How to choose paint over rust?

Metal construction is durable, durable and reliable. Their only negative is the susceptibility to corrosion. In order to eliminate it, consider the peculiarities of paint selection for rust.
Special features
Paint over rust is a special anti-corrosion paint. With it, you can not only remove the existing rust on the metal, but also protect it from its repeated occurrences. On sale today there are several types of paint products. All of them differ from each other in the main active substance, its base, manufacturer and method of use.
Some types of paint can be applied immediately to rust.Others require additional stripping of the damaged area before using it. Most of these paints have a unique composition, due to which the process of further oxidation under their layer does not develop, but, on the contrary, ceases. On sale you can meet the universal paint rust, which can be used both indoors and outside, and isolated, that is, intended for use in one place.
All paint and varnish products of this type have a strong, pronounced toxic aroma. Therefore, their use requires the use of a protective mask or respirator. It is noteworthy that anti-corrosion paint materials are intended only for use on metal structures of any kind. Their use allows not only to protect the metal from oxidation, but also to improve or update its appearance, prolong the service life of the whole structure as a whole.
On counters of shops today various types of this covering are presented. Anti-corrosion paints perform a protective function: they do not allow oxygen and moisture to destroy metal surfaces.
Divided into several varieties:
- Phosphating, which create a special protective layer on the surface of the metal structure. Thanks to him, corrosion does not spread further.
- Insulating mixtures after drying turn into a film with increased strength, which does not give negative factors to affect the metal.
- Passivating mixtures not only restore the metal damaged by rust, but also protect it from its repeated appearance.
Anticorrosive paint of all kinds is suitable only for those metal structures that have been affected by corrosion in a small amount. Paints for rust are intended for use in cases where the metal is already clearly visible after corrosion. They not only eliminate them, but also do not allow the re-manifestation of rust.
Subdivided into the following groups:
- Priming - paint against rusty deposits. Special components in the composition react with iron oxide and form a dense protective film on its surface. If the damage from rust was small, then this film completely restores them.
- Paint stabilizer designed to protect the metal damaged by corrosion from further destruction.
- Inhibiting composition - it is an enamel and a primer in one bottle. Its components interact with rust, destroying it, and a protective layer is additionally formed on the metal surface.
- Rust paint is quick-drying and therefore requires dexterity when used. Hammer paint It has a unique composition of aluminum powder and zinc, glass and silicone oils. Such a spray dries pretty quickly. It is also suitable for processing metal not yet damaged by rust, and for metal structures with corrosion.
- Decorative oil paint, has a composition of linseed oil, sometimes also used as a means of combating corrosion. Only suitable for domestic use. It does not allow to recover the already damaged metal. The level of water resistance in comparison with other materials is very low.
- Acrylic Corrosion Paints appeared on the market relatively recently. They effectively protect the metal from rust, withstand extreme cold and have a long-term protective effect.
It is necessary to choose a specific type of paint based on the type of metal, the degree of its damage by rust, and also on the goal to be achieved by its application.
Color spectrum
Paintwork material with the effect of protection and recovery from rust damage Available in a wide range of colors, it is:
- black;
- brown;
- gray
- yellow;
- green
- blue;
- purple
- gray
- white;
- turquoise;
- orange.
Depending on the manufacturer, the color gamut can be much wider. So, in the line of some brands paint is presented in rust of various shades of violet, red and brown colors. The range of some manufacturers includes colors and chameleon, translucent textures.
All colors can be matte or glossy, cold or warm. For metal structures of any shape, size and purpose, you can choose the perfect color option paint.
Manufacturers: review and reviews
Many domestic and foreign brands are engaged in the production of paintwork material designed to protect the metal from rust and fight it.
The best of all existing today are:
- Hammerite - it is the best paint for galvanized, black or colored metal structures. Completely removes even serious signs of rust. In the sale comes in two forms - hammer or smooth coating. This tool belongs to the category 3 in 1. Customer reviews say that this compound perfectly protects the metal from rust, gives it a beautiful appearance, the paint itself is easy to apply, and maintains its qualities for a long time.
