Subtleties of the process of applying water-based paint

The variety of colors, which are represented in the assortment of modern stores, is very wide. You can choose one of the options that is suitable for specific tasks. In our time, the most common water-based paints. What are their main features?
Features of the composition
Aqueous emulsion paint is a special emulsion based on particles of polymeric origin. These components do not dissolve in water, as they turn into a very dense film.As a result, the surface treated with water-based emulsion is smooth and even.
Its composition is rich in various elements:
- latex;
- thickener;
- fillers;
- antiseptic;
- additional components.
The scope of application of the material directly affects what elements will be added to its composition. To get a coating of white color, manufacturers often use sodium dioxide. If we are talking about cheap material, then this element is replaced with chalk.
In order for the paint of this type to become thick, it is worth using a thickener. Often glue is added to the coatings. Demineralized water has become the basis of such paint, because it makes it possible to achieve a better consistency of the material.
Paint of this type has the following technical characteristics:
- Viscosity. This material parameter is measured by a special device - a viscometer.
- The average specific weight of the material is 135 kilograms per liter.
- The coating will dry out for a certain time, which depends on what temperature conditions prevail indoors. The best option is about +20 degrees.
At the heart of such paints may be different components.
Each species has its own characteristics:
- Mineral materials - there is cement in their composition. However, sometimes a similar component is replaced with hydrated lime. These are coatings that differ in the most affordable cost. However, their lifespan is minimal, which should be taken into account in the selection process.
Use this kind of paint can be used for processing various coatings. But it is best to paint brick and concrete surfaces.
- Silicate formulations - These are materials that contain special liquid glass. Paint will last as long as possible. Its cost is available, so you have the opportunity to purchase any amount of coverage. But remember that water-based paints of this type do not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture. That is why to make repairs in the kitchen or in the bathroom with their help will not work.
- Acrylic solutions - in the composition of such coatings are acrylic-based resins. These are durable coatings that make it possible to hide the defects that are present on the surfaces to be treated.Such paints have a special structure that does not allow an increased level of moisture to deform the surface. Remember that before applying you need to cover the surface with plaster and let them dry. After plastering you should wait a month, and only then you can paint the surface.
With the main types of paint, which is common in our time, we figured out. But you have to make the final choice yourself, focusing on your wishes and on the features of the room.
What to look for when choosing?
In the process of choosing a water emulsion it is necessary to pay attention to many important nuances. It is important to understand that the result of the tasks assigned to you depends on the characteristics of the coverage.
Tips for choosing:
- Remember that only well-known manufacturers guarantee the highest quality of paintwork material. You can choose the brand that gained popularity and trust among buyers. Read the reviews on the Internet, as well as explore other characteristics that may affect the final choice.
- Most often in stores you can buy thick paintwater type. However, some buyers are trying to save money by paying attention to budget materials. Cheap materials are too fluid consistency. These are uneconomical coatings that will be needed too much for painting surfaces. They will not create an even and smooth layer.
They are also difficult to mix with dyes. That is why special attention should be paid to the density of the paint. Too liquid options will not suit you, because with them you will not be able to achieve the desired results of repair.
Advantages and disadvantages
This type of coating has its own characteristics.
At the very beginning it is worth mentioning the strengths of the water emulsion:
- fast drying - the coating of this type dries quickly enough, so it is often necessary to wait just a few minutes to begin further work;
- ecological purity - water-based paint does not harm human health, since there are no harmful components in its composition, which makes it possible to carry out finishing in absolutely any room;
- durability - water-based paint does not peel off, even a few years after its application to the surface;
- attractive appearance - no cracks appear on the paint that could adversely affect its attractive appearance;
- simplicity of application - it is not necessary to make special efforts to paint different surfaces, since everything is very simple and easy;
- cost - the affordable cost of water-based paint makes it possible to purchase any quantity of such goods.
Such coatings are practically devoid of weaknesses. However, it is worth remembering that such options are not suitable for metal and gloss. The fact is that in their composition there is a lot of water, so rust may appear on the surfaces.
In our time, the modern market has been filled with fakes of similar colors that can disappoint any customer. They fall badly on the surface, and for painting it is necessary to use a large amount of materials. In the process of drying the paint gets dirty, and the water is able to wash it off.
How to dilute the paint?
If we are talking about water-based paint, a jar with which you just opened, then it does not have to breed, because its consistency is ideal for applying to different surfaces.But in the event that you will use a spray for paint or the remains of old material, it is necessary to dilute paint. Otherwise, it will not fall on the surface as needed.
To properly dilute the paint, follow these simple rules:
- dilution with water should occur in proportions of 1 to 10 parts of the volume of the paint that thickens;
- it is necessary to dilute the material for surface finishing gradually so that the composition is thick, therefore it is better to use a special construction mixer;
- It is necessary to mix the paint until the optimum consistency is obtained, but after achieving the desired result, it is worth waiting a little for the foam to settle to the bottom.
As you can see, to create an optimal consistency of the coloring material, it is enough to add only water. To check whether you have mixed the paint correctly, dip a brush in it. Then swipe it across the surface. If the solution lay down evenly, then you did everything right.
Types of surfaces
Aqueous emulsion ink is a universal coating that is suitable for processing different surfaces.However, it is worth understanding in some cases more.
