Porch tile selection rules

The porch is a must-have addition to any building, and the more beautiful its design, the more stylish the facade looks. At the same time, the decorative finish of the structure should not only perform an aesthetic function, but also reliably protect the extension from the negative impact of the external environment. On this basis, for facing the porch use tiles that are characterized by high strength, long service life and originally fit into the modern exterior.
Special features
Tile is a universal building material, which is widely used for the design of street structures. At the same time the tile in finishing of a porch and steps of a ladder enjoys special popularity.Depending on the components of the tile is of different types, as it is produced in a wide range of different raw materials. As a rule, clay, natural additives, quartz and spar are used for its production. The product is manufactured according to modern technologies, so it turns out durable, resistant to temperature changes and mechanical damage.
To the main positive characteristics that guarantee a long life of the tile.
- Frost resistance. The product withstands low temperatures well. For exterior cladding, it is recommended to purchase material that is designated with a special marking - an asterisk.
- Abrasion protection. For the decoration of the porch used tiles labeled V. According to the international classification, this is the maximum class, which is used for coatings with intensive movement of people.
- High slip resistance. Since the product is used for outdoor decoration, it should be safe to use. Usually for the porch choose a tile with a slip coefficient R11-R13.
- Resistant to moisture and aggressive substances.To decorate the porch, you must purchase products with water absorption of not more than 6%.
In addition, the tile is also not afraid of exposure to fungal microorganisms and ultraviolet radiation. To make a high-quality decoration of the porch, tile, regardless of its type, should be laid only on a well-prepared base. To do this, the surface of the platform or steps should be carefully leveled with the help of special adhesive mixtures, applying evenly a layer of not more than 10 mm. If you want to revet a porch, then use a tile of 30x30 cm in size, but it is best to decorate the terrace with large elements of 30x60 cm - this way you can avoid cutting the material.
As for the flaws in tiling, some types of material are too slippery and can lead to falls in winter. To avoid this, it is necessary to cover the lining with rubber mats. In addition, most products made from natural raw materials are expensive. Regardless of the tile model, its installation can be performed only on a well-prepared base, which will not only prolong the execution of the work, but also require additional costs for alignment.
To date, the construction market is represented by a chic assortment of tiles, which is designed for the decorative decoration of the porch. Each type of her is different not only in design, size, but also in performance.
The most popular varieties of tiles are:
- Rubber. Such a product is characterized by a high anti-slip effect and externally resembles rubber. Rubber tiles are considered ideal for facing the porch in a private house where the elderly and children live, as it will protect them from possible injury. If the extension to the residential building does not provide for a staircase and consists only of a small platform and steps, then a rubber tile can be used to decorate the area near the entrance door and descend.
The material is easy to clean, easy to clean, does not wear out and is sold in different colors.
- Ceramic. Available in various sizes: from 10x10 cm to 60x30 cm. When installing ceramic coatings on the street, it is necessary to choose products that have a rough surface. Just like floor samples, they are embossed, structural, glossy and matte.
In addition, the outer ceramic tile is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, is easy to install and has a long service life. From this material, you can put on the porch original color compositions - for this you should think over the drawing in advance and make it a sketch on paper. The disadvantage of the product is that some of its models have a slippery surface.
- Granite. It is in great demand in external cladding, as it has the best indicators of wear resistance and strength. Most often, this tile is used for decorating steps, because it comes out with the correct geometry and has even side edges. The surface of the product is not only glossy, structural, but also glazed, embossed.
The material withstands frost well, is resistant to rain and allows you to create interesting designs and patterns in the decoration, but is expensive. It is made both from a natural stone, and from a crumb.
- Pavement. It is the most popular product that is used for facing the porch. With the help of paving slabs, you can originally design the structure, as it is made in a huge selection of colors and textures. The material has high quality, durability and resistance to pollution.Before laying the paving slabs on the porch, it is important to take into account that its thickness is 5 cm, therefore, equipping the upper platform, it can become an obstacle to the free opening of the door.
Although the material looks attractive, it is not strong enough.
- Marble. The product is made from natural stone, therefore, unlike other types, it has a beautiful natural design. In addition, this tile perfectly withstands moisture and temperature changes. For the decorative finish to last for many years, the material must be laid on a clean and level surface. If the working surface has a porous structure, then it is primed with special solutions with deep penetration.
The disadvantage of tile is the complexity of its installation.
- Clinker. For the production of this type of tile using clay and natural dyes, therefore, the material of this group is characterized by low moisture absorption, and its rough surface provides the coating with anti-slip properties. The back side of the tile has a ribbed base, which enhances the adhesion of the product with glue.Thanks to the clinker, it is possible to revet beautifully not only ordinary steps, but also to trim the corner plinths or to impose a complicated configuration on the stairs.
The negative side of the product is its high price.
Well-proven as a durable decorative material and concrete, basalt tiles. It does not require special care, is easy to install and safe for human health, as it is a completely ecological product. In case you need to make an interesting landscape design, it is recommended to finish the limestone finish - it is well suited for any type of construction and harmoniously fits into the style of the house.
