Foam mattresses

Foam mattresses - quite a current purchase. Despite the fact that companies are constantly developing new types of mats filling, a considerable part of consumers prefer foam foam blocks. Not everyone can afford a latex or coconut block: it is expensive, and if its design provides an additional effect, then all the more. Foam mattresses are comfortable, performed according to modern technologies, with their small weight they have strengths and weaknesses.
Advantages and disadvantages
Foam mattresses are distinguished by a budget price. Their purchase will not hit the pocket, so they will be in demand among buyers for a long time.
Foam mattresses:
- hypoallergenic: do not irritate the skin and are suitable even for allergies;
- safe for health (no steel elements that can break, stick and injure the user);
- have excellent air exchange, which excludes the appearance of the environment for microorganisms (fungus, mold, linen mites);
- in expensive models they are rather elastic, differ in excellent density (pushing out effect), quickly restore the shape;
- have several degrees of rigidity, allowing the user to choose the most convenient and comfortable option;
- having a composite structure of the block, are complemented by different effects;
- unlike spring mats and latex, they have no internal cavities, therefore they are less susceptible to dust;
- when used properly, they do not clot, do not fade, although sometimes they slightly turn yellow around the edges;
- they are intended for people of different body size, taking into account their weight and medical indicators;
- differ in a rich dimensional range, allowing to pick up model most precisely according to the sizes of a bed;
- at the request of the client are made individually.
In addition to the advantages, foam mattresses have several disadvantages:
- the filler does not withstand direct sunlight (dry the mat without a cover under the sun is unacceptable);
- the service life of such mats is inferior to expensive analogs, even if they are complemented by high-quality padding;
- the structure of the foam unit is susceptible to moisture: if the mattress is not periodically ventilated, it will shorten its service life;
- Such a filling of the mattress is good for adults and users with great weight.
What is different from polyurethane foam?
Initially, the name of the filler was Perlon U, then (when it was released in a massive way), the manufacturer assigned it the same name Porolon. In fact, polyurethane foam and polyurethane foam are practically two types of the same material, which is a microcellular derivative of plastic, which, when hardened, becomes similar to a sponge-like layer.
If the seller says in the store that these are two different materials - this is not quite so. Foam rubber is normal (standard type T) and furniture (class HR). The second is more often called polyurethane foam, it differs in the best qualitative characteristics and service life.
If the composition of the second foam has a minimum percentage of latex, then you can hear another name for the filler: synthetic latex.
Mattresses from foam rubber are made on a springless basis. Of course, foam rubber is also found in spring blocks, but then it is only an additive (not the main element) covering the steel elements.
Foam mattresses are of three types:
- monolithic - mats in the form of a single layer of different thickness (from 5 to 15 cm) without additional layers of other gaskets;
- composite - a combination of furniture foam and latex, coconut fiber, felt, spandbond, struttoplast, holofiber, sheep or camel wool, cotton, flax;
- puff - models, in contrast to the combined, non-thick base (the design consists of several layers of the same thickness, but different density).
Foam mattresses are universal: they are bought on a bed, sofa, chair-bed and even a cot. Some products are made of crumb, others are different in that they have the top of oilcloth, others are equipped with a cover with retainers.
Of the interesting models, which are the pride of manufacturers, we can note the products:
- with thermoregulation - options with the support of heat in winter and the feeling of coolness in summer;
- with memory - anatomical mats, enveloping the body in a comfortable position;
- bilateral with asymmetry for unbalanced partners - excellent designs for users with a big difference in weight;
- bilateral with varying degrees of rigidity - ideal for those who like to vary the hardness of the surface;
- orthopedic - with the effect of promoting the correct position of the body during sleep;
- traction - new items with a massage effect, characterized by special air pads.
Parameters of foam mattresses depend on the size of the bed (they can be of standard or irregular shape), take into account the number of beds (one or two) and different weights of the user. Usually the manufacturer indicates three characteristics of the product: length, width, height (for example, 100x200x10, 180x200x10 cm). Sometimes companies indicate length in millimeters (1600x2000).
The thickness of the foam mats are thin (toppers 5, 7, 10 cm thick) and standard (12-15 cm).Composite mattresses with foam rubber and additional additives reach 18 cm in height. The average length and width of foam rubber blocks is 80x185, 90x190, 125x195, 90x200, 130x200, 135x200, 140x200 cm. In the rulers there are also non-standard models (for example, for the bed: 118x59 cm).
Density and stiffness
Foam mattresses are dense. That it determines the degree of rigidity of the mattress:
- soft - a version with a lower density, calculated on an average weight of about 90 kg;
- moderately hard (medium hard) - a model on which you can sit alone or together (total weight up to 110 kg);
- hard - A dense version of the filler that can support the weight of partners up to 140 kg.
