Bed sizes

Manufacturers of beds offer many models of beds. The most important indicator when choosing a bed remains the size. For this reason, it is very important to understand the standards and dimensional schemes, so it turns out to get the perfect bed. To understand this is not as difficult as it may seem to someone.
What are the?
There are many options for the sizes of beds. In each country they will be different.
Usually the standard dimensions of any furniture are determined based on the average physique. If we talk about beds, the ratio of length and width is calculated by adding to the average height of a person 15-20 cm and about 30-40 cm on the sides.
It is believed that the average height of a person is about 170 cm, so the length of the finished bed usually can not be less than 190 cm. With this bed length, most people can sleep comfortably.
With width standards everything is much simpler - they depend on the type of bed and on how many people sleep on it. Therefore, the bed can reach a width of 70 to 170+ cm. The size range is unusually wide.
It is worth noting that the standard sizes from different manufacturers may differ significantly from each other. Therefore, when choosing a bed should be considered where it was produced. Compare the standards of Russian and European furniture factories.
According to GOST, Russian sizes, as a rule, are smaller than European ones, but this difference is not very critical. In the size table, Russian-made single beds range in width from 70 to 90 cm, and in length from 190 to 210 cm. A soldier’s (or army) bed is 190 × 90 cm. The size of such a bed is sufficient, but for two it will not work. A semi-double bed, the Russian dimensions of which are 200 × 130 cm, comes to the rescue in this situation.
However, for adults, the best option is a double bed in sizes from 160-180 + cm in width and from 200 cm to 210 cm in length.
European standards
European products are usually 10-15 cm larger than Russian. Eurobed on one in length often does not exceed 210 cm, but in width - 90-100 cm.
European standard for a half-double bed, which abroad is called "Double", also suggests 210 cm in length. Standard width must be at least 140 cm.
Double and triple beds of European companies are interesting names "King-Size" and "Super-King Size". At the same time, the “King-Size” size model has almost the same parameters as the “Double”, exceeding them by 5-10 cm. The “Super-King Size” beds do not have the standard parameters, these are any large beds 201 × 180 cm. For comparison - the length of many models of French beds exceeds 220 cm.
There are also non-standard options. As a rule, these are large sizes (smaller models are much less common), exceeding the standard versions by two and sometimes three times. Typically, such dimensions are set for models that have a unique shape - for example, for round, oval or square beds. Curly beds in the form of hearts, stars or drops fall into this category.Such models do not fit into the usual standards, are rare, but in the capable hands of the designer may be interesting to "dilute" the interior.
It should be noted the convenience of such products, which can be even more than three-bedroom. They are so big that some of them can even sleep across, and the legs will not hang down from the edge. Sleeping and getting enough sleep on such beds is a pleasure.
However, they also have a significant disadvantage: enlarged models will not suit owners of small bedrooms. Such a big bed won't fit there, and if it fits, it will fill the whole space, which is equally inconvenient and ugly.
Round and oval models are usually measured not by the ratio of length and width, but by diameter, which is also calculated in centimeters. The diameter of such a bed ranges from 220 to 240 cm. There are more massive beds, but they are suitable only for large apartments - for small ones, such products look very bad. It will not make your room more beautiful.
Such models are rarely found in the store, they are usually created to order, according to individual measures of the customer.It is such a pleasure is quite expensive, and strength, time will have to spend a lot. However, if the desire to have an unusual bed is great, then it is worth it.
Such furniture is popular among people with non-standard parameters and among those who adore luxurious things. Just imagine how gorgeous a round bed built into a window niche will look.
How to choose the desired dimensions of the bed?
Furniture companies also offer sizes that do not fit into the overall size range. Usually such beds are several centimeters more than the standard or differ in a non-standard ratio of length and width. Many of these models are created according to the individual parameters of the owner of the bed.
For non-standard models, the bed classification described above also applies. It includes models that differ in width and number of people who can fit on them.
For different models it is appropriate:
- Single beds. These models reach from 85 to 110 cm in width. Ideal for one person of medium build. If in a dream a person often changes position and turns, it is better to choose a wider option - for example, a double bed.
- Half-sleeper products can easily accommodate one person, but two of them may be cramped. They can vary in width from 110-120 cm to 170 cm.
- Double beds. The difference between them and single beds is quite arbitrary, since their width is 170-200 cm.
