What is Hollcon in a mattress?

A person spends half of his life in a dream, so it is especially important to pay attention to what he is sleeping on, because high-quality and healthy sleep is the key to success in any activity. There are a large number of different materials from which mattresses are made, and the technologies that are used. The times when mattresses were filled with down, cotton wool or even straw were long gone. Modern production technologies allow you to create synthetic fabrics that are more durable and hygienic than natural materials. After reading this article, you will learn what Hollcon in a mattress is, how to choose such material.
Characteristics and production technology
Today, the Hollcon filler (hereinafter - the hallcon), which has high performance properties, is particularly popular.
Hallcon is a nonwoven fabric made from synthetic polyester fiber.. It is a special springy fiber that is resistant to moisture and caking. That is why it is actively used as a filler and insulation in the furniture and clothing industries.
For the manufacture of the material used a unique technology (thermofield, or otherwise - thermal bonding). Its essence lies in the effect of high temperatures on bicomponent polyester fibers. Chemical fibers melt in special sectional furnaces, thereby ensuring a tight connection with each other.
For the production of gaskets are used hollow (that is why the name of the material has the word "holl" - "empty", "hollow" in English) spiral polyester fibers. Further, the so-called Italian Strutto-technology is used, when the elements of the product (filament-fibers) are stacked vertically with respect to each other. Due to this, the material is not pressed through and quickly recovers in volume.The location of the fibers is advantageous relative to the pressure on the entire surface, because the fibers after thermal bonding twist in a spiral.
It can be concluded that High resistance to compression is ensured for this material due to the following innovative methods used in the production:
- unique heat bonding;
- vertical orientation of the fibers in the fabric of the material (strutoplast);
- perforation of already formed layers;
- high fiber lift.
It is worth noting the high environmental friendliness of this glueless method of joining synthetic fibers.
Russian manufacturers produce high-quality products that meet the standards (when choosing products from hollkon, pay attention to the quality certificate "OEKO-Tex Standard 100"), therefore this material is safe for children and people with allergies. It is used not only in furniture or textile production, but also in the creation of toys, in construction and other fields.
Pros and cons of filler
However, we turn to the filler - Hallkon in the mattress. First of all - this is a number of undeniable advantages. These include:
- environmental friendliness already mentioned above - due to innovative material production;
- the material is not toxic, it is hypoallergenic;
- material resistant to absorption of odors and moisture;
- products from hollkon are hygienic and have antibacterial properties, therefore they do not contain parasites, fungus or mold;
- material resistant to burning;
- Hallcon has a high wear resistance, which guarantees a long product life;
- high heat-saving ability of the material;
- the mattress from hallkon is hygroscopic and well ventilated;
- ease and convenience in the care of the material;
- the mattress easily adapts to the shape of the body, but at the same time it quickly takes on its original appearance after deformation or washing;
- Hollcon mattresses have an affordable price (due to the unique manufacturing technology), there is a reasonable price-quality ratio;
- Hollcon mattress is easy to transport - it folds easily and moves;
- the product has a neat appearance, which also plays an important role in choosing a bed.
Many experts are convinced that the production of hollcon is a new step in improving the quality of rest and sleep whileminimum cost.
There are several types of mattresses that use the hallcon filler:
- These are 100% Hollca mattresses. They have all the advantages listed above. In addition, there are combined mattresses. Hollkon is perfectly combined with certain fillers: bamboo, coconut, cotton, wool.
- The combination of hallka and bamboo provides high heat exchange properties of the mattress and increases the antibacterial ability of the product. Adding coconut to the padding adds rigidity to the product and increases its hygiene.
- The combination of cotton and hallkon increases the softness of the mattress. On such a bed, it will be cozier and more comfortable to sleep for those who often freeze at night. On a mattress of hollkona and wool it is pleasant to sleep at any time of the year. On the one hand, it is immune to moisture, on the other hand, it has special healing properties (due to wool).
The dimensions of the bed are different: 150 × 200 × 8, 140 × 200 and other options.
Mattresses with hallcon (like any other similar products) can be divided into four groups:
- Baby - The length of such a mattress is about 120-140 cm, width - 60-65 cm.
