Glass peaks: types and subtleties of installation

If the theater begins with a hanger, then any building - from the entrance. No matter how natural and understandable this conclusion is, few people realize that both the facade of the building and its entrance group can directly provide an impressive amount of information about the developer, landlord or tenant. Behind the word "fashionable" rarely hides "practical." But not at this time. Glass canopies above the entrances of buildings made of the same glass and concrete are becoming not just a fashion accessory, but a work of practical art.
Special features
What is so special about these plain, simple structures in their structure and operation? They are not only pleasant to watch.
There are several other advantages:
- Transparency. Although it is obvious, it is worth noting that users choose glass visors because of this indicator. A large amount of sunlight penetrating under the roof significantly increases the mood of the person under it.
- Strength. Despite the fact that glass is a fragile material, the composition of suspended peaks allows the structure to withstand great weight and be very resistant to mechanical damage.
- Security. Directly follows from the previous advantage. The glass visor will either simply crack in case of damage, or fall apart into small fragments with smooth edges.
- Protection. First, from the rain. If we are talking about a shopping or office center, then it is very convenient to open the umbrella on the threshold, under the transparent visor, and not under the pouring rain. Secondly, from the sun, or rather from its too hot rays in the warm season. Despite the fact that passing through the glass, they can burn something, the glass canopie will hide the person from this all-pervading luminary. Just add color or tinting film.
- Ease. This concerns more the appearance of the structure than its actual weight or method of installation.Sometimes the glass canopies look like a separate installation floating in the air, while performing very important and significant functions for a person.
Negative sides are also present. In order not to regret what was done, after purchasing a glass canopy, you should pay attention to the fact that its cost will be several times higher than the same area of polycarbonate construction, corrugated board, plastic and other known roofing materials. The complexity of the manufacture and installation of such visors also fall into the piggy bank of minuses. This is due to the heavy weight of the glass itself, as well as with the most accurate calculation made before the purchase. The advantages and disadvantages of glass canopies directly affect the quality of installation and service life.
Some models can serve more than ten years, so all the necessary measurements, design drawings and installation of these weightless structures should be entrusted to professionals.
The originality of glass canopies is that they can be installed not only above the entrance. For example, if we talk about a private house, then you can install glass awnings for a terrace or a car in it.There are structures that are installed around the perimeter of the building. They are necessary in order to quietly move along the street during the precipitation. In this case, awnings are rarely all-glass. As a rule, several long canvases are purchased, which are tightly fastened together and sealed at the joints to avoid the formation of cracks.
Hinged glass visors above the entrance group, depending on the mounting, there are such types as:
- on the substructure or on the frame. All connections and fastenings are made of stainless steel. Such sheds are lightweight, because the main load is transferred to the wall of the building;
- on brackets and cable-stayed rods. This design has an original appearance: it seems to float in the air, it seems absolutely weightless. It's all about the so-called guys, special cables, which are attached with special hooks to the wall of the building. In order for such a visor to be as stable and strong as possible, it is fixed with additional corners - with brackets;
- on supports. Here we are talking about the construction of a special support structure under a glass canopy, for example, with columns.
However, soaring visors are divided into types not only by the method of installation. The material is also of great importance when choosing a quality product.
Glass peaks can be made of three types of glass.
- Triplex is a combination of three or more layers of glass with intermediate laying between them with a special self-adhesive polymer film. The same options are used to create windshields in cars.
- Hardened is a standard sheet material, heated to a state of flexibility and rapidly cooled over the entire area at the same time. Thus, the glass gets increased resistance to temperature extremes.
- Hardened triplex is a harmonious combination of a classic car windshield with layers of hardened.
It has high strength and wear resistance.
The base material is also very important. Often these are stainless steel frames and steel cables. As for the supporting structures, here the material can be absolutely anyone who can bear the weight of the glass plate.
Another nice feature of glass canopies is that you can choose the sizes according to your personal preferences. The thickness of the sheet remains almost unchanged - 10-20 mm. Of course, there are no endless glass strips, so sometimes designs can be solid sheets or consist of two, three or more parts.
