Insulating paint: features of choice

Heat-insulating paint has appeared on the building materials market relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. The main objective of such a paint mixture is to minimize heat loss in the room. Features of the choice of heat-insulating paints consider in this article.
Distinctive features
With the help of modern nanotechnology in the production of building materials, not so long ago, an insulating coloring composition was invented.
The composition of thermo-insulating paint and varnish products includes the following substances:
- distilled water;
- acrylic dispersion;
- various fillers.
To improve the thermal insulation functions, substances such as perlite, foamed glass, fiberglass, ceramic hollow spheres and microscopic silicone balls are used as fillers. The insulating characteristics of the coating depend on the amount of fillers in the coloring mixture.
Liquid insulation has a thick pasty structure. Paint is available in only two shades: white and slightly gray.
Heat-insulating paintwork mixture fits well on any material. For applying the coloring composition on different types of surfaces is most convenient to use a special spray. It is desirable to produce staining in three layers. Apply a new layer only after the previous one is completely dry.
A heat-insulating coating, depending on the operating conditions, may last from twelve to forty years. The allowable temperature range for operation ranges from -50 to +250 degrees Celsius.
Advantages and disadvantages
Nanokraska has several advantages over other insulating materials.
The main advantages of heat-saving coloring composition:
- Evenly falls on the surface, which allows you to hide defects and irregularities.
- Allows you to reduce heating costs.
- It has protective properties. Concrete walls with such a coating will be protected from destruction, and metal surfaces - from corrosion.
- Environmental friendliness and hypoallergenic.
- Durability (without loss of protective and heat-insulating properties).
- Fire resistance.
- Resistance to mechanical stress and temperature extremes.
- UV resistant.
- It is easy to work with such material. For surface treatment with a liquid heat insulator, no special skills are needed; any person can cope with such work.
- It prevents the formation and spread of mold and mildew on the surface.
- Prevents condensation on cold surfaces.
In addition to high technical characteristics, the material has several disadvantages.
The main disadvantages include:
- high consumption of surface treatment;
- high price;
- inappropriate use for insulation of buildings as the main material.
Applications and main types of coverage
Liquid thermal insulation is used in many areas for the treatment of various coatings.
The following main areas of application can be distinguished:
- insulation of internal and external walls of buildings;
- protection of heating, water supply and air conditioning systems;
- insulation of metal products;
- waterproof roof protection;
- as a protective coating of transport;
- for painting floors, openings for interior doors, stairs and windows;
- insulation of industrial equipment;
- protection of pipelines against freezing;
- minimization of heat losses of heating boilers.
Depending on the properties and composition of the coloring matter, there are several modifications of the material.
According to the method of manufacturing a liquid heat insulator is divided into two types:
- water based;
- based on acrylic polymers.
Water-based paints do not contain toxins, they are mainly used to paint heating pipes. Acrylic blend is more versatile and suitable for any type of surface.
Depending on a scope, allocate the following painting mixes:
- Universal. For thermal insulation of internal and external walls, floor and ceiling.
- Facade.They are characterized by a high level of moisture resistance and are used for exterior painting.
- Insulating paint. It is used to isolate objects from metal, water pipes and gas pipelines.
How to choose?
When choosing a heat-insulating material, it is important to consider the location of the painting work (indoors or outdoors) as well as the type of surface to be treated. Before buying a thermal paint, it is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the list of popular manufacturers and study the reviews on their products.
Some recommendations for choosing:
- for exterior work, paint should be selected with high rates of water resistance and heat resistance;
- for indoor work it is necessary to purchase paint that does not contain toxic substances;
- the mixture for painting gas pipelines and water pipelines must have the highest thermal stability values.
It is worth remembering that when painting consumes quite a lot of insulating composition. Before you buy a suitable liquid insulation, it is important to calculate the required amount of the mixture in advance.
When calculating you need to consider the following factors:
- The area of the painted surface.
- The type of material that will be coated with a paint and varnish composition. To cover a wooden, brick or concrete surface, paint overruns can range from five to ten percent. Metal painting can additionally take from three to six percent of the mixture.
- The presence of defects on the surface. If there are small cracks or irregularities, it should be borne in mind that additional areas of liquid heat insulator will be needed to paint such areas. The mixture overrun can reach forty percent.
- The number and thickness of the layers of paint that you plan to apply to the surface. Recommended coating thickness for different materials:
- For concrete - one and a half millimeters.
