Children's orthopedic mattresses

Children - the most valuable thing in life. It is important to provide them not only good nutrition and care, but also to take care of the comfort of rest. In order for their mood to be positive, and their posture to be correct and beautiful, one cannot do without a special mattress that ensures even distribution of the load on all parts of the spine while the baby is sleeping. These types of mats are children's orthopedic mattresses.
Properties, Pros and Cons
Children's orthopedic mattresses have a smooth surface, optimum rigidity and have certain dimensions. Depending on the specific age group for which they are performed, their thickness also varies (from 8 to 15 cm).They are a special unit that performs two tasks: it provides a comfortable rest and makes it right.
The advantages of orthopedic mattresses include:
- normalization of metabolic processes of the body, improving blood flow;
- relieving muscle tension, their complete relaxation;
- spinal disease prevention;
- reduction of pain (with scoliosis, poor posture, back pain, joints);
- proper support of the whole body regardless of the position of the child (on the back, abdomen, side);
- development of mats design taking into account the age characteristics of children;
- wide age range (from newborns to teenagers);
- hypoallergenic base material with antimicrobial impregnation, non-irritating to delicate baby skin;
- calculation on daily operation within several years;
- excellent air exchange, preventing the appearance of the environment for fungus, mold and rot;
- varying the degree of stiffness depending on the model (double versions with a surface of different stiffness);
- resistance to moisture in springless designs;
- the use of materials not subject to deformation under the weight of the child;
- a wide range of mattresses with different natural covers.
The downside of orthopedic blocks is the fragility of the mats in monolithic blocks. Despite the fact that they are designed for different weights of the child, such designs do not at all provide for increased children's activity. They can not jump, jump: this will lead to the breakdown of the block and raise the question of buying a new one.
The most significant disadvantage of some orthopedic mattresses is the presence of harmful adhesives. (for example, phenol and ethanol, which do not erode for a long time, and therefore do not lose their toxicity). In addition, complex designs from a combination of natural materials are expensive, which puts a certain barrier between the buyer and the desired product, forcing to look after a different model, taking into account the available budget.
All existing mattress designs are divided into spring and springless. The first models are equipped with springs and, although some of them (of independent type) are positioned as orthopedic, their orthopedic effect is small.
The structure of the spring unit is a structure with springs in the center, closed layers of orthopedic filler and layers of additional packing. Each of the springs (from 100 to 250 pieces per 1 sq. M.) is located vertically and has an elastic twisted shape. At best, such constructions can be bought for teenage graduating classes, the skeleton of which is practically formed. The only correct and permissible type of spring block is the variant with independent springs.
In this case, the steel elements are packaged in fabric covers (each separately). To make the frame with the springs solid, fragments are connected by means of the covers themselves. This feature allows you to provide the right support for the spine.
For an independent unit to have an orthopedic effect, a solid springless filler and an additional warming layer are added at the top and bottom of the spring frame. In some models of the block with independent springs, warm and thin layers are used on both sides (for different periods of the year). In dependent-type spring mattresses, a load forms a wave, more elements are involved in deflection, so the position of the spine will be unnatural, traumatizing the child's back day after day.
Spring constructions are dangerous for children's health, no matter how the manufacturers prove the opposite.They have metal elements that accumulate static electricity, and therefore have a negative magnetic effect on the children's body.
When active children's games such designs can break the springs, which can injure the child.
Features of the structure of springless mattresses
Springless mattresses are made of compressed fillers, in which there are no metal elements. Therefore, they are safe, do not have an annoying creaking sound and lack springiness. They are:
- monolithic, in the form of a solid mat;
- combined, from a basis and additional layers.
Such constructions are convenient, they do not rock, they are well ventilated, easy to transport and withstand a large weight load. They are even bought in a chair-bed, if there is no usual crib. And thanks to the different size, it’s not difficult to pick up the necessary block for the extended armchair.
By type of rigidity orthopedic mattresses are hard and moderately hard. The density of the block depends on its components: the denser the gasket, the harder the mattress. To vary the degree of rigidity of the block, manufacturers use not only a different filler,but also its different location. For example, if latex is supplemented with top and bottom coir, such a mattress will be hard.
If the coconut fiber is the core and the latex is a supplement, the block will be moderately stiff. This technique allows you to achieve the desired rigidity without depriving the mattress of comfort.
The dimensions of the children's mattress depend on the size of the bed. For very young children, these parameters are 50x60 cm, 100x60 cm, 120x60 cm. These are options for newborns and infants. For older babies, manufacturers offer mats in sizes. 140x70 cm, 80x150 cm, 70x160 cm, 80x160 cm. Such models are good for children of preschool age.
Mattresses for schoolchildren more: depending on the growth of the child, their dimensions are 60x170 cm, 170x80 cm, 80x180 cm, 80x190 cm, 80x200 cm, 90x200 cm. Mattress size 190x80 cm and more may well be used by an adult.
The main fillings of children's mattresses with orthopedic effect are:
- natural or synthetic latex;
- orthopiber;
- struttofiber;
- coconut fiber.
All types of stuffing are of high quality and elasticity, they provide a smooth and rigid surface of the bed and can be combined with each other:
- Latex mattress has holes of different depth and diameter in different parts of the mat. This feature allows you to distribute the load on the body evenly and gently. Artificial latex (waterlatex) in its structure is similar to the natural analog, however, it is somewhat tougher, although its indicators of hypoallergenicity, ventilation and support for moisture balance are quite high.
