Powder Paint Technology

Powder paint is one of the latest advances made by the chemical industry for the benefit and convenience of consumers. Compared with classical compositions, it differs in a number of positive properties, but it also has certain disadvantages that you need to be aware of.
Painting with polyester powders is used everywhere - from construction and the automotive industry to the creation of original decorative elements.
Special features
Powder paint has a number of positives and is becoming a popular alternative to traditional methods of dyeing. The main working reagent here is dispersion mixtures of various substances, more precisely solid particles. The elimination of the solvent from the paint composition gives it advantages such as full environmental safety and zero risk of fire.
By changing the type of pigment and its concentration, the manufacturer can influence the level of adhesion, the coefficient of flowability and susceptibility to static electricity. The pigments in the powder product are the same as in cans or in jars with liquid mixtures.
Types of surfaces
The chemical industry has mastered the production of powder paints for applying to non-metallic surfaces, including MDF. If the basis of the coloring composition is epoxy, deviations from the standard method of dyeing are absolutely unacceptable. Otherwise, the color fastness and resistance to harmful atmospheric phenomena will be insufficient. But if all the requirements are met, the mechanical qualities of the coating will be at the proper level. Unfortunately, epoxy paints can hardly be considered heat resistant.
If you need a coating that can be used outdoors, and color fastness is a critical factor, you should use polyester paint. When significant amounts of acrylate compounds are introduced into the coloring mixture, the surface will be resistant to contact with alkalis.Its appearance can be both matte and glossy. It is these powder paints that are widely in demand in engineering plants.
The low-temperature variety of the coloring mixture turns out to be more and more in demand from year to year, but so far the technologies have not yet been developed enough to make it popularly popular. Polyurethane varieties have a stable sheen, for the most part they are used to paint parts that are constantly subject to friction or heavy wear. Their appearance is similar to silk, chemical inertness is very high. Neither weather conditions, nor automobile fuel, nor mineral oil are terrible for such compositions.
Please note that you will not be able to remove such paint with standard household solvents.
Powder paints based on plasticized PVC are soft, like rubber. The coating layer is little exposed to water, even with the addition of detergents, and when applied to wire baskets in dishwashers, it remains presentable for a long time. Carefully selected composition allows the use of paint in contact with products and medicines.
If you need primarily electrical insulating properties, polyvinyl butyral is used as the base. Paints created with its use can play both a protective and a design role. The coating is resistant not only to electric current, but also to gasoline and abrasive actions. This kind of mixture is preferred for interior decoration of industrial facilities.
Antistatic properties can be chosen quite flexibly. Technologists influence them, using various additives, providing for certain processing modes, as well as synthesizing film-forming agents with target parameters.
Epoxy polyester paint refers to the number of thermosetting and mechanically resistant at the same time. But it should be remembered that ultraviolet rays can damage it. The chemical industry has also mastered the production of fluorescent inks. Therefore, the choice of products is huge, but you should carefully read the composition of the paint before buying.
Paints, including polymer components, necessarily contain a pigment, together with the polymer, the dye forms the basis of the coloring material.Other substances are also attached to the base components, with the help of which the necessary characteristics are provided. Often, acrylates are added, special resins, with which paint forms films better.
Can also be used additives that accelerate the hardening of the coating, giving it a variety of colors and improve the overall appearance. As fillers take compounds of titanium and aluminum with oxygen.
The conclusion is simple: excellent properties of powder paint are achieved with minimal hazard class (toxicity). Man, pets and plants will not suffer at all by using such dyes.
All components of polyester paint have excellent flowability, the particles do not stick to one another and do not stick to various foreign objects. You do not need to use special additives, dissolving the composition.
The powder will not become too thick and will not lose the original consistency.
The technical properties of powder paints are quite good, most often they are applied electrostatically. If mechanical strength and stability are to be guaranteed, not only epoxy components can be used, but also chrome mirrored, which is less susceptible to ultraviolet.Epoxy mixtures have working temperatures from - 60 to 120 degrees, the initial dielectric parameters are very significant. Taking vinyl as a base, they receive powder paint strictly for interior work, but it withstands moisture ingress at ordinary temperature, and there is no need to form a thick layer.
From the chemical point of view, polyether-urethane mixtures are formed by combining hydroxyl-containing polyesters with blocked polyisocyanates. The optimum operating temperature to form a coating is approximately 170 degrees. The thickness of the layer being created is strictly limited; it should correspond to the range from 25 to 27 microns. Polyester-urethane paint allows at the same time to achieve hardness, resistance to caustic substances, excellent resistance in all weather conditions. The surface retains its qualities under the action of weak solutions of acid, mineral salts, and hydrocarbons.
