Round beds

If you want the bedroom to be furnished with a special taste and chic, you need to purchase a beautiful round bed - one of the most original elements of the decor of modern sleeping rooms.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this interesting type of furniture include:
- Originality. You agree that not every home today can see such an original bed; therefore, by purchasing it, you immediately have the opportunity to show off to your friends with your unusual interior.
- Unusual comfort, to which sometimes it is necessary to get used far more than one night.By the way, many consumers say that such a bed is more comfortable than their usual eye fellows, due to the huge size.
- This bed is completely safe to use, since there are no sharp corners at all. Such products perfectly will be suitable for the comfortable organization of a nursery.
Although the stylish round beds like many people in the street, few of them eventually decide to buy beds of such an unusual look. What are the main disadvantages of the bed in the form of a circle can be identified?
- Custom form Such a bed sometimes requires a lot of space, so in standard bedrooms the bed often simply does not fit.
- Bed price Circle shapes are usually much larger than rectangular shaped analogs.
- Many buyers are afraid that when they buy a round bed, they will have a lot of problems with their purchase. special bedding for beds of this form. But you should know that in our time there are many models of the most various forms of beds, remarkably suitable even for small rooms. At the same time, the production of bed linen for non-standard sizes has been adjusted.
Round beds are so beneficially combined with various interiors of bedrooms that furniture designers offer a huge variety of their types and models to choose from buyers. Among them, the most popular are:
- Beds in the form of a circle with an original headboard. They are in perfect harmony with the bedroom, designed in the classics or modern style. Furniture space allows you to place a large number of decorative pillows of various sizes and a heavy blanket with fluffy fringe. It would be great if the round shape of your new lodge is repeated somewhere else in the same interior, for example, in ottomans, tables placed in the bedroom. Thus, you will be able to create the most elegant ensemble of furniture. If you want to place classic furniture together with a round bed, then your bedroom should be large enough to prevent a clear discord in its final design.
- A bed without a headboard can be used for rest not only in the bedroom, but you can also reschedule it in a comfortable zone for friendly companies and chatter in the living room.This is one of the most interesting options for decorating a small apartment, where the bedroom and living room are usually combined with each other.
- Suspended model, due to no one visible support in the edges of the bed, creating the appearance of "floating" above the floor, it seems to be "flying". Modern design and eye-catching exclusivity are the main characteristics of such an unusual model. Most often, such hanging round products are chosen by young people who like experiments and extravagance. A round bed, suspended on a grid or on a variety of ropes, looks very romantic and is suitable for a bedroom with one of the new styles for adults. Here, the lighting under the product will look very fashionable, which will create a very romantic atmosphere in the bedroom.
- Round sofa bed quickly transformed into a soft sofa in the shape of a semicircle or rectangle. Typically, these sofas are equipped with special pedestals at the very head of the head for storing various trifles and bedding. Such a sofa unfolds easily and simply, but it looks just great.
- Beds on the "podiums" in the form of a circle aboutThey have an unusual basis for the average man in the street and require a large enough room for their installation. A podium of great height may include boxes for small items, and at the same time it will be a convenient step. You can also always choose a bed with a rectangular mattress on a round podium and a bed with a round mattress on a rectangular podium.
- Round bed-sink. Such a bed is more like a real space capsule, which made this model the most beloved in children of different ages.
- The cot can also be round. The most important thing is that there is enough space for a baby to sleep, play and relax.
- Corner round place to sleep is an excellent solution if the room is small and you really want to put a bed without corners.
- For lovers of unusual types of headboards manufacturers offer beds with semicircular and rectangular headboards.
- Round canopy bed It will take its place of honor in your home - with the help of such a gorgeous bed, you can create a truly romantic atmosphere of an oriental fairy tale in your bedchamber.
The biggest advantage of a round product for sleeping is that if you choose it correctly, then it can look great in a variety of interiors and at the same time - perfectly fit into the directly opposite style decisions:
- If you like rich interiors, decorated in baroque or classical style, then your round bed should have a pompous headboard, immediately attracting everyone's attention, upholstery fabrics should be rich and noble, and soft poufs at the foot will give decor to solidity.
