Aqueous emulsion ink: types and details of application

In the modern world, the environmental safety of building materials, their durability, ease of use and the minimum time spent for the implementation of all design ideas are highly valued. Therefore, along with high-quality oil paints, water-based emulsions have become widespread. Since the types of this finishing material also differ in the way they are used for different rooms and surfaces, before using them in repair, you need to find out which type of such coating is right for you.

Special features

The composition on the basis of water includes various polymers or mineral particles, additives, toning pigments. When painting any surface of a wall or ceiling, the water component dries out, leaving a polymer film or a film of mineral particles on the surface.

Emulsion paint does not have a strong chemical odor when dried. This magical property allows you to use this emulsion for work in closed rooms and people prone to allergies to this type of building materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of using this staining material are:

  • It is very easy to apply on any pre-plastered surface - concrete, wood, gypsum concrete. Brushes and rollers are easily washed with water after use.
  • This paint is easily diluted because water is the main solvent. Due to this breeding, it becomes safe and non-toxic, so it is recommended for interior work, even in rooms with closed windows.
  • It differs from all other types of paint in that it dries faster than all other types.
  • After painting in the room does not remain an unpleasant smell for long weeks, as after using other types of finishing materials.
  • Water-based paints are characterized by the fact that they are not subject to peeling, while observing all the rules of storage, application and surface preparation for painting.
  • An important feature is environmental safety for humans. This coating is not toxic, not harmful to humans, without a strong chemical smell.
  • Dirt from surfaces painted with certain types of water emulsion is easily washed with water and any detergent.
  • Also important features are non-flammable and high resistance to the effects of various alkalis.
  • Separate types of water emulsion are recommended for rooms with high humidity - for a bath or a kitchen, but not only because they have an increased water-repellent ability, but also because they are breathable, as they easily pass air and steam through their layers.
  • This type of paint has antibacterial characteristics.
  • The service life depends on the specific type of paint. Currently, you can choose one that will not lose its presentation for 20 years.
  • Some types of water-based emulsions have such a density when painting that they easily mask cracks up to 2 mm.
  • Water emulsion is suitable for any interior solution, as it is easy to tint, even independently,and the variety of colors and the possibility of using them in various percentages of paint gives such a range of colors and shades that allows to bring all the dreams and fantasies of professional designers and amateurs to be repaired.
  • The low price and excellent quality allow VE paints to compete with many types of wall and ceiling decoration for any type of repair work.

This type of paint has disadvantages:

  • The use of water emulsion is impossible at sub-zero temperatures, therefore the minimum temperature limit is up to +5 degrees Celsius. Already at 0 degrees, it freezes and loses all its properties.
  • Some types of paints differ in the small term of operation, but such types of emulsions become a rarity and are forced out from the market by stronger paints.
  • Not always suitable for metal or glossy surfaces due to the large amount of water in their composition.


With the help of familiarization with the technical characteristics of a particular type of VE-paint, you can choose the desired type for this surface.

When choosing pay attention to the following factors:

  • Composition.Depending on the fillers, thickeners, antiseptics contained in the aqueous solution, this paint may or may not be suitable for internal or external work, for wet or dry premises.
  • Application. For covering what materials this finishing material is suitable. Is it possible to paint wood, concrete, metal, enamel?
  • Viscosity. How much and how can dilute VE paint.
  • Consumption. Depends on the material of the base, its absorption characteristics. Typically, the consumption of painting emulsion 200-400 ml per m2.
  • Specific gravity. By weight cans can determine the quality of paint. A good water emulsion has a density of about 1.5 kg per liter. From this we can conclude that high-quality paint in a ten-liter jar will have a weight of about 15 kg.
  • Temperature during dyeing and drying. What is the optimum temperature during operation of this type of emulsion.
  • Moisture permissible during dyeing and operation.
  • Storage conditions. Maximum permissible high and low temperatures at which the paint does not lose its properties. Keep it in a place where the direct rays of the sun, in which it is cool and dark, do not fall.
  • Paint expiration date in the bank.
  • The term of operation of this type of paint on the painted surfaces.