In practice, polyether-urethane powder paints are used for corrosion protection of sports and agricultural equipment, air conditioner housings and other electrical equipment,auto parts and furniture. The widespread use of such coatings is possible due to the fact that they are not very dangerous. Note that it is impossible to paint the plastic using the powder method, because the necessary condition is heating at least 150 degrees.
Powder paint can have any kind of shade and gloss, are available in both glossy and matte varieties. The technology allows you to make a multi-color painting composition or metallic, to form a hammer surface and create reliable protection for the facade of the building.
- Specific color - white, black, gold - given by the use of various pigments and changes in their concentration. It should be noted that the paint of a certain color can be contained only in one container, and during the work it is necessary to immediately determine which tone you want to create.
If bronze coloring is chosen, then it’s impossible to change your decision.
- Glowing Powder paint takes on its unique look by using a phosphor to charge it; any source of light is required. This design element is readily used by designers when it is necessary to decorate an inscription, a large logo and many other items.
For household use, paints with phosphors are applied to car rims, concrete, clothing, various stickers, glass and many other things. In a big city it is not so rare to see a car with wheels painted with glowing powder paint, passing by the same kind of billboard performance.
- For the formation of a pronounced texture resembling an orange peel, apply powder curing paints triglycidyl isocyanurate, the basic component of such compounds is various carboxyl-containing polyesters. It is necessary to heat the initial components to a lower temperature than polyether urethane paints.
The advantage of such compositions is the ability to paint sharp edges and edges without drips. Resistance to weather, light and mechanical stress is above average. But in terms of protection from caustic substances, the TGIC-based paint is somewhat weaker than polyether-urethane.
Application details
Now you know how the selection of powder paint should occur, and in what cases a particular type can be used. But not only the right choice is important, it is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the working process.
In most cases, powder paint is applied by an electrostatic method.Powder particles are imparted a charge that is opposite in sign to the charge on the surface that is painted. As a result, they are attracted to the substrate and form a relatively thin layer. The sputtering chamber is able to catch the powder that does not stick to the surface, and reapply it.
But it is not enough just to apply powder paint, it also needs to be baked inside a special apparatus. Under the action of high temperatures, the coating polymerizes. Thermoplastic paints are formed by substances that melt and then cool without any chemical reactions. It is very important to obtain a stable result to strictly observe the specified temperature. Thermosetting types of paints are much better, because the coating will not melt and not dissolve, but on the other hand, it obliges to strictly comply with the requirements at the very coloring.
Regardless of the formulation of the coloring composition, the metal parts must be prepared (cleaned and degreased), and the powder layer itself must be very thin.
In professional workshops you can imitate brass, copper, gold or aged metals. Getting at home the same result is impossible,because it requires not only special equipment and carefully selected compositions, but also a well-trained specialist or even several masters. Putting powder paint on a tree is impossible, because the substrate will not withstand the necessary heating.
Mixing dry ingredients is the main technique used in the preparation of thermoplastic compositions. The need for expensive equipment is minimal, the complexity of the work is small. But it is rather difficult to obtain stable (structured and non-exfoliating) mixtures that can be stored stably without fear of disturbing the proportions between the components. If you mix the main reagents in the molten form, you have to spend more time and use more complex equipment, but the risk of getting a bad result is much less.
Powder paint is produced in dozens and even hundreds of companies, but only a few produce really high-quality and reliable goods. So, judging by the reviews, products companies Pulver and Savipol It has excellent physical and chemical parameters, it can be applied in many different ways.Dyes from the Yaroslavl plant of powder paints - not the only domestic option. Dyeing blends produced in Gatchina, Moscow Region, and Ufa are also on the Russian market.
Leading enterprises, including Pulverit and Tiger, German concerns and the industry of Turkey produce a good product, reliably superimposed on a variety of metal substrates. Also on the Russian market are products of Chinese and Finnish production. Belgium, England and other countries importers are significantly lower than the leaders of the rating.
Having bought powder paint from any of the leading manufacturers, you can confidently paint aluminum and chrome products with it, replace the usual silverfish. Both at registration of facades, and at release of an industrial production dyes of any known brand show from the best party. Almost all the factories in the range have imitations of antique copper objects, which look elegant and luxurious, and the harmfulness of even the most luxurious coatings is minimal.
To learn how to use powder paint at home, see the following video.