How to choose a washable paint for the walls?

 How to choose a washable paint for the walls?

The choice of finishing materials for the walls is not so simple as it may seem. Even real professionals in the field of construction can not always immediately determine which solution is best suited in a particular case. However, there are general recommendations, rules, to deviate from which is not recommended. If you follow these rules, you can choose a good washable paint, which will manifest itself no worse than ceramic tiles, wallpaper, decorative panels.

Special features

Washable wall paint helps to create the right color for you in one or more rooms, while greatly simplifying repairs.After applying and drying all such coatings can be washed with a damp cloth, you can even use detergents. Do not use abrasives, as they will leave deep scratches, which will be very difficult to get rid of. The only way to cope with such a defect is re-staining.

Coloring is much simpler (if you compare it with wallpaper), without the need for systematic updating.

Most often, washable colors are recommended for families with small children who love to paint on vertical surfaces and on everything they can reach.

The soiled surface of the painted wall is easy to clean, scratches are painted over, and in extreme cases, a complete replacement of the coating will take several hours. In order not to confuse anything and not distort the color, it is worth remembering the brands and names of colors or save the remaining banks and labels, checks (just in case).

In the kitchen and in other rooms where air humidity is high, the washable paint manifests itself better than ordinary dyes. Covering her bathroom walls, you will reliably save yourself from condensation.There will be much less problems associated with the elimination of grease and soot around the stove.

The advantage of such coloring compositions can also be considered a fairly even layer and high resistance to mechanical abrasion, the action of harmful substances. The chemical compositions of washable paints are different.

Such paint can be used not only for walls, but also for ceilings. It is easy to cover glass and wallpaper on the basis of non-woven, concrete and brick, wood and plasterboard surfaces.


By certain signs, oil paints can be attributed to this type - however, their fire hazard, the presence of a strong unpleasant odor, toxicity and a long drying period make this option impractical. Few people already use such coatings in general, they are superseded by more user-friendly materials.

Acrylic interior paint is recommended for living rooms and bedrooms, in the nursery it can also be used without any concerns. The original components are resins of the same name, providing excellent elasticity of the coating being created. It can be applied on wooden surfaces. Such paint may mask minor defects. Periodic wet cleaning of such surfaces is necessary, washing with not very active detergents (up to 3 thousand cycles).

Latex paint can be used in cases where increased wear resistance is required. Most often, such coatings are needed where a very powerful load is created: on the landing, in a business center or an apartment building, in school and hospital corridors that need to be constantly washed.

The apartment can be recommended latex paint for finishing kitchen walls. Then it will be possible to wash the surfaces even with the use of brushes having a soft pile - the resistance of such coatings to mechanical stress is so high. In the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity, the advantage of latex-based coatings is the minimal risk of fungus.

For the interior can also be used water-based (only in dry rooms), water-dispersion paints. Silicone compounds pass steam, and not only repel water. Polyvinyl acetate mixtures themselves dissolve in water, so there is no question of any resistance in this case.

Latex compositions that are superior to all other options in practical characteristics, are much more expensive. Consider this and decide if you really need the benefits of such materials.

Matte paint (like semi-gloss, glossy) can be created on any chemical basis. You need to select such materials, focusing on your own taste and on the interior design as a whole.

However, remember: if you have to constantly wash certain parts of the walls, then even the most resistant dye will change its appearance over time. The difference will be noticeable, which will adversely affect the interior.

Different brands

After reviewing the capabilities of washable paints in general, it is now worth figuring out what they are capable of, for which materials are intended that relate to certain varieties produced by specific manufacturers. Since it is not possible to get acquainted with all the manufacturers of building paints present on the market, it can be limited to those companies that are in the lead in the rating and are highly valued by experts.

Acrylic formulations from the brand Caparol designed to paint different surfaces in the implementation of internal work. They have a high drying rate. Products Sadolin bindo (latex-based) is useful for painting plastered, concrete walls or masonry. It can also be used for plasterboard, the application on the wallpaper is also quite possible.

Materials Kolorit can be used for different surfaces: both during the initial painting and in correcting the deficiencies of the existing coating. The compositions Eskaro more resistant to abrasion, but they can not be used where there may be contact with water.

Work process

Washable paint (as usual) should be applied only on perfectly flat surfaces. A water-dispersion primer helps to preserve some of the material, which also contributes to the improvement of surfaces. When the walls are assembled from gypsum boards, it is required to close all the joints with putty and bring the surface to a perfectly smooth state.

The areas affected by fungi must be impregnated with special agents prior to the application of the primer, and the remnants are removed mechanically. With a very strong infection treatment is sometimes carried out repeatedly.

In order for the quick-drying washable paint to show all its advantages, store it only at positive temperatures, and in case of freezing, hold it in the room where the work will be carried out (at least 24 hours). The contents of the jar must be thoroughly mixed. Paint for the first layer is 5 or 10% diluted with clean water; for the second, it cannot be diluted. Ventilate the room to be painted.

Usually, drying the first layer at normal temperature and optimum humidity takes about 90 minutes, but you will only win by waiting a bit more. This will help the paint to lie down better, to form a more durable coating that looks as attractive as possible. Safety measures for dyeing are the use of rubber gloves, the immediate removal of all blemishes on the skin. The use of respirators rather effectively prevents the poisoning in pairs.

Color solutions

To determine which washable paint is the best, you can only in a specific case, but the selection of color is subject to fairly strict rules. Bright red, orange, green and some other shades do not provide a high hiding power. The first layer should be lighter, then it is covered twice with the paint of the required color.

You can vary the shades by changing the surface roughness. The color is also affected by the absorption capacity of a specific surface and the characteristics of the lighting in the room. Consider all these factors to get exactly the result you expect.

Tips for choosing

It is very useful to be guided by reviews of other consumers, but you should not be guided only by them. Otherwise, you are unlikely to make a truly informed choice. When contacting the store, always ask for official certificates and other accompanying papers, and in case of refusal, do not have any business with such an outlet.

Do not buy either the most expensive (the price is almost always inflated), or the cheapest paintwork materials. A simple white paint is found in the can. The necessary shades give colors, tubes with which should be purchased separately.

If you decide to paint with a brush, you must choose a paint with a viscosity index of 40 to 45. When using a spray gun, these numbers should be halved. For kitchens, it is recommended to use compositions with a spreading rate of 6 to 8 square meters. m for each liter (in this case, there must be an amendment that takes into account the constant overestimation of the actual covering power by all manufacturers and sellers).

Resistance to water at room temperature should be at least 24 hours. The resistance to light from a good paint is at least 95%. Abrasion rates - from 60 to 70 micrometers.

Since not everything is written directly on the bank, one should be guided by references to compliance with GOST. Pay more attention to acquaintance with the reviews about the functionality of the paint. Observing these simple rules, you will be able to choose the washable paint that is most suitable for you and apply it in the most efficient way, ensure the aesthetics of the surface and preserve it for a long time.

The selection of color is no different from a similar procedure for compositions that can not be washed. Think about your personal taste and the design of the room as a whole.

Given the recommendations of experts, you can easily choose the option that is ideal for you. Remember that you need to give preference to paints and varnishes from reliable and trusted consumers. So you can buy a coloring composition that does not disappoint in terms of quality and will last as long as possible.

For proper painting of walls with paint, see below.

Information provided for reference purposes.For construction issues, always consult a specialist.