- Single beds - The length of such products reaches 190-200 cm, and the width ranges from 70 to 90 cm.
- Half-sleeper - The length here coincides with a single place, and the width increases to 110-130 cm.
- Double mattresses. The standard length of an adult bed is 190–200 cm, width is from 140 to 180 cm.
The main thing is to correctly measure the size of the bed to choose the most suitable mattress.
Material density
Products with hollkon differ in density and thickness. The thickness of the springless mattress usually ranges between 6 and 12 cm. Products with a thickness of 8 to 10 cm are especially popular. These mattresses are used to smooth out unevenness of the bed. In addition, mattresses of this thickness can easily be taken with you to the car during a long journey.
Any mattress from hallkon has a sufficiently high density, so it will suit people of almost any weight category. The optimum density of the mattress is 1500 g / m².
In addition, interesting duos of hallcon material with natural fillers were mentioned above; Depending on these combinations, the density and thickness of the mattress can both increase and decrease.
There are mattress tops with hollkonwho can save those who roll long nights in an uncomfortable bed. Their indisputable plus is that they are cheap, their thickness reaches about 2-4 cm, and they can be washed in an ordinary typewriter.
In the Russian market today, many manufacturers have appreciated the advantages of the hallcon material and produce mattresses with this synthetic filler:
- Factory offers a wide selection of mattresses with hallkon AlViTekwhich specializes in the production of bedding.
- The range of products with holkonom pleases buyers and firm. SHED4TAILOR.
- SN-Textile ("CH-Textiles") It is also one of the largest Russian wholesale suppliers of bedding, the range of which includes mattresses with synthetic filling hollkon.
- Of course it is worth mentioning "Ivanovo textile". The most comfortable and comfortable mattresses, low price - the main advantages of this manufacturer.
How to care?
Of course, you first need to read in detail the instructions for use of the product or the label on it,where the manufacturer notes the most important points on the correct handling of the product.
Buying products from hollkon, you can not be afraid to use almost any type of cleaning. They do not require special care. Both dry and wet cleaning are welcome.
Permissible are washing and heat treatment. Hollcon dries quickly because the material is hygroscopic and does not absorb liquid. Manufacturers indicate that the material is not afraid of high temperatures (up to 95 degrees). Due to the high strength of the hallcon, it can be safely squeezed out.
Please note: if your mattress is combined, then when cleaning such a product, you must follow the rules of care for other materials.
Consumer reviews
The excellent quality of the mattress with hollkon is confirmed by the positive reviews of many buyers.
Mattresses perfectly keep their shape and are durable, which is very popular with consumers. Due to the special structure of the material, it actively resists compression. A pleasant and healthy sleep on a lush mattress is something that everyone should afford.
Certainly, consumers are pleased with a reasonable price-quality ratio.The unique production technology of the material makes it possible to reduce the cost of the product.
Consumers especially focus on the orthopedic properties of such mattresses.. Hallcon creates favorable conditions for the formation of correct posture, because there is a uniform distribution of the load on the spine.
All this indicates that the mattress from the hallkona is universal - it is suitable for both adults and children (even for newborn babies).
People who have not been able to choose a filler for a long time are very happy that they finally settled on the mattress from the hall. Falling asleep on it - just a dream. Many have forgotten forever about the unevenness of an old bed, because the sleeping surface has become perfectly flat. People are faced with a new problem - there is no desire to leave the bed. Many consumers are advised to purchase just such a mattress.
A 100% hollcon mattress can be the perfect solution for a bedroom, and people understand that. Buyers especially like the fact that they managed to find their optimum level of hardness-softness. In addition, the cost of the mattress does not really affect the budget, and at present this is especially important.
People buy their new mattress, because it has become impossible to sleep on an uneven old couch. High-quality products are more than satisfied. Many have no back pain. Few people would think that the filler plays such an important role. Conveniently and the fact that the mattress does not take up much space, for the day is easily hidden in the drawer of the sofa.
To choose the most suitable product in all plans, you need to familiarize yourself with customer reviews, compare several possible options, and learn the characteristics. So you can find an option that suits you completely.
For how Hallcon is produced, see the next video.