The paint is suitable for processing such surfaces:
- wood - water-based paint can protect wood from the negative effects of high humidity levels. This is the best option for a bathroom if your home is built of wood;
- oily suspension - similar surfaces are coated with layers of acids and oils, so the paint will not be able to wet the base as needed. The clutch is weak, so the result will not meet your expectations. That is why it is worth getting rid of the old paintwork material before processing the corresponding area;
- drywall - you can paint the surface of the drywall, because the paint will fall on it in a uniform and beautiful layer;
- wallpaper - water-based composition is suitable only for glass fiber. If we are talking about paper wallpaper, you can face unforeseen difficulties in the process of doing the work. Also, water emulsion is suitable for dyeing vinyl wallpaper, which can often be seen in the kitchen;
- plywood - the surface of such material must be carefully processed before painting to avoid possible problems in the process of applying paint;
- metal - at the very beginning iron is treated with a primer, since the application of water-based paint can cause rust on the metal with time;
- brick and concrete - you can paint the surface with a roller or brush. The water emulsion perfectly combines with similar materials because it has high adhesion rates.
These are the main types of materials that can be treated with water-based paint. You can cope with the work quickly and efficiently, without making special efforts and without spending a lot of money.
Room preparation
Water-based paints are not too demanding on the surfaces on which you will apply them. Putty walls, ceilings or facades need to ensure that the color was smooth and neat. It is necessary to pre-cover the cracks and remove the tubercles. Pay special attention to the putty, so that after the completion of the work, the defects do not stand out too much.
In addition, you will need a primer to make the surface smoother, more even and to improve the adhesion of the paint. Of course, if the design itself provides for some defects, then it is not necessary to level and prime the surface.
Even the most accurate people are not insured against the appearance of drops and streaks during surface treatment. That is why be sure to lay an oilcloth on the floor and close other objects before plastering and painting walls.
In particular, it is important to properly prepare the room in the event that you apply the paint with a spray gun. Remember that droplets of paint will soar in the air and settle on different surfaces. If possible, remove the heating radiators to easily treat the areas behind them.
Subtleties of painting
The technology of applying water-based paint is very simple. It practically does not differ from the features of applying other coatings.
You should keep the following points in mind:
- The paint is usually white, as special pigments must be purchased separately. When you add them to the paint, you can apply it to the surface;
- as part of the coating there are no components hazardous to health, therefore, even allergic people who are sensitive to various irritating substances can paint the surfaces;
- the solvent is ordinary water, therefore, it is possible to apply and store the dye at a temperature above zero.Remember that if interior design implies a single shade, it is impossible to get it twice. You need to make separate portions of the material, otherwise the result of the work does not meet your expectations.
It is necessary to carry out the work in stages:
- When the walls and the room are prepared, the paint must be diluted so that the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained. When using the spray gun, the solution should be sufficiently liquid.
- Old coatings must be carefully removed so that not a single trace remains on the walls and other surfaces.
- It is necessary to paint the room starting from the corners, following in the lower part. Put the emulsion in an even layer. It is necessary to provide high-quality lighting to visually monitor the uniformity of the applied layer.
- If the paint formulation is intended for drywall or brick, then paint the surface in three layers. If we are talking about the coloring of wallpaper, then it will be enough two layers of paint.
- After applying the first coating layer, it is necessary to wait for it to dry. This time depends on the temperature in the room, as well as on the level of humidity.Usually the paint dries within five hours when it comes to normal conditions.
- If you have made a choice in favor of a textured surface, then you should use a roller, which is complemented by a fleecy overlay. You can make the relief more expressive, if at the very beginning use a fleecy overlay. The second color is applied using a dense roller made of foam rubber.
- Be sure to arm yourself with a rag or rag to quickly get rid of droplets of dye that hit the surface. When the last layer of paint is dry, you can remove the security elements and arrange the furniture in the apartment.
If you decide to use the spray gun to paint the walls with water-based paint, then you can cope with the work in the shortest time period. However, be very careful about the purity of the liquid used. If suddenly there is debris in the emulsion, the nozzle will quickly get clogged. As a result, you spend a lot of time cleaning the instrument. From this decreases the speed of work, and the results of labor.
In all other situations, be guided by the above rules. You have the opportunity to achieve immaculate pearlescent surface with minimal time.
Useful tips
- Packaging paint material always contains the volume of material. However, in some cases it is necessary to dilute the residues. In this situation, it is not necessary to determine the amount of material. To calculate how much water emulsion you have left, use a measuring cup or a liter jar. Only in this case can you properly prepare the material for its use.
- Normal water is used to dilute the material. Its temperature should vary in the range of 18 to 30 degrees. It is not recommended to use too cold or too hot water, because you get a heterogeneous material that is very difficult to apply to the surface.
- Dilute the paint better with purified water, which you will need not so much. Remember that in the composition of the technical water there are all sorts of impurities. They will not affect the characteristics of the water-based composition, so it’s not worth the risk.
If you follow these simple rules, you can save on the acquisition of new materials. Also, you will have the opportunity to release your pantry or garage from the remnants of the solution, which is sure to find a use.
These are the main features of water-based paints.You can choose the coating that is suitable for work in your room. The range of such materials in our time is so wide that you can focus on the features of the tasks set before you. The main thing is that the paint should be of high quality and reliable, because only in this case the repair will be completed successfully.
How to paint the walls with water-based paint, see below.