In order to choose the paint that is necessary for your particular situation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with existing species and with their technical characteristics.


Water based paints are of several types.


These paints are the cheapest. From the positive properties it can be noted that they are resistant to sunlight and the effects of fat. Also, these types of coatings can be painted even indoors, they are non-toxic and safe due to their components. They include polyvinyl acetate, or, in a simple way, PVA glue.

But they are afraid of water, so the surfaces painted with this type of paint cannot be washed. They are suitable only for rooms where it is dry and which are infrequently used.

After some time, this paint may turn yellow like old glue. Currently, this species is almost never used for repairs.


Also relatively inexpensive paints. They contain calcium hydroxide, slaked lime or cement. This type can paint any surface, but they are best suited for concrete or brick surfaces.These water emulsions are characterized by high vapor permeability and do not suffer with a significant temperature drop.

The main negative characteristics - they quickly lose their original color, as they burn out and are damaged when touched - are erased, they have a short lifespan, therefore they are less and less used in interior works, more for facade decoration.


Sodium silicate - liquid glass is their part. These are relatively inexpensive paints. They are durable, durable, but suitable only for concrete and plastered walls. They tolerate temperature drops, vapor and breathable. But they are afraid of water, precipitation, as they are not moisture resistant, which means they will be useful only for painting inside the house and only for dry rooms.

For rooms with high humidity, such as kitchens and bathrooms, this type of staining is not suitable. And this material is bad for metal, stone, glass and ceramics.


This is the most popular type of water emulsion. It consists of acrylic resin. It can be used on any surfaces - wood, concrete, brick, glass, plaster.When painting the surface of the metal, it must first be primed.

And although at the price they are more expensive than mineral VE paints, but the difference in price between different types of paint and from different manufacturers allows you to choose the right finish for any wallet.

The main advantages of this type are water resistance, durability and resistance to mechanical abrasion., non-susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, dirt-repellent characteristics. They are elastic, that is, they are applied easily and without smudges and have a high density during painting, so that they can seal up cracks up to 1 mm. They have the lowest consumption of the coloring emulsion when coloring even in one layer. Suitable for any type of premises, as they are mostly washable.


These are acrylic paints based on latex or acrylate. Here, the composition of the acrylic emulsion includes latex. And because of this, they are relatively expensive. Latex gives acrylic paint increased water resistance. The surfaces painted by this look can be washed even with the use of detergents. They withstand 5,000 wash cycles, without losing color, brightness and water resistance.

This paint can be used on wood, concrete, brick, metal, plaster, drywall and structured wallpaper. Its composition is more elastic and covers any surface well. The double layer allows to repair cracks up to 1 mm. The paint dries quickly and is odorless, which means that it is environmentally friendly and harmless to health. This type of coating can be applied in swimming pools and bathrooms.

The only drawback is that it is not vapor-permeable and condensation may appear on it. Also this species is afraid of low temperatures - in cool rooms the surface painted with latex paint can crack. It has poor resistance to the sun, fungi and bacteria.


The composition of these coatings are silicone silicone resins. They are suitable for ceilings. There are special types of silicone paints for ceilings, which have increased adhesion to the surface, which means that they are easier to roll on the ceiling and do not flow.

Due to its increased density, this view can mask cracks up to 2 mm. This type is considered antiseptic, as it has vapor and gas permeability,which prevents the formation of fungus and mold. Therefore, they are suitable for painting rooms with high humidity, especially for bathrooms and kitchens. The painted surface is perfectly washable.

Silicone paint can cover the previously painted surface with such types of paints as mineral, acrylic and silicone, except oil. Even a black interior surface effortlessly overlaps with two layers of paint, as the silicone water-based emulsion has an increased hiding power.

The only surface that may not look very aesthetic over time is reinforced concrete. Rust stains may appear on the paint, as the reinforcement will start to rust, so it is recommended to protect or use a new type of paint with anti-corrosion additives before painting.

Which is better?