- Round boxes are great for decoration design in the style of minimalism. Using the correct geometric motifs, you can create a truly original bedroom design without using various kinds of additional solutions. These beds are suitable for very small bedrooms - clarity of forms usually fits well into a small space.
- Art nouveau style is usually different irregular shapes not only furniture, but also the walls of the room, its ceilings. It may seem that proportional bed-circle can not fit into such an interesting interior,but with the help of the original irregularly shaped head restraint, this embarrassing impression can be easily smoothed out and then the round bed will become the best accent of the overall style of the bedroom.
- Hi-tech style and its futuristic views. For these styles most suitable bed without sides, headboards and other decorative elements. Minimalism is the main point of choosing the right model for this interior.
- If you are a fan of Provence style, then you should choose a round bed with a headboard, decorated with a wrought ornament or wooden mesh with beautiful decorative patterns.
- Ecostyle. The model of such a bed must necessarily be made of such environmentally friendly natural materials as solid wood, as well as bamboo or rattan.
Equipment and additional items
When buying you can offer the following accessories:
- Some models of round products have low sides - they will not only allow you to sleep without fear of slipping from the bed at night, but will also keep all the pillows on it.
- Stylish and beautifully decorated headrest It will make your round bed much more luxurious and more comfortable, and decorative poufs and pads are often laid out on it.
- Mobile (fixed) stand-table You can easily move around the edge of the product, which makes it also very convenient, allowing you to enjoy fresh coffee in the morning in bed or watch a movie in a laptop without getting up from the bed.
- Free case Along the edges of the circle bed can serve as bedside tables, on them you can put a lamp or an alarm clock, a shelf for books or a case for glasses.
When choosing a round bed for your bedroom, stop choosing on those models that use only high-quality and durable materials. The frame of the round bed is often made from veneer. This material always looks aesthetically pleasing, has a relatively low cost, but it must be treated very carefully. As finishing materials, laminated chipboards are usually used - they are very resistant, have a wide choice of design, which designers especially like. Natural leather and its various popular substitutes are used as soft upholstery, as well as flock, velor and other fabrics.
For a quality choice of a bed in the form of a circle, it is worth knowing that with a diameter of less than 2 m, it will be small enough, as it only corresponds to the size of a children's / teenage bed. If the diameter is 2 m - this is the usual single bed. And only acquiring a round model from 2.5 m in diameter, you choose an analogue of a large double bed in the shape of a rectangle approximately 180 cm wide and more. This option will require a large enough area of your bedroom.
From the huge variety can be identified:
- For classic interiors most suitable round bed of light or neutral shades - such sleeping places look more elegant and noble in the color palette. White bed model can be a basic element for interior decoration in any direction. A round model with a snow-white headboard will perfectly decorate a classic interior.
- Golden colored bed will emphasize your excellent taste and make the design of the bedroom more vivid:
- Black or gray bed It can be perfect for high-tech style, they can be used to easily equip the bachelor’s brutal dwelling or a purely male bedroom for a youngperson A bed with a black leather headboard will be a real decoration for your bedchamber.
- Red colors in the bedroom look too bright and defiant. That is why they are most often diluted with other colors, for example, white and black. The red headboard and the white base of such a bed will look especially fashionable and not flashy.
- If you want your bedroom to look airy, choose a round bed. soft pastel coral shades. She will in no case look childish pink, and your bedroom will be transformed into a boudoir of a romantic person.
How to choose?
Find a fashionable product for sleeping round shape today is quite easy. If you need this type of furniture to be placed in the living room, then it is best to choose a dark or black one, the main thing is to have a non-colored model without a headrest.
For a small-sized room, the best solution would be a semicircular transforming bed.
Particular attention when choosing a product should be paid to its size, color, material, manufacturing, the presence of additional functions - such as a folding mechanism or additional armrests.By the way, today you can easily order a round bed in a furniture factory on your own individual parameters.
Manufacturers Reviews
The cost of round sleeves today is significantly higher than ordinary rectangular models, so there’s nothing to be surprised about the fact that Not all known manufacturers in the catalog of their products can provide a huge selection of such original in their form products:
- One of the most popular options can be considered a bed "Gabriel" from the well-known furniture company "Ascona". On the company's website, you can find models of round beds, both in the most usual configuration, and with more expensive upholstery materials, which allows even middle-income people to purchase an elegant bed for their bedrooms in the form of a circle.
