property, the owner begins to equip their home. Often, modifications begin with reworking the porch.
Currently, the types of porches are distinguished by originality, practicality, convenience, beauty and are ideally combined with the main structure, decorating it. For the construction of using modern building materials, they are selected according to the style of the house itself and serve more than one year.
If we talk about the practical side and convenience, it is better to choose a covered extension that will protect both in the rain and in cold.
All extensions differ from each other in size, shape, style, location to the main building. So, the small garden house will suit a small platform of simple appearance, without frills. A medium-sized concrete structure is suitable for a house of standard dimensions, and you can give it any shape, be it rectangular, square, trapezoid, round or asymmetric.
But do not forget that the appearance of the porch is selected individually, in accordance with the overall design of the facade. The square and rectangular extension is clearer and adds austerity, accuracy, consistency to the house, and a round one adds softness, comfort, and romance.
The porch is covered partially or completely. Each option is somewhat different in design and technical characteristics. Thus, a fully enclosed annex in all its characteristics resembles a small room. This design has a floor, walls, ceiling, entrance doors leading to a closed platform.Fully enclosed porch of a private house is more practical, but it is more complex in design.
The semi-closed version has special poles for support. In addition, railings can be used for greater convenience. It is not necessary to install a door with a half-closed design.
There are many options how to build a vestibule, a veranda or a balcony, as well as building materials. One likes a more eco-friendly option and their choice falls on a bar or plank, others like brick in combination with glass, and others are crazy about poles with wrought iron elements.
If you choose concrete, then it can be fully decorated and decorated to your liking. Some firms offer the vestibule to fully glaze, which adds style and at the same time comfort and transparency.
Options for indoor extensions
Before you start building an extension, evaluate all the nuances of the building itself - what style it is built from, what materials, what foundation, windows, doors and whether there is an exterior decoration of the building. All this must be considered when choosing the design of the porch.
So, you can perform the following options extensions:
- Traditional wooden version - budget and practical at the same time. The porch is set on the foundation. Large-scale visor protects the entrance from moisture even in the presence of open fragments in the upper part, where windows are installed. This version will look great with a wooden house.
- Russian The porch version is a close relative of the rustic style, but with the addition of modernity and novelty. Such a porch in a private house is necessarily made of timber or wood, has a large number of ornaments on the facade, railing, roof. In this embodiment, naturalness is appreciated, that is, wood is not painted with colored paints, but left it natural, natural, while preserving the natural pattern. Coat the bar only with varnish for greater durability.
- Finnish style - full or partial glazed walls, looks good with wood and brick. Also in the design there are forged products, which further emphasize the chosen direction. If the house is built in the Finnish style, then the porch should be small, but at the same time as a building material, in addition to wood, you can use stone in combination with glass.
- Extension from brick or concrete. Partially or completely covered with blank walls or glazed. Such a vestibule is ideal for a house of brick of the same color or stone.
A kind of closed extension is a porch with a vestibule. This is a construction of a small area, most often 3X4 meters, which provides a comfortable microclimate of the dwelling. Well, we will look like with a one-story house, and with the cottage. Tambour can be made as a small separate house, in the form of a square, an extension with a transition to a glazed veranda, elevated with stairs or above ground. Located in the center, at the main entrance, and on the side, behind.
As a rule, the porch is formed on the foundation. For the walls choose a brick, wood, rounded timber, concrete slabs, stone, blocks, they can also be partially or completely glazed. The selected material should be similar to the material of the main building. The bar is selected for the houses of the log house, slab. Brick steps are suitable in most cases, but wooden boards can be used everywhere.
The difference between this construction and the rest is that this porch looks like a small room - it has floors, walls, windows, a door and a roof.It can be insulated and lighted and used as a hallway.
If you are a fan of doing everything with your own hands and are good at building, then building a porch on your site will not be difficult. Its design can be different, the main thing is that the vestibule is combined with the main building.
Porch glazing can be done in several ways. It all depends on what goals the owner of a private house pursues. Currently there is a huge selection of glazing options. It can be sliding and frameless systems, PVC, aluminum profiles or wooden windows. Each type has its own characteristics and this must be considered when building a porch.
- PVC windows - the most popular and budget option. Plastic windows are warm and cold. For insulation extensions using double glazed windows. Now on the market there is a huge choice of PVC profile, therefore, to choose it in color and texture to the main building will not be easy. But to completely glaze the entire porch or veranda with PVC windows without a partition will not work, since they have a limited size (the maximum area of the PVC window is 2.8 m2).Another significant drawback of plastic windows is quite a lot of weight.
- Aluminum the systems allow the porch to be glazed with a maximum light opening without any additional jumpers. The windows are warm and cold. The warm 3-5-chamber double-glazed windows and special inserts, thanks to this they are heat and sound insulated. Cold windows have only one chamber and are equipped with light fittings without any inserts, so they are more often used for glazing summer extensions.
- Wood Windows are a traditional, low-cost and simple option for glazing the porch, if we talk about single glass frames of 4 mm. But they do not retain heat in the extension when it is freezing, therefore it is better to use more expensive wooden windows or 2-3-chamber double-glazed windows. Frameless glazing is an ideal solution if the porch is required to be closed from gusts of wind and precipitation, but it will not protect the extension from the cold. Usually such glazing is used for the porch in a large country house or cottage.
Do it yourself
A closed-type porch - although a non-residential structure, is nevertheless an important and functional element of any building. Build a porch with your own hands is not difficult, but you need to do it correctly and in stages.
The foundation of all the basics is a properly executed project. It is very important to calculate the parameters, as well as take into account the size of the porch, its height, whether there will be a ladder and in what direction it is better to arrange it. You need to proceed from your own preferences and the amount of money. The design also takes into account the ratio of the width of the extension and the doorway. All this can be seen in the drawings, which are drawn specifically for each plan.
After the registration of the plan and all calculations, materials for construction are prepared and the foundation is laid, that is, the foundation is poured. From which raw materials the extension will be built, it completely depends on the main body.
The wooden porch can be made on the basis of a bar. Boards are suitable for the construction of platforms and steps, and side racks are best made of rails. The tree must be treated with antiseptic to prevent rotting.
After the foundation is ready, they start building walls, a roof or a visor, and also make a kosour (bearing part of the stairs) and steps. Railing and visor equip at its discretion.
The porch variant with glazing is usually a concrete or stone foundation with a staircase and a visor resting on piles. With the help of the corners the length of the height of the pile for the visor form the frame.At the same time, the corners are welded to the piles and wooden double frames are inserted with rubber-lined glass laid between them.
Recently, more and more began to do extensions of polycarbonate. This material combines strength, ease of installation, transparency and ease of maintenance. The porch has a visor across the entire width and length of the platform, as well as side walls, which together form a closed structure that reliably protects the near-door space of the house from any weather.
Well, the latest brutal stroke is the design of the finished porch. Here you can realize all your ideas and fantasies. The main thing is that everything should look harmonious and complement each other.
The porch, depending on the needs of the owner, the materials used for construction, the terrain and the appearance of the main building can be of any configuration and size. The main parameter by which the type and configuration of the annex is chosen is its combination with the mansion. All tedious to plan at the design stage. The most important thing is that the chosen option of the porch should be liked by the owners and leave only positive emotions among the guests.
In the next video you will find the installation of a closed porch of glass.