Orthopedic beds with a lifting mechanism

Healthy sound sleep is impossible without a comfortable bed. To date, the most popular has won an orthopedic bed with a lifting mechanism.
Features and benefits
The appearance of an orthopedic bed is no different from the classical model, but has its own design features. It consists of an orthopedic base, equipped with a lifting mechanism, a box for clothes, a headboard and side rails.
An orthopedic bed with a lifting mechanism has many advantages:
- The main advantage of the bed is the base, having orthopedic properties due to installed lamellae.Sleeping on such a bed is not only convenient and comfortable, but also useful. This base in conjunction with the mattress perfectly supports the spine. In addition, the grate base is well ventilated, which means that the mold and fungus of this design does not threaten.
- A lifting mechanism built into the design provides easy access to the laundry drawer. Its dimensions correspond to the size of the base, and therefore the box has considerable capacity. In addition to bedding, you can add other things here and, if necessary, get them quickly. Thanks to the lifting mechanism, access to the contents of the box is possible from any edge of the bed.
The presence of a box for linen in this design allows you to significantly save space.
Things stored in the drawer do not require additional furniture: chest of drawers, bedside tables and cabinets, and this is a significant saving not only in the space of small rooms, but also saving money.
As a rule, such beds are produced by manufacturers not only in the double version, but also with smaller dimensions. There are one-and-a-half-sleeping models, suitable not only for adults, but also for children.
Varieties of mechanisms
Any model with a lifting base has its own characteristics that affect the process of operation. Depending on the model, the orthopedic base can either recline either horizontally or be fixed in a vertical position, forming an acute angle of 45 degrees at the junction with the base. The method of lifting the base can be carried out at the expense of various devices.
As a rule, manufacturers equip models with only three types of lifting mechanisms:
- Twisted springs forming the basis of the transformation mechanism, are in demand because of the inexpensive price and ease of operation. But this mechanism of the spring due to frequent stretching and significant loads wear out quickly. The service life of the mechanism, as a rule, does not exceed five years, after which it needs to be replaced.
- Gas shock absorbers helping to raise the base and fix it at the desired height, are of great ease of operation. Thanks to them, you can move the base effortlessly. The gas system works smoothly and noiselessly and is capable of lifting the base with the mattress, even if their combined weight is above 100 kg.To date, the gas transformation mechanism is the most reliable and high quality, has a rather long service life of about 10 years.
- The easiest way to transform can be called manual lifting, performed using a loop attached to the base. In order to raise the base and get to the box will have to remove the mattress and make considerable efforts. Therefore, this mechanism is not very suitable for baby beds.
Base construction
Any orthopedic base consists of a frame and grille. The frame can be both metal and wood. The grille itself consists of lamellae, securely attached to the frame with the help of lato-holders. Depending on the manufacturer and model, the lamella holders can be made of different materials. The rubber used as a material for the holders is elastic and at a high price. Plastic has a rigid structure, but is more durable than rubber.
Lamels are strips with a slightly curved surface on one side and are made of wood (beech, birch, walnut).The standard thickness of these slats varies between 6-8 mm, and the width is 63 mm. The length of each lamella corresponds to the dimensions of the base. The distance between the slats is in the range of 70-80 mm, thanks to this magnitude, the orthopedic effect is enhanced. These standards not only make the bed easier, but also give it elasticity.
Orthopedic base is produced by manufacturers with the ability to control stiffness.
The stiffness regulators can be located directly on the lamellae themselves, allowing you to adjust the base to the weight of the person, and there are also regulators located in the head and foot parts of the base. Due to their presence it is possible to change the angle of inclination in the upper and lower parts.
Most often, these beds are purchased for bedridden patients, because such adjustment perfectly meets all the vital needs of the immobilized person.
Tips for choosing
When choosing a bed you need to pay attention to several aspects. In addition to design and compliance with the style of the interior, attention should be paid to the base and the mechanism of transformation.
- If the question is about buying a double option, then the transformation mechanism should be on gas shock absorbers. The base has more weight compared to the single version, and the orthopedic mattress significantly increases the weight, and therefore, for the convenience of access to the box, it is better if the mechanism takes on the main load when it is lifted.
- To protect against injuries, it is not bad if the bed is equipped with special interlocks that protect against a sudden fall while moving the base.
- Lamella should be free of large knots, cracks, chips and sharp untreated edges. The base itself should not produce any squeaks.
- The length of the legs, which are the pillar of the frame, should vary in the range of 24-25 cm. This value is the most comfortable height for the person. The number of legs in different models is within 4-7 pcs. The more legs, the more stable the base design.
- Do not forget about the material of the bed itself. Solid wood is more preferable, since it is not only environmentally friendly, but also reliable and therefore a bed made of natural wood will last much longer than a similar version of chipboard.
How to build an orthopedic bed with a lifting mechanism, learn from the following video.