Ikea single beds

Thanks to single beds that are compact and do not take up much space, people can get enough sleep and relax comfortably even in a small room. The Ikea single beds, which are diverse in their characteristics, are sometimes designed in a very laconic design, however, the functionality pays for this drawback.
Design features
Products of the specified brand in the catalog are numerous options different in many ways, such as:
- ways of fixing blocks;
- main material;
- style
Despite this, all the products presented are compact, comfortable and durable. All products are tested for load resistance. It is possible not to be afraid, that legs suddenly break off or fastenings will be shaken quickly.Single beds from this manufacturer, if they are forged, generally can last for many years and look extraordinarily beautiful in any room. To emphasize their elegance will help the introduction of similar objects into the interior. At the same time, wood and chipboard require much more complicated maintenance.
Forged designs:
- They do not crack and do not become covered with a grid of cracks with active use.
- Not susceptible to insect attacks.
- They remain safe and sound even in houses with many pets.
- Do not suffer from high humidity.
- Perfectly eco-friendly.
To sleep was comfortable, just need to buy Ikea single beds: then it will not be interrupted suddenly, and will continue as long as necessary.
Single size - 0.7-0.9 meters, occasionally up to 1 meter in width. With a width of 1 to 1.6 meters, the bed is considered to be one and a half and, as a last resort, two can use it. Although it is usually implied that this place is only for one person, providing him with all the amenities.
It is necessary to pay attention to the grounds (otherwise called frames). It depends on them:
- overall convenience;
- cost of production;
- environmental friendliness;
- degree of reliability and durability.
So, the frames on the slats are metal or made of wood, when gluing the slats are strictly followed to maintain an equal distance. There are straight and curved frames, their advantage is the affordability of prices and ease of ventilation of the inside. Not without its drawbacks - a bed with such a reason will not last.
In the intervals between the elements of the rack bases, there is no support at all. This lack of metal grids, which began to be used in bedroom furniture almost before all other options. They serve for a long time, orthopedists value them highly, in cost they are not much different from the previous scheme.
However, due to the excessive rigidity of a comfortable sleep will have to forget. Spring designs help to fix this drawback as well; nevertheless, they are obviously more expensive and do not allow to air the mattresses properly. In the case of a flat support, continuous layers can be applied:
- Hardboard;
- plywood;
- or even boards.
Acquire these systems is only for those who need an inexpensive wooden bed for a short period of time.The best choice for almost all possible cases is the orthopedic device of a sleeping place. Of course, it will be about the frame. Having not dealt with it, it is impossible to understand what the strength and durability of the entire product is, and this is connected with both the design and the material. For the production of frames can be used:
- natural wood;
- tree massif;
- veneer;
- Hardboard;
- DSP;
- MDF;
- Chipboard;
- some other types of lumber;
- metal (steel, mostly).
Wood hulls are not only environmentally friendly, but also perfectly safe for health, last long enough and are notable for reliability. On the aesthetic appeal of them and can not speak. Models made of beech, birch and pine have become quite widespread. A more budget option with almost the same characteristics is a product from chipboard.
Sleeping furniture made of iron alloys is very little in demand: it is heavy and “ringing”, it rusts relatively quickly, and is not very convenient to use. IKEA is an exception, as it uses only high-quality and stainless steel. Polyester powder coating is recognized by all experts as the safest.
Children's models
Children's beds are perhaps more carefully chosen than those chosen for adults; for a child, especially a small one, cannot always realize the problem, the lack. Adults should think about all this when they open the Ikea catalog or look through positions on the site. Quality here is too important to be able to deviate from it due to low prices.
For parents with different material resources and depending on the wishes of the children themselves, there are a number of types of cots:
- transforming;
- supplemented with linen drawers;
- "Attics".
In the first case, we have before us a modular system, which is easy to disassemble into separate blocks: remove some, others add, rearrange segments in places. As a result, the bed can serve, starting almost from birth to adulthood. Moreover, there are options on which two or three children can be put at the same time!
Transformers differ from each other in the degree of sophistication of the device. The higher it is, the greater the degrees of freedom of the owners, however, along with their price increases. It is also important to understand that as the complexity increases, the risk of failure of joints and moving parts rises.