In order not to be mistaken in the choice, it is worth taking note: you need to buy the mattress that pushes the clenched fist. Such a block will not drain, will not form dents, crumble and create discomfort.
The higher the density, the better the foam mattress. Of course, the more difficult it is to bend and transport if necessary, however, this nuance is more than compensated by the elasticity and support of the body (unnatural sagging is excluded).
Which is better to choose?
Choosing a foam mattress is not a difficult task, but it requires a careful approach. The first thing to remember is the choice in favor of furniture polyurethane type HR: this material will last longer without detracting from its qualities when properly used.
To make it easier to navigate in a huge choice, you should heed the advice of experts:
- Before buying, it is worth reviewing information about the models you like the most, examining their characteristics, size, height, allowable load, calculated service life (on the websites of manufacturers or official suppliers);
- if there are problems with the spine, back pain, osteochondrosis, impaired blood flow, numbness of the extremities, you should consult with the orthopedic surgeon (it is important to choose the correct rigidity, type of filler and height of the block);
- quality certificate and seller's warranty are required (this is in favor of the characteristics of the unit and speaks of the manufacturer's reputation);
- from different types of block it is worth giving preference to composite: this option will last longer, especially if it is supplemented with latex or coir;
- in choosing the degree of rigidity, you must follow the rule: the greater the weight, the harder the mat (except for children and older age, excessive weight);
- quality mattress is packed in a removable cover: a reliable company takes care of every little thing in the design;
- to make the mattress add comfort, you should pay attention to double-sided models with varying degrees of rigidity of the sides or a variant with thermal control:
- a price reference is one of the indicators (low-cost options have a low density, so they won't be long enough);
- Those who are accustomed to bask in the bed and prefers maximum comfort, you can buy a model with an anatomical effect (only for adults);
- if there is no money to buy an expensive mattress, but you need a hard mattress that can be used to prevent spinal diseases, it is better to choose a hard mat with a double layer of coconut coir;
- cover textiles should be tight (ideally, you can choose a waterproof version of the upholstery).
Is it suitable for children?
Despite the fact that manufacturers offer foam mattresses for children, such designs for children are unacceptable. Even if the block is supplemented with coir or latex, it will not replace the latex or coconut block, which has an excellent orthopedic effect. Beliefs in the benefits of such models for children are wrong.
From birth to adulthood, the child’s skeleton grows continuously. Any incorrect posture can cause irreparable harm to the development of posture. This is not the case when you can save on health.
How to make yourself?
Foam block under the power to make every owner of the house. And for this purpose it is enough the components themselves, patience and accuracy. To please family members with a home-made foam rubber mattress, you need a special glue, scissors, foam rubber, textiles for the cover, zipper, sewing machine, threads, cord (for mattress pad), and sintepon.
Before starting work, the material needs to be picked up correctly, otherwise the finished product will not last even a few years. If a special design is conceived with an additional effect (thermoregulation, varying degrees of rigidity, the “winter-summer” option) you should take care of buying a layer of felt (sheep wool), coconut coir or latex, spandbond, flax (material choice according to the selected effect).
Having bought a foam layer and additives of identical size, they are glued together, then trim the edges and sew a case.Ideally, you can use a mattress cover from the old block, spread it out and carve out the details on it. If there is no such cover, measure every facet of the block, give allowances for seams, grind off details, leaving a hole for a zipper in one of the side seams. Lousting zipper, you can pack foam.
A little advice: to make the case last longer, it is worth adding a padding polyester (using stitches). So it will be thicker, softer and warmer. We must not forget about the color: it is better to choose a bright color with a print (a practical option that will look like new for a long time).
Master class on sewing a mattress, see below.
How to care?
Care of the foam unit is simple. To make the product last a long time, you should perform A few simple recommendations:
- the mattress needs to be turned over to the other side approximately once a month;
- to prevent caking, you need to change the position of the legs and shoulders (no more than 1 time per month);
- airing and drying of the mattress is carried out at least once every two months (on the balcony away from the sun);
- so that dust does not accumulate in the unit, it should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
- When the cover is dirty, it needs washing.
In addition to the rules of care, it is important not to forget about careful operation: do not exceed the permissible load on the mattress. If a block is purchased as a futon (for daily transformation when creating a bed area), you should not bind it, removing it in a linen box. The less often the mattress bends, the better.
Foam mattresses are recognized as a good purchase. Satisfied users note that such mats are comfortable and provide comfortable placement on the bed. The comments say that foam foam mattresses are lightweight, elastic, take the desired shape, and are well suited for people with a lot of weight.
The most practical, in the opinion of buyers, are polyurethane foam models of composite type. It is comfortable, warm and cozy to sleep on them, users note. During the night, the muscles are completely relaxed, the body is resting, the mood for a new day is always positive - the buyers sum up.