Matte paint for walls: the subtleties of interior design

One of the widely used materials for decorating walls is paint. Before you make repairs in your apartment, you need to know the quality characteristics of the chosen means for painting. A huge selection of coloring materials of various compositions and color shades is presented on the market, which makes it possible to carry out various decorative ideas. In this article we will talk about how to use matte paint in the interior.

Classification of coloring compositions

Before you go to the store for the purchase of materials for repair, you need to think about what kind of paint you need.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice, consider the main types of colors:

  • Exterior paint is used for exterior work, and interior paint is used for interior work.Buying paint for walls, pay attention to the inscription about its purpose.
  • Depending on the humidity of the repaired premises, we choose a moisture-resistant or non-moisture-resistant paint.
  • In order not to experience discomfort in a residential area, consider such an indicator as vapor permeability, this property allows the walls to "breathe".
  • For convenience in the care of the painted surface, pay attention to the wear resistance of the material. Walls painted with resistant paints can be periodically washed.
  • Depending on the hiding power of the material, its consumption varies.
  • Pay attention to the thixotropy, the so-called ability of paints to dilute under mechanical action and thicken in a state of rest. Thixotropic coloring compositions do not stain.
  • Paints are glossy and matte. Glossy looks beautiful, but they need to be applied only on a very smooth basis. With the help of matte materials, you can perfectly hide the defects of the walls and ensure good vapor permeability. An alternative may be semi-matt paint.

Advantages and disadvantages

Opaque paints have the following advantages:

  • Density and color saturation.
  • Good hiding power.
  • On the painted surface there is no glare.
  • The ability to diffuse light, which allows for uniform illumination of the room.
  • With the help of a rough structure, you can hide small defects and the uneven surface of the wall.
  • Combining matte and glossy surfaces, visually, you can select some interior details.

One example of creating an interesting effect when decorating walls can be black matte paint. With its help, you can create an absolutely light-absorbing surface and a complete lack of gloss.


  • Due to the roughness of the painted surface, dust and grease may accumulate on it.
  • More complicated care due to the undulating surface.
  • Damage in the form of scratches and scuffs is more noticeable on the wall, covered with matte paint.


To form a matte protective film, the following compounds are used:

  • Aqueous emulsion paint is designed for interior walls, has a low price and dries quickly.
  • Mineral solution with a base of slaked lime or building brick is similar to ordinary whitewash. It has a low price, not water resistant.
  • Silicate paint, which has in its composition of liquid glass, more moisture resistant, the price is low.
  • PVA paint is suitable for walls in a dry and warm room, vapor-permeable.
  • Acrylic paint is widely used when painting various surfaces, highly resistant to abrasion, moisture resistant.
  • Latex paint can be used in wet areas.
  • Silicone compounds have high performance properties, have a relatively high cost.

All of these materials are well dissolved in water, dry quickly, almost odorless, non-toxic.

Preparation and painting of walls

The painted surface, which has defects and irregularities, requires preliminary preparation.

It consists of the following points:

  • Puttying is carried out to eliminate large damage and distortion of the wall surface, its thickness can be up to 30 mm.
  • In order to remove small potholes and cracks, a thin layer of putty is applied.
  • Using fine-grained emery paper, eliminate minor roughness.
  • To ensure a high degree of adhesion, each layer of putty is treated with a penetrating primer.

Work on painting the wall can be done manually, with a brush and roller, or mechanically using a compressor and spray gun.


  1. To protect surfaces that are not painted. To do this, you can use newspapers, polyethylene, paper masking tape.
  2. Begin painting in the far corners and hard to reach places, using a broad brush.
  3. A large area of ​​the wall is painted with a fur paint roller on a long handle.
  4. It is necessary to wash hands and the tool, without waiting for paint drying, for this purpose use warm water and detergent.

How to choose?

Interior paint is selected in accordance with its properties and purpose of the room:

  • Polyurethane and alkyd compounds are suitable for painting kitchen premises and bathrooms. If the room has a high humidity, then it is suitable for latex and acrylic paints with special additives to protect against mold and mildew.
  • For rooms where abrasion resistance is required, for example, in hallways, latex-acrylic compositions are suitable.
  • For a bedroom, the use of water-based materials that create a matte finish will be optimal.
  • Often after the decorative design of the walls there is a question about painting the ceiling. Nowadays, whitewashing is almost not used, and white-colored compositions of different color are used.

Thanks to modern technologies and the emergence of new finishing materials, it has become much easier to make repairs in the apartment. What is the best paint - you choose. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice.

How to prepare and paint the walls with paint, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.