Great joy for lovers of variety in colors. Glass visors have this trump card. You can order sheets of any color that will be combined with the main shade of the building or, on the contrary, will stand out with bright detail against the background of the building of glass and concrete. And it is also possible to tinted glass so that on a particularly bright sunny day you can hide for a while from the scorching rays of the sun.
Original drawings on frosted glass also give charm and originality of design.
Accessories and components
A set of accessories directly depends on the type of fastening.
However, there is a basic list of components included in the basic package, namely:
- glass;
- frame, cables (cables) or supports;
- small fixing tools.
A specific set of accessories should be considered on the example of a glass visor on suspensions.
It includes the following elements:
- Rutel-holder is the main functional pair in this type of attachment. They are inserted into the prepared holes in the glass;
- steel cables from 6 to 36 mm in diameter;
- anchors are hooks that cut into the facade of the building, from them to a canopy, a steel cable is pulled;
- fastening earring - is located on the side of the rutel, thanks to this component the cable is attached to it;
- Spider - this is a new word in the mountings of hanging glass peaks. This is what allows you to install it with a minimum of additional details.
Style and design
Glass is a rather malleable material from which you can get a variety of shapes and forms. Of course, in the production process and only in the semi-molten state.
Thus, there are still several such types of visor roof, as:
- sloping or gable with a flat surface;
- canopies that resemble an arch or dome;
- original designs of complex shapes.
With colors and shapes figured out, you can think about the design features of the glass itself. Looks great effect of "cracked glass", which still misses the necessary amount of sunlight and has the original look. Tinted windows worry not only motorists. For a glass visor, the application of such a protective film has recently become an almost mandatory procedure.
Frosted glass and forged fasteners elements add extra grace to the hinged structures. Sometimes you really want to add zest to the facade of your house. Here it is very useful to be the elements of the decoration of stained glass or fastening the canopy on one support. Fantasy designers have no limits.
Depending on the overall style and design of the house, you can choose a visor that is most suitable.
Selection and installation
To the selected glass visor served as long as possible and had an attractive appearance, you should approach the selection process thoroughly. For this it is worth thinking about the following questions:
- What function will perform the design. The main purpose of the visor is to protect people from precipitation,wind and fall of foreign objects from a height. From this will depend on the size of the glass, which must be purchased. If the visor will perform an exclusively decorative function, then you can proceed to the second paragraph.
- What is the preferred form of the finished product. Having considered the main types of visors, it becomes clear that for some designs one piece canvas or several connected together is required. Often the number of sheets affects the size of the visor. Choosing a non-standard form for your canopy, you should contact the company that will make the glass under the order with all the necessary holes for fixings.
- How thick should the glass be. It all depends on personal preference. But it is worth remembering that the thicker the glass, the stronger it is, as well as heavier, which significantly increases the load on mounting methods.
- Which manufacturer to choose. Today, quite a few companies are engaged in the manufacture of glass structures for entrance groups. But do not chase for cheap or beautiful picture. Often, behind such marketing "buns" lies poor-quality material,which will spoil the mood and eventually will result in a decent amount.
When choosing a glass canopy, remember that the finished material can not be cut, drill and make any other similar manipulations with it. After such a mechanical impact on the glass during the installation process, it may become unusable. Therefore, the installation of a glass visor should be trusted to professionals. The first step is the installation of the support system, brackets, cables and anchors. That is all that is, whereby the glass will “float” above the entrance. And after the preparatory design, the main artist enters the arena.
If the canopy is on a frame basis, it is assembled on the ground and then mounted to the wall with the help of pre-assembled fixings.
Successful examples and options
The original tinted glass visor semicircular shape. The canvas is “stitched” from several segments, mounted on the original frame of forged patterns. This design can be safely placed above the porch of a hotel, bank or other institution with a facade in retro style.
A standard rectangular multisection canopy on spiders and supports is a good option for a summer terrace in a private house.
The weightless floating design of a semicircular shape can sometimes withstand even the weight of an adult, and she can easily cope with the winter bulk of snow.
Matte glass with a blue tint perfectly complements the brick building, in which all the windows are made in a similar color scheme. The design is slightly raised up, consists of three sheets of glass.
A single glass sheet, bent up, fixed with cables and brackets to the wall of the building.
How to install a glass visor, you can learn from the video below.