To choose a paint for dyeing, you need to know its characteristics and take into account both price and technical features. You need to know which surface is at the base for painting, whether you will first prime it, what technical characteristics of this surface, whether it is outdoors or indoors, in which room, how long you need to paint and to completely dry this surface.

Depending on all these parameters you need to choose the right paint. You may not need the most expensive silicone water emulsion.

Mineral and acrylic dyes are more suitable for painting exterior surfaces. But surfaces painted with a mineral coating quickly lose their original color, although this coating is much cheaper than acrylic at a price.

For painting indoors, you need to consider what you need to paint - walls or ceiling or some wooden, metal, glass surfaces. Important and microclimate in this room. All types of water-based emulsions are suitable for dry rooms, you just need to keep in mind that although polyvinyl acetate is the cheapest, it may turn yellow with time, mineral materials easily rub off when touched, and acrylic, latex and silicone are distinguished by a rather high price. Silicate water emulsion is best to paint concrete or plastered surfaces. But for wallpaper for painting it is not very suitable, it is better to use latex here.

Acrylic, latex and silicone paints are best suited for wet areas.The only disadvantages of latex is that it is afraid of low temperatures and is not vapor-permeable, does not protect against condensation, as well as mold and mildew. All of these types of high cost.

All types of paint are also suitable for ceilings. Only it is necessary to take into account that it is better to use mineral, acrylic, latex or silicone for rooms with high humidity. At the same time, acrylic and silicone do not flow during dyeing and are more durable, although more expensive.

There are special silicone dyes for painting ceilings. Their composition is characterized by increased hiding power and speed of drying, which means that it makes it possible to paint the ceiling more accurately and easily.

Application technology

Before applying water-based paint, consider the following points:

  • How the surface was treated. If it was primed, especially if the solution was rubbed on the surface of the base, then one coat of paint would suffice. It should be noted that with each subsequent layer the color of the painted surface becomes more intense.
  • When drying, the color of the paint is slightly different from the color in the can.
  • Apply the second and next layer only after the previous one dries. Usually the drying time is about 8 hours.
  • Water-based paint should dry in its natural environment, without drafts.

For staining, you can use any tool - and a brush, and a sponge, and a roller with a long pile. Rollers with a short nap are not used because they do not capture the right amount of paint, and water-based rollers may bubble up on the surface of the foam rollers, since the foam will absorb excess paint. Even after painting, the surface may look uneven and rough to the touch.

Mineral paints can be sprayed by spraying paint over the surface. Also, this method is suitable for painting ceilings, wallpapers, batteries and any hard-to-reach surfaces and objects.

The choice of paint tool also depends on the expected effect. Even when working with a roller, the layer of paint that can be applied to the surface, that is, the color intensity, depends on the length of its pile. And also when working with a roller, you may need to use a paint brush - this will help when painting in the corners and in hard-to-reach places.

The sponge is used when it is necessary to paint with paint on some objects or textured surfaces or to impart an texture using a thicker paint composition.

Usually they start with brushing the perimeter and then use a roller. Any object is advised to start painting from top to bottom, it creates a surface without stains and drops.

Before painting, it is advisable to protect non-machinable surfaces. and glue on plinths, platbands and windowsill along the staining border of masking tape. If the floors are already prepared for painting with varnish, then they should also be glued with adhesive tape in order not to complicate the subsequent work, because through the varnish can look through the water emulsion not completely finished in the places where the walls come in contact with the floor, and in order to prepare the ideal surface for painting with varnish, it will leave precious time. Also in places of transition of one color to another, you can stick an adhesive tape.

Note that the adhesive tape, even if it is painting, should be removed immediately after painting this area. If the paint dries, it will be impossible to remove it without damaging the painted surface.

If you paint ceilings, you must first clean them of the old coating, then level the surface with putty and prime.The primer is necessary, as it reduces the penetration of paint into the substrate and increases the degree of hiding. It is better to choose a primer from the same manufacturer as the paint, or one that the paint manufacturer recommends.

