Silver paint: types and application

Despite the constant replenishment of the construction market with new samples of paint and varnish products, silverfish, known for many generations, still remains a kind of leader among dyes for metal and some other surfaces.
This paint does not contain a single milligram of silver and is aluminum that has been ground into powder and has a characteristic silver color. Hence the common colloquial name - "silverfish". In practice, it is nothing like aluminum powder. There are two fractions of such aluminum powder - PAP-1 and PAP-2.
Also known is another kind of metallic powder having a golden color.It is made of bronze, so it should not be confused with aluminum powder dye. Bronze powder, diluted with varnish or linseed oil, gives the painted products a golden color.
Methods for making aluminum dye
The difference between these two fractions of silverfish lies in the degree of grinding of aluminum, therefore, PAP-1 has a slightly larger particle size. However, the quality of painting surfaces grinding degree does not affect.
Here, the method of dilution of dry aluminum powder is much more important. To obtain the finished dye from it, various, mostly alkyd and acrylic lacquers, solvents and enamels are used.
If desired, in order to dilute it, you can use paints and varnishes with the addition of ions. This dye is used when painting the internal walls.
Both powders can be mixed with one of varieties of varnish or diluted by means of synthetic drying oil. The main difference between PAP-1 and PAP-2 in their preparation is in keeping the proportion between the powder and solvent:
- For the cultivation of PAP-1 used lacquer BT-577 in the ratio of 2 to 5.The paint prepared in this way can withstand heating up to 400 degrees Celsius and does not burn out. For mixing, the varnish is poured in portions into aluminum powder poured into the container.
- For the preparation of the PAP-2 fraction, proportions of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4 are applied. Dilute it with linseed oil or any known varnish provided that it is thoroughly mixed. But it is necessary to take into account that as a result of such mixing the paint coagulates, forming a rather thick mass, unsuitable for use. Therefore, further dilution is required to bring it to a state called the paint consistency. A further degree of fluidity of the dye should be chosen, depending on the method by which it will be applied - a roller, a spray gun, a brush, and similar tools.
To dilute the paint using a mixture of two or more solvents such as white spirit, turpentine, solvent or one of them. If silver is supposed to be sprayed, then metal powder and solvent should be mixed in equal proportions, whereas for a roller and a paint brush a ratio of 2 to 1 will do.
If the paint is diluted with synthetic linseed oil, then there are practically no fundamental differences from dilution with varnishes during its preparation. The same applies to respect for proportional relationships.
As for the shelf life, it is practically unlimited for the metal powder itself, while the diluted composition can be stored for no more than six months.
The performance characteristics of the compositions of such paint are largely dependent on the type of varnish or enamel, which are used for their preparation. But there are certain qualities equally characteristic of all this type of coloring compounds:
- All of them are capable of creating a barrier effect in the form of a thin, durable film on painted surfaces. It becomes a reliable protective barrier against the penetration of moisture and other aggressive external influences.
- Aluminum powder dye has a reflective ability. This property to reflect ultraviolet solar radiation allows you to protect the surface of buildings and structures, painted with aluminum powder, from overheating in hot weather.
- No less significant are the protective qualities of dye-based compositionsaluminum powder. They are not subject to corrosion and reliably fall on the painted surface, grappling with it.
In the sale of this dye comes in the form of metal powder. To obtain the desired dye is required to mix with an appropriate paint thinner.
There are also ready-made coloring mixtures. The latter are stirred before use and, if necessary, diluted with a solvent to give them the necessary paint consistency. Sold silver in paint buckets or in banks, as well as in aerosol cans.
Aerosol packaging is very easy to use and store. When using spray paints there is no need for additional painting equipment. Acrylic or other water-based coloring compositions are supplied in the same aerosol form.
Powder dyeing compositions for the preparation of finishing mixtures with their own hands and aerosol packaging are in the greatest demand. They can have a different tinting used when painting surfaces of small area or used when decorating walls.
Advantages and disadvantages
The material has the following advantages:
- The popularity of silver enamel, which has not declined for decades, is due to its characteristics such as ease of application. Usually this dye falls without stains evenly on the previously prepared surface. Even when silvering is painted on vertical or inclined surfaces such as walls or roofs, drips are practically not formed.
- The surfaces painted with this paint are notable for their durability. The dye falls on the surface in a uniform layer, which after drying forms a thin film on it. It does not exfoliate and firmly rests on its basis.
- Aluminum powder and aerosol coloring compositions are very versatile. Silver paint is most often used to protect metal products from corrosion; however, it can also be used for any other bases such as wood, stone, plaster, and so on. An example is the staining of such a composition prepared on a varnish or enamel with an acrylic base. Such painting permanently protects wooden buildings from rot and desiccation, prolonging their life.
- Powder silver dyes are environmentally friendly, as aluminum powder is not a toxic substance. The composition of it can only become poisonous if it is diluted with toxic enamel powder. Therefore, mixtures based on non-toxic paint and varnish products such as water-dispersible acrylic bases should be used for wall decoration in residential premises.
- After drying, the dye acquires a pleasant metallic color, which indicates the aesthetics of this type of paint. If desired, you can create not one tone, but otkolerovat the prepared mixture in any color before starting painting.
It will not be difficult, because modern manufacturers offer color schemes of various colors: you just need to choose the most suitable for this paintwork base. Various metallic shades of color look very impressive when decorating the walls of the outer and inner walls of buildings.
- However, the idea of self-tinting can be abandoned, because a wide range of aerosol dyes are available for sale, with which you can paint walls with beautiful graffiti.
- No less a serious advantage of coloring compositions based on aluminum powder is their durability. According to the long-term practice of their use, the surfaces painted by them do not need to be repaired and repainted for up to 6-7 years. However, this period can be reduced to 3 years, if the painted surface has constant contact with water, while on the surface of the walls inside the premises beautiful colorful decor can last up to 15 years.
The disadvantages of these dyes include the fact that aluminum powder is very flammable. In addition, despite the relative non-toxicity and health safety of the finished paint, getting silver powder in the respiratory organs and lungs is a serious danger to humans. Therefore, you should open the package with silverfish only if there is no draft in the room or in calm weather in open space, protecting the respiratory system with a respirator.
You should also comply with the conditions of storage and fire safety when handling this paint.
In the following video you will learn how to distinguish the fake aluminum powders PAP-1 and PAP-2 from the original.