How to lay your own hands
Laying tiles is not particularly difficult, so it is often carried out independently by the owners of the house.
For the facing of the porch to pass correctly, the following step-by-step instruction will help beginners.
- The first stage of work is the preparation of the foundation. Lay tile should be on a concrete surface, which is pre-leveled and primed. It is possible to glue the material only after the concrete coating has completely “matured”.As a rule, it takes no more than 28 days from the moment of pouring.
The rough base is checked for cleanliness and the absence of various defects, since the presence of differences in level, dust and cracks can be an obstacle to adhesion. In addition, the finishing should be carried out under a certain incline of the stairs to the outside.
- The next step will be a trial installation of tiles. This is necessary in order to perfectly fit the size of all elements. Place a tile on a dry surface and calculate the distance between the seams. The optimum joint width for porcelain stoneware is 8 mm, for ceramics - 6 mm, and for clinker - 14 mm. Regardless of whether the porch is semicircular or square, the tiles start from the corner.
- The most crucial step is the direct installation of the material on the glue. To finish withstand temperature changes and high humidity, while maintaining its positive properties, it is recommended to carry out the installation on highly elastic mixtures. Before you make the lining, prepare the glue: the dry mixture is poured into the container and mixed with an exact proportion of water using a construction mixer.The resulting solution is applied to a concrete base and leveled with a notched trowel. Then you can put the tile itself onto the mortar, press it tightly to the base and slightly move it so that the fit is free of voids.
- Completion of work is grouting. After the adhesive mixture has dried, the interglacial gaps are rubbed with a special mixture, which is prepared from water and dry powder. We should not forget about the gaps between the details of the structure and the wall - they are sealed with silicone sealant. The porch can be used after 48 hours.
In the next video, you will see instructions for tiling steps.
To date, the sale has a huge selection of tiles for finishing the porch. At the same time, the market is represented both by foreign products and Russian-made products. For example, the leading position was taken by the Italian manufacturer Roberto cavalliwhich lets out a tile from porcelain tile. The model range from Roberto Cavalli has a chic and elegant design.
Good reviews and received tiles from the manufacturer Versace home. It is made of granite, marble and clinker. The products with imitation of natural stone from Ariostea also look interesting. Such tile has various sizes, density and color scale.
The products of the joint Russian-Italian enterprise are very popular on the market. Kerama marazziwhich offered a choice of 35 collections of tiles from high quality porcelain.
Tips and tricks
The decoration of the porch is the final touch in the construction of the house, so the tile, which is used for the cladding of the structure, should not only stylishly highlight the beauty of the architectural structure, but also reliably last for a dozen years.
Simple recommendations will help to choose and install tiles.
- You can not use for the facing of the porch material that is intended for the interior decoration of the floor, as it will not stand frost. When buying a tile, you need to pay attention to its labeling and give preference to products that are made for lining open surfaces.
- An important issue is the choice of glue. For each type of tile uses a certain adhesive mixture. At the same time you need to buy glue, which is characterized by high moisture resistance.
- During installation, all tile laying technologies should be observed, otherwise the finish will deteriorate over time. It is especially important to pay attention to the fact that there are no voids between the base and the tile. To do this, you need to tap a decorative item - a voiced empty sound will indicate the place of the voids. In this area, the tile must be shifted.
- Before you buy a tile, you need to decide on the design of the porch and choose the most suitable color and texture of the material, which would be the most combined with the overall style of construction.
Beautiful examples
Today, there are many options for decorative facing of the porch, while the glazed porcelain is very popular in the modern exterior. To give the coating an original look, when installing it, corner inserts, borders and panels are additionally used. Thus, the porch area can be laid out with a stylish composition, and along its perimeter, framing can be made of unusual patterns. An unusual solution will be laying tiles of different shades, which should be repeated in the decoration of the building.
It looks beautiful porch, laid out at the same time matte and glazed tiles. Such design ideally will add separate inserts with a relief surface. If the main building is built of brick, then for the decoration of the porch it is desirable to choose a tile with imitation of natural stone.
To emphasize the design of the structure, the tile should be laid in the form of a cornice, making treads with a rounded edge. As for the eaves, it can be both collapsible and solid. In this collapsible form has more advantages: it is easy to replace at any time, choosing to finish a different color and shape.
For large buildings, as a rule, they build a spacious porch, which consists not only of the site, but also of the terrace. In such constructions facing is best done from ceramic or marble tiles. The risers will perfectly decorate the color patterns. The color of the lining should be chosen in such a way that the main building and the annex are a single whole. It is interesting to look in a modern design beige, milky, brown and gray.
For small houses, a porch is installed without a landing, making out the entrance with steps.In this case, you can use your imagination and lay tile unusual look. Alternating its light and dark shades, you get a chic decor.
It is desirable to choose the last tile in the rows with drawings or patterns - this will allow to visually expand the porch and give the building a fabulous look. In this case, a tile with an imitation of natural wood will also be a good option - it will give the design comfort and warmth. This type of decoration is also suitable for houses built from timber.