- Coconut, which is a product of coconut peel processing, is characterized by a pressed structure and a characteristic brownish color. Such stuffing is one of the best, has high orthopedic performance. At its base, create hard and moderately hard mattresses for the prevention of many diseases of the spine.
- Ortofiber - material with excellent breathability and durability. In its structure it is an elastic block with good orthopedic properties. Not susceptible to promineniyu and tears. This filler has high heat-shielding properties and is quickly restored after use.
- Streamfiber is a synthetic material made from polyester fibers. It is often supplemented with additional layers of stuffing from other springless fillers (to achieve not only orthopedic, but also an additional effect: physiotherapy, warm, ventilated, relaxing). This is one of the most expensive types of stuffing.
How to choose a quality one?
For a start, you should immediately understand: soft designs are excluded. It is unacceptable for the child to fall into the pit of the mattress. You need to choose a mattress in such a way that it is the size of the bed. In the crib, this is especially important in order to prevent injury to small children's arms or legs if they fall between the unit and the wall of the crib.
In any case, it is necessary to give preference to the springless version. If there is a necessary model and allow funds, it is better to purchase a mattress with two different sides on the degree of rigidity. When buying, it is important to consider the rule: the younger the child is, the firmer the mattress. You should not assume that a hard mattress is a block akin to a wooden structure. In fact, it is tight, but does not bump into the body, provides a comfortable sleep and allows you to take any natural posture. In addition, today you can buy a version with different sides, one of which has a softening layer of stuffing over the orthopedic layer.
Children who are prone to allergies should not buy mattresses with a padding like wool or horsehair. The coir block with rubberized or latex coating is not suitable for them, couples of which can harm the health of babies.
When buying, be sure to pay attention to the smell of the mat: if a specific aroma is noticed, it is better to refuse such a mattress. Children who are prone to allergies may experience coughing, deep breathing, lack of air, and headache when using such a block.
In addition, it is important to consider that an orthopedic mattress for a child:
- bought personally for him;
- always has a cover made of natural non-slip fabric;
- must fit the bed perfectly (bumps and voids are excluded);
- corresponds to the height of the child with a margin in length and width (at least 20 cm in length and 30 cm on each side);
- often supplemented with a cover with a mechanism of thermoregulation (retains heat in winter, eliminates excess moisture in summer, keeping the mattress dry);
- has a perfectly flat surface without relief;
- used with baby pillow;
- ideally does not contain electrostatic voltage,formed by a combination of metal elements and a synthetic cover;
- not purchased on the principle of "for growth", as it may contain harmful additives.
We choose by age
Choosing an orthopedic mattress for the child, it is worth considering a number of factors. We must not forget about the age limit, because what is permissible for a teenager is absolutely not suitable for a baby. When buying, it is important to remember: the determining factor is not the seller’s advertisement, but the child’s health.
It is important not to miss the correct development of the baby’s posture. A child up to three years is easier to cope with problems of poor posture. To do this, you need to buy a correct and hard mattress in the crib. The design of the block for children 2, 3, 4 years is matched with a rigid springless unit.
At the age of 4-5 and up to 10 years, the development of scoliosis can progress. This is connected, including with large weight loads: it is often the very heavy textbooks, the constant sitting on the unsuitable for this furniture in school are the cause and effect of the enormous harm to children's health. At this age (and especially at 6, 7, 8 years) in no case can you buy spring mattresses.It is important to choose a sparing springless unit that will relieve tension and, along with a regular course of physical exercises, will help restore the correct position of the spine. Choose a hard or moderately hard block.
Adolescence (10 - 15 years) - the most dangerous, because it is during this period that the skeleton changes very quickly. If there are no problems with the spine, you can pick up a block with a moderate degree of rigidity. However, we must not forget that the skeleton still continues its formation, so you should not experiment with a spring block, even if it is of the combined type and independent springs. This option can be bought later and then, if health permits. If you choose a mattress for teens for medical reasons, you should opt for bilateral springless models.
Top Rated
In a large variety of products brands easily get confused. To have an idea of good mattresses, you should look at the products of proven companies that have high ratings in the market of useful products for children's health:
- "Ormatek" Kids Classic - mattresses of medium hardness, perfectly permeable to moisture, able to withstand a large load and reduce the back pressure on the baby’s body tissues.They are distinguished by high practical characteristics and are guaranteed for up to 5 years.
- Perrino "Baby" - unique designs of the combined type with excellent orthopedic effect. Contribute to the correct development of posture and have a core of highly elastic latex with antibacterial properties.
- "Sakura" Bambini Mishutka - springless mattresses of the combined type of a line of children's mats, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a special cover "winter-summer". Comfortable latex and coconut designs, complemented by cotton.
- Ascona Mediflex Star Kids - models of domestic manufacturers, made of latex and orthopedic foam, resistant to weight loads and deformation, characterized by a uniform distribution of the load on the body of the child.
Choosing the best for their children, parents leave a lot of feedback on forums dedicated to children's health. If adults themselves are allowed more often by spring constructions of an independent type, they acquire children with the “right”, springless models. Such designs are chosen according to the recommendations of orthopedic surgeons.Parents believe that it is these models that help children relieve daily stress and fatigue, improve the quality and correctness of sleep, and reduce pressure on the back, neck and lower back.
Before buying, adults carefully study the structural features of each mattress, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Today, a special children's mattress is an indispensable attribute of a children's bed, helping to cope with diseases of the back - consider caring parents.
Review of children's orthopedic mattress from one of the most proven companies, see the following video.