Linen boxes increase the practicality of the bed, and at the same time reduce the dustiness in the room. Yes, and savings in the purchase of a dresser or cabinet can not please every zealous person.
"Attic" children's beds cause a storm of positive emotions in both children and adolescents. For their parents in the first place is the preservation of space in the rooms of small apartments and some private houses!
Shelves for placing clothes and small things, too, will appeal to all households. It’s impossible to call a high-quality construction of this kind as an ordinary berth, since it is always complemented by a table. And there are generally elegant sets that, rather, are associated with the palace, and not with an object or even a set of furniture.
How to choose?
Choosing a mattress to complement a single bed is just as important as the search for it. In the Ikea lineup there are single beds with two different options, and there are also frames (for example, "Todalen"), which require the purchase of mattresses separately. Therefore, it is also impossible to pass by the criteria of their selection.
The packing should be selected as carefully as possible so that it does not turn out to be too rigid,nor overly soft. Here, for example, the bonnel mattress is designed simply and is inexpensive. However, there are also disadvantages:
- suitable only for those who do not need orthopedic comfortable bed;
- anatomical effect does not have to wait;
- the product, rather, for a short nap, and after spending the night on such a bed, it is not surprising to feel worse.
Never choose cotton or various types of foam as fillers!
Polyurethane foam Mattress fillings are economically beneficial and pleasant for the body, only they will have to be changed often. Streamfiber It has an excellent orthopedic characteristic, its fibers are vertical, and in the aggregate it gives the surface elasticity.
Latex It has the same parameters, but it has two undoubted superiority: zero allergenicity and water resistance. So the accidental spilling of a cup of coffee is not a reason to throw out such mattresses. Fillers from coconut fiber should be preferred if the combination of ventilation and moisture resistance is in the first place for you.
The bed of 90х200 cm can be covered with a mattress with autonomous spring segments or without springs at all.The first type is carefully thought out by designers, all springs are distributed in their compartments, there is no creak. At the same time consistently guaranteed high anatomichnost. The only problem is one - in excessively high prices.
Springless products are often made on the basis of two or more materials: one is the basis, and the other allows you to adjust the rigidity to the desired level. Of course, mattresses for Ikea single beds should be chosen strictly appropriate in size. And the larger the dimensions, the higher will be the fee charged for the goods.
Popular models
Model "Malm may have different designs - oak or ash veneer, chipboard / fiberboard. Beech or birch veneer is used as the base material. The design is designed in such a way as to ensure the highest adaptability to the load and the optimal rigidity of the mattresses. Unlike many other options, after some time, the product will only improve the appearance.
Hemnes more in demand, which is not surprising, due to its greater availability. The dimensions of the mattress installed in it are just 90x200 cm - quite enough for the vast majorityadults. In Brimnes there are a couple of auxiliary boxes and opportunities for a wide transformation. Today it is just a bed, tomorrow a sofa, and if necessary, it can become a box for linen in general, not resembling externally about its functions.
"Malm" - this is rather a couch, also complemented by retractable storage compartments. The advantage of adjustable side panels is that owners can use mattresses of the thickness that they consider necessary.
Genuine help (as a model "Utoker") a Swedish corporation provides those who are forced to move frequently. Beds, even for one person, can not but present a serious inconvenience. The stackable design is designed in such a way as to simplify the ascent and descent of the stairs.
Moreover, in this version, the border between the single and double versions is actually erased; the bottom of the structure is made of slats, the permissible thickness of mattresses is 13 centimeters. The engineers made sure that the product was as stable as possible in any situation. Models "Todalen" and Fielse, "Malm" and Hemnes, and also others deserve, as a matter of fact, separate conversation.
Just like the frames Tarva, Firesdal, "Flekke" and other similar. This means that the decisive step in choosing the right model for yourself should be done immediately upon purchase. We hope that the article will help you to avoid the pitfalls and get an Ikea single bed that perfectly matches the wishes.
We recommend focusing on the furniture that is acceptable for your room. We wish you good shopping!
You can also see a detailed review of some of the beds from Ikea in the video below.