- Beds "King-Size" and "Queen Size"which are popularly called royal or three-bedroom, quietly accommodate two or even three people - if necessary. Although a three-bed for a Russian person is not very familiar. The width of such models is truly enormous - it exceeds 200 cm.
There is an easy way to measure bed length. To do this, you need to add 30 cm to your height. For example, if a person is 170 cm tall, then you need to select a bed of 200 cm in size.
Description of any bed will be incomplete without specifying such an important parameter as height. Usually the height of the bed is divided into three types:
- low (from 20-25 to 30 cm);
- average height (from 35 to 60 cm);
- high (from 65 to 90 cm).
The height of the bed is often chosen depending on the personal physiological characteristics of the person and the overall style of the room. For a bedroom in an ethnic or Arabic style, beds with a lowered frame and a low mattress will do; in classic style, high beds look chic,whereas low ones look inappropriate.
Often, the dimensional grid of manufacturers adapts to a specific model. In this case, the rule applies: the simpler the form, the greater the likelihood that it has a standard size. For an unusual model and size, as a rule, unusual:
- The most familiar and common form of the bed was and remains rectangular. However, more and more you can find oval and round bed.
- Some models can be complemented with unusual elements - type canopy. This product looks very comfortable and fits any shape of the bed. An unusual decorating may also be an additional decorating element, as well as a footboard, although there are good designs of beds in which they are not provided at all.
- The height of the back depends on the style in which the room is made. The classic style requires a high back, and modern trends (for example, loft) provide complete freedom of choice, as they allow both high back and medium, and the lack of it at all.
- The beds are also divided by the type of headboard mount, which can be stationary, mounted or attached.It is worth noting that large headboards are usually found on large-sized models, while single beds either have a very low back or do not have it at all.
- Among the single and one and half models are more common transforming beds having a built-in mechanism inside the frame. This may be a roll-out bed or a bed that understands the type of French folding bed.
- Among these pieces of furniture stands out such an unusual model as bed-bed This is a fairly simple model of the bed, which when assembled turns into a small table or cabinet. A very functional thing: at night it is a place to sleep, and in the daytime - a coffee table or even a full-fledged workplace. It is noteworthy that the size of such a bed can be correlated with the size of a single bed and a single bed. So it can be quite roomy.
- No less functional model is the bed, built into the wall or cabinet. Such furniture will be pleasant to owners of small apartments, where it is rather difficult to place everything necessary - and because of this, it is inconvenient to move around the room.Built-in beds are good at freeing up the necessary space during the day. A variant of the built-in bed is a wardrobe-sofa bed.
- Good storage options are models with which you can hide bedding, pillows, blankets, other things. Linen boxes help to hide all the excess and not clutter up the room. Such boxes are built in, as a rule, in double models.
- Among the "odnushek" the most popular was now forgotten armored bed. Its frame is completely made of metal, and the base is made of special armor-clad mesh. It should be noted a few advantages of such beds. They are durable and can not break for years, can withstand a lot of weight, do not accumulate dust and cost pennies. But their appearance has long been outdated, besides for them there is no mechanism-transformer.
Now armored beds have replaced more practical and lightweight models, the base of which consists of slats.
Size of manufacturers
The first thing when choosing a bed should pay attention to the manufacturer of this piece of furniture. Now there are many international brands.This, for example, one of the most famous brands - Ikea.
Companies produce beds to their own standards. Different manufacturers may differ. It all depends on the adopted in the country of the system of measures of calculation - metric (centimeters and meters) or English (in feet and inches).
There are standard bed sizes that you should pay attention to before buying.. This includes the width, length, height of the frame, as well as the front and rear panels, but the latter are not always provided for by the bed structure. For European manufacturers, the following dimensions are considered as standard sizes: width - from 140 to 160 cm, length - 200-210 cm, and height - about 50 cm (when taking into account the mattress).
If we talk about the measurements of beds in feet and inches, then the standards will be different. In the UK and the USA, even their own names for each type of one-and-a-half beds are accepted. A “Small Double” type bed will be 190 cm in length, and 122 cm in width - “Double” (it is called a double bed) will be of the same length, but 137.2 cm in width. The “King” single bed will fit its name: it is 150 cm wide, and about 200 cm in length.
If we talk about the height of the bed, then there is no strict regulation on this score. As a rule, it is directly related to the selected model. An interesting fact is that the classification according to the height of the models in the manufacturers' catalogs is presented for individual numbers. There are also photos of various models.