There is the following rule - if there is only one window in the room, then the painting of the ceiling starts parallel to the window from one wall to another. The second time they paint perpendicular - in the direction from the window to the wall opposite. That is, the last layer should always be painted in the direction of the source of daylight. This helps to hide all the shortcomings of the main coverage. The paint is applied in parallel stripes, gently overlapping the previous one by 2-3 cm.

It is advisable to keep within when painting the entire surface in half an hour, since after painting it will look uneven and sloppy. Where it is impossible to paint the surface with a roller - corners, joints, use a brush, carefully painting all hard-to-reach surfaces. If there are two window openings in the room, then they paint it twice from the window to the blank wall, having two layers of paint between them perpendicularly.

When painting walls and ceilings that are plastered and primed, usually two layers of paint are used, and when applying a water-based coating on paper wallpapers, one layer is used.Therefore, when buying paint, keep in mind that for plastered surfaces, you need three times more paint than for wallpapering.

VE-paint on the walls sets for about 10-15 minutestherefore, to avoid visible border when drying, it is necessary to paint quickly. Coloring starts from the corner, painting it with a brush from top to bottom with a width of 5 cm. Then paint it with a roller, after having pressed it onto a special painting cell or an even piece of linoleum, plywood, and wood. Apply paint from top to bottom with a continuous strip, going to the next 5-8 cm. This helps to get rid of the visible boundaries of paint application. When the distance to the second angle is equal to one width of the roller, then the angle of this wall should be painted over with a brush. If you are going to roll the second wall, then immediately paint over the corner of the second wall with a brush.

How to breed?

If it is written on a can of paint that it must be diluted with water beforehand, then it is advisable to do this, since then the paint will acquire exactly the desired viscosity and consistency that will allow you to easily and gently apply it to the surface.

Most often, high-quality water emulsion is sold in white and in the right shade is tinted either on its own or in a shop on special equipment.This uses a color scheme, which can also be purchased at the store.

If you are painting yourself, then stock up to ten percent more than the main quantity, since in the future it may be useful to update the surface.

It is better to first dilute a small amount of tinted paint to check how it will look on the painted surface after drying. The color of the paint is slightly different when completely dried out from what we see in the can or in the process of tinting. If the expiration dates were violated, the storage conditions, if the paint is frozen, you must also first see how it will lie on the surface.

When using a device such as an atomizer for dyeing, it is necessary to take into account that diluting the paint with plain water is not suitable, because after a complete drying, a white coating may remain on the surface. Therefore, water emulsion for paint sprayers diluted or distilled water, or alcohol, or ether.

It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of manufacturers for dilution of paintso that it is not too thick or too liquid. If this is not done, the surface may be painted carelessly.Thicker paint creates the effect of “shagreen” skin, it is tightened, it looks like poor-quality whitewash, and more liquid gives ugly drips.

It should be borne in mind that after 15-20 minutes the paint begins to thicken and to paint the second layer it must be once again diluted directly in the spray cans. Diluted paint should look like fat milk.

How to delete?

Sometimes before a new painting you want to remove the previous layer of finish. If before this was a paint based on PVA - polyvinyl acetate or mineral, then it can be removed with a sponge with a soapy water solution.

To remove acrylic or silicone VE paint, you need to use tools such as a spatula or an angle grinder disc. You can remove the previous layer with a chisel. It is almost silent, but very tedious. Also often use a building dryer, heating the old finish and removing it with a spatula. Special chemical washings are now on sale. It is necessary to apply it to the paint, gradually it will be absorbed and destroy the old layer.


Production of water-based paint has been established for a long time and is very widely represented on the market.You can choose any unknown manufacturer, possibly with a lower pricing policy, or you can invest in higher quality paints from such well-known manufacturers as Dulux, Dufa or Tex. In their palette there are paints of all kinds and purposes, both matte and glossy, as well as semi-matte and semi-gloss. These manufacturers have confirmed their reputation by being in the sales market and the quality of their products.

To learn how to paint the walls with water-based paint, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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