- Lank - These are products of the Lankwitzer Lackfabrik brand from Germany. The range includes hammer, anticorrosive and alkyd compounds. The manufacturer positions its product as a high-class paint at an affordable price. It can be used for painting pipes, gates, fences and any other metal constructions. Customer reviews only confirm its high quality and effectiveness of the fight against corrosion.
- Dali - this is not just paint, but real enamel-primer. Aligns the damaged metal surface, prevents the development of corrosion, protects the metal from its further appearance. Buyers of this product note the convenience of its application, a wide palette, affordable cost and good protective properties.
- Aerosol enamel in cans Kudo - it is a hammer paint suitable for constructions made from ferrous metal alloys. Eliminates traces of existing corrosion and prevents its new appearance. Buyers emphasize the low price, ease of application and economical consumption. According to them, this enamel effectively and permanently protects the metal from rust.
- Panzer - it is an anticorrosion paint, produced in a wide range. On sale there are hammer, gloss and anti-corrosion mixtures. All of them have low consumption, high quality, wide color palette and affordable price. Buyers note the convenience of application, bright and varied colors, as well as high efficiency in the fight against rust.
Positive reviews clearly prove that the anti-corrosion paints of these brands are the best. Therefore, it is on their products and should pay attention in the first place.
Criterias of choice
In order for the paint to rust correctly and fully cope with its purpose, its choice must take into account:
- Type of metal and its purpose. Metal constructions made of steel or aluminum must be painted with different mixtures.The same rule applies to different designs. For example, for the roof it is better to use mixtures that are not afraid of high temperatures and do not fade in the sun. But standard hammer paint is suitable for plumbing.
- Conditions in which it is permissible to use a specific paint and varnish mixture. These include the maximum temperature of heating and cooling, the level of humidity, the possibility of obtaining mechanical damage. Applying paint on metal in inappropriate conditions will lead to a decrease in its protective qualities or their complete elimination.
- The nature of corrosion and the degree of protection of paint. These two parameters are inextricably linked. The stronger and more voluminous the rust on the structure, the more durable and protective properties the coloring mixture should be. Otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the desired result.
- Drying speed and level of toxicity of paint. If the work is carried out on the street in close proximity to water, then you should choose a mixture that is as quick-drying as possible. For indoor work, it is better to use the least toxic paints that will dry a little longer.
- Anti-rust Color, depending on the type of structures that will be painted by it. Some metal products must be painted in certain colors, such as gas pipes or heating pipes. These parameters must be taken into account.
Anticorrosion paint selected in accordance with these recommendations will help to solve all the problems associated with rust on metal products and their further protection against it.
In order to increase the effect of paint on rust, to increase the term of its protective qualities, as well as to fully appreciate its advantages, should use the advice of experts:
- Before acquiring a specific paint type for rust, it is necessary to study the manufacturer's instructions in detail. Some types of this mixture require the additional use of special solvents. If the information on this is indicated on the packaging, then it is necessary to purchase two funds at once and use them, in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.
- Some types of anti-corrosion coloring agents are positioned by manufacturers as 3-in-1 products, however, if there is enough time, it is better to use additional products.The sequence of work should be as follows: cleaning the surface, primer, paint, coating with protective enamel.
- If you plan to paint a metal structure that has just been assembled by welding, you must first wait for the metal to cool completely. After that, you should clean the seams, and then apply the coloring mixture.
- Be sure to take into account the temperature on the street during the work, if the paint is quick-drying, and on the street more than +27 degrees, then the work should be postponed until it decreases. The same applies to too low temperatures. In these cases, the active components of the dye will harden too quickly and will not be able to fully affect the metal.
- On some banks with a rust-dye mixture it is indicated that the paint can be applied immediately to the untreated surface, however, experts still advise to pre-clean the rust-affected area and degrease it. This will allow the active substances to react faster with corrosion, and the paint itself will better adhere to the metal surface.
It is compliance with these simple tips will help at times to increase the effectiveness of paint from rust.
How to paint a rusty metal construction, look in the following video.