- Famous furniture company from the Netherlands "Ikea" on its website offers a wide range of bed models in the form of a circle with unusual additions: here you can choose round beds with different transforming mechanisms, base forms, with built-in pedestals and drawers of different sizes.
- Russian furniture factory "Empire Furniture" offers original round transforming beds of various sizes and price bars.
- And another Russian manufacturer DakaBaby offers a wide range of round cribs. The high quality of workmanship and the excellent reputation of the manufacturer makes DakaBaby products highly demanded by modern consumers. The furniture company Dream Land will provide you with simply a chic selection of royally luxurious round beds, among which the corner round bed takes its rightful place. The beds of this manufacturer are undoubted symbols of consistency and high design aesthetics.
- In general, buyers most often respond very positively about their newly acquired bed in the shape of a circle. For example, a round bed from Ikea sultan sandane in various forums I remember most often because of its unique design and versatility, as well as a masterpiece appearance and ease of use.
- Also everyone really likes the round bed "Sorghum" from the factory "Fiesta Furniture" - convenient in every sense of the product with a comfortable bed, suitable to accommodate two people and harmoniously fit into the interior
- Round crib "Ellipsbud" from domestic producers is beyond praise from satisfied moms and their happy kids. Therefore, if you decide to purchase such a piece of furniture for your apartment or house - dare, you are unlikely to regret your purchase.
Do it yourself
Many ordinary people today prefer to create comfortable and functional home furniture on their own with the help of available tools. The mattress for a round product for sleeping or relaxation in the conditions of your own home is not possible to create it yourself - you will need to order it separately. To create a round bed with your own hands you will need: jigsaw and wood files, screwdriver, small tape measure, furniture stapler, hammer, simple pencil, cord up to 1 m.
Execution technology:
- To create a product with a diameter of two meters, it is necessary to cut a two-meter circle out of 10 mm thick plywood. You can immediately break this circle into two parts - two semicircles. It is necessary to prepare a wooden bar 5x5 cm, fiberboard, foam rubber up to 4 cm thick, upholstery of your choice, corners of metal 25x25 mm, for self-tapping screws (64 pieces), packaging for self-tapping wood screws 4x35 mm and furniture nails with an original hat.
- To start assembling a round bed, it is necessary to assemble a crosspiece from plywood semi-circles out of prepared bars. You need two such products: one will be under the bed, the second - on the floor. Products in the form of a cross to the base of plywood are fastened with screws. 9 bars 3 cm long are cut out of the wooden block - to join the products in the form of a cross. 8 large legs, the length of each of which is 400 mm, are evenly distributed along the entire length and are fixed to the plywood using self-tapping screws. All this design must be firmly fixed angles.
- The resulting podium is made using a folded canvas, so that you get a side around the edge of the bed, we foam it with a stapler. We use the same stapler to trim the upholstery so that the holders of the clips are not visible, we decorate the upholstery material and fix it with furniture studs. Further, the mattress is put on the resulting construction and in fact the home-made bed is already ready for operation.
Beautiful design solutions in the interior of the bedroom
A round bed is a challenge to everyday life and a certain originality, therefore its interiors often become just incredibly fashionable and extravagant.A round place to sleep, of course, is the brightest furniture trend of recent years and deserves special attention of those ordinary people who are in search of an unusual interior decoration of their own bedroom.
For the bedroom, decorated in bright colors, perfect white snowy round bed with a white leather canopy. If there are any color accents on the walls of the room, they can always be transferred to the bedspread or decor of such a bed.
The small size of the mirror around the perimeter will add chic and sophistication to the design of the bed.
If you want your round bed to become the center of the whole room, then behind its headboard you can place a whole ensemble of floristic motifs from floor to ceiling and then all the accents will be shifted to your bed, which can be covered with suede or velor. Properly installed lighting in such a room will glisten on the upholstery of the bed and give it a look of more luxury and wealth.
By choosing a round bed with a headboard made of forged elements, you will be able to place in your bedroom unusual decorative metal objects that will make any interior more solid.
How to build a round bed, see the next video.