Domestic manufacturers are also engaged in the production of one-and-a-half models, they are usually about 200 cm in length, and can reach 140 cm in width. It is possible to order a bed according to an individual design. The back of the bed can be both high and low, the width and length also vary in accordance with the calculations.
The undisputed leader in the manufacture of beds from foreign companies is the Swedish manufacturer Ikea. They fill almost the entire market segment due to the fact that they have a large number of stores in many countries around the world. It is also worth noting that the beds they produce are of quite high quality, and the price may vary, which allows future owners to choose the best option.
You can pay attention to other suppliers: Danona (suppliers from Italy) or Isku (Finnish furniture company). In the domestic market, these companies are represented by official distributors, in terms of the cost of products they are in the middle price segment.
Russian manufacturers on the background of foreign lose in numbers. As a rule, they are represented by small workshops. One and half beds are made by VEF, Alliance 21 Century, Askona and Fyodor Fokin Beds. The company "VEF" usually produces wooden beds, and their price is higher than those of other suppliers.
Fedor Fokin’s Beds also offers more expensive products, than similar models from Ikea, which is associated with a rather small production - unlike the Swedish giant. Many of the domestic manufacturers also offer to purchase a mattress complete with a bed.
How to choose?
There are so many different types of beds in the upholstered furniture market that the eyes involuntarily run up. For this reason, sometimes it can be difficult to concentrate on buying a bed. In order not to be mistaken in choosing the perfect bed for your apartment, it is worth making Some preparations before immediate purchase:
- First you need to arm yourself with a tape measure and determine the size of the desired bed.. Measure the room, think about where you can put the bed, how much space it can take. Try to imagine your ideal bed - how it will look, in what style it will be executed, what shape it will have.
- Next, determine the length and width of the future bed. You need to focus on your height, build and activity level during sleep. If a person often turns in his sleep and likes to sleep in the position of an asterisk, arms and legs outstretched in all directions, it is better to look at the beds with a greater width.
- Ideally, the length of the bed should be greater than its owner’s height by 10-30 cm. If during sleep a person slides a little at the foot of the foot, he needs to choose a longer bed so that his legs do not hang in the void.
- If you prefer a harder or softer bed, you should try it right in the store. Sit on it, then try to lie down and move. Try to take the position in which you usually fall asleep and wake up, see if the mattress is comfortable.Remember that the bed must be selected exclusively for themselves, so uncomfortable options should be immediately discarded.
In the case when a person has too much height or weight, it is better to give preference to beds made to order. This will greatly facilitate the arrangement of the bedroom.
- You have already decided on the most important thing - the size of the bed. However, when choosing it, you need to take into account a few more nuances, one of which is the choice of the height of the frame. It is considered that height is an optional parameter, and many do not take it into account. However, it also affects the comfort of the future bed. The height of the frame must also be selected for the growth of the owner. Low beds are suitable for low people, high beds are high. Models of medium height are universal and fit almost everyone. Remember that the mattress will certainly increase the height of the frame, so when buying it is better to immediately determine the size of the mattress. It should not be too small, otherwise it will shake while you sleep. The mattress should not be too big - otherwise it simply will not fit into the bed frame and will fall down by bumps. Sleeping on such a surface is extremely uncomfortable.
For older people, a low bed (as well as too high) will be uncomfortable: it is difficult to get up from it, it is difficult to sit with sore joints.
- You should not buy a bed, initially without measuring it. To be guided "by eye" in such a matter is impossible, otherwise you will have to be content with an uncomfortable bed and a perpetual sleep deprivation. If the size of the apartment allows, it is better to choose a bed wider, with a margin of space.
- It is worth paying special attention to the materials. They should not be too cheap, otherwise such furniture will quickly fail. If the selected model is a transformer and has an internal metal mechanism, you need to make sure that it is working. Ask a consultant at the store to disassemble and assemble the sofa, but rather try to do it yourself. The mechanism should move smoothly, do not creak or stick.
- Upholstery, mattress and bedding material also matters. It is necessary to give preference to natural and environmentally friendly fabrics. Feel the material of the bed and the mattress, they should be pleasant to the touch. Bed linen should be soft and smooth.Rough sets of linen from poor-quality material can rub or even cause allergies, and even sleeping on such a bed is unpleasant.
Choosing the right furniture, consider a variety of factors. It should be remembered that this depends on convenience and comfort. If you choose the ideal option - a pleasant dream will be provided. Such a bed will not disappoint.
More information on how to choose the right bed can be found in the following video.