- For wood - two millimeters.
- For metal, brick, cellular concrete and expanded clay - two and a half millimeters.
To calculate the approximate amount of paint, it is necessary to multiply the surface area, the consumption rate (liter / sq. M) and the number of assumed layers.
In order not to be mistaken in the choice of high-quality thermal insulation coating, it is better to purchase products of well-known and proven manufacturers.Among the Russian manufacturers of thermal insulating paints can be identified four leading companies.
One of the most popular manufacturers of thermal insulation mixtures is the company "Korund".
Liquid heat insulators of this company can be used to process the following surfaces:
- metal containers;
- rooms with high humidity levels;
- boiler rooms;
- facade of buildings;
- surfaces inside residential and administrative buildings;
- chimneys;
- motor transport, passenger planes, railway cars;
- pipelines.
The firm "Korund" produces several types of paints and varnishes, depending on the scope of their application. The following modifications of the Korund products are made:
- "Classic". The universal coloring structure which is suitable for external and internal works. Widely used in the construction of buildings.
- "Facade". This heat insulator is designed for processing concrete walls. Painting can be carried out both outside and indoors. The material has a high level of water resistance and heat permeability. The coating protects the walls from overheating in the warm season and from freezing in the cold.
- "Lotus". It has the same qualities as the modification of the "Facade". Such material is intended for application to the surface as a final layer.
- "Winter". A distinctive feature of this modification is that the dyeing procedure can be performed at sub-zero temperatures. It is possible to work with such material at temperatures not lower than -10 degrees.
- "Antikor". Used for painting metal surfaces. Such paintwork material protects the metal from weathering and prevents the occurrence of corrosion.
The company "Termalkom" produces a line of insulating paints "Astratek". Paint coating is made on the basis of polymers. The company "Termalkom" offers products with high performance at reasonable prices.
Liquid insulation "Astratek" is widely used in the construction industry, industry and housing and communal services. There are six modifications of the thermal paint of this company:
- "Astratek wagon." Suitable for painting all types of surfaces. It has a high level of vapor permeability, which helps prevent the appearance and spread of mold on the surface.
- "Astratek metal". Used for painting structures and devices made of metal, which are used in adverse conditions of high humidity. This coating will increase the life of products from ferrous and non-ferrous metals, prevent the occurrence of corrosion and eliminate the formation of condensate.
- "Astratek facade." It is used for thermal insulation of facades of buildings.
- "Astratek NG". Is a special fire modification of the material.
- "Astratek wagon VS". All-season coating, which is characterized by temperature and weather resistance.
- "Astratek acoustics decor". It is used as an additional thermal insulation of the walls, and also significantly improves the acoustics in the room.
GK VIRTS "Bronya"
The products of the company "Bronya" are widely used in various fields of construction and industry. The manufacturer offers the best conditions in the market of teplokrasok in the price / quality ratio.
Thermal insulating ceramic paint "Armor" was previously used mainly for painting gas networks and water supply systems. However, the company regularly replenishes its line of heat insulators with new modifications.
The heat colors of the Bronya company are divided into three groups:
- basic modifications;
- budget modifications;
- special modifications.
See in the video below an experiment with ice, which shows how insulating paint “Armor” creates a reliable thermal barrier.
The Akterm company is one of the leading manufacturers of liquid thermal insulation. The company independently develops a unique technology for the manufacture of its products. In the production of heat-retaining materials, only high-quality raw materials are used.
Liquid insulation company "Akterm" currently has fifteen different modifications, differing in composition and properties.
The main functions that perform thermal insulation coating "Akterm" are as follows:
- obstruction of condensation;
- corrosion protection;
- hydroprotection;
- thermal insulation;
- fire protection.
Recommendations when applying:
- Before using ultra-fine insulation, it is necessary to prepare the surface to be treated: remove rust, clean from dust and grease, and prime if necessary. Apply the paint composition preferably at a humidity of not more than eighty percent and a temperature not lower than seven degrees Celsius.
- When conducting exterior paint work is better to choose calm weather. Due to the wind, paint consumption can increase up to five percent. The following tools can be used to apply the coloring composition:
- roller;
- spray gun;
- paint brush.
- The most convenient way will be to apply the mixture with the spray gun. If the ultra-thin insulating mixture is too thick in consistency, it can be diluted with water. Also do not forget about the use of a respirator to protect the respiratory organs.